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2nd Cumming of the Beast

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#25 ringspun

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Posted 05 December 2010 - 05:09 PM

I hear there is gonna be a 3rd coming of the Bolton Beast... Ice Cube sellers beware!

Mr Ringpiece is quite correct the Beast is imminent in fact wheels up on Wed 9th Dec arriving 10th in Bangkok,then straight to Pattaya to stay at Liquid Lounge,I reckon the Beast will be balls deep by 1pm on Thursday with a Kebab in 1 paw and a large VAT in the other. :angel:

The slavering jaws of the Bolton Beast will be wrapped around nadine's nuts soon enough ;)

#26 Houndofthebaskervilles

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Posted 07 December 2010 - 08:06 AM

Day 7 July 20th 2010-07-20
Woke up a bit earlier this morning about 1030, I was fucking freezing, might be something to do with the air con being down to 19deg and the bird taking all of the sheets , after I woke up at 5am sweating like a fiddlers bitch I turned the bugger to low.
Went to Tiffany Show last night after Mo said it was decent and so it was, very professional which is quite surprising given Thailands reputation for doing everything half arsed, but yet another example of another rip off my ticket was 700 bht because I am a tourist ,ticket for Mo 350bht cause she is Thai, could you imagine going to a concert at a venue in Europe and being told you are foreign so you pay double, there would be absolute fucking murders, one day these cheeky cunts when brought into the 21st century will realise, they wouldn’t do it half as much if they travelled to places and it happened to them, I wouldn’t mind the place was infested with Chinese tourists who seemed to pay the same as the Thais, so it must be only if you are Black or White you pay more, if your fucking yellow then its cheaper, what bollocks. After the show outside all the performers lined up for you to take pictures at 100bht a sniff, another money making fucking scam, use my camera , my computer to download , my ink to print, fuck em , I asked were photographer as for 100 bht I expect the twat to take my pic and give me a print same as when I was riding an Elephant in Chiang Mai, one consolation though I had a little chat to a real stunner and gave her my number and she gave me hers, fucking result ,so will make some arrangement for when I come back from Phuket to try and do some damage.
Mo and me went on up to Ezy for a party for one BM who I have forgotten his name as usual but thanks to him for the pig and various food, although I had non myself due to already eating it looked great and cheers for the drink. We stayed until gone midnight but Mo was flagging a bit as we had been up since 730 am, not many ladyboy is used to a 18hr day and a early shout, so we got on the bongo van and back home for a quick root before sleeping.
I think that will be the last time with Mo as I am getting a bit bored with her, she had the hump when she left at 1pm this afternoon because I said I wasn’t meeting her tonight and refused to take her with me to Phuket, well fuck her there are plenty more where she comes from. I think a quiet one tonight, one BM , was wanting people to meet up at Stringfellows tonight ,might fire down and have a look, see if anything takes the fancy, I am not going in their bloody short time rooms though, they are disgusting, went in once with Lek and got bitten to buggery by Christ knows what, still itching thinking about it.
Just been checking out my transport to Phuket seeing where savings can be made , fucking expensive to fly from Utapao nearly double the price than Swampy, if I take Bell bus to Swampy and fly Air Asia I will save about 1500 bht compared to Bangkok Air from Utapao inc the Taxi . The train is inconvenient as it costs 1270 1st Class or 850 2nd Class, then I have to get to Bangkok which for convenience sake best to take Bell Bus which is 350 bht from my hotel to station no fucking around, the problem with this is trying to buy tickets for Bangkok – Surat Thani in Pattaya as these fuckers want to add 300 bht on top as a handling charge cause the Railway don’t give them any commission and Pattaya Station don’t sell tickets for the Southern Route Trains. So its looking like Air Asia for 2155 bht or Bangkok Air for around the same price, only advantage with Bangkok Air is you don’t pay extra for a bag and they give you free refreshments and sandwiches while you wait and the internet is free opposed to 100 bht for 15 mins in Swampy and Phuket Airports.
Anyway enough of the Alan Wicker travel guide, if you want more of that tune to Sky Travel Channel and they can bore the bollocks off you.
Its starting to feel a bit flat here mainly due to a complete lack of atmosphere around the place, a lot of fucking balloon chasers and freeloaders in town , the plumber is still ensconced with Sindy and he calls me for going missing for 2 days, I need the thrill of the chase I think, I will go and do what I do best lone wolf hunting as I then don’t have to try and fit myself around other people, I really don’t feel like pissing it up but want to go trawling the bars, I get the real fucking hump at paying 80bht in some places for a bottle of 6 bht water when beer is the same price or less in some cases, I really dislike Coke and other soft drinks, will have to force a couple of Tiger Lights down my throat just to be sociable if I go to Stringfellows tonight.
That’s about it for now and more from the frontline tomorrow.

