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Flying too close to the flame

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#1 Brianne

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Posted 30 July 2009 - 03:50 PM

first trip report so here goes
Due to fly out on the friday so head over to the Thai Princess on the thursday to get aclimitised, not seen many lb's here of late.
Just recieved an sms from an old playmate in bk, how does she know i'm coming back. But its ok she notw well and is home in Isan.
Just finishing off my sia krok when 2 lb's bounce in. I get asked if i want to join them, it's ok she says we pay for our own food and drink we have our own munee, she sees the look on my face so repeats it, shit I did here right the first time. There's a first time for everything. The somtam arrives and she shovelling it down with one hand, the other is on my crotch, all of a sudden i'm in Sukhomvit outside coffee world a table full of lb's. This is going to be a good trip.

#2 Brianne

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Posted 30 July 2009 - 04:22 PM

Arrive late on saturday and head to hotel in nana, fire off a few sms on the way, she's still in Isan, that's good. Bad news cartoon is no longer in Obsessions but she want to see me.

Supposed to be meeting an lb i picked up in Pattaya in march but no messages from her, good also as i'm having second thoughts.

The phone rings once, dont know the number, followed by sms. She is using her friends phone as she no have munee. Fuck's sake let me get off the plane sweetheart. Scroll through some previous messages and there's a whole host of money demands none of which were met. Then there was the love you long time emails, I replied explaining the benefits of sending emails using BCC.

Hit nana plaza and straight to lucky lukes, mamassan there also looks after Temptations, I no see her for long time she not working is her first words to me, I know home in Isan.
You go upstairs have fun tonight, dont worry i will and i know who my intended target is,
and there she is walking past me with customer, she stops dead in her tracks, she mouthes brianne and waves, yep I'm back and missed out on Kae again, get the feeling its never going to happen between us. Ah well head up anyway to see who's around.

Get dragged in by some new faces and sit down. There's a familiar face making a big O sign with her fingers, it's Belle telling me her arse is now ready.

Barfined her in march when she was fairly new. Refused to take it up the arse as i was too big and she new, not happy but we had good time, promised to take here when her arse had been worn in a bit.

Looks like the time has come, but she knows who I am here for, tell her i will come back for her, one of JJ's daughters joins us and i get the 3rd degree. then she points at the stage, everyone has their hair behind their ear doing their best JJ impersonation, very funny haha and time to leave.

Decide to do some window shopping instead, where next, rule out Cascades as only one thing happens there Sindy, saving that for later

So head down to Obsessions, get spotted by Nam shes looking good in a tartan miniskirt but i'm not feeling patriotic tonight,
she joins me and the resistance is crumbling, had good fun with her in march too. luckily she has to dance, I see an escape route,

The lb sitting on other side is telling me about her huge cock and how she wants to fuck me when I hear my name being called from the dance floor.

I look but don't know her, she wants to sit with me, it's then i realise it's Gitar ex Temptations, which is strange as she never once spoke to me when she worked there.

Check bin and head to Guess but it's getting late, joined by Jenny who is looking stunning but is pissed, make a note to get to Guess earlier as she looks to be good fun.

Get dragged into Big Dogs by Kin as the're concerned about a farang taking too much interest in the street kids, the locals soon see him off so I'm off to coffee world for some action.

No ladyboys Ning tells me, shit this is not going well, met Beam earlier now sporting black hair told her we'd meet for drink but she wont be coming here as she was boxing farang here a few days ago.

I then spot a familar face, Cake ex Obsessions, she waves come join me, more lb's arrive, the tables are pushed together and they all join me, from drought to deluge, there's now 6 of them.

Had Cake here before but she went a bit ting tong on me, started lifting my beer screaming check bin for Brian then threw an ashtray at me, she thought I hated her, we've straightened things out and i know where she is going tonight,
at least I thought i did,

Some geezer just sat down beside her, I knew that she had boyfriend so presumed that was him,
they leave but she stops asks for my phone, wants to give me here number, already have, have new one she says.

Don't fancy anything thats left so i check bin,
where you glasses asks Ning, shit some gg was wearing them and has fucked off with them,

Someone gets dispatched to find her, another beer, fuck why not kon dio for sure tonight.

The glasses arrive back but the bitch is still wearing them. she thinks her luck is in as well but it isn't. but mines is back,

I turn round and Cake is sitting next to me, I come back .
Let's go It tell too many mishaps tonight.

