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Ladyboy Marriages

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Poll: would you marry a ladyboy

would you marry a ladyboy

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#13 dixon cox

dixon cox

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Posted 19 February 2008 - 04:00 AM

I consider an LB as I would a GG. If the right person came along then I would give it serious consideration, legalities of same sex partnerships aside.

I have already done the marriage thing, married 5 years to a Thai lady (not P4P) and now happily divorced. So the chances of getting tied up in all that legal marriage mess again rather puts me off, she would have to be someone very special, but I would.

Meum cerebrum nocet

#14 Guest_Anonymous_*

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Posted 19 February 2008 - 04:41 AM


#15 westbam

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Posted 01 March 2008 - 07:32 AM

I would but it would have to be someone special the problem is the special ones know there special :lol:

#16 Evolved

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Posted 20 September 2008 - 11:21 PM

To marry a Ladyboy...

Big question indeed, but i think you are wrong from the start.
You feel that she only wants a free pass to your country?
Well then you should not marry this ladyboy.

At least she has to be a better lier than that to get the ring from you.

If you want to marry, i think you know when its right, and that applies both to ladyboys and regular ladies.

Thats my opinion...and it is of course right...

#17 janne

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Posted 21 September 2008 - 05:55 PM

It`s not tragic to die, doing what you love.

#18 Guest_pentire_*

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Posted 21 September 2008 - 06:09 PM

To me ladyboys are sex toys....end of :twisted:

#19 dixon cox

dixon cox

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Posted 21 September 2008 - 06:20 PM

To me ladyboys are sex toys....end of :twisted:

Unfortunately that's a view held by a large number of people, but they are of course entitled to hold it.

It's a shame for those of us who offer all people they meet in life the same opportunity for friendship without prejudice.

Meum cerebrum nocet

#20 PP

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Posted 21 September 2008 - 08:15 PM


#21 Kinkoy

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Posted 21 September 2008 - 08:25 PM

I guess it no surprise to anyone that hold the same arguments as DC on this as well.
And I won’t be going far down this road again 8)
But however st business is all about having sex toys, and it works fine. As long as those that treat them like sex toys don’t start feeding them with lies about love and relationship.

But for Pentire and his alike, hope they understand that other people may have other way of treating lb’s and they are don’t have to be jugde because of that :wink:

And for the topic, yes I won't mind marrying a p4p ladyboy :D
So dark, the con of man..

#22 Guest_pentire_*

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Posted 21 September 2008 - 11:16 PM

But for Pentire and his alike, hope they understand that other people may have other way of treating lb’s and they are don’t have to be jugde because of that :wink:

And for the topic, yes I won't mind marrying a p4p ladyboy :D

Ok....point taken and understood however, let's be under no illusion about this, the ladyboys who work in the bars of Bangkok, Pattaya & Phuket are hookers looking for customers of which I am one.
No way would I go out to romance, wine & dine one of the cabaret girls on the basis that I am pretending a long term relationship may develop :)

#23 Kinkoy

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Posted 22 September 2008 - 12:35 AM

No way would I go out to romance, wine & dine one of the cabaret girls on the basis that I am pretending a long term relationship may develop :)

Actually Pentire, I never thought you would. I think you are a very straight forward guy.
So dark, the con of man..

#24 LBs4Me

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Posted 22 September 2008 - 01:31 AM

like my old dad said....

marriage is the only kind of sentence where you dont get released before time due to good behaveior.... 8)

IF you think the girl/lb is ok.....then invest in some time "down there" in LOS so you get to know the person better.....then you have 2 options....yes or no... :lol:

wery simple :mrgreen:

I'm with you on this one mate. There are LBs out there who are genuinelty looking for a relationship when they get tired of the business. Go for it! How about a double wedding?? haha

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