They lost the plot- Mints hijacked thread
Started by
, Jul 29 2009 08:20 AM
180 replies to this topic
Posted 16 August 2009 - 11:57 AM

Breaking down stereotypes one ladyboy at a time.
Breaking down stereotypes one ladyboy at a time.
Posted 17 August 2009 - 02:24 PM
Mint is such a sweet girl..... it s not always you get to meet such a sweet gal like that who not drink or do drugs...... a very good find boarhog.....
Does anyone know what a Jimmy Cagney love scene is? It's when Cagney lets the good guy live. And if that happens in this show, I will do a lot more than ask for my money back.
Posted 18 August 2009 - 08:29 PM

Breaking down stereotypes one ladyboy at a time.
Breaking down stereotypes one ladyboy at a time.
Posted 21 August 2009 - 01:15 PM

Breaking down stereotypes one ladyboy at a time.
Breaking down stereotypes one ladyboy at a time.
Posted 23 August 2009 - 08:33 PM
thanks for sharing. She is very beautiful
Posted 23 August 2009 - 08:52 PM
Hi all, its not that she is just so amazingly sexy, she just looks so feminie ( to me anyhow), I would not know any different by any of the photo's so far.
Mint is a person I would want to treat with the upmost respect for (actually like all ppl I meet). Hopefully when I go there soon, I will have opportunity to meet up with her
love your work
Mint is a person I would want to treat with the upmost respect for (actually like all ppl I meet). Hopefully when I go there soon, I will have opportunity to meet up with her
love your work
Posted 25 August 2009 - 02:35 PM
Here she is last night - more pics on C & D thread today.
Attached Files
Posted 25 August 2009 - 08:48 PM
Thanks for the latest photos of Mint Jimbo. Always great to see her smiling face and always appreciate your full body shots. Check out her other photos on C&D's thread that Jimbo was so kind to take and post.
klarouche and CHRIME its my pleasure to share her photos and the Mint experience. I hope you two and Melbman1971 all get a chance to meet Mint for yourselves one day.
klarouche and CHRIME its my pleasure to share her photos and the Mint experience. I hope you two and Melbman1971 all get a chance to meet Mint for yourselves one day.
Breaking down stereotypes one ladyboy at a time.
Breaking down stereotypes one ladyboy at a time.
Posted 25 August 2009 - 11:40 PM
Hi boarhog,
now I have contact with Mint. She remember and want meet me at november. I think we can have a good time together.
She was a little little little bit angry that I go home alone last year but I could explain her the reasons.
now I have contact with Mint. She remember and want meet me at november. I think we can have a good time together.
She was a little little little bit angry that I go home alone last year but I could explain her the reasons.

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19/11 - 21/11 Bangkok
21/11 - 28/11 Pattaya
28/11 - 09/12 Phuket
09/12 - 11/12 Bangkok
Posted 26 August 2009 - 01:09 AM
She remember and want meet me at november. I think we can have a good time together.
She will be so happy, CHIME. She´s counting the days til she meets you

"some see an erotic photo display, me i just hope the hot water soothed her ageing joints."
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