#3 Brianne

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Posted 30 July 2009 - 04:45 PM

It's good to be back. We have a very late lunch then Cake suggests a trip to Thai movie, you know Ratchada, sure do kipped up with a lb up there, many times esplanade for cinema and bowling.

We head off to ratchada, it's not a movie it's Thai theater and not cheap either. We get tickets then were off to the chemist, I get the wallet out, what am I buying this time?

Face masks for theater, ok. Get my temperature taken in the queue to go in and get some hand gel, then she masks up, she still looks good.

Back to her loom after that to get changed then down to Hillary bar for the band.

We hit Nings place after that, it's somtam time. Cake makes the somtam herself and adds in some pork because she knows i like it.

Get bad feeling about sitting here, too many people know me in these parts.

Some Temptation girls go by, one does a double take, except she is not from temptation's,

I'm racking my brains when it dawns on me who it is, fuck it is bad news and it's just got worse because she is back.

Bri-anne she screams, can i sit down do what you want doll it's not my bar,

Buy me beer as she always says to me. I introduce Cindy ex bar 131 and god knows where else to Cake and the rest of the crew.

Nobody seems impressed and they blank her.
Where's JJ she asks, in Isan, ok. Then she starts reminiscing, remember you and JJ come down see me bar 131, yes, i do what a fucking disaster that was. Cake is not happy and Cindy senses it luckily one of Cake's friends arrives and knows Cindy they head off together.

She'll know my life story now.

It's a warm night in bk but there's a chill in the air, thinking Cake is still annoyed about Cindy I tell her she just old friend and never take her.

That's not what she's unhappy about, her mood changes and I check there are no ashtrays on the table. She starts screaming one word at me, followed by kao jai.

I can't think as i don't know the word, then it clicks.

It's the real name of the lb I was supposed to meet, shit time to go.

She calms a little bit, I tell her come to hotel and get id card,

I check bin but no she wants to come with me.
Her memory is blank when I ask her why she ask me about the word she shout at me, what word ?

She not happy because everybody know me, i just butterfly.

Back to short time room for me, no time for love in there.

#4 Brianne

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Posted 30 July 2009 - 05:01 PM

Luckily I'm off To Chiang Mai and there will be no such nonsense up

Have a few drinks on the light sides with my gg friends then head for the dark side.

Hit the wooden top bar first and am joined by the lovely Nok, took her a while ago and whilst really pretty was hard work.

She just back from Singapore, obviously under the tutelage of Jen the resident post op. She might be more fun now, got herself some bolt ons too.

Next stop Marina bar, Pookie spots me and the bia singh is waiting for me. How are yoo she asks, good I reply, where you girlfriend. Not have anymore. why ?

I don't know , one minute they want marry me next I fuckin butterfly,

she laughs you not butterfly Bri-anne, oh thank you .
No you fucking helicopter.
Time to go, last stop the shamrock bar.

Don't know anyone here, get approached by a lb with pneumatic boltons and a pair of lips to match, she's like a caricature, she's dunk as usual, I give her the brush off again.

Some farang prick is getting on my nerves as well, just about to check bin when I see somone i know, it's Lia a femboy I have been teasing for a long time but have never taken, not too pretty but good company.

It's her lucky night no more piss taking. Get her back to loom and the fun begins, her ass is a bit too tight and don't want to hurt her so as in all thing there is always give and take,

she gives and I take, hey it's all part of the fun. Then she's getting dressed, she has school in morning she learn cut hair and if she stay with me then she cannot cut hair.

Maybe me but never had long time in Chiang Mai.
As soon as the balls are emptied they are dressed, hands out and thank you very much. Just close door behind you.

She give me number wanting to do the gf thing tomorrow. for sure

#5 Brianne

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Posted 30 July 2009 - 05:31 PM

Off to the temples to make merit for my bad behaviour, not had an sms or call since i've arrived here.

The phone is buzzing, who can it be, surprise surprise it's darkest Isan asking how i am and how my new gf is.
News travels fast, not have still butterfly I tell her.

Decide to make arrangements for trip back to Bk so send sms to Kae tell her see her soon.

Then more sms arrive from what i presume to be darkest Isan,

last one is 'back in BKK go work bar'.

Not surpised as it happens everytime, sms Kae to cancel. Tell her buy lottery ticket

The phone is non stop after that, get the feeling I am being set up.

