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Flying too close to the flame

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#13 Brianne

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Posted 02 August 2009 - 03:59 PM

I'm sitting in Marina bar thinking up a bullshit excuse why I never ot the shts of ok and wether to bf the cashier, she's the best of a bad lot. She's smilin at me and she has fangs, big uns. Tis spooks me and I head off.
Got to Wooden bar at 9, no sign of nok, get joined by Natthaya, thanks me for the photos bt they wron way round, try to explain how to correct but give up tell her i send new one right way round.
The bar onwr across the way has died and the cause of death is out, she tells me. She makes as if he's hanged himself, no not hang, she makes shape of gun and goes boom, someone shoot him, no, he shoot himself, no. It's like cluedo. I ask what happen and I get the full postmortem report. I make out a bottle and a half of samsung, then some pills. then plastic bag, no wait 2 plastic bags just to make sure. I then get the whole Thai take on life and death and stll no Nok. A thai tabloid appears, the dead farang is front page news, picture on the front cover, head still bagged up.
I've got neck ache from turnng round every time someone comes into the bar. A tall girl comes in but not lb, she dead farang no2, no1 give him broken heart but gets the house.
M heart gets broken too, Nok arrives and walks right on by, then she stops, why I still here, she think I already go BKK. She's not derssed for work, she at friends birthday party.
The customer from last night appears and she's off to see him.
She breezes past i ge a quick squeeze and she's off again, back 10 mins later dressed for work. I get another squeeze and she lingers long enough to get a sniff of her, see you next time I tell her
You got to admit defeat smetimes.
It's boxing night so i by a ticket and head for Marina bar. Marian spots my ticket, why you buy she asks, I give you for free. Believe 400 baht is a small price to pay not to be indebted to you I think
A couple of the newer gilrs hit on me old hands know it's a waste of time. Take some pictures of the boxing but they are shite.
Looks like enny tonght as I wande past the wooden bar, then I spot Nok alone at bar, I slide in, someone alerts her I'm back and she's on me in a flash, I'm seated and she is in my lap.
Jen is still plugging away at the dutch missionary, a lost cause.
Im now gettin full attention from Nok. She wants me too feel her lump unfortunatley it's on her forehead accident when play fight,
I get out the camera and they are all in catwalk mode. The camera's not focusing, fucking about too much in the boxing I rectify the mistake and were off and running.
Jen has a go at Nok agan for getting to amorous with me, a play fight is on the offing but she's still trying to impress the toyboy.
She's given up and were on, I switch the camera on to hyper drive but she not want pictures, movie. I oblige.
the night gets crazier, doing the tango with Nok when Jens toyboy calls it a night, we sit down for a rest. Then Jen is over, Nok is thrown from my lap and Jen sit's down, getting scary again, another fight perhaps. Jen wants to dance, so does Nok so i'm spinning bth around when another mock battle starts, didn't video this one because I was in the middle of it, best fun I've had in ages
Then they both are trying to impress with they're dancing skills, Jen wins hands down everytime. Nok's not happy, she pulls out her trump card.
She no have cock!!
farang turns up, suspect it's Nok's bf, don't care I'm having a ball and probably to drunk to funk.
Jen suggest Lucky bar, why not only Nok ain't invited, not happy
She tells me she meet me later, jmp on the back of Jens bike which is parked outside Shamrock bar, luckily I'm not spotted and were off
Have a beer in Lucky's with mamassan, Jens's disappeared. where your girlfriend asks noong, not gf i tell her only friend.
Be carefull Brianne I think she want to be more than friend, I suspect that as well. Luckily Jen bugers off soon and I head off back to hotel. flying bkk soon.
Jenny's waiting for me but not tonight need sleep, we swap tongues for a short while, then bed alone
Pictures too follow

#14 Brianne

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Posted 02 August 2009 - 04:07 PM

The phones going in the room, fuck I've over slept and missed flight
answer the phone but it's still ringing, it's the mobile and it's Cake.
Bounce the call and recieve an sms, enjoy your new girlfriend.
It's 9 oclock, what's her game.
Luckily Ive packed so shower and off to airport.
Get flight times wrong and just make it.
I call Cake back, what's wrong,
nothing she shopping with mummy, she want to meet me,
But I'm still in Chiang Mai luckily.
Explain I meeting friend for dinner so can't see her, she seems ok about it, will see me later.
Meeting Cartoon for romantic river cruise, only bf'd her once and bought a couple of lady drinks.
I was just looking for a short time but looks like i've bought the full package.
She misses me long time, sure.
Just aranged to meet at hotel and just as well as
she can't remember me and unless she's wearing a bikini with her number on it I can't remember her.
I never learn

#15 petesie

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Posted 02 August 2009 - 09:04 PM

Brianne...........you've some damn good lines going on within those ultra long paragraphs..........can you break them down a wee bit otherwise the easily distracted amongst us will skip over your report and miss the good parts......?