21 July 2010 Day 8
Finally got rid of Mo, went sulking because I wont take her to Phuket with me,well all good things come to an end,I am sure someone else will take over pretty quickly.
As the plumber seems to be permanently MIA with Sindy looks like a bit of the lone wolf today,I have had a mooch round had a bit of a feed and spent the majority of the day fiddling with the computer and reading.
I decide to go to Stringfellows for a few ,there is only 2 guys in there and all the birds standing around wanking , desperately trying to attract attention, there was one in particular had a cock like blind cobblers thumb called Emma, I was tempted but she was not really my type.
I stuck my head in LaBamba no one, I beat a hasty retreat as we all know when you are the only one they dont leave you alone which can be fun at times but I didnt want the aggro.
I jumps on the Bongo Van and went to Pattaya Klang for a cheap feed before adjourning to Pook Swan for a night cap,its after midnight now and there is only 1 customer in there and all the birds are looking totally pissed off.
Well I am about to go when Tok comes to say hello and me being a sucker decides to take her with me but then thinks better of it, fuck the barfine ,so I tells her to ring me when they shut and come round to the hotel which works well for me.
Tok turns up and we get at without much pissing about, I will let the pictures tell the story from now

Day 8 and 9- Thursday 22 July 2010-07-22
I am writing this sat in rip off central otherwise known as Swampy Airport, Bangkok waiting for Air Asia to transport my weary old bones to Phuket, more on this and my daily whinge in a while .
Yesterday started nice and early with my cock tickling Toks tonsils ,I finally got rid at about 1pm and met the plumber and went for some lunch at the food court on Pattaya Klang , a nice plate of extremely spicy chicken with rice for 60 bht was knocked back in no time. We wanderers down Soi Buakow toward Pook Swan for a beer and check out a couple of cheap options for accommodation, more for future reference, saw a place just before Pook Swan on the opposite side of the road called Jolly’s advertising an apartment style room for 490 bht all in with electric and Wi-Fi, well that’s stored in the old memory bank for later.
We get to Pooks and the birds are all still putting on their obligatory clown s make up , a little bit of attention but not much as they are to pre occupied with the mirror. We meet with fellow BM Donny Key who is sitting having a quiet one. Tok shows up and doesn’t know what to do as both me and the plumber have been shagging her over the last few days, so she is diplomatic and sits between us ,one hand on each of our crotches, she soon fucks off to put on the slap, I take this opportunity to fuck off as I have to buy a bag and pack my things for tomorrows trip to Fuckit.
Once packed up I take the opportunity to catch up with emails and talk to the old woman, the plumber rings and wants to go to LaBamba for a drink , I am trying to book my ticket for Phuket ,the plumber distracts me the web site times out, by the time I get back up and running the cunting price has gone up by 500 bht to 2620bht, then fuck me there poxy website crashes and I can’t get my booking done so will have to go on spec and pay more I expect. I go meet up with the plumber and donny in LaBamba ,for some reason the beer is not going down, my guts are aching as well, I force 2 down but feel no better, we go to Stringfellows were my guts are getting worse, I only take water and then finally give it up as a bad job and retire to bed. I have gone to sleep and the phone rings ,then stops, then a message, Im thinking if this is the plumber I will kill the cunt waking me up at 2am, its not him, its Mo thought I had seen the back of her, I turn it off , I cant be arsed with her.
I wake up at 730am ,shit ,shower , shave and on a motorbike to the bus station, I go to Bell Bus Office and get a ticket to Swampy for 200bht, surprise the bus leaves on time at 9am and am in Airport for 1010am, so I leg it to Air Asia counter with hope I might get on the 1050 flight, no such luck ,its like a fucking gypsy jokers jamboree at the counter, I have to take a ticket and wait to be called, it took these stupid cunts 35 mins to serve 7 people in front of me, mind it don’t help when you are dealing with fucking idiots. Guess what the price is now 3025 bht ,robbing cunts, if their stupid fucking website had not crashed I would have saved about 800bht.
Back to what I said earlier about rip off central ,the prices in this airport are fucking frightening, cant believe its more expensive for a coffee here than in Ringway Airport at Manchester, even Burger King is more expensive than a motorway services on the M6. I has a look in the duty free, I had a specific camera in mind that is 6235bht in Central Festival camera shop, now I realise duty free does not mean profit free but fuck me these cunts take the piss big style, the same camera in the duty free is 9990bht, now maybe I am some sort of numb nuts but surely it should be the other way round. If I buy the camera in Central I get a voucher to claim the Tax back which brings the price down to just over 5000bht. I thought to myself well fuck you and the horse you rode in on ,I will keep my card in my pocket till I return to Pattaya or have a look in Phuket. I am sitting now for the next hour waiting for the plane and will be in Phuket for 310pm where my little darling from the jewellers shop is waiting for me at the Airport ,she is keen ,just had a text from her that she is setting out now silly cow is gonna be sitting there ages. At least I wont have to wait for them fucking about with bags as I only have my carry on.
This little bird seems real cute ,I have not met her but been talking to her on Skype for the last couple of months, she tells me she has had 1 boyfriend before who was Thai, so odds are I wont have much to live up to in either wallet or trouser dept, she tells me she has never had her dick sucked and has not had sex for nearly 2 years, looks like I will have to rod it out and clear any blockages, one great thing with her ,she looks like a GG with nice small silicon tits, from the pictures she has sent me its hard to tell she is lb , okay just managed to plug in the battery was going flat, at least I will finish this part of my report, at least the hotel has free Wi-Fi unlike this rip off airport 250bht for 1 hr Wi-Fi, pisses you off when its free in most airports world wide, I don’t mind paying a reasonable fee even if it was like 1bht a minute but 4 bht a minute is taking the fucking piss, as long as stupid cunts with more money than sense or business accounts keep forking out they will keep doing it, again fuck em ,I will write my report now in word and paste it on the site when I get to Phuket, will also give me a chance to put on a photo of the lovely Bee, I might add will be clothed with her not being a brass.
Well boarding is called ,the usual fucking chaos, you could tell the flight was half full of brits by the state of the women, how badly dressed many are and the big give away the soft cunts all start lining up at the departure gate 30 mins before flight is due to be called. Most of these cretins have no bastard clue, you would think the cunt was going to go without them the way they go on. The biggest laugh was when the bird called for boarding and they all start to push forward and she says only rows 1 to 4 and 14 to 18 to board first. I was pleased to see all their peevish faces as I walked to the front, I had checked in 1st and got row 1 aisle, which means no delays behind these stupid cunts who bring suitcases inside as hand luggage, don’t that fucking annoy when you get a load of stupid cunts with big cases and the airline let em on as hand luggage, at check in the bird specified 1 piece , no more than 7 kgs, some of these fucking plums have bastard big rucksacks inside, well fuck em they can hold the other fuckers up at the back. Maybe its only me but if I am safely installed in my seat I look at who is getting on, I see someone with a baby ,I think hope they don’t sit near me with the screaming ,shitting bastard, I see someone fat and hope fervently they don’t come and park their fat fucking arse next to me, I see the nice young bird travelling alone and think yes a bit of that would be nice.
It should be straight off and into the bus at the other end, with luck I will be having a beer inside an hour, more later as my battery is going flat. We get in 5 mins early but take 15mins to disembark as the airbridge is playing up, why am I not surprised. Get through the ranks of touts by brushing past them and giving them the 1000 yrd stare, it seems to put them off, gets to the mini bus counter 150bht to Patong beach drop at the hotel cant go wrong can it, well this is Thailand ,the driver sat there for nearly an hour trying to fill the remaining seat, everyone was getting pretty pissy by this time, he eventually got moving after getting a load of abuse from 2 Israeli pensioners.
Gets to Boomerang Inn at last at 430pm ,they have my usual room for me 500bht,the place never changes ,a bit worn and tatty round the edges but clean and secure,what more can you want for the money. Time to go now as I am waiting for Bee to finish work, hope she can get over here tonight and doesn’t attempt it on her scooter as she works in Phuket Town and don’t finish till 830.
So its good night from me and good night from him.

