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#1 Guest_jaybee11_*

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Posted 27 January 2012 - 09:35 PM

Well, here is the start of my first trip report. Nothing really exciting to report yet but one of the BM's said on another TR thread that these are a way to look back and relive the experience, so this first part at least, is more for my benefit.

Thursday Jan 19 - Got myself to the airport, checked in, waiting at the gate for departure. Announcement comes over PA saying we will be delayed due to a misbehaving coffee maker. Hopefully this isn't a bad sign...left Salt Lake City about 15 minutes late and we passengers were promised the time could be made up, which it was. We land at LAX, I find a rest room then realized I had no idea where Japan Airlines was for my connecting flight. I start to wander then find a Delta worker and ask. She tells me which terminal, points out the window and gives me directions. I head for the stairs, get outside and try to get my bearings. I pick a direction and start walking. Still have about a half hour before flight to Tokyo leaves. 5 minutes of walking and with relief I find that I chose the right direction and head inside. I locate the JAL counter from about 50 yards away. No queue, cool. The beautiful young Japanese gal behind the counter makes eye contact and before I can get a word out she asks, "are you Mr. B?" I say "yes, you are looking for me?" She says everyone has boarded and they wait for me. She quickly checks me in, escorts me to security, gets me to the front of the line. OK, cool, get seated, half hour later we take off.

Jump ahead 11 hours...land in Tokyo, raining moderately and cold, about 34 degrees F. Change planes, wait on tarmac, Captain informs us flights are delayed due to weather and we will take off when it is our turn. Finally, we take off about 45 minutes late. Jump ahead 7 hours...somehow our flight crew caught up and we arrive in Bangkok only 15 minutes late, about 11:15 PM. I think, "OK, I should still be able to get thru the airport, catch a cab to my hotel, shit shower & shave and make it to Nana by 12:30-1:00 AM." Get thru long immigration line, make a money change and find the baggage carousel. I'm watching bags go by for about 5 minutes, look up and see a cute Thai gal holding a sign with my name on it. Oh, this can't be good...no one here is expecting me, except the LB I contacted on Facebook, mentioned in the Newbie section. I debated ignoring the gal with the sign then realized it had my proper full name which I don't use on Facebook. Oh, this really can't be good! I approach her and tell I am Mr. B and she says she regrets to inform me that my bag has been delayed. So, somewhere in the transfers, I made it but my bag didn't. I am calm, I realize it is not her fault but inside I am screaming "SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!" Up till now I have been the luckiest traveler in the world, never had a bag lost, stolen or delayed so I have never packed a change of clothes in my carry-on. Well, it appears I tempted fate one too many times! Fill out paperwork, she says my bag should be delivered to my hotel by 4:00 PM the next day. I think "Well, no LB encounter for you tonight without fresh clothes to change into...but maybe I can still make it to Big Dogs for a beer." Make my way outside to the taxi queue and the 82 degree warmth feels nice after leaving a cold Utah winter but then the humidity hits me and I'm sweating like a pig in the clothes I have been wearing now for 24 hours. No way I'm going anywhere like this! So much for my first night plans in Bangkok! So my first order of business on my first full day in LOS is to get some breakfast, find a store and buy some clothes.

#2 Guest_jaybee11_*

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Posted 27 January 2012 - 10:08 PM

Saturday Jan 21 - "Woke up, fell outta bed, dragged a comb across my head..." Went downstairs and had breakfast at the cafe in the UNICO - fried eggs, rice, ham slices and melon.

Then out and south towards Sukhumvit. Just a little east on Sukhumvit, I saw a LB sitting on some steps. She noticed me smiling at her and said she had the time if I wanted. I nearly fell off the sidewalk gawking at her big tits nearly falling out of her top. She laughed and apologized for distracting me. A little ways down, a chubby older (when I say older, I mean not a young lady, probably early 30's but still younger than me) but nice looking GG asks "where you going?" I say "just walking". She offered to walk with me, which I declined. Got to the next corner and a motor bike taxi pulls up and a slim young girl, gets off and asks "where you going?" and says she wants to go with me to my hotel room. I again decline. Propositioned 3 times in half a block at 9 AM! I know you veterans think this would be a slow day but to a newbie like me, it put a smile on my face, was kinda cool and ego boosting. I am afraid I'm doomed when all the charms are thrown at me when I hit Nana tonight...