Pay back time i think, well if you give you gotta take, heard that before some place.

Head out again to the light side first, a couple of bars have had a lb working in them but not tonight.

I see a nice pair of shoulders tapering down to a nice tight arse in the distance, presuming it to be a street girl, but it's not it's a new bar,

Meet up with some friends round the corner but can't get away

I manage to sneak off and am past the new bar when i remember the lb, so double back and head in.

Paradise 2 only open 3 weeks and Jenny she from Isan is the resident lb, I buy her drink and promise to come back for her.

It's fight night at the stadium and lb cabaret, usually more lb's around as well.

Place is deserted when i get there, fuck it's passed midnight, way too long on the light side tonight.

Hit wooden top bar but only one lb who i not like.
Just about to sneak out when i get grabbed from behind and spun round, there's a haymaker heading for my face which ends up turning into a big hug.

It's Jen the post op. Surprised it wsn't a punch, last time i seen Jen i was chucking her shoes and handbag at her after i had booted her arse out of the loom.
She has forgiven me, she is a star performer

The sambucco is out, shit this is how it went pear shaped the last time. I decide to get pissed.

Head back to hotel and drop of camera in room safe then it is off to Lucky's.

Walking down Loi Khro road I see what i think is a hen night but it's about a dozen lb's

The lb's of Loi Khro can be bad news, especially this many.
I hadn't seen any so far and presumed the cops had cleared up again.

Last time i was here they had been mugging and drugging tourists,

The gg's here tell me they like to rape farang, so if anyone has lb gang rape fantasies then this may be the place.

One recognises me, you want to take me again she asks. I decline, there's usually some lb action at Lucky's as the other sleaze pit Spicy doesn't allow them in.

The mamassan in Luckys is one mean bitch, every one is frightened off her, luckily she is my friend.

The beers are flowing when Jen joins us

Bit of tension but soon everybody happy again. Jen has decided that she wants to get drunk with me, she is good entertainment

The incident a year ago comes up, she went round all my lb friends in CM for character reference and I got the thumbs up, even from Nui, shit I forget Nui was working the kitchens here at that time.

A trip to Hua Hin looks on the cards, just to say thanks.

We end up in the disco out back, Jen is pissed.
Only other lb is Marina, my first time in her bar she pounced on me and we swapped tongues

I can only liken the experience to licking out a week old ashtray, fuckin disgusting.

Manage to get Jen into tuktuk to go home she can hardly stand, no wonder it's 9 am, still sober, I think

Get sms from Cartoon, reply with dinner invite.

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#6 Brianne

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Posted 30 July 2009 - 05:57 PM

get a little sleep but feeling like shit, wander aimlessly around then hit internet cafe to do this trip report
Type it all out in one big go then hit submit, lucky white heather timed out and all gone.

Head back to hotel to get ready for the night, dark side first this time.

Straight to Paradise 2 for Jenny, she's up for it so after a couple of beers it's back to loom,

She was looking fine in bar but changes into party frock,
fuck this is CM, she's the center of attention all the way,
hotel recptionists are non too impressed either but who cares.

Pretty little femboy but very strange, thought she would be fun but there's more life in a blow up doll.

Kiss neck she asks me, kiss neck, kiss again.
Fuck who's the customer here.

She's starting to liven up now, bite neck ? whatever.
She want nookie badge, ok i comply, now this side,
Fuck she's hot now just need to know the buttons to push but thank fuck it only short time.

She get's dressed and admires my dentistry work in the mirror, more she asks, nutter.

Now she happy, I get a hug, I love you, now everyone think I have husband.

Get shot off her and head to Marina bar need to arrange thursday's entertainment.
Someone supposed to be filming the girls but most are no shows, Marina's not happy,
she's also well hungover after last night. Nina joins me but she does nothing for me, neither do any of the rest so hit the wooden bar.

Nothing there either, but see the camera bag moving from the seat next to me and turn round as the lovely Nok slides in.

Looking as beautiful as ever, just arrive from salon,
arrange a date for the following evening.

Then the shamrock, luckily the girl from monday has gone but I see someone I know,
Fah with face like thunder, fuck what have i done now.

She eventually comes over next to me but not talking,
I buy her a drink then I spot someone else I know, another Jen.

She sees me looking at her, remember her she asks, I sure do.