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The Beast is watching with a hungry eye and slavering jaws

#27 Houndofthebaskervilles

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Posted 07 December 2010 - 08:07 AM

hope those pics keep one or 2 of you warm
The Beast is watching with a hungry eye and slavering jaws

#28 Houndofthebaskervilles

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Posted 08 December 2010 - 02:22 PM

Day 8 and 9 Friday/Saturday 22/23 July 2010
I went for a mooch round in Phuket after arrival just to see the lay of the land this was around 9pm once settled into the hotel. I walked down the beachfront and up Bangla Rd ,Soi Croc was very lightly populated ,Tequilla Bar had 1 male customer and about 6 Lbs trying to get a grip of anyone walking past, the next Soi most of the bars were closed. I walked down Soi Eric again very lightly populated, I passed C&D most of the girls were just lurking, I could see 2 or 3 punters inside all pretty low key.
I decided to go for an oily and see what came up as you might say, I fought my way along 2nd rd or whatever its called past the café hawkers and massage parlours , I got to one near my hotel and saw this stunner outside one ,one of the nicest GG I have seen for a while, she says 200bht for a 1 hr massage, now I don’t like these places and prefer my room so I asked if she could come to my room for a while, she says give the massage parlour 200bht and she could leave for the night as it was now 10pm, I jumped at the chance.
I got her back to the lair and got her stripped off and she gave me a naked oily on my bed ,it felt fucking marvellous ,I squirted oil on her tits then she massaged me all over with her tits a bit like when you get a soapy it Pattaya, finished it off by shagging her daft for about 1 hr, I finally cum all over her face, sorry no pics as she wouldn’t have it. I wasn’t expecting this much from her she was great and only asked for 500bht, I enjoyed myself so much I gave her another 250 on top, as all who know me is out of character.
I have moved now to Pattaya Town as I don’t want Bee attempting driving to Patong on her bike in the dark, it’s a long way for a moped and its bad weather. I went and had a crafty look at her through the shop window looks really feminine, we are going to Samui tomorrow morning for 4 days before I return to Pattaya, we are going by bus and ferry only 440 each, I will use the train from Surat Thani coming back ,I am tired of flying.
I am staying in a hotel called the Thavorn Grand Plaza for 700 a night ,very good for the price about the standard of PBR, must say though the staff are fucking cretins, I gets here it takes them 40 mins to find my booking as the computers in the hotel are not networked between sales and reception, I even showed them the email they sent confirming, they still thought I was trying to scam them somehow, great value but if I had been kept waiting like this in a professional hotel they would have at least give me a discount or even a free drink ,this lot just stand there say velly solly grinning like cunts.
Just waiting for Bee to finish work then hope they don’t put up a performance when she gets here, anyway not much to say today as I have spent all afternoon talking to JCS,Billy69,Ringspin on the net. I will probably post this hopefully before the internet goes down
Days 11 & 12 24th/25th July
Decided to take the bus /Ferry from Phuket to Samui 440bht all in ,not to bad considering, the bus was a bit slow due to it keep stopping, to this day I don’t know why it kept stopping as all the fucking seats were full ,Thai logic I suppose, but apart from that a reasonably pleasant journey. Get to Donsak Pier nr Surat Thani ,just in time or would have had to wait another 2hrs,I really didn’t fancy crossing in the dark with the sailing history of clapped out 5th hand ferry boats in SE Asia. The trip was smooth and uneventful, sat in an airplane type seat and the journey was over with in around 75mins.
Arrived Nathon Pier in Samui now for the fun to start with the rip off cunt taxis and touts, now I have been here 4 times but only by air but have a good idea where the hotel is located, I estimate around 22kms up near Big Buddha , I ask a taxi chap how much he says 800bht, so as you can all imagine he got told to go fuck himself, I then gets clever and sends the bird to ask the same guy he tells her 400bht, now this isn’t to bad considering that he will take us direct to hotel, the Bongo Van wants 100 each and be squeezed in with loads of bodies travelling at about 20kms an hour ,stop start all the way. She tells him ok and this taxi fellow starts it up and was quite surprised to see me get in with her, yes I thinks fuck you ,you robbing little shit ,I reckon chalk this up as 1-0 to England, he tried one last little trick ,goes to give him a thousand he claims he has only 500 in change, I tells him no problem and nipped into 7/11 buys a bottle of water and gives him the right money, cheating cunts ,I hate taxi drivers the world over 2-0 to England today, a deserved victory in the day by day attempt to avoid being bent over and fucked by these fucking jokers.
