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#37 donnykey

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Posted 31 January 2012 - 02:19 PM

Well done JB and welcome to the "happy club".

Cheers DK
Oh so happy when in LOS

#38 kendal1972

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Posted 31 January 2012 - 04:00 PM

Thanks again everybody. I'm very happy you all seem to have enjoyed my TR. :notworthy: I pretty much put down my thoughts in my downtime the day after the events and was intending to do some heavy editing before posting here, thinking there wouldn't be much interest. I'm glad I decided to post it as I had initially put it down.

And thank you for your insightful comments and observations. I know they will be helpful on my next journey and hopefully to others as well.

I highly recommend taking the plunge to the lurkers out there that are thinking they'd like to give it go...it is definitely an experience you won't forget! But be forewarned...one trip won't be enough! I'm already checking out flight prices and will hopefully be back later this year or early next year.

know what you mean man, i was on the internet the day after getting back from my first trip booking up for another :D and i'm now almost booked up for a 3 week stint in sept/oct just the flights to get 8)

#39 TTChang

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Posted 31 January 2012 - 06:28 PM

But be forewarned...one trip won't be enough! I'm already checking out flight prices and will hopefully be back later this year or early next year.

Another guy addicted! About 6 years ago, two nights before ending a LOS holiday, I ventured into Nana Plaza. I then crept into Temptations ... 'never try ... never know!' Didnt want to sit around in later years, thinking 'I wonder what it's like' Discovered it's very enjoyable, and addictive! :D

(TTChang ... of the 'No turning back group')

#40 Crackerjax

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Posted 31 January 2012 - 06:40 PM

Glad to see you made your trip Jaybee! And a very nice report - it does bring back memories. :D

Welcome to the Club! Next time make sure you meet up with TT for the secret handshake. :rock:

#41 kliome

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Posted 31 January 2012 - 07:02 PM

I haven't been following the forum very closely over the last few months.

A pleasant surprise to see you really did take on the adventure Jaybee, although this is only just the beginning..

Thanks for sharing your story so far.

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#42 Guest_jaybee11_*

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Posted 31 January 2012 - 11:19 PM

Surin Nix wrote:

You are the best kind of forum member. As a (former) Newbie, you knew what you didn't know, sought advice here, expressed your excitement at the possiblities. I enjoyed your earliest posts and wondered if you would actually fulfill your desire to go to LOS. You did, of course.

You did it man! A great adventure, and a great report! I've enjoyed this very much, and could relate to so much of what you wrote.....the sense of excitement watching the parade at Big Dogs, the beating of the heart as you peered in through the velvet curtains, the sexual adventuring.....discovering things about yourself, and realizing that many of us reading your words have experienced precisely the same surreal novelty of being with LB's for the first time.

Thank you for taking the time to write such a great report, it was more interesting, because of its honesty, than you probably realize. I think it is a must-read for first-time visitors to LOS.

Thanks for taking the time to write such kind words, Mr. Nix. :notworthy:

Pat Tire wrote:

Brilliant reporting Jaybee, I truly believe you told it exactly as it happened even though you knew many of us would be thinking what a idiot

A little bit sad that you were unable to meet up with any other forum members

Yup, I was hesitant to "bare my soul" here but it turns out it was probably the best thing to do, especially if it helps other first-timers. And yes, I hope to meet some of the long time BM's on my next go round. I hope to do 2-3 weeks and do Patts and Phuket, only plan to do 1 or 2 nights in BKK. Time and finances will tell...

#43 hyflex

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Posted 01 February 2012 - 04:08 AM

damn good read. i must admit i am more of a lurker and try to post only when i think i have valuable input. i made alot of the same newbie blunders you decribed my first time. but the forum did help me to avoid a few. on my following trips i have started to have fun with the newbie aspect, what i mean by this is now that i know a little more i tell the girl its my first time here and play dumb just to see what kind of crap they try to pull. i use this to judge who i choose alot now, if they try to pull a scam i just come up with a reason to politely decline and move on. if they are honest and dont try to fleece me i usally barfine them then. i will be making another trip the end of this month and definatly do a trip report to try to give back to the community here that i have received so much from. again damn good read and hope our paths cross some day in los

#44 Guest_jaybee11_*

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Posted 01 February 2012 - 04:56 AM

on my following trips i have started to have fun with the newbie aspect, what i mean by this is now that i know a little more i tell the girl its my first time here and play dumb just to see what kind of crap they try to pull.

Nice! Good idea, I may use that myself in the future. Seems like a good honesty guage.

#45 hyflex

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Posted 01 February 2012 - 05:08 AM

it does guage honesty but if they are trying to pull scams i never call them on it because it will probably cause trouble. so i just find some nice and reasonable excuse to decline. what pacc was saying about fiona was right though there is no you can only take one girl and not visit bar again for another rule. its just her trying to corner you into only taking her. they are a crafty lot, but alot of fun too. and as far as your next trip, trust me with each one it gets better

#46 Guest_jaybee11_*

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Posted 01 February 2012 - 07:32 AM

and as far as your next trip, trust me with each one it gets better

:rock: :clapclap: :rock: :D

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