Last time here I had been teasing Fah

I think she had the idea I was going to take her but I had seen something in Marina bar I liked.
so had headed off there and barfined Jen, she had just arrived and had no english, some how it didn't matter,

sneaking out through the back way to avoid being seen Jen decides she wants to talk to friend in shamrock,

cover is blown, spotted by Fah and she was not happy.

Were laughing now about it and she's better when I tell her that i go with her before i go back to BK. Happy now

Head to the light side as gg who has been playing hard to get with me for long time is around.
Not playing hard to get now though, was spotted with the lb's and the word has got around.
Last night and my age catching up with me i head of to hotel
Off now for a triple S will post photos when i can get them off camera

Nok Nok tonight I hope though knowing my luck !!

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#7 Brianne

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 01:06 PM

Head off to the bar complex on Loi Khro rd, the Shamrock girls are waving me in but not tonight, off to get Nok,

She isn't there but not worried as she always late, head to Marina bar but still nothing decent here. Think i spot a lb at the appropriately named ball bar but she gone by time i get there.

Head to wooden bar as i've spotted Nok arriving.
Lady in red tonight, this should get some attention on the way to hotel.
We have drink then we head for hotel, she want to see me outside in case the Shamrock girls see her, she scared of them.
She draws even more attention than Jenny did last night.

It's been almost 2 yrs since I last bar fined her what a lot of wasted time.
She remembered the cock though, still same same she asked, no I make bigger I tell her, really, no i only joking.

Last time was lie back and think of thailand, a lot more fun this time.
A bit theatrical at times, felt like we were making a movie but good fun anyway.
Not too big a cock and not strong now but her balls are huge, they hang down about her knees, almost suffocated during 69. was like scene from alien.

We go our separate ways, I go to Inter bar to see a band but they are so bad I have to leave,
I end up on Loi Khro again. Having a beer with a girl i know when lb passes, just asked check bin so head off after her.

She goes into Marijuana bar. Last couple of trips there have been a couple of lb's hanging out here but bad attitude
turns out they were street girls but the owner of the bar was quite happy for them to be there.

I take a seat and she is over like a shot. I sit here? why not.
Another Jen. She asks if I see her on website,
she tells me the site but never heard of it.
I then get a barrage of questions about bangkok, Chiang Mai too quite she hope bkk busier
tell her it isn't, not many farang but many arabs. Not interested

A few names are mentioned and we have a few friends in common
Where you go in bkk i ask. I go work Obsessions, cant get away from them.
Turns out she was working Obsessions as number 11 but left to come back to Chiang Mai. now it's too quiet here she's off back to the big mango.

Thinking i have got tomorrows nights entertainment set up but again disapointment sets in
she's off to bkk the following day but get invite to Obsessions to see her.

Head off back to hotel dodging the street girls, get spotted by the girls in Paradise 2, luckily Jenny not there.

I have a beer in wooden bar, Fah passes and orders me into her bar.

Drink up and follow orders. the bar is shut, only Fah and ladyboy with short hair left.
It's getting late and I am tired, I have a beer with Fah and she starts getting a bit frisky.
i'm hard again, she want to see so i unzip the jeans and whip it out,
oh my god it strong she says, lets go.
Next thing I know I'm on the back of her moped heading for the hotel.
Known Fah for a longtime but never taken her,
but glad i did, nice hormone titties, no silicon just the way i like em
and for once I wake up with someone beside me and off we go again.
2 more nights left in Chiang Mai and nothing else takes my fancy, looks like round 2 for someone.

Then back to bkk, meeting Cartoon when i get back
Then who knows.

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#8 petesie

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 01:22 PM

Jenny, Nok and Nattaya are fine looking young chaps............ :wink:
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#9 boarhog

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 07:28 PM

More Nok please, she is delicious.

Breaking down stereotypes one ladyboy at a time.

#10 onetruesaxon

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 07:39 PM

More Nok please, she is delicious.

Agree more Nok please.

One fine looking lass

#11 Brianne

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Posted 01 August 2009 - 02:05 PM

Cake phones, I mention talking to 11 from obsessions,
She immediatly presumes I'm in bkk and not tell her.
Explain she from CM and visiting family.
She still Not believe as 11 from Isan.
She's wanting to know when I'm back, soon I tell her
only there's a problem, just get sms from Cartoon, she's organised dinner on the Chao Praya river boat for sunday.

Staying off the beer tonight as planning on taking Nok again, get sms from Jen, she better now and she see me tonight.