Hotel is called Chongmoen Beach Hotel and Spa, really nice booked it for 800 a night off Asia Rooms, good staff, clean with a nice pool, gym , free Wi-Fi ,Satellite TV and right bang on a very quiet private bit of beach, breakfast is not included but its only 100bht if you want it. This part of the island is pretty quiet compared to Chaweng or Lamai but only 10mins in the Bongo Van to Chaweng Lake. Been offered a good deal on the car hire if I want it, a 4 x 4 for 900bht a day with full insurance inc CDW, might have one for 2 days Monday and Tuesday and see a bit of the island. Found a really nice small Thai restaurant across from hotel we had a nice meal inc drinks for 300bht.
Now onto the important stuff the bird, Bee is a real nice kid 24 years old and so innocent, this bird is more feminine than most GGs , very soft skin, real girls voice, I would defy anyone to know she was an Lb without having a feel. Now she is not the most beautiful Lb you could ever meet by a long way, but on the other hand she doesn’t come across with the totally fake visage of most Lbs, not the exaggerated walk or the clown make up or the big spider fake eyelashes , I would say she should make a bit more effort but then you would probably ruin her, seems real happy to walk about holding hands or just cuddling up, she is very affectionate with no put on at all.
The 1st night she came to see me she appeared very apprehensive ,we went out to eat in a little market place in Phuket Town where she said we should go as she cant eat euro food, suited me only cost 150bht inc a drink each. We got back to the room and she disappeared into the bathroom for about 20 mins and returned wearing fucking pyjamas, I am by this time bollock naked in the pit waiting for my comeuppance, I takes it slow a good bit of snogging and feeling up, finally got the PJs off and good Christ she has a pair of shorts on underneath ,I drags the shorts off and out springs this rock hard little dick, its pretty skinny and about 4inches long , and its pissing pre cum fluid, she is so turned on , I touches it and she cums within about 10 secs, but it stays hard, she cum 4 times in an hour, she tells me she hasn’t had any for 2 years and I can believe it, now she gives me a surprisingly good blow job and when I cum she swallows the lot , laps it up like a kitten with a saucer of milk. I was going to fuck her but she wasn’t to keen as she says she has only been fucked by the previous boyfriend who is a thai and by all accounts he had a bit of a pencil dick and the Bolton beast frightened her a bit, no Probs I will do her sometime in the next few days.
We gets to Samui next day as stated previous and cutting to the chase still not fucked her and this is our 1st wake up in Samui ,Sunday morning and what a wake up ,thought the fucking roof was coming off, there is a tropical storm, she is clinging to me with a death grip ,shitting herself ,thinking Tsunami no 2 is here, it finally blew its self out around 930am ,I goes outside as we have no power to check what’s happening , there are broken Palm Trees every where, amazingly 1 hour later everything is cleaned up and open again.
I goes to get some washing done at reception ,they say bring back tomorrow afternoon ,I explain that I don’t have any clean clothes and they can now do it in a couple of hours if I pay an extra 30 bht, good enough ,lets see if it comes back today.
I go to attempt to book a train ticket with the agency across the road, fucking unbelievable they say the ticket office at train station is shut till Tuesday cause of holiday for Christ sake, but the trains are still running ,well reckon that’s 1 – 0 to the enemy today, fuck it will fly from Surit or Nakhon if need be.
Cant fucking believe it we have spent the last 3 hours on the beach ,been overcast to hell but pleasant, come back to the room and another tropical storm has sprung up, blowing like hell and pissing with rain , well balls to it a bit of bedroom gymnastics to pass the time, only problem power has gone again, shit.

Day 14 27th July
Nothing happened yesterday hence no report except for it pissing with rain all day, i spent all day in bed shagging and drinking watching TV and such nonsense.
Today is our last day in Samui ,Bee is heading back to Phuket tomorrow by Bus and me catching the train tomorrow night back to Bangkok then on to Pattaya, not much tale of daring deed I am afraid, I am sure I will have some observations to make on the journey back, in fact I will guarantee some cunt will get it with both barrels as usual. One bit of annoying news ,the wife is trying to get me to agree to a holiday here while I am here so my last 2 weeks could get severely curtailed in the monger business, I reckon I will have to get an apartment for 2 weeks out the far end of Jomtien and then just keep snaking off, fingers crossed that she gets another bee in the bonnet about something else.
Anyway to brighten up an otherwise dull day another couple of Pics of Bee

