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FM’s Observations: Pattaya Edition

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#85 Surin Nix

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Posted 10 June 2011 - 02:49 AM

Brazil Travestis vs Thai Ladyboys

I was asked quite a bit about this while in LOS, mainly by LBs, the comparison of Brazil’s Travestis to Thai Ladyboys. I have a feeling I may get flamed here, but here goes.

First off in Brazil I am a GG Terma guy. Brazil has been going downhill as a mongering destination for years. The prices (and age of women) went up as the quality of the girls went down. While I enjoyed doing a ST with a travesti every so often I was mainly there for the girls, ie, I would never go to Brazil only for the travestis. I would, however, go to Thailand only for the ladyboys.

The ladyboys of Thailand have a sweetness and a femininity that can’t be found in Brazil. I don’t think you could find a Pai (Cascades), or a Yeh (Obsessions) or a Cindy (LaBamba) in terms of femininity in Brazil, no matter how hard you look, let alone the sweetness and caring these girls have in abundance. I’m not a bottom, so a girl having a huge cock, while curious, is not that important to me. I’d rather have a rock hard pocket rocket like Ae (Horny Bar) than a semi hard 9 incher flopping around half the session.

I love Rio, but now thats a part of my past. There is more to love for me in Thailand, and I’ve only just scratched the surface. I saw at least 30 ladyboys in Cascade alone that I’d want to do before ever considering going back to Brazil!

Excellent reporting fogmaster. Your writing style is engaging and highly articulate. I don't think I could enjoy this more if I were sitting on a barstool in LOS and hearing you tell this story over a few beers....Great stuff!

I share your view completely on Brazilian travestis. I've been with 3 now, and the experience has been a mixture of tense (dodgy neighborhoods in Sao Paulo), mercernary (the agreed-upon price has been run-up in the room), and the physical beauty is nowhere close to the beauty of the Thai ladyboys. I wrote about my recent experiences in Brazil on the "Outside Thailand" thread of this forum. In all, I share your sentiment completely, and cannot wait to return to LOS in a few short months!

Thanks for taking the time to write a fascinating report.


#86 fogmaster

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Posted 10 June 2011 - 10:02 PM

Got to say your TR is one of the best I've read.Very informative regarding the bars and the rundown on each LB you met was excellent,really handy when looking for a good experience with a LB who I have not met before.
Funnily enough,my worst LB experience was also with LB from Stringfellows who was on my to do list,and who turned out to be a total starfish.
It didn't put me off SF as there are some hot LBs there,and it's a great place to get intimate with a scantily clad LB.

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it!

Between BMs like DonnyKey and others, and the overwhelming "hotness" of some of the LBs at SF, I think I have been successfully talked off the ledge when it comes to SF. I can't help but think about how hot a threesome with a couple of young, enthusiastic kissing monsters like First and Nan would be. I'd also like to see YoYo work that lovely tool of hers again, in a more private setting!!!

#87 fogmaster

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Posted 10 June 2011 - 10:11 PM

Brazil Travestis vs Thai Ladyboys

I was asked quite a bit about this while in LOS, mainly by LBs, the comparison of Brazil’s Travestis to Thai Ladyboys. I have a feeling I may get flamed here, but here goes.

First off in Brazil I am a GG Terma guy. Brazil has been going downhill as a mongering destination for years. The prices (and age of women) went up as the quality of the girls went down. While I enjoyed doing a ST with a travesti every so often I was mainly there for the girls, ie, I would never go to Brazil only for the travestis. I would, however, go to Thailand only for the ladyboys.

The ladyboys of Thailand have a sweetness and a femininity that can’t be found in Brazil. I don’t think you could find a Pai (Cascades), or a Yeh (Obsessions) or a Cindy (LaBamba) in terms of femininity in Brazil, no matter how hard you look, let alone the sweetness and caring these girls have in abundance. I’m not a bottom, so a girl having a huge cock, while curious, is not that important to me. I’d rather have a rock hard pocket rocket like Ae (Horny Bar) than a semi hard 9 incher flopping around half the session.

