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#37 azza33

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Posted 08 April 2012 - 10:13 AM

After breakfast i took a stroll down silom road and into Lumpini park to have a look. Not too much activity as it was Monday morning - a very peaceful part of the world. I took a few photos and wandered around the lakes and before long it was time to head back for check-out & my transfer across to sukhumvit area.

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#38 azza33

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Posted 08 April 2012 - 10:30 AM

Traffic was a nightmare - not suprising for a Monday midday - but finally we made it across to by queen suite at royal asia lodge - not recommended to anyone. :redcard:

Decided to dine in this afternoon, so called across a GG called Cat - nice enough lady with all holes available and proficient in the use of a strapp-on :yumm: She'd lost a lot of wieght since her photos posted on the net and not as appealing as i thought - you wouldn't give her a second look if you passed her in the street. These are the pitfalls of internet "romance" :tantrum:
Cat is a very kinky lady and into most things. I won't be having a repeat performance and would rather the company of someone like mistress MC who is good value (no questions please :angel: ) or BKKOI. :harhar:

Ater our session, I gave TC a buzz and see if he wanted to catch up for a bite to eat - poor bugger bogged down with work complications - the perils of self employment!
So i went alone to Arirang Korean restaurant and order the BBQ pork once more. Unfortunately not so good today - pig died of natural causes me thinks.
Not many in the place at 4pm for lunch, however two were ladyboys and one as pretty as i've seen in a long time. Felt like breaking the ice but deemed it to be too rude over lunch so i let it go - they both looked over a couple of times so perhaps they knew my likings :D

Felt very lazy so i took a taxi from restaurant back to Guess bar to relax for an hour or so - would have been quicker to walk!!
Played pool again with Sammi and another ladyboy, name escapes me, but who is actually very good.
Very very tempted to barfine Sammi but after a big lunch and session with Cat a little earlier i passed at the thought, paid my tab, tipped the girls and returned to my hotel.

Bad mistake :sleep: - dozed in an out of - before i knew it i woke up and it was 5 AM - I'd missed the entire nights fun... what to do?? :tantrum:

#39 goodenough

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Posted 08 April 2012 - 08:04 PM

Very very nice TR :clapclap:

About cams, as Pacman (I think) pointed out going to FX is a huge step forward. The Canon 5 MK III is a wonderful cam but if u are not going to do a lot of videos the MKII is also a swell cam and can be found for as low as 1700 USD at the moment.

Then again im a Nikon guy, and honestly the "old" Nikon D700 is a very very good FX cam. The pic quality I think is better than the Canon 5 MKII, despite the lower resolution. Now, if u really want high resolution, the new D800 from Nikon has 36 MP, is easy to operate and is cheaper than the Canon 5MKIII. So if u havent invested in any FX lenses yet i Strongly suggest u have a look at the nikons to.

#40 azza33

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Posted 09 April 2012 - 08:09 AM

Day 4

Missing the evening frivolities, and in the process standing up TC, i decided to venture out at 5AM and see if i could redeem myself. As it turned out there was still plenty of ordinary types , the ones that john west rejected, but i finally spotted a couple of okay ladyboys in front of shops between soi 5 & 7. I walked a little further up the road and decided - mais long mais leuw - so i went back to check things out further. Up i went with Neung - bit older but nice enough at first.
Turned out both price and service were way of the mark :tantrum: - she should consider changing her name to roi!! I'd choose 99 others before returning to her. Having said that at 5:30am she's probably tired and had enough so perhaps not the best time to be judging her.

Off to maccas for breakfast - time to replenish the energy spent doing gymnastics in those seedy massage rooms.

Thought flashed in my mind : day 4 - haven't even been to nana yet - must bar hop tonight and find some nice ladyboys...

Wasted a few hours back in the room, showered and headed back out at 10:30-11 ish.
Only made it down soi 8 as far as lolitas BJ bar and decided i should check out the ladies. Nothing great - then i notice the petite AUM, 20, from Issan. 700 baht you say?? Done!
Up to the private are we go and Aum does her best - and its not too bad at all. I finally cum and part of it ends up on her checkered mini skirt - she giggles cutely - happy she has taken good care of another customer. Time to clean up and back to my original plan - actually i have none :loco:

I went down to Siam Paragon to pass some time, enjoy the eye candy and grab a bite to eat.
SMS arrives from Seamus (ladyboyquest - formerly TLF) and we arrange to meet at guess bar at 5:30pm.
I arrived first, still happy hour, bought Sammi a brink and ordered my usual Jack & Coke. Seamus followed soon after, given a leave pass from wifey to meet the naughty man, and TC finally made it 20 minutes later.
Spent a couple of hours chatting and having a good time and before we know it's 8pm - damn time flies - but awesome to finally catch up with someone who i chatted a lot with on the forums but was never able to meet.
Seamus headed back to his mrs and TC returned to his business affairs.
Sadly not many punters entered the bar during our time there, maybe only 2 or 3, things must be average.
Mardhi popped in briefly and was his usual self.
Quality of the girls at guess is pretty good - much improved over the last few times i ventured there - shame there is not more business to keep them movitvated.
Having said that, i paid my tab and departed without any barfine during my visits :blush:
Headed back to my room via the eatery on soi 7 where i ate some delicious pad pak ruang and grilled pork.