Day 15 28th July 2010
Well fuck me I wake up real early and lo and behold its sun shining fit to crack the flags, bastard typical going to be travelling all day in it, every day this week while I have been here its pissed down.
I fire Bee off on the bus for Phuket poor cow don’t want to go and is crying that she will miss me, I feel bad for her as I wont be seeing her again,at least I have not promised her anything just to really keep in touch, she says these past 4 days have been the best she has ever spent.
Wonders will never cease my transport turns up on time at 1130 and whips me off to Nathon Pier for the fast boat to Dongtan Pier then on to Suritthani to catch the train, had a bit of a break ,am not booked on train till 2115 but took a chance and managed to change it to 1820 which is good as it means I can catch the milk train to Pattaya in the morning at 0650, be better if I was in 1st class but only 2nd class available , I will enjoy lying there on my upper bunk farting all night stinking every cunt out, been on the hot soup so better watch not to shit myself. What a miserable fucking shower this lot are on this train, mainly European misery guts who look like they are at a wake not on their holidays.
The train arrives early in Bangkok around 0550, I decide to get a bit of breakfast and then catch the train to Pattaya, well what an experience, we left 15mins late for no apparent reason and slowly made our way through numerous shantys that are no more than a few inches from the side of the train, someone has even set up a few tables between the tracks and people are sitting eating while the train trundles past, I cant believe it took nearly 90mins to get to the area of the new airport. The train takes a torturous route all the way down to Chonburi before coming back on its self finally arriving in Pattaya at 1120 nearly 1 hr late, a trip which was good if not only for the experience and only 31bht one way as there is only 3rd class seats, no aircon just open windows and fans. I get motorbike outside station back to the presidential suite at Siam Guesthouse.
I meet up with the plumber about 3pm as he has been having his choppers sorted, I hope it hurt the fucker, bet it wont stop him drinking ,eating and fucking.
We decide to go to Labamba 1st out were we meet up with Roscoe and Dk, we are joined by a scottish lad called Chris, we sink a few and depart for Stringfellows were more is drunk before adjourning to Ezy Bar were to my surprise is a few old faces have rejoined the Welsh Wizard, straight away I notice Oil. Karn, Palm resplendent with Bennys tits in prominence, I reckon we should ask him to buy her some arse implants as well as its still a bit flat and a couple of others, so I decide fuck my principles about BFs I cough up and whiz Oil back to the suite. Now I like a pair of tits which Oil is sadly lacking except for tiny hormonal titties but by god makes up for it with her big cock. We spend a good half hour sucking and slurping before I fuck the arse off her, what a sweet little thing she is. I come all over her and she came a good amount of thick white cream, which she licked off my fingers, never paid 1000 for short time before but I must be honest she has worn me out and worth every baht.
A word of warning though I asked her how much while we were sat in the bar she says 2k for ST or 3k for LT, I explained to her nicely that I will not cough more than a grand LT, she looked a bit disappointed, chewed on that sexy bottom lip of hers, had a pout and says ok 1ooo but only because you hansum man, oh what complements, anyway I was glad to pay her to go as I am absolutely shattered after yesterdays trip.

31 july 2010 day 18
Woke up late about 3pm, had one or 2 too many last night, so I had a quick shower and out for a feed before hitting the bricks to find a decent wifi connection that was free as this one in the lodgings is still playing silly cunts, its fixed now temporarily I suspect, was a bit pissed off at paying 1 bht a minute but the only advantage was it was by wire so it was really quick at the internet shop on beach Rd next to Siam Bayview as the one at Ice Inn at the end of the soi wont let you go on adult sites.
I decided to head out and have a drink around 9pm after changing some money (50.19)= 1 GBP for TC which was quite pleasing after getting as low as 44.50 over the last months.
I had a dringk in a bar called Statdt Marburg on 2nd Rd as Ploy the one of the large appendage allegedly works there, no luck wasnt there but will try again soon, I next went to the new ladyboy bar above Pattaya Beer Garden, nice and modern ,clean but the birds to be honest leave a bit to be desired, a mix of skinny femboy types and a couple of old boilers, had 1 and fucked off, 95bht for a beer ,dont think so and hassling you for drinks and a tip all the time.
I head off up Walking St with my head up my arse a bit and forget to walk on the opposite side to England Bar, fuck me Jenny grabs me, starts the old were u been, me miss you for so long, your phone no work, yes I think I changed my number cause you cunts dont leave me be, fucking sick of the phone ringing between 2 and 3 in the morning. I made my excuses and fucks off and has 1 in Linda bar, the same old faces as usual. I ends up at Ezy around 1030 where I stay until 245, apart from a fleeting visit from the plumber who seems to be loved up permenantly with Sindy and a couple of others who came and went I was largely on my own with the whole stable, my balls have never had such a pummelling, couldnt even piss in peace, every time I went to the bog one of them was behind me , wanting to hold my dick for me, its fucking hard pissing when you have a hard on , so sorry Karl if your walls got pissed on but blame your birds not me, I got my dick sucked in the shitter three times once by Lily , then by Gift and again by Bell.
At around 2am I succumbed to the ministrations of Lily and ended up dragging her up the steps, give her her due she is fucking keen, no prelims or pretence of anything ,we were naked within 10 secs ,down ,dirty and unshowered, just got at it.
Well Lily has some cock on her a good fat 6 inch plus that is rock hard and dont go slack , we licked and sucked for a good 10 mins were to be honest we had to slow down or it would have been all over there and then. I fucked her in every position I could, she rode on top, a race that would have made Lester Piggott proud, hands and knees, ankles round neck, I even turned her upside down with her head pointing to the floor with me standing up like you see on some porn films, by this time its to much and I give her a good squirting all over her face and tits, I finally allow her to cum and it comes out so hard it hits the wall in thick creamy globs.
Lily will take it hard core or soft and is really athletic, another shot there before I go home, I reckon back to the hotel tho this time for a triple header with someone else as she tells me she will fuck a gg or another lb no problem.
I gets finished up and makes my excuses and fucks off, I am no sooner out of the bar and my phone goes ,its Mo, she says I want see you, you are at Walking St and have been in Ezy fucking, I asked where she is, as I am getting paranoid now, she says she is finished work and outside my hotel, how long will I be, I tells her I am going drinking somewhere but she is insistant so what can I do, I go back to the hotel and have to give her a turn sore cock and all, well she was disapointed this morning as I didnt pay her, maybe she will take the hint, if they want to impose themselves on me then I aint paying them.
I ask Mo how she know I am in Ezy, she says one of the birds in there rang her and told her, talk about jungle fucking drums, anyway I thought maybe this might bin Mo for good but no such luck she is still sending me text message wanting to meet again after work if she has no customer cause she lubs me, for fuck sake.
Anyway the plumber has done a moonlight ,the old bird at the lodging is put out asking me where the bald cunt has gone, as though I am his keeper.
Come on JCS get here, I have no wingman at the moment with the plumber being loved up.