Get to bar and have diet coke, shocks all round, but no Nok, she come later.
Head off and get dragged into Paradise 2 by Jenny.
Still no beer, eat, then back to wooden bar. Nok's playing pool but she breaks off to give me a hug and a kiss,
I think I lose she says. No way I tell her,
the dress gets pulled down and she's stretching out to play her shot,
I'm too slow with the camera but it's done the trick the guys game goes to pieces, same every time.
She's over in between shots and I'm getting plenty attention, its looking good.

Then Jen appears, dressed more for the bar in the Shangrila than a bar beer in CM.
Absolutly stunning, she joins me at the bar along with Natthaya, it's her first time out since our escapades in Lucky bar.
She wants to speak only in french tonight, which never lasts long as my french is awful.
It's all going well until Nok joins us, she takes my hand and snuggles up.
Jen is out of her seat like a shot and wrenches Nok's hand from mine,
they're nose to nose yakking away in thai, a bit of pushing and shoving ensues then the fists are flying.
It's the party piece, the two of them love to stage mock fights for the tourists in the bar.
I've got the camera out this time on movie mode and film it.
Jen's not impressed, we'll do a better one later.
Nok has got the message and picks up her drink and moves to the end of the bar, I've become the invisible man.

Jen's back and starts to quiz me about Nok, known her for 2 years before she has silicon.
Looks like it's Jen tonight, at least no sniggers at the fat farang and the ladyboy tonight on the walk to hotel.
Bad luck strikes again, a crowd arrive in bar, young and good looking and worse they're french.
She's still paying me a fair bit off attention but for how long.
She's asking me for some french phrases and she's off to practise them,
Nok's see's she's distracted and i get a bit more attention but Jen is back straight away, this happens a couple of time, hacked off I check bin.
Jen's over like a shot, where you going, for a fuck,
I thougt you say you be good now, yes but i still need a fuck.
Call me and we'll meet later. Sure i tell her.

Hit the Shamrock bar, Fah grabs me.
She's put the money she earned last night to good use,
Mou mahk mahk Brianne she cries.
Monday nights conquest peels herself of her customer and joins me, why you not call me, you butterfly.
The other lb at bar's customer slopes off.
She's making eyes, this is getting messy as I've done her as well as the other 2.
Make excuses and leave, have to run the gauntlet of the street girls,
one particularly ugly one screams i wait for you long time,
sam bee I reply. Over the years Ive had to break the 100 metres record to get away from her.
Back on the beer so I hit lucky bar. Mamassan pissed so I join her, she winds me up about Jen.
We have to go disco early tonight because she dlunk.
Jen turns up with crowd from the bar, Lucky disco is so dark none of them see me,
a couple of lb's there but nothing takes my fancy
Marina's there she's pouting at me and I'm thinking can it get any worse.
I'm off, the horoscope said that it would be an infuriating day and not to lose my temper.
Heading back to the hotel I hear my name being called. Lb and gg,
I turn around and Jenny and the Mamassan of Paradise 2 are sitting outside the bar.
Any port in a storm I accept the invite to sit down.
Get the usual where yoo going, where yoo bin.
Mamassan goes inside, Jenny is straight into my crotch,
I undo my belt and it's out and the head's down.
My first blow job on the Loi Kro road.
Mamassan comes back and she stuffs me back inside.
I suggest we go too loom, don't want a bj I want to ream her arse out,
for some reason she not want go loom,
try to get an explanation why not from mamassan who's english is better
when the cock gets pulled out and she's away again.
Job done she's complaining about sore jaws, I give her tip, next time it's your arse that will be sore.
Will be camped out in wooden bar camera at ready for Nok tonight, I hope

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#12 Brianne

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Posted 02 August 2009 - 03:21 PM

wandering back from lunch when I spot Jenny, tempted to take her back to loom but it's last night and want to get some more shots of Nok and some more of Nok.
Check out wooden bar to see who's around, only Jen and she's got a new plaything, a young dutch guy. A real innocent abroad, he's getting the full treatment. Like a lamb to the slaughter.
Passing Shamrock bar when i get spotted, they're not happy and start howling like a pack of wild dogs, the secrets out and I'm toast.
Some farang says hey they like you, yeah like a lion likes antelopes, they'll tear me apart if I venture in there. One less venue to attend for the foreseeable future.
Head back to the hotel, camera fullycharged ready for the night

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