I love Rio, but now thats a part of my past. There is more to love for me in Thailand, and I’ve only just scratched the surface. I saw at least 30 ladyboys in Cascade alone that I’d want to do before ever considering going back to Brazil!

Excellent reporting fogmaster. Your writing style is engaging and highly articulate. I don't think I could enjoy this more if I were sitting on a barstool in LOS and hearing you tell this story over a few beers....Great stuff!

I share your view completely on Brazilian travestis. I've been with 3 now, and the experience has been a mixture of tense (dodgy neighborhoods in Sao Paulo), mercernary (the agreed-upon price has been run-up in the room), and the physical beauty is nowhere close to the beauty of the Thai ladyboys. I wrote about my recent experiences in Brazil on the "Outside Thailand" thread of this forum. In all, I share your sentiment completely, and cannot wait to return to LOS in a few short months!

Thanks for taking the time to write a fascinating report.


As prepared as I thought I was, I was still shocked at the level of femininity and beauty of the LBs when I arrived in LOS. There was always something a bit masculine I needed to ignore with my travestis in Brazil, save 1 girl. With many LBs, it wasn't until they took off their panties!

But besides the femininity and beauty, it was their sweetness and total commitment to being a woman that made them so irresistible to me.

#88 onetruesaxon

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Posted 10 June 2011 - 10:37 PM

An excellent report of your time in Sin City :clapclap: :clapclap:

#89 soulboy

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Posted 11 June 2011 - 12:14 AM

Great report Fogmaster , very clearly written :clapclap:

#90 BigTel

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Posted 11 June 2011 - 04:42 PM

[quote name="fogmaster"]The Girls

Bow - Nong Bar

but be warned, she will try to ram that tool down your throat if she thinks your not trying hard enough! I’d think many BMs may never come up for air once they get started on that thing![/i][/color]

Have really enjoyed your Pattaya report Fogmaster, well written and I must say you perked up my interest considerably with your above description of Bow, just my cup of Tea :D

cheers :cheers:
I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure.

#91 fogmaster

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Posted 09 June 2011 - 02:29 AM

Posted my TR here in another forum, petesie suggested to post it here as well. Enjoy!

FM’s Observations: Pattaya Edition

Here are some of my observations from my 28 day newbie trek to Pattaya and BKK. I attempted to do a travelogue style report while on the ground, but quickly realized that I sucked at doing it, and it was VERY time consuming, keeping me away from my main focus: pure hedonism!

First, I wanted to thank the board in general, since studying many of the topics here made my first trip pain free and help keep my newb mistakes to a minimum. I also like to specifically thank bkkldby and Som Tom for the extensive knowledge they both gave me. bkkldby (MUCH more on him in the BKK Edition) was friendly and helpful the second I landed, and help guide me through BKK like I had been there all my life. Som Tom helped me out extensively and answered all my questions, no matter how stupid, even when I was on the ground in Pattaya. Thanks guys! I also wanted to thank Deepthroat for his excellent TRs. Since he is also a Yank Left-Coaster and BJ connoisseur, it was easy for me to relate to his reports and I was able to learn a lot of things to do and not do from his travelogues.

Second... UPDATE: figured out the photo situation, so photos have been added!

And third, since I know a lot of BMs don’t like reading all this stuff and just want to read about the sex, I will make it easy for you:

-The sex portion of each girls review will be highlighted in italic green

-For the true “cock size” pervs, I will highlight the cock size/cums/tops/bottoms in bold red

This way you can just skip ahead to the juicy bits and avoid all my scattered banter!