Bought some shorts and a silk shirt from a street vendor then headed towards Nana Plaza to scope out the place. Walked past Soi 4 on Sukhumvit and turned on Soi 2 thinking I could get to it from there. Dead end. On the way back found the side street that connects Soi 2 and Soi 4 which is actully the entrance to Rajah Car Park from Soi 2. On Soi 4 turned south and saw Guess Bar tucked back in the corner of the parking lot. Turned around and headed toward Sukhumvit and walked right past the entrance to NEP. Turned around again and entered the Plaza. I must say it looks bigger on the internet. Stayed on the street level and walked around. Had to look hard for Obsessions but found it. Of course being morning all the neon was turned off.

The humidity here is going to kill me! Just walking around I was soaked again. The front of my shirt looked like I just finished a 5 mile run and people were giving me strange looks. I grew up in Salt Lake City which is in a high mountain desert valley with low humidity levels. We bitch about the humidlty if gets up to 40% or higher which is rare.

Received the call about 5:00 PM from the airport saying my bag had arrived. Will be delivered around 8:00 PM. Looks like things are getting better!
Bag arrived, shaved and showered. Made my way to Nana Plaza. OK, it looks bigger at night with the lights and full of people. Walked in and up to the bar at Pharoah's. Very cute little (and I mean little...about 4 foot tall) Aey seats me and I order a Singha. Aey sees I am sweating (mainly from humidity but also nervous excitement) so she gets me a cold damp towel from behind the bar. I buy her a drink and we chat a little.

On my second Singha, Aey says she needs to go to toilet in Voodoo Bar and asks if I want to go. "Very beautiful ladyboy dancers there". I had not mentioned to her that I was there for LB's but I guess somehow she knew or guessed. So I follow her to Voodoo and there was two very beautiful dancers on stage. When Aey returns from toilet and we leave I say "no way they are ladyboys!" and she says yes but they have been cut. Finish off my second Singha and it's time to head upstairs.

First I stroll past Temptations. I just get a quick peek inside when someone goes thru the curtain. Could see several LB's inside. My heart is pounding. Continue on around towards Casanova. A LB (I think Apple) outside tries to coax me in but I smile and keep going. Go to 3rd floor and stroll past Cascades. Not much going on outside there so I head back down to second floor towards Temptations again. This time I stop and a LB inside pulls me in and seats me next to Pim. I see now why other BM's don't care for Temptations much. Very strange layout but it is a small room. I order a beer and Pim starts rubbing my leg then my crotch then kissing me. My first LB french kiss! There were several dancers onstage but only a couple that appealed to me. Of course Pim starts in with she can show me good time, only 600 baht barfine and couldn'i quite catch what her fee would be. I thank her and tell her I am just checking the bars out and maybe later. She says "OK sure" and continues rubbing my crotch and licking my ear. I finish my beer and leave. OK, that wasn't too bad for my first time. I'm feeling good and the beer is kicking in giving more courage. I head to Casanova thinking I can handle anything now. This time Apple is working on coaxing another guy in so I peek thru the curtain and this time 3 LB's say "come in!" and grab my arms, pulling me in and seating me. Emily sits on my right and immediately starts rubbing my crotch, Nancy (NOT the Nancy the link points to) on the left flashing her tits and 3 or 4 more LB's standing in front of me, all wanting me to pick them! And the girls onstage are giving me the eye, pointing at me, vying for my attention. Very overwhelming! I start asking each one their names and notice another pretty girl standing at the bar, also giving me the eye. She looks familiar...I barely recognized her as Fiona, whom I had contacted on Facebook.She has lightened her hair color and styled it a bit different. I pointed to her and asked Nancy what her name was. "That is Fiona". I say "this is too much" and Nancy says "you choose and the other girls will leave" so I motion Fiona over. The other girls leave except Nancy who asks if I will buy her a drink. I say OK and she stays for awhile but leaves after she sees that I am giving all my attention to Fiona. We start chatting and Fiona says "I think I know you, from Face-a boook".

