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Pattaya Reflections....

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#49 petesie

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Posted 10 August 2010 - 10:39 AM

Well done John....!

I never noticed that rip in her stocking before...tut tut.. :harhar:

Excellent tool from Picasa.....and a good tip to add to BB's new Q & A Piccy Page!


PS. Any idea about de-misting FB's steamed up specs?
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#50 FatboyUK

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Posted 10 August 2010 - 01:38 PM

oooooh... I already use Picasa to re-size my pics anyway, so perhaps I need to have a play with a few before posting the rest....
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#51 Bumblebee

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Posted 10 August 2010 - 04:50 PM

I have alot with that heat related haze in the background....look at the pics of Biw and New.

Any idea how to combat this BB?

It looks like because you were in a covered area, shooting into a bright area the girls were back lit in some photos and thus not fully clear. Using the flash to fill in the foreground would combat this. Also maybe there was a bit of haze from the river. This link explains it for you.


I've noticed you've given many top piccie taking tips BB :clapclap:

Perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad idea for a little 'Picture taking Q & A' sticky thread to be started with your aproval- where yourself and a couple of the other knowledgable photographers could answer the odd photo questions/problems. Just an idea..

Sorry for the brief off topic.

Back to the most excellent show young Fatboy :rockon:

Sounds like an good idea Kliome. I'll start it off in the off topic section in the next few hours. Meanwhile back to the report.
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#52 FatboyUK

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Posted 10 August 2010 - 10:31 PM

Some more....edited using Picasa....although I find the package very confusing.

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#53 boomher2x

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Posted 11 August 2010 - 07:10 AM

talking about the love boat... :D

#54 jimbo34

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Posted 11 August 2010 - 04:33 PM

Well done FB - i thoroughly enjoyed your opening statement. Tell it how it is with honest opinion. Doesn't mean everybody will agree with you, it's just how you found the experience.
It's made me think again about Chaba Hut - maybe i just got lucky when i stayed there.
Oh, and belated birthday wishes!

#55 jimbo34

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Posted 11 August 2010 - 06:11 PM

Oh, just one observation about you not getting attention from the bargirls:
You have to bear in mind these girls are working. Why would they waste their time sitting with someone who isn't going to "pay" them, either in ladydrinks, or barfines? If you're a plumber, you don't go round to someone's house and unblock their drains, unless you're going to get paid, do you?
I don't wish to be unkind, in your excellent thread, but its sometimes forgotten, that they do have to earn a living in what, after all, is a pretty difficult way of life.
Just my tuppence worth.

Great pictures BTW.

#56 khunjohn

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Posted 11 August 2010 - 07:20 PM

Oh, just one observation about you not getting attention from the bargirls:
You have to bear in mind these girls are working. Why would they waste their time sitting with someone who isn't going to "pay" them, either in ladydrinks, or barfines? If you're a plumber, you don't go round to someone's house and unblock their drains, unless you're going to get paid, do you?

But if you're a plumber you're not going to make any money sitting around talking to other plumbers. You've got to put yourself out there to be noticed.

Here's how I'd suggest girls operate in order to get my business:
When I enter the bar look at me and smile, as maybe I want to take you right away and this is my chance to beckon you over.

If i sit down with no lady for a while then I may be finally ready for some company. Make yourself known to me somehow. Walk by and engage me in some way that's not looking like you're asking for drink (i.e don't sit down right next to me). Show me a picture on your phone or ask me what I think about what you're wearing. Again you're reminding me that you're there and giving me a chance to invite you to have a seat and a drink.

Even if I don't ask you for company this time the seed is planted and I may come back at a later time.

For me if a girl meets my minimum standards (and many do) then what I'm looking for is personality and some interest in me. I notice the outgoing girls and those are the ones I'm likely to go with.

#57 jimbo34

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Posted 11 August 2010 - 07:36 PM

You'll do well khunjohn - let me know which bar you're going to be working in! :lol:

#58 FatboyUK

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Posted 11 August 2010 - 09:20 PM

Why would they waste their time sitting with someone who isn't going to "pay" them, either in ladydrinks, or barfines?

And are you suggesting that I do neither of these things Jim?
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#59 FatboyUK

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Posted 11 August 2010 - 09:24 PM

Today's update for all you Teara fans out there.....

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#60 eslmiker

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Posted 11 August 2010 - 09:34 PM

Well FBUK despite your initial reservations this has turned into a proper trip report with some excellent pictures. The 'love boat' and especially the series with Teara were outstanding. Keep it coming FB. :clapclap:

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