Enjoying it anyway! :wink:
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#16 Brianne

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Posted 03 August 2009 - 07:54 PM

Brianne...........you've some damn good lines going on within those ultra long paragraphs..........can you break them down a wee bit otherwise the easily distracted amongst us will skip over your report and miss the good parts......?

Enjoying it anyway! :wink:

Thanks Petesie, first trip report and getting carried away
luckily the first one timed out, it was long time

#17 Brianne

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Posted 03 August 2009 - 08:28 PM

Got a pleasant surprise on opening loom door, a tall elegant lb standing in the door way, she was wearing 5" heels

It all came back to me, I always dismiss the ones i'm not interested in. Then concentrate on the unlucky ones. I had dismissed her right away. When it comes time to make choice I give her number.

Only time I've had a call in the short time room to get the fuck out.

I would have pursued her more but a domestic crisis intervened.

Tonight we're off down the Chao Praya on romantic cruise, we grab a taxi outside the hotel and were off, conversation is a bit difficult.
What do you say to ex p4p, I remember quite a bit about her and fire of a few questions, spooks her a little bit, I've got a memory like a chang.

Get to the pier and this is one big boat, seats 500 and it's looking packed. We've got a vip seat for 2, I'm nervous as still sober. Luckily drinks arrive followed by food, not eaten since 5 on the way back from Lucky bar.

She's getting looks from some of the farang, the thais couldn't care less but the looks are more of puzzlement, she is a very strange but exotic creature, I'm thinking I very lucky.

I can see boredom setting in, she's shimmying in her seat to the music and I can see the dance floor filling up. want to dance I ask.
2 seconds later I'm being dragged to the dance floor, I'd normally rather jump overboard than dance, I have all the grace of drunk chang on dance floor.

I'm actually enjoying it, though the spinning round takes me back to Chiang Mai momentarily, I get spun 3 times, It's all about to go horribly wrong, luckily she's got a hold and disaster is averted.
It ends up being a wonderful eveving.

Try to avoid Sukhomvit so It's up to her, something she never says.
Khaosan rd, why not never been, don't know how many times I've been to bkk or how much time I spent here but never been.
Get a guided tour first, she goes to uni here so knows it well.

We find a nice bar and get some music and some more booze, it goes from merry melodies to loony tunes in a short while but in a good way. Then off for rice porridge at famous roadside cafe.
A fair few ladyboys about but didn't see anything worth a solo trip.

Back to loom for some fun, and it was fun.

It's all going too well though, clouds on the horizon though.
Turn on my farang phone and an sms from sunday from my old playmate, is she phsycic.
On the flight to bkk I was in seat J
on flight inbound to bkk from uk seat was J. Take this as a bad omen. 2 J's in bkk is trouble.

Cartoon wants to go to Indian temple, says good fun, singing and dancing. So were off to the temple and make some merit. Next on the agenda is cinema, we grab a tuk tuk and we're off to cinema a fashion show. It's a tailors stitch up. The tuk tuk driver gets free gasoline if i stay for 5 mins. I get the real hard sell but escape minus a suit then it's mbk to see Ice Age. The things you do for a shag.

Leave Cartoon on the BTS, she's off for a change of clothes and the she's coming back. Not complaining.
Looks like I've taken out a subscrption for the cartoon network.

#18 Brianne

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Posted 03 August 2009 - 08:38 PM

pictures from Chiang mai, more to follow

Attached Files

#19 petesie

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Posted 04 August 2009 - 01:11 AM

Good tales mate........I told you there were some gems hidden in those long paragraphs................ :wink:
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#20 Brianne

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Posted 04 August 2009 - 02:28 PM

Just done my last post when the phone starts buzzing, inbound sms but who from.
JJ, I'm in BKK and she has not seen me yet, why?. busy with new one she asks, tell her i'll see her before I go.

Cartoon arrives back at loom with change of clothes, a bit bewildered as it looks lke school uniform, not my scene i'm afraid
No she has class tomorrow so she's brought for that.

