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2nd Cumming of the Beast

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#1 Houndofthebaskervilles

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Posted 12 November 2010 - 07:44 AM

Okay chaps over the following days you will read of my exploits from my last trip which lasted from the midddle of July to early September 2010,it will be the 2nd report that I have managed to cobble together ,it is all written mainly in the 1st person perspective as it is as it happened or within a few hours as my memory is pretty shite.
Keep watching chaps I will add some more tomorrow.
Just to wet your appettite the lovely Mo from Pooks Soi 6 my 1st port of call in Pattaya

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The Beast is watching with a hungry eye and slavering jaws

#2 onetruesaxon

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Posted 12 November 2010 - 08:38 AM

She is a cracking lass !!!

#3 aussieguy

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Posted 12 November 2010 - 03:37 PM

well that's certainly a yummyville starter pic.... :rock:

#4 Surin Nix

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Posted 12 November 2010 - 09:10 PM

Excellent taste in ladies!

More please!


#5 Houndofthebaskervilles

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Posted 13 November 2010 - 05:32 AM

Warning to all you pervs reading this, please be aware I am stating my opinions in most things I write, some things will make you laugh ,some things will piss you off, I will piss you off with my bombast and arrogance at times. If you are a bit thin skinned or a bit sensitive well tough shit , stop reading now , I don’t care if I hurt your feelings or offend your delicate sensibilities because believe me when I tell you this, it don’t matter to me if your black ,white, brown , yellow or fucking indigo, if your Christian , Muslim , Jew or martian then somewhere in this report in the next 8 weeks or so your gonna get it, so if you’re a bit thin skinned you had better fuck off now. Now I can take as good as I give and don’t get offended at nothing, so whatever anyone calls me, it really don’t matter. I only say all this for one reason, please don’t thread fuck by wanting to argue with my point of view as I aint gonna spoil the story by bickering, if you wanna call me a cunt , then great, start your own thread and do it there or send me a PM. Thanks for reading my shit.
World Cup wrapped up ,England as shit as ever,all the mates pissed off to fuck with the usual crap performance,only bright side could be that at least I aint Scottish at least we went eh SLBT, Lol. They dont know why I have a smile on my ugly mug if only they had a clue.

The flight from hell avoided (ET022) 2105hrs Tuesday 13th July 2010
Gets to Manchester Airport nice and early for my 2105hrs flight to Bangkok via Abu Dhabi, arrived 30 minutes before check in opens as this is always the best time to get there as you usually end up at the front of the check in queue and get the choice seats, imagine my surprise when I gets there and there is at least a hundred cunts all stood there ,nearly everyone of them dressed in bed sheets with loads of screaming fucking kids ,well a bit of nifty footwork is needed here so I spies the fat bird just setting up the check in and breezed up to this fat porcine faced chick in a Etihad uniform that was straining at the seams and used the old Bolton charm to make sure I not only jumped the line but got a free upgrade to business class. Job done, now off to the 1st Class lounge for free drinks and food.
I would have quite happily paid when I saw exactly how many crying fucking children were getting on the plane, thankfully all are in steerage. Now something that always mystifies me is why all these cunts who go on planes all push and shove to try and get on 1st,like the fucking thing is going to go without them, do these cretins not understand it’s not going until every cunt is on, believe me gate 25 Terminal 1 was like a fucking camel auction. The bird shouts through the loud speaker for all Business class passengers to come forward and board, she says it in 3 or 4 different languages but all these clowns still try to push to the front, by this time the gate bird is getting the shits big time as none of these cunts are hearing ,so next she is bellowing down the loud speaker unless this fucking shower sit down the plane isn’t going nowhere ,I stick to my usual ritual of being one of the last to board ,no matter where I am sitting, so the 1st passengers are boarded and they call for the cripples and people with children, then people sitting at the back ,why all this palaver is going on I am sitting quietly drinking my free coffee watching the numb and useless trying to sort themselves out, when it has all calmed down I present myself to the boarding desk, the bird says to me you should get to the gate before this, everyone has boarded, I smiles and says nothing as this poor cow has been run ragged and looks ready to kill herself, god these girls have patience , if it was me I would be running round like Raoul Moat with a 12bore. I am a great believer in giving people intelligence tests before they are allowed to do certain things like travel outside of where they come from, vote, breed children and that sort of thing, it would make life a lot easier for those of us with a modicum of intelligence , this opinion has been formed over years of travelling and looking at life in general and of close observation of people, many will disagree, many will agree.
I am so pleased to be up the front end, went for a walk backward to see what delights I was missing after about an hour, the shithouses are in a right fucking state, there are foot prints on the seats and piss all over the floor, these fuckers have been perching on the shitter, I think the sign from Central Festival is needed which warns prospective perches’ to keep their feet off the shitter seat , the steward up front had to fuck off some sods who wanted to use the posh bogs. Its dreadful, kids running round, smaller ones screaming and there is still 5 hrs to go, I reckon steerage will be swimming with puke and piss by the time we get to UAE and smelling like a Baghdad public shithouse. Why do half these jokers always want to go to the shithouse when the drinks cart is on the move, is half the fucking world incontinent or just bastard stupid ? For me there is nothing much worse than an airplane shitter for the exception of a thunder box on the building site or a caravan shit can, that’s why I always go for a crap in the airport and try and restrict my visit to maybe 1 quick piss in flight, learned the hard way by going in the airplane crapper one time half a sleep in the middle of the night with no shoes on and ended up ankle deep in piss.
Well they have just come round with the grub, now I am what you would call a fucking pig, I will eat anything with the exception of cheese sauce and baked beans, the food on Etihad is usually outstanding no matter which class you are in, today was no exception, my only complaint when in economy is not enough of it. Its so good to eat with a metal knife and fork instead of the plastic shit some airlines give you,and as much snap as you like from a alacarte menu, now this is a bit of a poser why do they take my nail clipper off me at security as they say it’s dangerous yet the airline give you a metal knife and fork on the plane, go figure that one cause I am fucked if I know.
I truly hope the next leg from UAE to LOS is a bit more civilised as I am in steerage for that bit and not looking forward to it one bit, the only consolation I suppose is that it’s a day time flight leaving Abu Dhabi at 9am. So I think I will now stretch out on my flying bed and dream of the delights awaiting me in Soi 6 tomorrow night and hope I don’t start interfering with myself in my sleep, tried it on with the Trolley Dolly but she wasn’t having non, stuck up cunt, so I will have to content myself with thoughts of all them lovely’s just waiting to chew my cock till my hearts content.
The Beast is watching with a hungry eye and slavering jaws

