After my early morning short time with Emmy I never really spoke to her again. I would see her when she came down to Tequila Bar from Moulin Rose Caberat shows. She would only give me poses, or flip her hair or look at me in a striking way. a strange one indeed.
I moved from
Candy house to 200 years Guest house in Paradise Complex. This Swedish LB hunter named Nicky was in the room next to mine. I would see him at C&D's and Tequila bar each night, and in the hall way passing. One he was in a shouting match with a ladyboy in his room. I was with
Mint who recognised Emmy's crying voice. She was crying and yelling "I know you take LB, why you lie to me!" We both went closer to my door and cracked to hear the drama unfolding. He was telling her to shut up, I pay her 2500 baht, I don't have to be with you every night. Their yabba fueled argument finally cooled down. A few days later after I left Phuket for BKK jimbo reported that Nicky had been pinched for Yabba and had to pay 200,000 baht to buy himself out of that pickle.