#92 fogmaster

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Posted 09 June 2011 - 02:30 AM

The Overwhelming Arrival in Pattaya

I have to admit, after spending my first few days in BKK, I hated Pattaya the first few hours I was there. There are many reasons for this initial over-reaction: I’m a city boy, so I felt immediately comfortable in BKK, I had a great structured LB routine in BKK, my room at the Siam Guest House could best be described as a windowless flop house room, an ill-advised long hot walk from central Pattaya to Soi 6 to familiarize myself with my surroundings, and the hordes of fat sweaty Russian tourist chicks coming at me from every angle like a nightmare level on a video game.

I got back to my flop house, and called bkkldby and told him I wanted to come home (to BKK). He laughed and basically told me to relax, regroup and go find a ladyboy. So I did just that. I made a simple plan to go back down to Soi 6 and hit Horny Bar who Backdoor Specialist accurately described as a good chill bar. Once I figured out which side of the street I had to be on to catch the Baht Bus, I traversed Soi 6 with confidence this time (as opposed to sweaty heat exhaustion) and landed myself in the comfort of Horny Bar. A few cocktails with Ram and Ae, and a hot yet blurry session with Ae and I was starting to settle in nicely.

It really took me about 5 days for me to get real comfortable in Pattaya, but once I got rolling, all of Pattaya was my comfort zone. It also helped that I met my 2 best LBs in Pattaya within those first 5 days!

#93 fogmaster

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Posted 09 June 2011 - 02:31 AM

Newbie Mistakes

Again, I can’t say enough about the depth of knowledge on this board for preparing for a first time trip and avoiding newb mistakes. No I wasn’t perfect, but the mistakes were kept to a minimum, and were for the most part minor. Here are some of the things that I let trip me up.

Ignoring my instincts and choosing a LB over others because she’s on my “To Do List”: One night I went to Stringfellows specifically to do Jen, because she was at the top of my “To Do List” for ages. This was my second attempt at this. The first time she wasn’t there, so I had a fun session with First, who is very cute and bubbly, but still kind of learning the ropes. After the session I saw Jen and told her I’d be back for her. When I did return, she hadn’t arrived yet, so I had drinks with YoYo and Nan. After a while I KNEW both or either of these girls would be fire crackers in the room, but kept telling myself to wait for Jen. YoYo, with her hard cock out of course, kept looking at me with those fuck me eyes and Nan kept passionately kissing me. Sadly I resisted, stuck to my “To Do List” and when Jen arrived, we went upstairs and I had the worst LB experience for my entire trip in LOS (yet still better than a few GGs I had). Lesson learned: Instincts over “To Do List”.

Conveniently ignoring how quickly the bin adds up: Early on in Pattaya I often lost sight of my objective, and spent too much time in beer bars, flattening SangSom and Cokes, then going home with some GG for some less than LB level sex. Reassessing the next day of how much I spent on my bin, I realized that I was spending at least the equivalent of a Soi 6 ST drinking with GGs I didn’t want to fuck. After a couple of times I readjusted my real drinking to strictly LB bars, which conveniently led to more sessions with LBs. So simple... what a surprise!

Not taking care of myself: Too often I treated my time in Pattaya like a sprint, and didn’t take care of myself like I normally do. I was ill more times in LOS than I was the entire last year in Rio. Point is, stick to your health routine in LOS, and don’t try to go 100 MPH for 28 days!

The cock-stroking/pick pocket combination platter: Yeah I know, oldest bar trick on Soi 6. In Spider Girl Bar, after my great first day session at Horny Bar, I let myself get flanked at Spider Girl by 2 LBs. Bought them drinks and while we were drinking, one of them has her hand up my shorts stoking my hard cock, while the other relieved my pocket of 700 baht. I know, live and learn...

#94 fogmaster

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Posted 09 June 2011 - 02:32 AM

Butterfly Guy to Go-To Girl Guy to Relationship Forum Guy?!?!?