I get back after my afternoon of Photographic brilliance , fully fuelled with pie and chips plus beer, ready for a shower then take on the world, well at least the ladyboys of whatever Soi I stumble down later. I am just showered and changed 1st phone of the night, its Mo from Pooks wanting me to come and see her as she miss me and lub me a lot, well business must be slack if she is after me.I promise to nip down and have 1 with her if not just for appearances sake for her as she is super sexy and its not a real chore to have her playing with my cock for a bit.
I jump on the Bongo Van down to Soi 6, its amazing not 1 bird in Pooks comes near me except Balloon who is Mo's room mate to say for me to sit she get her, within 60 seconds I feel a hand down my jeans and Mo has appeared like a fucking Genie from Aladin, I reckon it might not be a good idea to fuck anything else out there this trip or I might be in bother, seems Mo has branded me as hers, ah well it could be worse ,it could be that ugly cunt with the hair lip who Bickle say he will fuck out of spite.It seems strange a couple of the birds who were at Ezy the night before are back at Pooks ,Palm and another skinny bird, fuck knows whats going on but it seems the August transfer window is open.
I have 1 drink with Mo and arrange for a meeting when the bar shuts, give her 200bht on the sly for her motorbike taxi and some food, this is an arrangement which seems to work well with her as its as much as she would get from 4 lady drinks, anyway a quick tongue down the throat and a squeeze of the nuts and I am off to Pooks Swan for a look. I get there again very few punters all the birds are looking bored, 1 bloke buggers off short time with Tok,who for some reason looks at me guilty like ,shrugs her shoulders, a big smile and buggers off, now I like Tok always have done ,she is great company and not annoying in the least so lets hope she got paid well for her efforts.
I had only one drink and decided to go and see Karl up at Ezy to pass a couple of hours till Mo rings me, there are one or 2 people in Karl sitting looking like he had been gazumped for a new sheep farm, there are a couple of punters in who disapear pretty quick,the girls are all lounging about looking pretty lethargic, there is obviously something afoot which I find out of Karl,that I will leave him to explain in his thread if he wishes as I am not sure its my place to go into it,but I expect tonight there will be a different atmosphere and not a few changes. on another note it was nice to meet Mr Dickson Cox at last, we had a good chat propping up Karls bar ,anyway not much happening ,get my nuts felt by Oil,Bell and another one but resist the temptation as its Kebab time, off to my favourite establishment
The Beast is watching with a hungry eye and slavering jaws

#29 chonburi

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Posted 08 December 2010 - 10:27 PM

Brilliant reading mate and told like it is from the front lines!!!

Am with u to on the thais tryin to rip us off all the time/pisses me off too & they wil get away with it if u let em..bollox to em :redcard: !!

Like the no-holds barred descriptions of places/lbs etc..gives good insight into low season leathargy here & how desperate they are sometimes wonder if mobiles in thailand are good thing as the bloody Lbs are never off em..buzzing you if biz is slack etc...but has its good sides too.. :harhar:

Different now its high season..hopefully bump into u if your in Patts for while in the bars as stil here..tryin to avoid the scams/gettin ripped off & prima donna lbs!!! :D

Cheers 4now,

Aka Stickyfingers from other forums

#30 Houndofthebaskervilles

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Posted 10 December 2010 - 04:34 PM

