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#13 pacman

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Posted 28 January 2012 - 09:45 AM

Thanks Jaybee for such a well written & honest account of your first dabble into the world of ladyboys. This post refers to your first night, I couldn't post it earlier though, I had a problem with my computer. It is still relevant & I hope it helps.

I agree with Dixon Cox that anyone who says they haven't been caught out a couple of times is being economical with the truth.

Fiona's behaviour is straight out of the LB manual on how to maximise a barfine. And your retelling of it is vital information for anyone contemplating a visit to Nana for the first time.

The reason you couldn't quite hear what price she wanted for her time had nothing to do with you not being able to understand her. She mumbled deliberately because she can later say she told you the price & it is your fault that you didn't hear. "Why you forget?" is a comeback line they love to hit you with.

It is easy to say you should have handed over 3000 to each of them but in a new country with two determined LBs piling on the pressure, most of us will capitulate. At least on the first night. And 3K is a lot for a ST but newbies are always expected to be generous. And had you reacted badly & thrown them out with only "small money" tossed after them, your future visits to Nana, or the 2nd floor at least would be tempting fate. LBs are very big on retribution & cheap charlies who want to get out of paying are asking for trouble. Don't forget if not for money they wouldn't even talk with us let alone sleep with us.

And Fiona's insistence on you not returning to Casanova had nothing to do with her "face", she doesn't want you blurting out to your next girl how much you paid. It isn't that she isn't proud of her effort, she'll be boasting about it for years, it's the fear that you will turn on her once you know the going rate. And JB, it is never too late to argue the amount. The moment she asked, you should have responded with a lower figure. Halved it at least. This only applies when you know the girl is taking the piss. The real cold professionals will stand their ground & start raising the rhetoric. This can be tough but a few phrases will help. Like "don't bullshit me. You ting tong"

Ting tong is Thai for crazy & is a very helpful word when negotiating. It tells them too that you know a bit more about the place than they first thought. But this can get ugly & some girls will lose the plot completely if they think they deserve more & the farang doesn't want to pay it. My suggestion is you never ask a girl how much she wants, of course she's going to ask some ridiculous amount. But if you give them the going rate plus a hundred baht as a tip, most of them will be satisfied. Part of the problem is they don't have any respect for how hard we work for our money. They have seen too many drunken farangs throwing cash around like water, most of them think we pick it up off the ground back home.

And of course Fiona worked hard to see you the next night. She wanted another crack at the Golden Goose. I have been taken to that indoor/outdoor seafood restaurant by an LB myself years ago. It is a classic clip joint. First thing - NEVER LET THEM ORDER FOOD! They will order far more than any human can eat. Any two humans. (But they will happily take the left overs home.) At this seafood place, the dishes keep arriving, I remember the bill came to 3000 baht plus. At one point she left the table & went inside. She said she went to the toilet but she hadn't, she had gone to collect her commission. Better I waste 3K so she can make 300 or whatever it is. But we all get caught sometime.

After the second night & having Fiona ask in all innocence "why you not pay same as before?", this is classic contemptible behaviour. Whether you ever choose to see her again is entirely up to you but thanks to your wonderfully frank report, she has done herself a lot of damage. I am sure whatever she made from you she will lose out many times over by being ignored by guys here on the forum. One of my issues with Nana is that too many girls are encouraged to try this shit by the success of the ruthless operators.

Last comment, when you found yourself 500 baht short at Casanova, had you been counting your change? I am not for a moment suggesting they all try to rob their customers but there is many a serving girl who will try. Let them see you don't look or care & 100 baht or more missing each time can be a good night for a waitress. She'll still demand a tip though.

Please don't take any of this personally JB. I am sure you are much wiser now & I hope your report serves as a warning to others that the Nana girls will take advantage if you let them. We don't get enough honest accounts of how scheming some of the girls can be. Forget the money JB, it is the price for the lesson. And if you think you were poorly treated, imagine what some of the Japanese & Korean guys have forked out. I have heard of stories of them being charged tens of thousands because they pay rather than fight. Poor bastards, no wonder they are popular.