My original intentions were to go through LOS 69Billy Viking style, butterflying my way through Pattaya and taking no mercy. That lasted maybe 3 days. What always seems to happen to me when mongering is I meet a few “Go-To Girls” and build a good sexual chemistry over a few nights. This is what happened to me with both Nat from So What and Bow from Nong Bar. I don’t really follow the “3 day rule”, when the sex is good with someone, I want more and will take all I can get. I would continue to butterfly STs around the clubs, but eventually I’d want one of these 2 for my LT, as the chemistry was smokin’.

Then one morning after a particularly fun “date” night out and sex with Nat, I woke up feeling something different. I was wondering if this is how “it” starts? Was I having true and genuine feelings for Nat?!?

Now as an aside, before I came to LOS, I never really read much of the Relationship Forum posts, but have enjoyed the posts of guys in relationships like Jason Bourne, Robi Slo and Cheyenne. I even mentioned it to bkkldby when I arrived that I couldn’t quite understand it, feelings and a relationship with a current or ex-P4P LB. So... here I was 2 weeks later, pouring over their posts trying to see how it “started” for them. (Thanks guys for putting your hearts on a sleeve for us here, helped me a lot).

While it was confirmed that it was starting for me, I kept a level head, somewhat, about the whole thing. I wasn’t about to take her out of the bar, because I’m a perv and I kinda like what she does for a living, and I didn’t have the means to support her, her family and her water buffalo. So I decided on my last week to get to know her better (only made me like her more) and, with the exception of a few GGs, Lolita's and a drunken bang at Pooks, spend my last 7 days in Pattaya only with her.

(Now that I’m home, we Skype every day. I’m returning Sept/Oct so we’ll all see where this goes soon enough)

Guess this is a good time to segue into....

#95 fogmaster

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Posted 09 June 2011 - 02:43 AM

The Girls

While I split my time between LBs/GGs about 70/30% I will only “review” the LBs. If you’ve read this far, instead skipping to the “cock/cum/top/bottom” portion of my post, I say thank you for your attention!

Nat - So What Bar

As you’ve read, you already know by now Nat (sometimes referred to as Nut) became quite special to me. Oddly, it didn’t start that way. On my second day in Pattaya, with my sea legs under me, I decided I was going to start my Viking style pillage of every LB I liked on Soi 6. I was going to start at So What and work my way down, flattening my sacred “To Do List”! I got off the Baht Bus, cock-sure and loaded for bare, heading down Soi 6/1; Ladyboy Alley!

Guess what? I never really got past So What.

As I approached So What, I saw Nat, perfect for me; big tits, big ass, big lips, big personality. I grabbed her by the hand and dragged here into the bar, much to her surprise at my aggressiveness. We had a drink, I told her I was a butterfly that was going to fuck other LBs in her bar and Soi 6. She said “fuck and forget, OK for me”. We agree to a ST upstairs and off we went for a good session. Since I liked the vibe of So What and wanted to scope out other targets, I asked Nat if she’d like to have a post session drink with me. What followed was perhaps the most fun I’ve had hanging out with anyone else in years. We hung out for 3 or 4 hours drinking, laughing, kissing. She told stories of customers, other ladyboys ( a great story of the 3 Oh’s!), growing up in Thailand. It was too much fun and we really hit it off.

My Soi 6 LB pillage quest had ended almost as quickly as it started.

A couple days later I came back, waited for her to finish rogering some customers ass, and took her for the first of several long times. These LTs turned into dates with movies, dinner, and great sex. Of course this lead to the aforementioned “feelings” and I was hooked. We spent all of Buddha Day together, going to the temple on the hill, Central Festival. After that, I lost most rational interest in butterflying around Pattaya. Even when I did drunkenly ST Tai at Pooks, she heard through the grapevine, and was cool about it, which shocked the hell out of me.

Leaving her in Pattaya when I went back to BKK was hard, but she kindly hopped on a bus and came to stay with me my last night in BKK before I hopped my plane. Can’t say enough how great this girl is.