Monday August 2nd day 19
I have woke up this morning or should say afternoon with a pig of a head ache and jenny from England Bar wrapped around me, now this is quite a pleasant feeling as she is like a little doll with a lovely hard ass and equally hard dick, she cant hardly clear 5ft without the heels, she rang me last night when I was in Ezy, I was just about to sweep Ink away for a session when saved by the bell, I have been with Jenny before on a couple of occasions and always left satisfied, she is very sexy and aint a pain like some of them, never in any rush to get it over with and extremely athletic. She left at 3pm this afternoon, a great night had by me.
I will have to get hold of Ink another time, maybe tonight, I suppose I better face the world as I am getting hungry, just had the Plumber on moaning about his internet not working, I know the feeling ,very frustrating especially when you know its not your machine and its the router, he is at the moment trying to explain to some fuckwit of a hotel manager that he need to sort his shit out. The communications are very frustrating as somehow this lot here are totally clueless, I have had to fix the internet twice here at Siam, Terry has just had to fix it at his lodging as the Thais as usual just stand there with the usual imbecilic grin ,clueless, as Terry says he is here to drink and root sheilas not use his limited mental capacity fixing IT problems for these cheapskate do eveything by half cunts.
Took a few snaps yesterday afternoon ,nothing to good was just being a tourist, probably gonna have a stroll down beach rd then up Walking St with the Plumber to scout out the talent and change some money, seems you get a better rate on Walking St, I cant see much difference myself, suppose if you are gonna change $1000 in a go then an extra 25 sentang is ok as you then make a extra 250bht ,me I change up only a couple of hundred at a time so cant be arsed for the sake of 30 or 40 bht as I use that on the transport.
Well more on the dramas at Ezy, a clear out again ,all the titless skanks have moved to Famous bar in Sunnee Plaza to work for Lita, Karl has been pretty clever in bringing back some of the old stars such as Karn ,Nana, both Oils, Ink and another couple whos names escape me for the moment, but for me its much better as most have tits, Rose,Lilly, Sindy, Gift and Giffsy were still on deck as of last night what tonight will unveil is yet to be seen.
this is your roaming reporter signing off now from the LB war zone more from me later if I am still alive.

Tuesday August 3rd Day 20
Well nearly 3 weeks now and no sign of getting tired or worn out in fact today done more shagging than in a long time, lets drop back to last night , the Plumber dragged me out around 730 for a feed, on the way we had a mooch down Soi7 and 8 looking for different birds of pleasure we had our eye out for , we drew a blank , him on some GG from Soi 8 and me trying to find the fit Loatian chick at Nice Bar on Soi 7, never mind the bird ,couldnt even find the cunting bar, so we fucked off to the food market on Pattaya Klang for our 100bht meal then into the Bongo Van down to Soi 6 were we had decided to set out on our mission. Well i was fucked from the start Mo jumped me before I got through the door, for some reason tonight I didnt mind, I Bf her so she dont have to dance as I saw a couple of lecherous old fat cunts eying her up so I wanted to strike 1st.We played pool for a bit and i got beat as usual by everyone except the Plumber who had his own problems keep getting done by this old LB(nice tho).The plumber for some unexplained reason decided he wanted to grab Palm and buy her a drink, he Bf Palm and we headed out for a night parading the beauties up and down , with the knowledge that everyone was looking at us, I fucking love it, worth the BF just for that, we decided to give Kyoyo7 a chance again, the bar is great but the staff leave a little to be desired, we were playing pool and they insist on interfering wanting to set up the game for you as a way to extort tips, now Mo and myself left before the Plumber and Palm as Mo wanted to go to bed and shag, I pays my bin which was about 750bht for 5 beers(95)1 Coke(70)1 OJ(80)and 5 games of pool (20 each), the old bird was hovering looking for a tip I thought you can fuck off i have paid for the pool no one asked them to set it up, the Plumber tells me this morning she was pretty insistant with him for a tip,and he gave them as usual, well if they want to lose customers then they are going the right way about it, they can fuck off I dont give em tips,especially at 20 baht a game and 95 for a beer in a normal bar.
Mo and me gets back to the room ,she is in the shower like a shot and out in the usual 20 mins and pounces on me for 15 mins of frenzied fucking and sucking before a night cuddled up under the blanket with aircon full belt at 18deg,woke up around 11 with Mo wrapped round me like a fucking tree snake, another bout of action, a kip and Mo up washed and fucked off with her 1000bht at around 2pm.
I gets on line intending to do this TR but got sidetracked talking to Billy who passes me a number of a cutie who sells timeshare outside the Garden Plaza, he gave me a link to his TR so I can see her pic, well fuck me what a coincidence ,me and the Plumber saw her yesterday afternoon in the very same place got a great smile off her but left it at that as we were off for coffee.
Billy gives me her number ,I text her straight away and she answers immediately, I arrange to meet at McDs at Avenue Arcade, she is there before I get my coffee ordered and within half an hour we are back at my room with my dick down her throat, very willing and only gave her 500bht as Billy gave her the same,got rid of her after about an hour, no sex tonight my bollocks are drained ,so a feed and an early one as I have a flight to KL in the morning to renew my visa and go for a interview, so maybe no report tomorrow unless i find some cutie in Malaysia to shag.

