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Petesie's "As Ye Go" Trip Report.....

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#97 petesie

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Posted 04 June 2009 - 02:20 PM

As Ye Go 12

I take the boys to the Croc Farm and Madam is having her beauty sleep.......I invite her along and she gets it wrong and I get a call just as I arrive at the Farm saying....I at Big C where are you..........

So I get her to jump on a bike and pretty soon she is here and we enjoy a wander around with the usual touristy photo's.........

We return to the Loom and she has more kipperooni and I get some photo's developed for her to send to the folks in Laos and while I wait..........sink a few in La Bamba...........

Kate is really chuffed with the pics and she goes to Loom to change and I hit Soi 6 for a bounce...........we meet up later and have a great meal in Mr 99 Seafood restaurant...she wants to go to Ezy again so we do and where I briefly meet Daveduke and have a good chat with Crackerjack............

We leave at 4am bumping into an elephant in the alley outside Ezy......we have one in Linda's and JSB before hitting the Songtaew home......the driver smiles and tells me to mind my head.......bugger!

At the Loom we have more whisky and a good chat..........before Kate "hab not mut Engrish"........now I can't get a word in..........

While Kate and I are getting on fine and we are having a good time........ between us there has been no...........Boom Boom..................I am ok with this and having discussed it with Pook herself understand the underlying reasons............I like the kid enough to ignore this missing factor..............it was explained that this will only be temporary and she is going to Boom Boom my arse off soon enough........

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"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#98 petesie

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Posted 04 June 2009 - 02:30 PM

It seems like deja vu with similar pics from my previous TR........this is mainly due to the fact that this is where the Straight Mates wanted to go.............so I tagged along.........Kate had never been so I was fine with this........ :D
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#99 Guest_Hairy Old Fanny Filler_*

Guest_Hairy Old Fanny Filler_*
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Posted 04 June 2009 - 06:12 PM

great tr petesie, but 2 questions for you, how the fuck do you manage to do things during the day whilst trying to get shot of a hangover eg going to croc farm duirng the day, ps is the daft cunt still sticking his napper in the crocs gub. also how the fuck did he manage to get the elephant in that wee close bit from marine into soi bj, the shop/salon owners must of been shitting themselves :shock:

#100 petesie

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Posted 04 June 2009 - 06:19 PM

great tr petesie, but 2 questions for you, how the fuck do you manage to do things during the day whilst trying to get shot of a hangover eg going to croc farm duirng the day, ps is the daft cunt still sticking his napper in the crocs gub. also how the fuck did he manage to get the elephant in that wee close bit from marine into soi bj, the shop/salon owners must of been shitting themselves :shock:

Rev me mucker..........I don't really get many hangovers in the LoS......I do if I get hammered drunk but it's very rare I do that....ask Karl......for some reason I get merry and stay that way.......costs a fortune though.......argh!

I tend not to get outa my pit before noon and for the day trips I make sure I consume lots of gatorade and electrolytes during and after........it was around 4 am when we seen the Nellie......I think he was intent in letting the poor beast sleep there under the stairwell.........
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#101 petesie

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Posted 05 June 2009 - 04:54 PM

As Ye Go 12.5

Another day in the LoS drifts by...........I don't mind the "no Boom Boom" situation but I'm still horny............I'm tempted to make a few calls but decide to see where this ends up........

Annie is back from Laos so I barfine them all and we hit X-zyte again.........the show changes nightly so there's always a variation.........apart from the bottle of Chivas in front of me........I barfine Vicki too by phone.....and she joins us and joins in the fun though Kate notices we are getting cosy..........oo-ER....

We finish off in Ezy and Kate is well gone.........my Straight Mate does his Karaoke to Westlife and someone is smitten..........Paris........she asks me if she can take him home and "take care"...........erm.........up to him my dear......he declines much to her chagrin.....mai pen rai.......I'm well oiled at this time and do a runner as the Laotian Queen is doing my box in..........so I hop a bike when no one is looking and it's good night Vienna from me at 9am.........!

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"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#102 ScottishLadyboyTerrorist

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Posted 06 June 2009 - 02:45 AM

Great report pete, sorry I wasnt my usual self in the night time activities this time round, but as you know my friend, I'm a home body now... or at least for now anyhoo.. But there's always next time.

Aw ra best me auld mucker jango :-)

#103 petesie

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Posted 06 June 2009 - 11:04 AM

If someone had been beating up ma belly with a stick and sucking out yer jelly and poking about ma teeth i wouldna be up for it either.....you could do with a holiday!
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#104 petesie

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Posted 06 June 2009 - 04:17 PM

The rest of the pics from an excellent all nighter....... :wink:

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"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#105 petesie

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Posted 08 June 2009 - 01:17 AM

As Ye Go

My laotian Queen is a funny girl........from being a quiet wee beastie she's developed into quite an opinionated chatterbox......which has its amusement factor..........

She was peering at my laptop and I commented that she needs her eyes tested......noooo....says she I ok.....she then proceeded to walk out onto the balcony straight into the shut patio door and fell straight on to her arse.......

the pair of us could hardly breathe with laughing........

Afterwards we went to the cinema and watched Crank 2 which she realised she'd seen so I watched the movie and sank a few singhas while she tipped up the armrests and crashed............

She was still sla-eep when the movie was over so I did what we all would do......I left her there........

I only went to the toilet and then sat in the foyer and soon a very embarrassed and grumpy Kate appeared......... :roll: :wink:
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#106 Guest_Anonymous_*

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Posted 08 June 2009 - 01:24 AM


#107 ScottishLadyboyTerrorist

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Posted 08 June 2009 - 01:37 AM

Fecking priceless.... your a shite date.. Leaving the pooor lass in there all on her own, immagine what could've happened to her. She couldve gotten taken advantage of by some bad yin........ oh aye, it was you.. lol

I liked the eyes tested yin pete, what a cracker

#108 petesie

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Posted 08 June 2009 - 01:42 AM

Moments Stevie.....moments.......

Those little gems which keep us going.........like getting off the baht bus when she's not looking................doing a runner when she's in the toilet........doing a Norman Bates when she's having a shower..........putting her bra on your head while shouting "Come in Tokyo"...... and of course the old "pull that finger" trick............ :wink:

One of these days I'm going to grow up.......... :roll:
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

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