Now as I said, the first time we got together for a ST was good. She has a very nice big firm cock that is fun to play with and she cums quite a bit with a little bit of work. I’m a top only, and she can take it good and hard, for a long time, but REALLY likes a slow sexy ride with lots of kissing and attention to her big tits! Sex got better and better with her as we spent more nights together, going way beyond GFE sex. One night we had a great mutual chuck wow session that had her cumming all over my cock, for added lube for me. Very hot!

Loves a nice long 69 (40 minutes was our lock jaw inducing record!). Great kisser with her big sexy mouth. She gets amazingly hard morning wood too. Loved waking up to stroking her, and she loved morning sex! I could probably fill a volume with all the details, but that could go on forever, so I hope you’re happy with these generalities!

Perv Facts:

Cock Size: Hangs Low, Stands High
Cums: Great Geysers
Tops: She says she's dug wells in fleshy white terrain
Bottoms: Slow Sexy Ride

Bow - Nong Bar

Remember my newb mistake of choosing a “To Do List” girl over my instincts? Well fortunately I didn’t make that mistake when I first went to Nong Bar. When I got there I saw many ex-Ezy girls there including Tata, who was on my List, but Bow really came after me. Now I didn’t recognize her to start because she is much taller than I thought she was. When I realized who she was I was curious and apprehensive because of this Topic here on the board:

(Topic from other board)

Reading this thread would lead you to believe that she is a crazy, obsessive, thieving, yaba head. So I knew I’d have to vet here well. So...

In defense of Bow: The girl I was with was sweet and looking for love. I asked her if she did drugs, and she claimed that she didn’t but that she had a rough time coming off hormones 6 or 7 months ago, so maybe this explains some other BMs thoughts on her erratic behavior. She really is still transitioning into being a woman, which is difficult enough for a girl to do, so you can imagine how hard it is for her. This is compounded by the fact that she has a nice big cock and says that most customer treat her like a big cock that just happens to be attached to a person. She knew how to tug at the heartstrings!

I found her to be a sweetheart, who came over to take care of me when I was running a fever one night. She loves when you treat her like a lady and she really is beautiful with that crooked little smile of hers. In fact the only time that she got wild was when she was horny, and thats a good thing!

Truth be told, I had no idea how big her cock was when I BF’d her. I was pleasantly surprised and we really had a lot of fun that first night. She gets hard and stays hard and can seemingly cum, a lot, on demand. I would say she was the closest thing to a Brazilian Travesti I had while in LOS (Look her up next trip Bwana!). She was insatiable, waking me up for sex in the middle of the night, always wanting more. On one of our subsequent nights she rode on top of me and unleashed a cum shower on my chest and stomach of which I’ve never seen before. When I got up and looked in the mirror it looked like a blind person had tried to apply suntan lotion on me. It was ridiculous.

She liked it slow or hard, has a great fuck face with that damned smile and never hinted at anything other than enjoying herself. Sucks cock pretty good and is really fun to suck, but be warned, she will try to ram that tool down your throat if she thinks your not trying hard enough! I’d think many BMs may never come up for air once they get started on that thing!

Any way, I hope BMs won’t be scared off by her past behavior. She has it together nicely these days and she is a real sweetheart that deserves to be treated right. And you won’t be able to resist her when she gives you that crooked smile!

Perv Facts:

Cock Size: Large Thai Steel
Cums: Like a Pulsating Lawn Sprinkler
Tops: She says it's all most customers want
Bottoms: Like a Brazilian Porn Star

Cindy - LaBamba Bar

Cindy needs no introduction here. She is pure sex, and probably the best kisser in Pattaya. I’d be willing to bet that once she gets here lips on a guy, the BF rate goes up to 90-95%! When I arrived on a hot night (made hotter by Kamagra), she cooled me down with cold cloths and really made me feel comfortable and relaxed in the bar.

I really struggled to understand her english but she was patient with me. After a couple of drinks and her wonderful incessant kisses I couldn’t hold out any longer. I had to have her. It was strange because she didn’t take me to one of the ST rooms upstairs, instead she took me to HER room, where I guess she lives, at least part time. She had all her clothes up there, stuffed animals all over her bed!