We head off down sukhomvit rd, a bit apprehensive. Safe bet is Gullivers no previous in there, we have nice meal then Cartoon mentions the time, 4 minutes till her 21st birthday. Feel a bit sad for her, spending her 21st birthday with me and not with friends.
She seems happy though, luckily lurkong around on this forum I gleaned a bit of advice from a bm who always bought some perfume duty free, there's a very nice bottle of perfume in the room safe. Hopefuly she like.

Were off to Hilary bar, my favourite bar. Had a vip card I was there so much. Passing nana Cartoon is getting the hard stare, pure venom. She's not an Isan girl and tonight she's more Holly Golightly than bargirl. She still hasn't turned on the TV yet, weird. One girl in between stuffing somtam down her throat shouts something at her
You know her she ask, neither of us does.

Into Hilary bar, it's wild tonight packed out. The mamasan sees me and wai's then clocks that I'm not with my usual playmate, eyebrows are raised. She was the mamasan in Temptations before this. It's so busy we have to sit at bar.

Cartoon is getting a few stares, an older waitress comes up and says something to her, never had ploblems here so ask what wrong, nothing, she just say I am beautiful. 2nd time that day from gg.

Just about to get birthday request played when the band strike up happy birthday, not for her another 2 gg's share the same day. A bunch of roses are procured and she is over the moon. It's a crazy bar but the music is excellent and an excellent night.

We head back to the hotel, more dirty looks from the nana freelancers. We make a diversion via foodland, she likes cherry in drink but Hilary bar aint that sophisticated. Luckily there are cherries in stock, paeng but it's her birthday. Just made someones day.

get stopped at soi7 by my old friend Tao spots me, she is crazy. Sit doen butterfly she's screaming, I'm in my usual chair before I know it. Do the introductions and then they're off in Thai subject moi
I'm keeping and eye out for trouble, the cherries are out and her and Tao are munching on them, we have one and the we head.

On the other side of soi7 another bunch of lb's are waiting, i usually join them for a drink, I get the invite tonight but decline
more drty looks.

Next up is coffee world, Ning's hiding again, and she jumps out, sit down sit down, reluctantly we sit down. Cartoon now gets filled in on my details from Ning.

Ning's a real sweetheart, I think she had ideas about me and her.
Anytime a gg came near her ass was booted into touch, she started putting only putting lb's at my table. Safer for you Brianne with ladyboy she tell me, but not for them. After a few of them had disappeared to my loom she realised the situation.

Luckily the street is quiet tonight, drinks arrive followed by oysters
I had mentioned I had them on last birthday in bkk. The cherries are out and being passed around again the street kds are enjoying them.

Get back to loom and she thanks me for 2 wonderful days, thinking she will be spending her birthday with friends, but no she wants to come back. Don't have the mouth shape to say no
Still no tv, the ipod is getting some use for a change and it's good to talk.

We chat a little bit about lb scene, she tries to teach me lb talk, I struggle with thai and this is way too hard. One word comes up, it's what the lb had shouted at her, funnily it was what Cake was screaming at me that night, not the lb's name. A sense of relief at that one. Won't forget that word easily and stored in memory for mind games later.

She's up early and she's off to class, maybe I do like that schoolie look, or maybe it's just her. At least i get break for short time.

SMS to JJ for a meet, rather meet her away from bar but probably too early for her. Hour and a half before she wake for shower

#21 Brianne

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Posted 04 August 2009 - 03:02 PM

Good tales mate........I told you there were some gems hidden in those long paragraphs................ :wink:

Cheers Petesie, have started amending the posts including the spelling misstakes.
I think I can forget moving here to teach English to the locals

#22 Teppis


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Posted 05 August 2009 - 02:44 AM

Nice TR! :)

Is this the Cartoon we are talking?

#23 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 05 August 2009 - 03:57 PM

Passing nana Cartoon is getting the hard stare, pure venom. She's not an Isan girl and tonight she's more Holly Golightly than bargirl.

I had the pleasure to be with Cartoon twice during my last stay in BKK. She is a real sweetheart. We got a lot of jealous looks as we paraded down Soi 4 from Nana to Dawin.

Nick Bullseye

#24 Brianne

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Posted 08 August 2009 - 06:17 PM

Nice TR! :)

Is this the Cartoon we are talking?

No this one only worked for 2-3 months
Just lucky to be at right place right time

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