#14 Guest_jaybee11_*

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Posted 28 January 2012 - 09:56 AM

Tuesday Jan 24 - As I make my way down Soi 3 on my last night in Bangkok, I have a decision to make - Cascade or Guess Bar? If I go to Guess and see someone I want to barfine there, I may not have the energy for Cascade and I will miss it. I decide it has to be Cascade tonight and I will definitely put Guess Bar on my "to do list" for next time . I sit at the bar at Pharoah's and look for Aey as I had told her I would come back and buy her a drink before I left. She's not there so I drink a Singha and psych myself up for Cascade.

If I was amazed at the beauty in Obsessions, I am stunned by the shear numbers of beautiful LB's in Cascade! There must have been at least 30 girls onstage and another 10-15 on the floor, the seats and around the entrance and that's probably being conservative! I am seated just inside the entrance to the left and the girls onstage and on the floor all move in my direction, giving me "the look", pointing at themselves then me and mouthing "I sit with you?". I order a beer and look around. It's a slow night tonight here too. Only a few potential punters and a couple of groups, so I obviously can take my pick. I decide since there are so many girls here I am going to try and play it smart and not let the first one move in and take control. I want to see all the LB's that are here as there are many LB's still on the other side of the stage. I smile and say "no, I am shy" to any that approach. I see many recognizable faces from the LB websites. There's Pai and short blonde hair and big smile Cyndi with the big dick. Blonde cutie Arty and many more that are familiar but I can't remember names. There is one tall slender, very oriental looking girl with long black hair who's face I recognize but can't remember her name. I find her very attractive and sexy. She has been standing watching me and when I look in her direction she smiles and does the pointy thing. I smile back and shake my head no. She walks away but not very far and whenever our eyes meet she smiles. She seems to come by every few minutes and asks "I sit with you?". There are so many to choose from! I am really enjoying all the attention I am getting here. Why did I wait to come to Obsession and Cascade till the last 2 nights? I guess I was saving the best for last.

I look up on stage and there is Shasha right in front of me, smiling and looking gorgeous. She's looking at me and dancing very sexy for me. My God, her skin is perfect and that ass! I can't believe that I can have Shasha if I want! I decide to milk this more and after a couple more minutes, Shasha smiles at me, does the boo hoo thing and moves to another part of the stage. I look around and lock eyes with the tall slender girl again. She smiles, does the pointy thing. "No, sorry I'm shy". Every time I look in her direction, she is watching me! By the time I order my 3rd beer, there she is next to my table again only this time she says "why you not like me? I want sit with you!" I say "I do like you, I'm just shy". She says "you not shy, I like you". I guess maybe that is her strategy, make lots of eye contact so the punter thinks she really does like you. Anyway, I say yes and she smiles and I buy her a drink. She tells me her name is Tai and she is 21 years old (after getting back home I look and she goes by Say here and on a couple of other websites...she and all the others are much more beautiful in person than on the web). I tell her she is just a baby and she says "no, most girls here are 18 or 19". She starts rubbing my crotch and pulls down her top to let me play with her tits. After a while she asks if I want to go with her. I had pretty much decided she was going to be the one when I asked her to join me. I could have Shasha but she is a superstar and probably gets most guys that come in Cascade and can get barfined and laid anytime she wants. Tai has given me more attention than anyone else there. I was ready to go by that time and I say "yes". When she calls the waitress to collect the barfine, Shasha just starts railing at Tai and storms off! Tai just shrugged it off. I ask Tai what that was all about and she said "Shasha think she work harder for you but I don't think so". I tell her I don't think so either. I am flattered for about 2 seconds...I'm not stupid. That just shows what a slow night it was if the girls were competing like that over a fat old guy like me!