#3 Guest_jaybee11_*

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Posted 27 January 2012 - 11:04 PM

Saturday cont. - Fiona takes her turn dancing with 3 other girls and she seems to have a special connection with one girl. After her second turn dancing both girls come to the table and Fiona introduces Sophia as her best friend and asks if she can join us. Of course I say OK. Fiona's English is very broken and Sophia's is a little better and I am trying real hard to understand what they are saying but they both try real hard to communicate. I am enjoying their company a lot. After a bit more chatting and fondling, Fiona asks if I want her to go to my hotel room. I say OK. Then she asks if I want Sophia too. I say "I have to think about it". A bit more talking and fondling, I agree to pay barfine for both girls. OMG! My first LB encounter is going to be a 3-some! After paying barfine, it's time to pay check bin. I am 500 baht short! Shit, I am so embarrassed! Sophia says "no problem, I pay then you pay me when get to loom".

We take the 10 minute walk to UNICO hotel, since I have no money for taxi. I have read some of the BM's talk about the "walk of shame" and I suspect my first WOS is longer than most. There were lots of stares, mostly for Fiona and Sophia, but I didn't care. I suspect most were envious stares because I was with 2 beautiful young LB's. I felt kinda bad for the girls but I guess they are used to the stares. We get to the UNICO hotel and the front desk says I only pay for me and I will need to pay 400 baht for each guest. I agree and sign receipt. So I guess it depends on who is on duty at the front desk whether you get charged the joiner's fee here. My room is OK but very small and now knowing a joiner's fee is charged, I will not stay here again. Power and AC in the room are only on when the room key card is in a slot in the wall so the room is always hot if you are gone for a while, which I don't like either.

We get in the room and I am sweating again and they ask why. I tell them I am very nervous as this is my first time with a LB and 2 at the same time! And I'm hot from the walk. They both say "no problem, we go slow, just relax and be happy". After a shower, I start some foreplay with Fiona while Sophia showers. Then Sophia joins us, Fiona goes for a shower then joins Sophia and I. Well, it turns out I don't have a problem at all touching, stroking and even sucking another cock if it is attached to a beautiful ladyboy! We have 2 hours of fun and I am very happy with the way things went.

Sorry about the rotund guy in the background...

Time for the girls to leave and get paid. I open safe and ask how much for each. I had asked Fiona in the bar how much she would charge to go to my room and she rambled on in broken English and I didn't catch very much of it with a Singha buzz and sexually stimulated state of mind. The price is higher than I expected but it is too late now to argue. (I'm embarrassed to say...please don't ask cuz I ain't saying). One of many newbie mistakes...make sure a price is agreed upon...but I am happy and it is only money. I get my wad of baht out and, son of a bitch, I am short again! But I had some US dollars I had not converted yet so I paid the girls in dollars including 500 baht to Sophia for covering me in the bar. As we are dressing Fiona says she is not working tomorrow and asks if I want to do something, go to dinner or do something. I say maybe and Sophia suggests Tiffany Cabaret show. Sophia used to work there and said she could get us good seats and meet the performers. Sounds like it could fun so I agree to go with the 2 of them for dinner and show the next day. I tell Fiona I will call her about noon and we will make plans to meet.

The next day I am having second thoughts about going with the girls as I was surprised and disappointed that the night's activities had taken a huge chunk of my funds and it was only the first night! I decide that I will call Fiona and cancel our plans, tell her I want to butterfly and see other ladyboys. I call and tell her and she is surprised and disappointed. She says it is OK I want to see other LB's "but why you cut me off?". I try to tell her that I am only here for a few more days and I want to experience more than her and Sophia. Again she says OK but asks "why you not want to see me anymore? what is reason?". I try to tell her that the only reason is because I want to experience as much as I can in the few days I have left. I tell her I enjoyed last night and I like her a lot, it is not because of her or Sophia. We go around and around in circles and I couldn't see an end to the conversation because she wanted more of an explanation and I didn't have any more to say. So I say, OK let's go to dinner and show as planned. She says "I think just you and me, not Sophia too but since she work at Tiffany we won't go show". I agree and we decide to go to dinner and maybe to her bar for drinks after dinner.

