Saturday Night
We were told to keep our beautiful ambassadors off the main Soi Bangla last night, as there was some visiting dignitary coming. Quite who it was, i was unable to ascertain. And what harm a couple of beautiful, sexy katoeys in bright headdress would do, is also beyond me.
It certainly affected our audience size at Showtimes, unfortunately.
There was also a total lack of freelancers, of any sex, on the street. Nor was there any of those annoying ping-pong touts either. A few of the seedier clubs were closed for the night too. One of the worst clip joints, Money Night, operating from our old premises across the soi, were shut up. No loss there, as far as i'm concerned.
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On a brighter note, i was glad to see Oh return to work after a couple of weeks off, recovering from a motorbike accident
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An unremarkable night, although i was invincible on the pool table. But i got bored after the midnight show and took Meena from next door for a spin
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