After she showered me down we went to her bed and enjoyed a nice long 69. She is nicely hung (I was on a good roll for a while in Pattaya) great set of bolt-ons and very sensuous. She told me to go gentle with her, which kind of surprised me, as she comes off as such a sex kitten. I was more than happy and fucked her real nice and slow, which she responded well too. I came inside her with her on top and me covered in stuffed animals, then she feverishly came on me. After she showered me down again, we laid in her bed and she introduced me to all her stuffed animals.

I wanted to LT her, but she said something to the effect that she had to manage the bar for the next 10 days, so it was not to be. Oh well, maybe next time.

So yet again, another BM giving Cindy the thumbs up.

Perv Facts:

Cock Size: Big hard throbber
Cums: If I don't cum first
Tops: Get's hard + Popular with BMs = Yes
Bottoms: Told me (surprisingly) she likes it gentle

Ae - Horny Bar

Again, much thanks to Backdoor Specialist for talking up this gem in the middle of Soi 6. This bar and my session with Ae made the difference of me heading back to BKK after a few short hours in Pattaya!

Ae is a sexy little girl with a cute smile and small hormone tits. She looks you straight in the eye basically every minute she is with you. You could probably shell Pooks Bar across the street and she still wouldn’t avert her gaze from you. It didn’t take long for her to convince me to go upstairs.

It was appropriate that she worked in a place called Horny Bar, because this girl had the hardest cock I felt in LOS. I suspected chemical assistance, but she said she hadn’t been BF’d in a week. I didn’t care, it was just hot feeling how hard she was. She wasn’t that big, but she had it slapping nicely on my stomach while she rode me. And she rode me hard. I was expecting her to throw one arm in the air like she was riding a steer at the rodeo! She came a couple of little pearls without touching herself, which is always a turn on for me.

She then demanded to see me cum and I think that was the only time she wasn’t looking into my eyes, when I came all over her little hormone tits!

Perv Facts:

Cock Size: As big and hard as a curved magic marker
Cums: A few little pearls
Tops: Did I mention how hard she was
Bottoms: Like she's at the rodeo

First - Stringfellows

As mentioned earlier, I met First when I was looking to knock Jen off my list, but she wasn’t there, lucky for me. First is young and from what I’ve heard, just got her bolt-ons (nice work). She is far more beautiful than the pics on the Stringfellows thread (actually I think most of the girls at SF are... time to get Bullseye in to take pics there!). I BF’d her quickly and it was off to the spacious room upstairs.

After showering, First seemed so excited she was jumping up into my arms like she had just won a game show. I’m not sure why she was so happy and jumping around naked, but I wasn’t going to complain! While she couldn’t get hard, she had a great look on her face while getting fucked, alternating between different happy smiles on each thrust. I think she’s still kind of learning the biz, but she is really a lot of fun as a ST girl. I think she’s perfect right now for guys who like then young and “innocent”, still very fresh!

Perv Facts:

Cock Size: An uncooked hot dog
Cums: No eruption
Tops: She'll need a sachet or 2
Bottoms: Every thrust is a christmas present

Jen - Stringfellows

OK, I’ll try not to be too hard on her, but she did not live up to the great LB standard set by every other LB I had in LOS. After not going with my instincts and going with the horny YoYo or the sexy Nan, I went with the top girl on my damn “To Do List”, even though I got a bad vibe (too professional maybe?) from her. Here’s my problem: After paying the BF on the way up the stairs she tells me we have to hurry because someone else needs the room. WTF? After showering alone, she reminds me again that someone else needs the room. After a 30 second BJ she puts a condom on me and tells me I have to come quick. After banging her doggie style for about 20 thrusts she starts to tell me again that someone needs the room. I pull out and try to cum as quick as I can, but then just say fuck it. Put my clothes on and leave the room, seething. Straight out the door and onto the streets. I must have looked pissed off on the way home as even the “welcome, massage” girls weren’t even saying anything to me.