#4 Guest_jaybee11_*

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Posted 27 January 2012 - 11:12 PM

Sunday Jan 22 - The next day I am having second thoughts about going with the girls as I was surprised and disappointed that the night's activities had taken a huge chunk of my funds and it was only the first night! I decide that I will call Fiona and cancel our plans, tell her I want to butterfly and see other ladyboys. I call and tell her and she is surprised and disappointed. She says it is OK I want to see other LB's "but why you cut me?". I try to tell her that I am only here for a few more days and I want to experience more than her and Sophia. Again she says OK but asks "why you not want to see me anymore? what is reason?". I try to tell her that the only reason is because I want to experience as much as I can in the few days I have left. I tell her I enjoyed last like and I like her alot, it is not because of her or Sophia. We go around and around in circles and I couldn't see an end to the conversation because she wanted more of an explanation and I didn't have any more to say. So I say, OK let's go to dinner and show as planned but that this is the last time we will be together. She says "I think just you and me, not Sophia too but since she work at Tiffany we won't go show". I agree and we decide to go to dinner and maybe to her bar for drinks after dinner.

Sunday Night - Fiona shows up at the hotel and we get a taxi to the restaurant she picked out. Seafood...I'm not crazy about seafood but I don't let her know that, I need to be more adventurous and try more new things anyway. It's a nice place with an open area outside which we have to ourselves. I let her order. Oysters, mussles, prawns and of course rice. Never had any of it before and I tell Fiona that I don't eat much seafood so she instructs me how to eat oysters (not bad with the garnishes) but I only have one and let her have the rest; she peels the shells from the prawns and shows me how to eat the mussles. Actually a good meal and we had a nice time.

About half way thru, I bring up the posts we exchanged on Facebook, in partcular her statement that "I want take care u" and I asked her if she thought I was looking for a GF in BKK. She says in her broken english that I will paraphrase the way I understood it, "I think of me going to strange land alone and would want someone to show me around, where to eat, things to see, take care of me." OK, I see now. Not what I wanted but I can see how she would think so. Then I asked her how much our time together tonight was going to cost me. She says "why you want talk money now?" I tell her "I think I paid alot of money for you and Sophia last night and I need to know". Again I am going to paraphrase her response, "U not pay alot. I give you all; body, heart, mind. We talk and get close, know each other. Not like ST in Nana where suck suck fuck fuck thank you good bye (in other words: wham bam thank you ma'am). More personal." OK, again, not what I wanted...if I wanted that I could have stayed home and I never did get an answer from her how much her time was costing me. She said now that I want to be butterfly and this is the final time we see each other, she tells me I cannot go in her bar (Casanova) and barfine another girl. "Very important...other girls talk talk talk, not good for me". Then she says I cannot walk past her bar with another ladyboy either because the other girls will see. I tell her I understand "losing face" which she didn't seem to know what I meant but I said "yes, I understand what you mean". When we finished, she did give a very nice "thank you", saying in her work she doesn't get to take many days off or go out much, and it was a special night for her. She asks "where you want go now?". I say I thought you wanted to go to Casanova for drinks. She says, "my make-up different, not perfect for bar". She seems to be very self-concious about her looks and what her co-workers think of her. She asks if we can go to my room. I say OK. We watch a little TV and chat a bit then she asks "you want to suck my cock, make love?". I should have said no but my penis had control, not my head. So we have some fun. After we finish, she says she has to go to bar and pay barfine for tonight. I get money and offer her more than I wanted to but less than the night before. She takes it, gives me a pouty frown and asks why less than before? I tell her that I am not rich, only have so much money with me and it's only the second night of my holiday. She again goes into the "I give you all..." I can see I'm not going to win this so I reluctantly gave her more. I just want to be done with this one. She does tell me that I am her angel because she had not had any customers for a long time and needed the money for basic needs for her and her sister. That was nice to hear but again, I didn't come to LOS to rescue poor LB's from poverty. We hug, I kiss her on the cheek and she leaves. Looks like I will have to cut out my planned trip to Pattaya. Oh well, there is still Obsessions, Cascade and maybe Guess bar left for me to expore. Chalk it up to a lesson learned. I don't want to give Fiona a bad rap here...she is very sweet and I did enjoy her company. I think she has a killer body but I am just disappointed that a substantial amount of my funds were gone in just 2 nights!