I refreshed and planned to head back to Nana to end my final night in Bangkok for this leg of the trip.

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#41 azza33

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Posted 09 April 2012 - 08:32 AM

Back to Nana i went for the first time this trip. I went into Obsessions first and to be honest nothing much jumped at me - talent was reasonable but nothing ticking my must do box.
I finished my drink and headed upstairs to cascades. Small crowd in tonight and the number of girls well done too :tantrum: Tomcat joined me 15 minutes later. I rejected the advances of a number of ladies and the persistent Vita or is it Vee - no sure - i'll stick with Vita. Snick was at the back of the bar looking like he was on some type of covert operation and he was joined later by TTchang. Tomcat ventured over to say hello and before i knew it, the sly fella had fresh new talent sitting with him and she was lovely!!
I finally couldn't resist the lovely smile of Gift who stood patiently down near the stage in front of me. TC already knew her and said she was a darling. Turned out to be spot-on. She was adorable in many ways - perhaps not the prettiest in Cascades but definitely one of the nicest.
We ended up taking both our ladies and said our final farewells - i was off to Phillipines tomorrow and TC was heading down to Pattaya.

Gift turned out to be really delightful company, great fun just walking down the street back to the hotel. No complaints in the bedroom either :harhar:
She very hard to photograph well however as she is not so natural in front of the lense - mais pen rai - a pleasant end to my BKK stay.

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#42 xyzzy

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Posted 09 April 2012 - 09:10 AM

Very nice TR. Looking forward to what trouble you get into in PI.
xyzzy is the "magic word" from the first computer adventure game and isn't capitalized

#43 boarhog

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Posted 09 April 2012 - 03:59 PM



I don't get by here much, but so cool to come across this report. Your BKK portion is of great interest to me as I was just there in February.

That Micki is suweet! I think she is the one I saw on stage just after I bar fined Sonia. I dared to ask Sonia her name and iof she had a cock. unfortunately couldn't recall the name, but I remembered her wearing 005. Is that her?

That B.J. bar with the lolita’s on Soi 7/1 is Dr. B.J.'s. They tried to pull me in there every time I walked past at night until I asked the chubby GG out front if they had ladyboy. :shock:
She said they had men. I told her I wasn't gay :gayf: and I only like ladyboy. In perfect she escorted me away while saying "I'm going to be sick" in perfect English.

I think you would have found Neung at Nuch Salon on Sukhumvit. I took her ST my first night. LT for her was me taking her to an Island, so kept it short and sweet.

Always good to see BM's with intestinal fortitude to visit Patpong.

Included a couple of photos at the risk of getting a tutorial from Paccers. :D

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#44 donnykey

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Posted 09 April 2012 - 06:08 PM

Very enjoyable stuff Azza. Well done. :clapclap:

cheers DK
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Oh so happy when in LOS

#45 petesie

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Posted 09 April 2012 - 06:12 PM

Great stuff Azza lad...very enjoyable read and nice to see some lovely girls that made it to the Loom... :clapclap:
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#46 soulboy

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Posted 09 April 2012 - 08:48 PM

Well done Azza :clapclap:

Must have just missed you , I bumped into Tomcat briefly in Guess Bar on my last night Sun 1st April he told me you were around .

Next time :cheers:
Where your friend you ?

#47 azza33

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Posted 09 April 2012 - 09:32 PM

Very nice TR. Looking forward to what trouble you get into in PI.

Having a really good time here in the phils. Just decided to forfeit 3 airfares and return to angeles city for more fun!!!

#48 Surin Nix

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Posted 11 April 2012 - 11:23 PM

Excellent report Azza. Gift looks like a right demure little doe-eyed Sweetheart. Just my type.

Funny, those BKK photos mostly evoke for me memories of intense jetlag. BKK is always my first stopping point after. 24 hour journey, and 12-hour time zone change. I'll recover for 3 nights in BKK typically, but while there, it feels like I'm looking at everything underwater. Your skyline photos bring back the delirium of my moments there.

Again, a thoroughly enjoyable TR!
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