#6 Surin Nix

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Posted 13 November 2010 - 07:08 AM

, I will piss you off with my bombast and arrogance at times. .

Your bombastic is fantastic!


#7 Houndofthebaskervilles

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Posted 16 November 2010 - 07:01 AM

14th July 2010 2130hrs
Well the eagle has landed finally,the second leg of the journey was just as horrendous as I expected,infested with crying fucking children and squeezed next to a fat cunt,just my bastard luck.
Well boarding in Abu Dhabi was fucking chaos they have 1 bird taking boarding passes for us saps in cattle class,run off her feet and 1 lazy fucking bloke stood there checking in the few business class passengers,giving no help at all.
As a consequence the flight left 30 mins late and arrives at Swampy nearly 1 hr late,the bag comes off last so from I am now at least 2hrs later at the meeting point for the Taxi,guess what he was not there,so thanks a fucking bunch PT Taxis,I wont be using them again,surely the driver should have the brains to see the flight is delayed as he had the number,I even went to the enquiry desk and got the bird to shout for the twat over the tanoy,so I ends up having to cough up 1200bht after a load of negotiating,which is exactly what I was hoping to avoid after a long trip.
Anyway I am safely ensconced in Siam Guest house,the old bird was sat here in her PJs waiting for me.
Nice big room as usual ,spotless clean and a warm welcome.
Right I will fuck off and see what I can find to shag tonight its only 945pm still early,will post a report and some pics tomorrow, Terry the deviant aussie plumber will be here in about 6 hrs so I need to get 1 in before him.
Oh where to go ,on such a lovely evening with a full sack,well 1st job full sack or not I jump in the bongo van and head to Walking St for a kebeb from Fat Joes ,sit outside one of the quieter bars eat my kebab and have a beer watching the world go by. I have not seen Pattaya this quiet before,hardly anyone in the bars and all the birds hungry for a bit of what I have in my pocket.
While in the vicinity I stick my head into England Bar to see if Jenny is around as one of the boys wanted her number,no luck she wasnt there,I scoots round to Ezy to have a look at the welsh wizard but he is missing in action again,was mobbed on arrival by the usual suspects Guess,Gift and Tong. Had 1 drink and fucked off to Pook Swan where I was greeted with the same enthusiasm, I decided to drag one off and picked the delectable Aun .I soon whisked her off to my lair where she proved quite energetic a lovely little body and a very hard cock that never seems to want to sleep,she had a silly idea that she wanted to fuck me,I soon disabused her of the idea.My only fault with her was she wasnt real good at the old blow job,but was great in the fucking dept, a really nice tight hole.
I managed to fuck her twice and she cum 3 times shooting off a decent load each time,she even woke me up at 530am wanting another round,I certainly got my 1000bhts worth.
I was just slinging her out this morning at 0830 and the plumber was banging on my door,I thinks thats 1- 0 to me,but I am sure he will soon catch up.
The sexy Aun or whatever her name is has turned out to be a great start to what promises to be a memorable trip in everyway.
The Beast is watching with a hungry eye and slavering jaws

#8 Houndofthebaskervilles

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Posted 16 November 2010 - 07:07 AM

Aun as promised

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The Beast is watching with a hungry eye and slavering jaws

#9 petesie

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Posted 16 November 2010 - 05:14 PM

Good to see more of yer exploits in Sin City posted here Robbo....

Can we have more paragraphs please as my old eyes have a bit of trouble making out your incessant politically incorrect rant.... :harhar:

:clapclap: 8) :lol:
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#10 Guest_pandemonium_*

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Posted 17 November 2010 - 01:47 AM

aum or her name should be walter mitty :harhar:

#11 petesie

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Posted 17 November 2010 - 03:09 AM

Aum is fine as are most of the girls when having a good day...given the many Pattaya permutations...

As Robbo described....always a good time to be had in the haysack with the wee one... 8)
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#12 Guest_pandemonium_*

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Posted 17 November 2010 - 03:58 AM

aye petesie she is quite gid the sack

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