#5 Pad Thai Boy

Pad Thai Boy
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Posted 28 January 2012 - 01:00 AM

Nice story Jaybee.......
Respect your honesty, we have all been there and have to start somewhere.
Put it down to experince, learn and move on.

The main thing is you enjoyed yourself..... :clapclap:

#6 dixon cox

dixon cox

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Posted 28 January 2012 - 01:20 AM

Excellent reportage from your first visit jaybee11, keep it coming 8)

Do not be worrying about a few over-payments, anyone who says they've never done that during their early encounters is fibbing. It's all part of the learning curve and we've all been there.

Looking forward to further updates Dude, I really enjoy the first-timer reports and yours is great!

Meum cerebrum nocet

#7 soulboy

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Posted 28 January 2012 - 01:29 AM

Great maiden voyage Jaybee11 .

You have finally earned your brown wings well done :clapclap:
Where your friend you ?

#8 stonefre

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Posted 28 January 2012 - 02:28 AM

Great reporting. I love the first time trip reports. It brings back memories of the butterflies I had on my first trip. :D

#9 samcro

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Posted 28 January 2012 - 02:36 AM

Excellent stuff Jay... Like Stonefre said brings back memories on the emotions that surge through your body when you first, not only enter Nana but your first LB bar with intent......

Nice pics and report i love it and two at once nice work, i guess no sense in dying wondering..... Keep it up (pardon the pun) and i, like many are looking forward to more.....

Live to ride, ride to live.

#10 Guest_jaybee11_*

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Posted 28 January 2012 - 05:00 AM

Monday night Jan 23 - I decide to go to NEP a bit earlier and find a stool near the railing at Big Dog's then I move to one at the railing after someone leaves. As mentioned by a few other BM's it is a great experience, watching the comings and goings of the talent and lookers on. Also a great vantage point to check out the freelancers on the street, many are very tempting. After a couple beers, I decide to have a walk around. I take the escalator up to the 2nd floor, past Temptations...some different LB's sitting outside than were there Saturday night, tall very slender Amazon types. Take the back stairs up and past Cascade...a few LB's hanging out outside. I walk down to Carnival, turn around and go back. A cute blonde LB approaches and says she is Angie, has a big cock and wants go in the loom next to Cascade, only 300 baht for loom. We chat a little and I tell her I need to go meet a friend. She frowns, does the rubbing cheeks boo hoo thing and I go around and down the stairs. I get almost down to ground level and Fiona turns the corner and heads upstairs. We make eye contact and she asks "where you going?" "just walking around", "you go my bar?" "no", "you want me?" "no". She frowns and heads upstairs. I head towards Obsessions.

My eyes could not believe the tasty treats on that small carousel stage! Wow! 6 or 7 of the prettiest girls, GG or LB I have ever seen! And of course, LB's all. I knew immediately I was going to like this place. I was seated on the bottom level and there wasn't any of the pressure I had experienced at Temptations and Casanova. The girl that seated me wanted to sit with me and I politely said no, I wanted to look around first and she smiled and left. I had recognized her from the internet but I don't remember her name. There was a very cute, fresh faced brown haired girl standing off the carousel so she wouldn't go round and was just smiling her pretty smile at one guy to my right. I looked around the place and it was a pretty slow night...a few Japanese men towards the back on the upper levels and a couple guys scattered around and in groups. The girl onstage then turned her smile my way...she wasn't wearing the heavy slutty makeup a lot of LB's wear. She had a natural beauty that didn't require it. I've always been a sucker for the sweet innocent school girl charm she was throwing my way and before long I motioned for her to join me. She said her name was Dao, 23 years old and she spoke and understood English very well. What a relief, as I was worn out after trying to explain most everything I said to Fiona. She was very sweet and charming, not pushy and I started asking her about prices, what she likes sexually etc. I ask if she has a big cock and she says medium size but that she gets very hard and she loves to cum. I agree to barfine her and when she leaves to change, she gets some cheers, claps and a high 5 from some of the other girls in the bar. Apparently, she's well liked by the other girls and they are happy she got barfined. Another LB comes and sits with me and introduces herself as Gina, Dao's best friend and asks if I want both. Apparently, it's not difficult at all to arrange a 3-some, since 2 have literally fell in my lap my first 2 barfine attempts! But no, I say only Dao and thank her. She asks if I will buy her a drink and I do. She smiles and when Dao returns she tells me to treat her good, that she is a sweet girl and her best friend, then asks again if I want both; again I decline.

