Cheers Azza, I'll get around to finishing it when time allows. Busy back here in Los now, hard to catch my breath sometimes.I Dont wanna sound like a broken record but thanks again Dave for the report. I love coming back to this thread. Just makes me and probably every other reader wanna be a part of the action. Of course i was fortunate enough to be able to tag along for a bit.
I used to wrtie a few reports back in the heady days of TLF and i know the time and effort it take - So thanks again and keep on posting
The thing is.....,you had to be there.
Posted 19 February 2012 - 07:39 PM
Posted 19 February 2012 - 10:44 PM
Of course there are guys .... like Donnykey who is happy for people to share his love of being with LBs. Probably sleeps with a smile on his face too!
Always enjoy yr contributions - great stuff!
Posted 20 February 2012 - 04:34 AM
Thanks TT, gotta keep it discreet for sure.Always good to see your photographic work, BB, and yr attention to blurring (I just gave a positive plug on another thread). In fact I'm waiting for a photo posted that is a complete blur (s6 is nearly there!!)
Of course there are guys .... like Donnykey who is happy for people to share his love of being with LBs. Probably sleeps with a smile on his face too!
Always enjoy yr contributions - great stuff!
Posted 21 February 2012 - 10:28 AM
Posted 21 February 2012 - 02:16 PM
on the previous page the girl with dark hair n brown skin and dark eyes and about 5 ft ..... aw fuck it the girl with her finger over your lip as she flicks of the camera seems to have a lip gift on her upper right lippage. i guess just kiss the left side
Oh shock horror !!!!
A small blind pimple it big deal.
Posted 14 March 2012 - 05:18 AM
(Ninewives and I went to Bkk on the Sunday and arrived back in Patts today, I’ll cover the trip to Bkk separately at the end when I have time)
We take the minivan from Victory Monument to Patts for 97 Bht, arrive back home at 1.50 pm. The van conveniently drops us off at Friendship supermarket, a shot stroll to both our places. We just leave our bags in our accommodation and head to Chow Soy for brunch.
Jimslim and Badpress, who it turns out have been fairly ill in our absence, call and join us there in a short while along with Donnykey. After the meal, NWs heads home to crash, while the remainder of us head over to Soi 8 for some refreshments in the Sailor bar. A couple of shakes are had and then DK heads off for some rendezvous.
The three of us decide to make our way back towards Sunee where the two guys are staying, with Jimslim changing some traveler’s cheques along the way on WS. As we approach Soi 16 on WS, we spot a Russian chick in a quite revealing red bikini, heading towards the Arab area. The look of the faces of the guys smoking the shiskas as she struts by is something to witness, not an everyday sight in downtown Tehran I guess.
Attached Files
Posted 14 March 2012 - 05:28 AM
After a few hours hours there, it is on to the PBG and finally Linda’s. A an eventful day ends.
Attached Files
Posted 14 March 2012 - 04:17 PM
I have no objection to the young lady wearing the red bikini. She looks fine IMO but honestly, those girls from the former Soviet Union states plus most eastern European countries have no idea as to what constitutes acceptable dress standards in Asian countries. Or just about anywhere else outside their own part of the world.As we approach Soi 16 on WS, we spot a Russian chick in a quite revealing red bikini, heading towards the Arab area. The look of the faces of the guys smoking the shiskas as she struts by is something to witness, not an everyday sight in downtown Tehran I guess.
Back in Tehran, the morality police would beat a woman who ventured outdoors without covering her head. (Hence one of the reasons why we holiday in LOS rather than Iran.) Who knows what those religious zealots would make of a girl parading around showing off her arse in public. I guess their head would explode.
A new movie from Iran called Circumstance has a scene in which "a taxi driver forces a girl to expose her feet so he can masturbate to this rare bit of exposed flesh". The reviewer makes the point "that sexual repression can lead to all kinds of crazy, dangerous behaviour".
There in a nutshell is the reason why so many Iranian men think it is OK to harass the local Thai women when they arrive on a holiday. That they cannot distinguish between bar girls & local ladies going about their business is disgraceful & results in many Iranians receiving a beating from the locals.
When the Iranian ambassador made an official complaint about the number of Iranians needing hospitalisation, the Thai authorities told him to tell his countrymen to behave & the attacks would stop. It is never wise to defend the indefensible.
Posted 15 March 2012 - 05:21 AM
Report is great. The Russians really put the brit birds to shame
Posted 15 March 2012 - 07:16 AM
Posted 15 March 2012 - 04:43 PM
Posted 16 March 2012 - 04:26 AM
As they say in Ireland...that's a fine arse.
Nice hole on yer one all right. i would certainly roast the shite outa her
Sorry Paccers
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