We go to a ST room and have a great time...I did anyway and Tai seemed to enjoy it too. She is very hot and sexy and has a great body, nice legs. Medium size cock but being a young gal, she gets very hard! Tall too, about 6 feet I would guess. I'm about 5'9" so she's a few inches taller than me. After a shower, she starts to get dressed and I ask her if can take some photos of her naked. "Sure!" I promise they are just for me and will not be posted on the internet. She says she doesn't care, there are lots of pictures of her on the internet and she proceeds to striking some poses. As we are dressing, I tell her this is my last night in BKK, I leave in the morning. She tells me to have a good trip home. We hug, I leave and she heads back to Cascade. A great end to my first time in LOS!

Well, that's about it, got on the plane, blah blah blah, I'm back home. Had a wonderful time! Not sure at this point if I will get to do it again but I suppose as time goes by and I read what you guys are up to over there, I will want to do it again. I'm disappointed that I didn't take more photos, so I will do that differently next time. I wish I had seen more in BKK too but I did what I went there to do. I didn't hook up with any BM's...just missed TTChang and Premier as they were traveling in LOS and Cambodia. I hope next I can meet up with some of you there...it seems from reading other TR's like it is more of a party vibe when you have someone to hang with. I did alright flying solo though, but I'm sure I would have had a lot more fun hanging with some of you guys. Next time I will plan a longer trip too; at least 2 weeks or longer if I can. I want to go to Pattaya for a few days and to see Phuket, not spend all my time in BKK.

Thanks to all of you who responded to my posts and offered your guidance and advice! I would never have had the balls to do this if not for that!


#15 Guest_jaybee11_*

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Posted 28 January 2012 - 10:13 AM

Absolutely no offense taken whatsoever! Thanks for your input...it will add to the lessons learned! And if it helps others to not make the same mistakes, all the better.

As far as the amount of food she ordered, it wasn't outrageous. We didn't eat it all and I did insist she take the remaining rice and I think there was 1 prawn left. The mussles or little clams we left as she said they would go bad before they could be eaten. I don't remember what the bill came to but it didn't seem high. The food was good and seemed to be top quality.

And the shortage in the bar...no, I didn't watch the bin very closely or my change from the barfines. I will next time though! I hope to have a better understanding of the baht and a handle on what I am paying next time too!

Thanks again!

#16 pacman

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Posted 28 January 2012 - 11:39 AM

You're welcome JB. And I was jumping to conclusions with that seafood place being the same restaurant I went to but once you mentioned it was an indoor/outdoor place, I took a punt.

What amazed me when I went was the size of the place. It covered an enormous area, I estimated it was about the size of Nana Plaza. They may have sold some of it off by now, the land must be worth a fortune.

And don't think for a moment that an older guy who isn't as trim as he once was isn't a valued client. We assume that they want young handsome guys, some do but many of them aren't interested in a dude who wants to boom-boom all night & pay less than they want for a ST. I have had many tell me that. "Old man good, boom-boom little bit & pay big money". And by old, they don't mean 75, maybe 45 or so. Don't forget that is older than their parents are. Mostly.

As to Cascades, it is the number one LB bar in the known universe. Full house on a Saturday night when the students are available to work sees about 130+ up on stage. Be careful you don't continue the eye contact too long though, the girls do start getting the idea they have won you. It can lead to a confrontation as you discovered. The girls are very wary about cutting in too, they know they will pay later if they cause a girl to lose a barfine. Therefore you need to choose carefully before committing. I have had occasion when it was wiser to get up & leave such was the atmosphere between a few of them.

And telling a girl you won't post her photo on the net & then posting it here isn't exactly your best move. Many of the sisterhood read the forum looking for photos & anything else they can use to leverage an advantage from a farang. In your case, no harm done, she was upfront about her exposure already & posed like a pornstar. But for others who may be asked not to, please don't. It isn't going to go unnoticed & you may find yourself being blackmailed over it if they ever catch up with you. It has happened to friends of mine & it wasn't cheap to buy their way out of the hassle. One girl demanded 5000 baht to undo the hurt he caused. Just another scam but when they know where you are staying & they are friendly with the police who will arrest any farang for breaking Thai law (porno pics are illegal in Thailand), is it worth calling their bluff?