We go upstairs to the 3rd floor and to a small ST hotel in the corner near the Carousel bar (if I remember right). We go in the room and I'm impressed! It's bigger and nicer than my hotel room! Dao is medium height, maybe 5'7" and has a very well proportioned body, not super slender but a very nice shape and very nice sized and shaped tits. Mmmmm, I'm going to enjoy this! And I do! It was very important to her that I enjoyed myself and she did all I asked...not that I asked her to do anything weird but she agreed to all I did ask. She wasn't lying about her "power" either; she got very hard and had a nice big cumshot. She came first and she wouldn't relent until I did too! What a sweetheart!

As we were getting dressed, I asked her, "so since I have barfined you, I can't come to Obsessions another time and barfine a different girl, right?" She laughs and says I am free to barfine who ever I want and says "if you ask me I can tell you which ladyboy is good and which are bad". Again, what a relief! So, this "lose face" concept isn't universal. I guess it depends on the girl and her self-confidence level. Well, Dao is definitely the highlight of my trip so far! We go back to Obsessions and I buy us drinks then realized, you dumb ass! you didn't take any photos! So, unfortunately I don't have any nude pics of her. I ask if can take a few in the bar and she says yes but prohibited to take any of the girls dancing.


Dao and Gina

Dao, Gina and a third LB who jumped in

Me and Dao

We finish our drinks and I tell her I must go. It's a bit after 1 AM.

As I leave NEP, for some reason, instead of turning right and heading towards the hotel, I turn left. Walk about 3 meters, sidewalk is blocked by a cart and pedestrians so I step off the curb, into the street and face to face with a very hot freelancer, who had caught my eye earlier when I was in Big Dogs. She asks the standard, "where you going?" and I say "I really don't know", I try to turn back to the sidewalk and she grabs my arm. "I show you good time". First I ask her if she is ladyboy and she says "I am lady". I tell her I just had a good time and had no money left. She says "how much you have?". I look her up and down and say "not enough". As I said, she was very hot, IMO. She says "you have 100 baht?" I had maybe 60 baht left in my pocket and I said "no". She says, to my surprise, "I do for free". I say "no way! how can you do it for free?". She says "I like to do. Come on." She grabs my hand and briskly walks down the street, pulling me behind her, past the motorbikes parked at the curb then up on to the sidewalk. She stops, lets go of my hand and briskly walks back to where I found her. Once I realized what had just happened, I couldn't stop laughing! Like a good Boy Scout, she helped a poor, bewildered old man "cross the street". Well, I had to go back and thank her for making me laugh! As I was doing so, her LB friend grabs my hips from behind and starts dry humping me then she gets in front and makes a sandwich out of me, dry humping me from the front! Again, I couldn't stop laughing! I thanked them both and made my way to the hotel, a huge smile on my face the whole way! This has been the best day of my trip! ...unfortunately only one more day and night left.

#11 onetruesaxon

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Posted 28 January 2012 - 07:01 AM

Just got round to this TR and it was an excellent read from start to finish :clapclap: :clapclap:

#12 31state

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Posted 28 January 2012 - 08:40 AM

Nice repoting and enjoyed the bonus pic's. Keep em coming.

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