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Koykaeng’s “Stimulus Package Tour” March/April 2009

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#61 sev7en

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Posted 22 April 2009 - 05:15 AM

I have a real soft spot for Alis

:D Me too. Wonder why :P
Very nice shots, kk. That new camera takes nice pics
"some see an erotic photo display, me i just hope the hot water soothed her ageing joints."

#62 patrick

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Posted 22 April 2009 - 05:34 AM

Great read as always KK, lovely to see Lek...miss her a lot :cry:
When I were a lad we had the one thing that money can't buy....poverty

#63 Crackerjax

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Posted 22 April 2009 - 11:13 AM

KK shoots.... HE SCORES!

Alis will always be a favorite of mine - I'll never forget the raging stiffy she was sporting under her dress within 30 seconds of my offering her a drink during my first visit to the dearly departed 131. I thought to myself, what a charming girl.... :twisted:

But the last couple of times I've gone to see her at La Bamba she has been a different person - very subdued and seemingly determined to suppress her beauty in favor of competence. :(

So it's particularly nice to see Alis here in these pics in a frisky mood and looking good - the fact that you got her totally nekkid is just the cherry on top! Hope she is happy and well and will join us again one day IN FRONT of the bar. We'll have to start calling you the Man with the Golden Tongue KK. :D

#64 aussieguy

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Posted 22 April 2009 - 04:14 PM

Is ALis available for p4p or not ?

#65 Rossco

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Posted 22 April 2009 - 05:03 PM

Alis has become a bit more selective these days. Now she is Manager/Mamsan, and cashier, she admit she has a good salary so does not 'need' to work so much.

La Bamba is very much her bar so she takes good care of the business side which was different to her role in 131

I do know guys who have successfully BF'd her but it is a case of 'Up to her'.
She is still great fun and as KK saw, and photographed, can do an impromptu performance!

#66 koykaeng

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Posted 22 April 2009 - 05:37 PM

Alis will always be a favorite of mine - I'll never forget the raging stiffy she was sporting under her dress within 30 seconds of my offering her a drink during my first visit to the dearly departed 131. I thought to myself, what a charming girl.... :twisted:

Like I said, Alis is very special to me, and my affection for her goes beyond her physical form.

Nevertheless, I will always have fond memories of our brief sexual encounters. :twisted:

Here's a snap shot from August 2007..... :oops:

I couldn't sit down for a week ! :lol:


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Sign in pub "In case of fire - break glass". Now my beer's gone everywhere, and there's still a fire.

#67 koykaeng

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Posted 22 April 2009 - 05:46 PM

Para bailar La Bamba
Para bailar La Bamba
Se necessita una poca de gracia
Una poca de gracia
Para mi, para ti, ay arriba, ay arriba
Ay, arriba arriba
Por ti sere, por ti sere, por ti sere

Yo no soy marinero
Yo no soy marinero, soy capitan
Soy capitan, soy capitan
Bamba, bamba
Bamba, bamba
Bamba, bamba, bam

oops, sorry, I was distracted............ 8)

Next stop on Koykaeng's itinerary is Ezy Bar......

A visit to Ezy Bar wouldn't be the same without Tata and her magical behind.

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Sign in pub "In case of fire - break glass". Now my beer's gone everywhere, and there's still a fire.

#68 koykaeng

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Posted 22 April 2009 - 05:54 PM

The next three girls all end up back at Koykaeng's hotel, although admitedly not at the same time.

Please don't confuse me with Donnykey, I'm only an amateur. :lol:

After a few Gin & Tonics, and some select tunes from DJ Karl Cocks, I departed with the lovely Oil.

I must be honest and say that my interest in Oil had been sparked by reports that she had a rather large dipstick.

Not one to believe such gossip on face value, I though it would be appropriate to take her home and investigate further.

Having completed my thorough investigation, I can confirm that the rumours were true, and once again I can't sit down for a week. :lol:

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Sign in pub "In case of fire - break glass". Now my beer's gone everywhere, and there's still a fire.

#69 iLoVeLaDyBoY's

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Posted 22 April 2009 - 06:15 PM

Alis is really a stunning beauty !!! Tata is too !!! and And Jen too !!! and ............................ etc.etc. :D :twisted: lots of and... :lol:
i hope to meet her and a LT with her at my visit. :roll:

And i want to say i can't work just because thinking of my visit and everyday i am spending my time in this forum :oops: looking ladies and learning the places to go from the Koykaengs and other experienced guys topics. :) and planning my visit, (changes everyday after reading forum :D :D )

Keep going please KK
InLoVeWiThAsIaNLaDyBoYs & ThEiR :)

#70 donnykey

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Posted 22 April 2009 - 07:09 PM

Please don't confuse me with Donnykey, I'm only an amateur. :lol:

KK only an amateur.....YEAH RIGHT !!!!! .....I don't think so.... Cheers DK
Oh so happy when in LOS

#71 Legend

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Posted 22 April 2009 - 10:09 PM

good work KK,
i wonder though, dont you boys ever get down to linda bar for a bit of rough.?
its like living in an airbrushed magazine with all the beautys.
come on, lets see some rotters. :lol:
"im sure if u look around u can find a sunken face under caloried 10 year vet tranny bar girl, her face might not be as uniquely sunken or her ass dents so dented but just have a look, life is full of options." - boomdraw.

#72 sev7en

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Posted 23 April 2009 - 01:28 AM

good work KK,
i wonder though, dont you boys ever get down to linda bar for a bit of rough.?
its like living in an airbrushed magazine with all the beautys.
come on, lets see some rotters. :lol:

I do. Ying is a fav.
"some see an erotic photo display, me i just hope the hot water soothed her ageing joints."

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