Now I don’t know if it’s management who double booked the room or Jen playing game on me, but I was out all in all $2000 baht (drinks, bf, Jen). Needless to say I didn’t return to SF after that, and not sure if I will when I’m there again in Sept/Oct. Shame, cause there are another 4 or 5 girls in there I’d love to get with.

Oh - 2nd Road Beer Bar

OK, now with the shit portion of my report out of the way, lets turn to the happy accident/hidden gem part. I was going to a beer bar pretty regularly early on and hanging with the GGs, having dinner with them every night where they’d have me try all sorts of different Thai dishes. One night I was there and I notice a very nice looking LB at an adjacent beer bar with a tremendous rack. So I covertly slipped her my number and room location, telling her to meet me there in 10 minutes. I say my goodbyes to the GGs and go back to my room, only really half expecting her to show up.

5 minutes later there she is, telling me she told her people she was getting something to eat, and we had about 20 minutes. So we high tail it to my room.

When we get there she pulls up her dress and starts getting herself hard, as she thinks she is going to fuck my ass. I tell her thats a no go, she was really thick too so I could only imagine the pain she inflicts! She says great, spins around on all 4s on the bed with her ass already lubed up (don’t know when she did that, maybe while crossing 2nd Road). Since the AC hasn’t been on she works me into a sauna style sweat, giving a loud “mmmm” with every thrust. I pulled out and came all over her 2 week old tits (as she told me later). She takes a quick whores shower, grabs 2 bananas off my fridge (so she really didn’t have to spend any baht on food) I give her 500 baht and she’s out the door.

Every time I went by the beer bar she would look across the bars at me and give me this great knowing smile. We repeated this almost exact same scenario again about a week later, but this time we took 5 minutes out to talk, exchanging names and talk about her new tits that she would conveniently massage at the beer bar!

Perv Facts:

Cock Size: Coke Bottle thick
Cums: Don’t know
Tops: Probably but it’s gonna hurt
Bottoms: Mmmmmm, yes

Tai - Pooks Bar

(Quick note: I should have read the posts about Pooks being a pre-pay joint now before BFing here. (A semi newb mistake) I was caught with my pants down, so to speak, and was not too happy about this.)

I met Tai as I was having cocktails with May the bartender at Pooks, while waiting for Nat to finish with a customer at So What. Tai probably had the best skin of any LB in Pattaya, smooth, no scars. While I was trying to be “faithful” to Nat at this point, I was just drunk enough to not be able to say no to Tai. So we headed upstairs for some fun.

Tai is very passive, and a little bit shy as I came to find out. She had a little trouble with some serious pounding, but made up for it well with her mouth. I eventually came while fucking her nice rack with her perfect skin. She wasn’t too happy with the cum in her hair, but I figured since I has prepaid, anything went.

(Quick note 2: The LBNet on Soi 6 works fast! I was barely finished washing off my cock with Tai before Nat caught wind of my actions down the street. She was cool about it, but I think she wanted me to know I can’t touch another LB on Soi 6 without her knowing!)

Perv Facts:

Cock Size: 2 soft fingers
Cums: Don’t know
Tops: Wouldn’t bet on it
Bottoms: Can’t take a pounding

??? and ??? - Obsessions

OK, now for the embarrassing shit... came here hammered, had a threesome. It’s like remembering a blurry movie, so I don’t really remember much. At least the money went to a good cause?!?

#96 fogmaster

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Posted 09 June 2011 - 02:44 AM

A Quick Product Endorsement

Wet Ecstasy Silicone Lubricant. I have never had so many compliments on my choice of lubricant! This stuff is smooth, not sticky, lasts forever and feels natural.

Wet Ecstasy Silicone Lubricant Endorsers:

Nat (So What Bar)
Bow (Nong Bar)
Odette (Cascades)
Pai (Cascades)
Ae (Temptations)
We (Obsessions)

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