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Koykaeng’s “Stimulus Package Tour” March/April 2009

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#373 perth_couple

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Posted 01 September 2009 - 07:35 AM

That was a really enjoyable read KK, thanks for taking the time to share your adventure!


#374 koykaeng

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Posted 01 September 2009 - 01:46 PM

That was a really enjoyable read KK, thanks for taking the time to share your adventure!


Nice to hear from you guys, hope you are both well, and the new addition is keeping you "entertained". 8)

Glad you enjoyed the report, hopefully another will soon follow.

Congratulations on your first post on the LB-69 forum ! :wink:

Sign in pub "In case of fire - break glass". Now my beer's gone everywhere, and there's still a fire.


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Posted 29 September 2009 - 02:09 AM

Alis will always be a favorite of mine - I'll never forget the raging stiffy she was sporting under her dress within 30 seconds of my offering her a drink during my first visit to the dearly departed 131. I thought to myself, what a charming girl.... :twisted:

Like I said, Alis is very special to me, and my affection for her goes beyond her physical form.

Nevertheless, I will always have fond memories of our brief sexual encounters. :twisted:

Here's a snap shot from August 2007..... :oops:

I couldn't sit down for a week ! :lol:


KK great pic........... Do you have any more pics of this hot creature?????


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Posted 29 September 2009 - 02:09 AM

Alis will always be a favorite of mine - I'll never forget the raging stiffy she was sporting under her dress within 30 seconds of my offering her a drink during my first visit to the dearly departed 131. I thought to myself, what a charming girl.... :twisted:

Like I said, Alis is very special to me, and my affection for her goes beyond her physical form.

Nevertheless, I will always have fond memories of our brief sexual encounters. :twisted:

Here's a snap shot from August 2007..... :oops:

I couldn't sit down for a week ! :lol:


KK great pic........... Do you have any more pics of this hot creature?????

#377 Guest_Anonymous_*

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Posted 26 August 2012 - 12:03 AM


#378 spieslikeus

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Posted 26 August 2012 - 07:03 AM

He is not a mod anymore. and has not been for some time now. :clapclap:
Cato: Please, boss! I thought you were dead!
Clouseau: So as a tribute to my memory, you open this... this Chinese nookie factory?

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