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FM’s Observations: Pattaya Edition

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#97 fogmaster

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Posted 09 June 2011 - 02:45 AM

Stag’s Head Guest House/Soi LK Metro

After staying at Siam Flop House for 5 days, in a room with essentially no windows, I needed a change. I contacted Som Tom and he suggested I look into Soi LK Metro. After first looking into Liquid Lounge, which was about to start renovations, so they were not booking rooms, I went next door to the Stag’s Head Guest House. This place was perfect for me; 2 balconies over looking the scene and people watching on LK, private side door entrance with a discreet pathway behind the building for worry free butterflying, king size bed, flat screen TV and an excellent staff. The downside is it is noisy in the front balcony rooms until 2 am, so if you are a early or light sleeper get a room in the back. This was not a problem for me, in fact I liked it because I could crank the music in my room until 2 am when LT’ing with Nat or Bow!!!

Oh yeah, ladyboy friendly!

And.. only 3 minutes from Pooks Swan, which would be good if they didn’t have that damned pre-pay policy.

View from the balcony

I loved my balcony on LK Metro, because I could sit up there with a cocktail, people watch and just observe life on the LK:

- I swear if you didn’t know better you’d think that Thailand was occupied by the British if you never left LK Metro! I must say though, I haven’t had good fish and chips in years until I got here!

- Few things sexier to me than seeing bar girls arrive for work riding side saddle on a motor bike.

- Having a direct view watching the GoGo dancers dance at Club Blu all night made every night entertaining.

- I got to observe a lot of different routines, but the one I was most curious about was the Golf all day, drink all night, grab a Thai BG routine. Pattaya never hit me as a hardcore Golf destination before I got there, but I saw guys getting out of cars with more golf clubs than suitcases!

- Watching Nat use her ladyboy radar. She could spot em from 200 yards!

- Calling down to girls for a little after 2 am FL session.

- The magical food carts that actually got on my schedule, through use of their secret wormholes, to show up at specific points in my day to feed me.

- Watching 60+ year old farangs walking with their happy little 20 year old Thai GG or LB and realizing this kind of fun doesn’t have to end at 50!

#98 fogmaster

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Posted 09 June 2011 - 02:46 AM

Down on the street

- I admit I was apprehensive before coming to LOS about walking the streets with a LB. I got over it in about a second in BKK as I really enjoyed my “Wake of Fame” down Soi 4 with the LB of my choice. It fit in nicely with my thumb my nose attitude in life. So color me surprised at the shit I got on occasion strolling around Pattaya with Nat. Once from a couple of loud Australian dickheads and then from some old man giving Nat and I some disgusted look, basically an invitation to confrontation for a city boy like me. Nat grabbed my arm hard so I wouldn’t make a move, and told me to cool down, cause I really wanted to dress this old fuck down. My first personal brush with social intolerance, and I didn’t like it.

- Farang men on motor bikes: someone’s gonna get hurt!

- Farang women on motor bikes: someone’s gonna die!

- On Buddha Day, as Nat and I returned from a long day out, we walked by Pook Swan which the ONLY bar we had seen all day that was open. When we looked inside we saw one guy surrounded by 20 LBs at the pool table... pure heaven for who ever that guy was! Nat said she was surprised he wasn’t bent over the pool table with that many LBs around him!

- Had a great time taking Nat out for new foods she’d never eaten before. Took her to New Orleans Cafe in Boyztown where she loved the Gumbo and Calamari. Also took her to Zico’s a Brazilian Churrascaria on Beach Rd. She couldn’t quite understand why they kept bringing food or why someone would want to continue to eat so much all night.

#99 fogmaster

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Posted 09 June 2011 - 02:48 AM

Want ‘em both GG or LB’s

In recognition of the best user name on the (other) board, I will take a quick detour to the Lightside (???) and throw out some quick thoughts on my run ins with GGs in Pattaya:

- One of the best parts of staying on LK Metro was the top of the morning trips to Lolita’s to clean out the pipes. Made up for the server lack of good coffee in Pattaya. Gotta thank Deepthroat for his ringing endorsement.

- If I didn’t partake in Lolita’s for breakfast, sometimes I go a block over to Soi Honey for a 1000 baht welcome massage/full service lunch. I met a real cutie at Jasmine Massage named Nong who was sexy and fun. Look her up boys, she’s young, sweet and eager to please!

- Soi LK Metro is a great GoGo/Beer Bar alternative to Walking Street. Not only are not dodging the fat libido killing sweaty farang tourist girls on the street, but there is a much better quality to price ratio. LT for GoGo girls at Champagne, Office and Oasis never exceeded 2000 baht.

- As mentioned earlier, I saw many of the GoGo girls walking past my place after work and all were more than happy to run up to my room for a bit of fun after not being BF’d!

- As for performance, I thought the Soi 6 girls were the best for me. With GG’s I like high passion, ST sex, and the Soi 6 girls were the top performers for me. But...

- Ladyboys, in my limited experience, out perform GGs 80% of the time in Thailand. Of course I will need another few months of research in LOS for me to say this definitively.