Day 22 Thursday 05 August
This I am afraid is gonna be very brief as I have nothing to report except Malaysia can go fuck its self, very few Lbs ,very difficult to find and then when you do they want $80 a shot, they can go fuck off I can get 4 in Los for that, so the nuts stayed full.
The hotel said they dont allow you to bring guests of any description ,so guys avoid the Dynasty at all costs,its pretty shit for a 4 star as well and the breakfast was fucking inedible unless you are Asian, there is no way on this earth can I eat rice,noodles and fucking salad at 8am in the morning for Brekkie. Same Muslim bullshit ,no quarter given to non islamists, the old do as I say not as I do as usual ,load of dogmatic cunts, well fuck em I got my 30days,so they can bollocks.
The same shite at the airport but this time Air Asia god bless them excelled themselves,they actually enforced the 7kg rule and size for carry ons,the only consession given was ladys could have a regulation size carry on plus a handbag and guys were allowed the same with computer bags, should have seen the faces on the stupid cunts when at the gate the guy was weighing and measuring suspect sized bags and guess who had all the big bags ,you got it the usual suspects Indians,Pakistans and Chinese, it got that bad 6 people were refused boarding because they refused to pay for the oversized bags and they were off loaded, one old fucker had a bag that was 22kg,he was slung off because he wouldnt pay, I told the guy who was enforcing it well done as it is one of my pet peeves.
If I get knocked one more time by one of these long haired scruffy cunt euro tossers with back packs I swear I will fucking scream, why do these cunts especially birds carry these packs that they can hardly lift, what can they carry in them as all they wear are fucking ali baba pants ,dirty T Shirt and sandals and of course some dirty fucking rag round their necks, these cunts are a disgrace to proper women and they all have dirty fucking feet,hairy armpits and stink, the blokes with them are just as bad dirty rotten stinking unshaven bastards,I wonder were they get the money from as most look to fucking workshy to earn a wage.
I get back to the hotel in Pattaya ,flaming internet is not working so I am at this very moment sat in Kyoyo 7 Ladyboy bar typing using their 1bht a minute net.

Friday 6th August day 23
Well last night on getting back from Malaysia was a bit of a washout in more ways than one, talk about piss with rain, I ended up in labamba with DonnyKey and a couple of others before moving on to Stringfellows,the plumber belatedly turned up and we sat entertaining ourselves with the delightfull Suzie,taking turns at playing with her big dick, no wonder my mate the Cowboy couldn’t shit right for a week after going with her.
We left her there after a couple of drinks and went back to Labamba for another before heading up Walking St to sit and have a good perv and watch the world go by. We sat in a bar opposite England Bar watching the tooing and froing of the populous. We had a stroll up to Hot Tuna pool bar were the Plumber met up with one of his harem, I left him to it around 230am as I had a dentist appointment this morning.
I get to the bottom of 2nd Road to get in the Bongo Van and I hear a motorbike furiously honking,I look round and its one of the lovelys from LaBamba, called Noi, a real cracker with long blond hair and big tits, she insists on giving me a lift back to my hotel as its on her way home, brilliant another bar fine avoided and this time without trying, now I have plans to sleep but the bird has other ideas, so I feel obliged to throw a quick one up her, after all she has given me a lift home, so I whips it in the room bashes out a quick one and has her back on her bike and heading home to Naklua by 4am.
Slept like a baby woke up at 10 and goes down to the dentist to get the choppers cleaned and my bridge repaired, broke the fucking thing in half eating a lamb chop in KL, well the little dolly in the dentists spends a good hour cleaning my gnashers ,which is a change from Uk were I go see the hygienist for 20 the dentist for less than 10mins and its £65 not even a thank you or kiss my arse, she has charge me 650 for the clean and 1000 to repair my bridge or she could have had a new one for me by Wed but it meant walking round with no front teeth for 4 days ,and one has to look after their good looks , doesn’t one ? I looked like a fucking coconut bar regular these last 2 days with only half my choppers. I gotta go back at 6pm and get them, I can then have a decent meal as I am fucked off of eating soup and soft things like a cunting baby.
I am still not overjoyed the bloody Wi-Fi is playing silly buggers again in the hotel if this persists I am going to move elsewhere as its bollox having to keep stumping up in the Tinternet Shop. My next task once fully back to dental fitness is to find some nice bint who fills a bikini for a little trip to the island tomorrow ,some sun bathing and a sly shag in the surf while all the gobshites stand looking on fucking clueless to goings on, I fucking love it. Just had a Text from Suzie Salami from Stringfellows, now that might be an idea for a mission as she don’t start work till 8pm. I will see what the day brings will go for a perv in the shopping centre see what I can pick up.
The Beast is watching with a hungry eye and slavering jaws

#31 paulyb77

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Posted 25 December 2010 - 09:00 PM

"A word of warning though I asked her how much while we were sat in the bar she says 2k for ST or 3k for LT, I explained to her nicely that I will not cough more than a grand LT, she looked a bit disappointed, chewed on that sexy bottom lip of hers, had a pout and says ok 1ooo but only because you hansum man, oh what complements, anyway I was glad to pay her to go as I am absolutely shattered after yesterdays trip"
Reminds me of my last trip-Oil was on my to do list so visited Ezy for first time,Oil was there so got her sat down for chat and drinks,had a good snog,paid BF and back to hotel for LT.
Her cock lived up to the hype,had a good suck and fuck session,not GFE but fine.In morning as she was ready to leave,I pulled out 2K and passed it to her.She screwed up her face and says "customer never give me that".Took a while for the baht to drop before I realised she wanted more.Just about had another 500 on me,so off she went.My fault for not checking price beforehand,but it was my last visit to Ezy bar if that was the going rate expected by LBs there-too much for me,but as a one off o.k.Stuck to La Bamba and SF after that.

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#32 Houndofthebaskervilles

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Posted 26 December 2010 - 09:05 PM

I have my perameters I pay 1000 take it or leave it,if they dont want it then there are plenty that will,I can go 1500 if there is no barfine involved,my only concession. :harhar:
The Beast is watching with a hungry eye and slavering jaws

#33 Houndofthebaskervilles

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Posted 11 January 2011 - 05:49 PM

I am back in Los from the wilds of Burma
The Beast is watching with a hungry eye and slavering jaws

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