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Cocktails & Dreams 2015

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#349 wardmoob

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Posted 11 July 2015 - 04:01 AM

the best looking ladyboys are not the limp noodle fem boi ' I think im a girl gurls' , the best our the ones that don't take hormones and are fem whores with rock hard clittys.



cocktails and dreams is a good name, esp when it was thought up however many years ago while I imagine a lot of the girls were at that time truly dreams.



the real issue is always of course that lots of guys like it up there swizzle, for that you need ladyman and one with the heart of a retard nurse, perhaps if the staff doesn't change soon it could be changed to ''vintange cocktails and dreams''

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#350 batman4ever



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Posted 11 July 2015 - 01:08 PM

and how many times have you actually BEEN there boomie???? :whistle: 

  • thailover57 likes this

A ladyboy is a kind of creature...that makes a txt saying...dont you trust me...and send it to 20 people... :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:



#351 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 11 July 2015 - 04:56 PM

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Nick Bullseye

#352 rxpharm

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Posted 12 July 2015 - 12:59 AM

the best looking ladyboys are not the limp noodle fem boi ' I think im a girl gurls' , the best our the ones that don't take hormones and are fem whores with rock hard clittys.



cocktails and dreams is a good name, esp when it was thought up however many years ago while I imagine a lot of the girls were at that time truly dreams.



the real issue is always of course that lots of guys like it up there swizzle, for that you need ladyman and one with the heart of a retard nurse, perhaps if the staff doesn't change soon it could be changed to ''vintange cocktails and dreams''


C&D has been operating successfully for years while many lb an gg bars have come and gone in Patong, Pattaya, and Bangkok.


So you have the successful strategy while C&D does not? If you are really boomdraw, you admitted you haven't been to Thailand for many years, so your experience and opinions are outdated. You certainly have not successfully managed and operated an lb bar in Thailand. 


#353 wardmoob

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Posted 12 July 2015 - 01:21 AM

C&D has been operating successfully for years while many lb an gg bars have come and gone in Patong, Pattaya, and Bangkok.


So you have the successful strategy while C&D does not? If you are really boomdraw, you admitted you haven't been to Thailand for many years, so your experience and opinions are outdated. You certainly have not successfully managed and operated an lb bar in Thailand. 


its a vintage collection for the fine grade conissourr who likes his wine like he likes he katoey, aged. im simply wondering were the new supply is, and nothing has changed at all in Thailand, its a new generation of humans raised on smart phones, its no longer a normal populace anywhere anymore.


im not talking about hospitality, im talking about youthful fresh blood, apparently the bar doesn't need it, but im talking about the customer, I mean be they old girls or young girls, a bar fine is a bar fine, its always gonna be the owner who either is cool and attracts customers or doesn't, jimbo is alright and people spend money there and I hope they continue to but were'as its the money off booze that makes or breaks a bar not the bar fines for 5 bucks they collect of half the girls most of the nights, hot young tail could only increase time spent drinking. 


such is life, its why the bars under tiger are half empty and even in high season they are def not filled with fuckable girls, they are filled with 6s and a few 7s and with a random few 8s in the first few bars were the prime relestate is, its not actually that easy to find 5-6 hot young hookers in Thailand, most bars keep on the same girls for years, they are in short supply, but 37 year old katoeys is another story.

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#354 Alaskan Bear

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Posted 12 July 2015 - 01:07 PM

its a vintage collection for the fine grade conissourr who likes his wine like he likes he katoey, aged. im simply wondering were the new supply is, and nothing has changed at all in Thailand, its a new generation of humans raised on smart phones, its no longer a normal populace anywhere anymore.


im not talking about hospitality, im talking about youthful fresh blood, apparently the bar doesn't need it, but im talking about the customer, I mean be they old girls or young girls, a bar fine is a bar fine, its always gonna be the owner who either is cool and attracts customers or doesn't, jimbo is alright and people spend money there and I hope they continue to but were'as its the money off booze that makes or breaks a bar not the bar fines for 5 bucks they collect of half the girls most of the nights, hot young tail could only increase time spent drinking. 


such is life, its why the bars under tiger are half empty and even in high season they are def not filled with fuckable girls, they are filled with 6s and a few 7s and with a random few 8s in the first few bars were the prime relestate is, its not actually that easy to find 5-6 hot young hookers in Thailand, most bars keep on the same girls for years, they are in short supply, but 37 year old katoeys is another story.



I take offence of your post's as you know nothing about this bar, it has been 2 years my last trip to thailand 3 years to C&D . but i still think jim has one of the best bars in that country as stated many have come and gone but his is still standing. as for the beautiful LB's 90% of his staff stay as he is a good boss and that is good for the customers so they can find the one's they met before . and the new girls well jim gives thenm the chance if they make it they do if not good bye, i remember one of his new girls he photoed her many times but she went 3 weeks no customer but she stuck with it and she got her first and was with the bar very long time jim at first called her zero but we all came to no and love her as namch . so if you have nothing good to say about jim and his bar or his girls don't post here any more , MISS YOUR BAR JIM AND THE GIRLS. :nonono:

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#355 batman4ever



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Posted 12 July 2015 - 05:59 PM

more from my trip :)

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  • MrDragon, Alaskan Bear, Surin Nix and 5 others like this

A ladyboy is a kind of creature...that makes a txt saying...dont you trust me...and send it to 20 people... :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:



#356 Princeshow

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Posted 13 July 2015 - 05:13 AM

There IS a lot of turnover at the bar - many staff members are not there any more that were there when I first visited in 2009 and that is just over a 6 year period. Some are still there, but they are just as appealing now as they were before so rightly, why should they go anywhere?


first thread of significant length I can find: http://ladyboyforum....et-new-website/

Consider it might be a testament to Jimbo's management that employees want to stay with his establishment.


No more to say about that - I will direct my focus now to finding time to visit the bar once again this year.

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#357 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 20 July 2015 - 04:30 PM

For the aficionados of the cabaret in C&D, here is a playlist of 46 videos from June 2015.



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Nick Bullseye

#358 runnervxr

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Posted 22 July 2015 - 12:32 PM

Any time I see this thread makes me miss LOS dven more. Luckily in November I'll be back there! I can't wait to meet the girls again!

#359 Nikka

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Posted 24 July 2015 - 06:01 AM

I saw noey on FTG website, amazinggggggggg

#360 jimbo34

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Posted 24 July 2015 - 03:02 PM

 Firstly, let me apologise for not coming on here for a few days - my laptop wasn't letting me in due to the presence of "Malaware". That seems to be cleared up now.


Secondly, its been really quite a hectic time in the bar this month, and NingNong has been away (again) so time has been somewhat at a premium. That's a pretty feeble excuse really given my working day is probably much shorter than yours, lol, so here's a few pics:


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