#100 fogmaster

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Posted 09 June 2011 - 02:49 AM

The Bars

So What Bar was really my favorite bar in Pattaya. Not just because Nat was there, but because of the chill private nature of the place, great staff and honest drink prices. Every time I added up my bin it was dead on with what they charged me. There is a lot of eye candy in there and the girls are all very cool especially when they saw how great Nat and I were getting on. The owner and his girlfriend were cool too. I was lucky enough to be there for Give’s Pink Party which was a great time with lots of food and drink. Nat paraded me around to meet all the LBs from So What and Lucky Love, and we kept buying drinks for any LB that smiled at us. The party was the toast of Soi 6 that night!

On my last night in Pattaya I was given a big orange blow up condom weeble as my going away gift, so I won’t forget them! I had everyone sign it (only 1 LB held out initially, but gave into the massive LB pressure) and rang the bell for my only time in LOS.

In addition to Nat, it was great meeting, drinking and laughing with Oh, Kob, Sii, Aew, Cream and Oa & Emmy who often wandered over from Spider Girl. No wonder I rarely got past this bar on my Soi 6/1 strolls!

La Bamba, while not having anywhere near the numbers of girls, is also a great place to chill and relax your way into the evening. It would be impossible for me to say anything bad about a place with such a bright light like Cindy! I can understand why so many BMs choose this as a starting point for the evening.

As you’ve probably read, I have some issues right now with Stringfellows, but damn do they have a great hot and horny line-up of girls in there. They really need to take some better pictures of the girls there, because this is the poster bar for “the pictures don’t do them justice” comment. Nan, YoYo, Nat, First, I could go on and on at how great these girls look in person! Maybe I’ll soften up by the time I return, but if I do I will not be BFing Jen!

Horny Bar, as long as Ram is there, will always be a good to spend a few hours in the late afternoon/early evening. And if Ae is there, go upstairs with her and have her show why the place is named Horny!

Pooks Bar, would have been much higher on my list if they didn’t have that damn pre-pay system. I really liked drinking here as May is a good, and honest bartender. But with so much eye candy there, you’re going to want to go upstairs eventually (they do have some gems), but pre-paying in any bar in Thailand just seems wrong.

#101 fogmaster

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Posted 09 June 2011 - 02:49 AM

Brazil Travestis vs Thai Ladyboys

I was asked quite a bit about this while in LOS, mainly by LBs, the comparison of Brazil’s Travestis to Thai Ladyboys. I have a feeling I may get flamed here, but here goes.

First off in Brazil I am a GG Terma guy. Brazil has been going downhill as a mongering destination for years. The prices (and age of women) went up as the quality of the girls went down. While I enjoyed doing a ST with a travesti every so often I was mainly there for the girls, ie, I would never go to Brazil only for the travestis. I would, however, go to Thailand only for the ladyboys.

The ladyboys of Thailand have a sweetness and a femininity that can’t be found in Brazil. I don’t think you could find a Pai (Cascades), or a Yeh (Obsessions) or a Cindy (LaBamba) in terms of femininity in Brazil, no matter how hard you look, let alone the sweetness and caring these girls have in abundance. I’m not a bottom, so a girl having a huge cock, while curious, is not that important to me. I’d rather have a rock hard pocket rocket like Ae (Horny Bar) than a semi hard 9 incher flopping around half the session.

I love Rio, but now thats a part of my past. There is more to love for me in Thailand, and I’ve only just scratched the surface. I saw at least 30 ladyboys in Cascade alone that I’d want to do before ever considering going back to Brazil!

#102 fogmaster

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Posted 09 June 2011 - 02:50 AM

BKK Edition will be up soon!

#103 badpress

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Posted 09 June 2011 - 04:11 AM

Superb reporting there brother fogmaster, thanks for posting.
Interesting you mention about getting a little bit of hassle around the LKmetro area, some other BM's here have unfortunately experienced that also. Probably all jealous they dont have the balls to do exactly what you were doing.
Looking forward to the BKK installment.

#104 jayarr

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Posted 09 June 2011 - 04:34 AM

the ladyboy information network frightens me

#105 xyzzy

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Posted 09 June 2011 - 11:12 AM

Good read fogmaster, very detailed reporting.

I was considering staying at Siam Guest House in the future. Having stayed at Stag's Head once for a month if it is an upgrade over SGH I think I will pass.
xyzzy is the "magic word" from the first computer adventure game and isn't capitalized

#106 Rossco

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Posted 09 June 2011 - 02:06 PM

Terrific report - well constructed and written.

I now live in Pattaya but when I first visited I hated the place and wanted back to Bangkok. Pattaya grows on you. The entertainment is more distributed with a much larger choice.

#107 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 09 June 2011 - 02:57 PM

Wonderful report. I especially liked the perv facts for every girl.

Concerning Jen, I second your bad review. I took her to my hotel (Dynasty Inn) and the performance was bad.

Concerning Sindy, I second your review as well. She is just fabulous. Pure sex, nice, has a social conversation, and last but not least, she is an excellent kisser.

Looking forward to the BKK edition.

Nick Bullseye

#108 petesie

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Posted 09 June 2011 - 04:54 PM

Fantastic well written detailed and funny Trip report there Foggy!

:clapclap: :D

Many thanks for posting it on this forum for the benefit of the FM's over here... :rock:

FFS slow down...a bit each day is more preferable as we like to savour your moments in time...some fellas will just see too many words and may miss the value of how you constructed this excellent TR...so if your that fella...go back to the beginning and start again as it is indeed a worthwhile read...

Thanks again... :notworthy:
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

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