But you survived JB & others should take note of your experience. Next time head to Pattaya, it is half Bangkok prices or less. And so easy to get around with far more bars to visit. Some prefer it, some don't. I have to get out of Bangkok after a few days, last time in Pattaya, I stayed 3 & 1/2 months... :blush:

#17 Woof1

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Posted 28 January 2012 - 12:11 PM

Sounds like you had a Full Agenda in BKK,
Wish I was still that young to handle that many in such a short time.
As already adressed above, don't worry about the stunts they pull, Most guys have been had also, and you did right not to stick with the same LB. Otherwise you may have been ran through Somebody Die, Buffalo sick, tractor broken or all the possible "Heart Softening Stories" they know affect us.
The LB Training they go through is an Art to be recognized to a certain extent, Objective, MILK us, we are as mentionned in many threads "Walking Wallets" no more, and as we gain experience and spend more wisely, some of us are elevated to Cheap Charlies.
Anyway, I'm sure you'll be back, after having touched the "Honey"
I mostly fly solo when in LOS, but I must say that sometimes it becomes boring as I usually stay for a few weeks.
All the best, and I know your winter isworst than ours in Eastern Canada this year
So many LB So Little Time

#18 boss45

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Posted 28 January 2012 - 01:38 PM

"One girl demanded 5000 baht to undo the hurt he caused. Just another scam but when they know where you are staying & they are friendly with the police who will arrest any farang for breaking Thai law (porno pics are illegal in Thailand), is it worth calling their bluff?"

Porn is illegal? Seriously? What would happen if they examine your camera at the airport and found pornographic pics?

#19 redeye

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Posted 28 January 2012 - 03:05 PM

Thanks JB, great report and great first time

Not sure at this point if I will get to do it again.

:lol: :lol: :lol: I wonder how many of us have said that. You sure will, having tasted the dark side you'll be back for sure, just make sure next time you do book for at least two weeks and have a ball

#20 aussieguy

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Posted 28 January 2012 - 03:33 PM

jaybee...great report and nice pics....and ye you'll be back again...bkk...."she has you now"....lol

#21 TTChang

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Posted 28 January 2012 - 03:59 PM

Well done jaybee! Thanks for posting this TR .... and with great pics too. I'm going to re-read it now, to imagine being there (as originally planned) - but you didnt need too much encouragement to 'get your feet wet' (or other parts).

Also a clear message for others: get over to LOS and get stuck in :D

#22 petesie

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Posted 28 January 2012 - 04:53 PM

Great first time report there JB laddie! :clapclap:

Treat them nice but smile and walk away when the going gets rough, don't worry about all the usual mistakes as it happens to the best of us just don't take anymore cash than you're prepared to lose!

It's a shame you didn't drag this one out a bit longer as good reports are hard to beat. 8)

As Paccers says; Patts is cheaper for the moment at least.
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#23 pacman

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Posted 28 January 2012 - 04:57 PM

Porn is illegal? Seriously? What would happen if they examine your camera at the airport and found pornographic pics?

If they ask to search your camera, laptop, mobile phone or ipod/ipad & find inappropriate pictures, you'll be charged with an offence. And the bar is set fairly low on what is considered illegal. Someone may be able to confirm what is allowable. I do know you never take pictures of children at the beach no matter how innocent it may be.

Of course they don't really want to prosecute you, they prefer if you can settle the matter there & then. Best you obey the law before it comes to that. IMO.

As to porn being illegal in Thailand, it is worth noting that prostitution is also illegal. Work that one out.

#24 petesie

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Posted 28 January 2012 - 05:07 PM

SD cards are relatively cheap so have a few; the touristy stuff in the camera and the other carefully tucked away.
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

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