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Cooldudecoco "one more time" trip report

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#37 Coco

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Posted 06 June 2009 - 11:54 PM

Pentire I understand your concern about names, I am sure I could do a lot better but being my first trip report I am just doing my best I can right now I hopefully I could do improve with time.. I read others trip reports and I hope I can inspire to be like them... but I have to say I really did like meeting all of fellow board members on this trip and I had a good time spending time with them I thought I would post a few pictures that they would enjoy so that’s how it all got started.
Donnykey, in that last picture Carl took his camera out and it was like a shark feeding frenzies all the girls started to strike a pose. “Luckily no one got hurt “but you have to be careful of group of ladyboys when it comes to posing for a picture or getting in the way when there looking in front of a mirror.
I have to say that Carl has a great line up at Eazy Bar it seems to me that all are great looking girls. I almost fell over when I saw Nicky walk in a few times when I was there.. I did not manage to take a picture of this lovely this trip but I did talk to her, but the conversation did not last too long. other board members where there Petese , and his friend Straight mate , Duke007,Thaibound, Crakerjax, and others I forget all there handles . Nicky and the rest of the girls all wanted to do strightmate; because he is young and hansom I think he was that “so “good looking that the girls would do him for free. Nicky flirted more than I ever seen her do before …. ” I wish it was me “but oh well that’s what it’s like when you’re not that “good looking” …good thing I brought a lot of baht, that helps me and others to get some attention. after drinking all night the time was around 5.00 am so I thought this would be a good time to go home by myself and get some rest I said good bye and walked out the door of Eazy bar up the alley a few feet and ran into one of the first girls I meet about ten years ago she was coming home from work at a beer bar off walking street I think it was called “MY Place” I was happy to see her after such a long time I believe she stayed a week with me the first time and I also ran into her a few years back and she stayed a few days also her name is Meow ,, Pentire ,, see I am already doing better ..she quickly asked me to show her room I said ok and we went off past the end of the alley where Eazy bar is located,,, and up two floors of steps once inside she introduced me to her roommate and we sat and caught up on what happen over the years she told me that she has not been home for over a year and a half in a way I felt kind of bad because she sounded like she was on the track to a harden pro and my thoughts of her where anything but that but after ½ hour of talk to find out she had a few sponsors and that wells all dried up she was now a full time bar girl I felt kind of sad about that . But this pattaya and there are many stories like this ,that play out every day. I told her I was getting tired so I said goodbye but she was not letting me go home by myself even thought I wanted to but it’s hard for me to say no to any girl that wants to go home with me so off I went home hand in hand with the one I love tonight.

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#38 Guest_pentire_*

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Posted 07 June 2009 - 12:06 AM

,, Pentire ,, see I am already doing better ...

:shock: Oh my god, I utter a few words of constructive criticism and a modern day Ernest Hemingway jumps out of the box :lol:

Yes you are doing better CDCC.....Thank you very much :wink:

#39 petesie

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Posted 07 June 2009 - 12:56 AM

Cooldude.........yer a cracker....!

"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#40 eslmiker

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Posted 07 June 2009 - 07:51 PM

:shock: "meow 2009 little older now"

You passed up ANY of the Ezy girls for Meow :shock: Cooldudecoco, you old softy! :P

#41 BigTel

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Posted 07 June 2009 - 08:02 PM

CoolDude you have a Heart of Gold :D

#42 Coco

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Posted 11 June 2009 - 05:03 AM

Pattaya during the day can be hot and sticky; if I wake up early I like to catch the breakfast buffet at the lek hotel or better yet the buffet at the Diana Hotel that one is across the street from mike shopping mall next to twin kiss . the buffet stops at 10;30 at Diana hotel but the lek goes on till noon or so but I think Diana is far better in food for the dinner buffet as well for breakfast but I usual miss them because of I don’t get up that early . Next stop is a stroll down beach road after a few days I see the same girls there and I always say hi. Every time it ends up with a girl at the beach that wants more the small talk. I did have a girl or so back to the room before but not on this trip I like to walk down to 13/2 to the pump house bar, this is a blow job bar. there is usually 3 or 4 girls up sitting waiting for customers like me to stroll in I like to pick the girl myself so when I am walking up I try to find miss right . after I order a soda I sit down for a second to make sure I found the right miss right sometimes a new girl walks down the stairs and I might have change miss right for another miss right , then I tell her I am ready to go up stairs , then off we go …if you go to the pump house you have to walk thru the kitchen then up some stairs I always ask for the girl to turn on a x rated movie then I am set , I only had one bad time but for the most part the girls know what to do .after I am done I tip the girl 300 baht and walk down stairs to pay check bin usually the check bin with a coke is around 380 to 480 bahts . today my phone rang and it was my girl I been seeing for many years she called to ask if I could meet up with sister, Dada her sister stands on the sidewalk and asked tourist for a survey then they get you to go to a presentation on buying a vacation package deal there company is called Absolute and Dada gets from anywhere from 1,000 to 2,000 bahts if I go so I went and did not buy anything but I ate and drank a beer or two.

During a hot sunny day I like to go back and jump in to the pool and get some rest but I was feeling well I am off to “soi 6” I walk down the road and I am bombarded with cat calls , “welcome” , “ham some man “ for the most part it’s a real ego boost . I always go to the Halifax Bar I like the cashier girl I some time have to wait till another cashier girl from other bar gets there I guess they only trust a few with their money and up stairs I go .

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#43 Crackerjax

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Posted 11 June 2009 - 11:14 AM

A pleasure to read your TR Cooldude - always funny to hear how different folks spend their afternoons when mongering in LOS. You obviously have a talent for the seedy - I heartily approve! :wink:

Don't actually recall Karl introducing us in Ezy on that night you refer to, but it was a most fun and busy evening which I am glad to have shared with you :lol: :lol: :lol:

Let's do it again!

#44 petesie

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Posted 11 June 2009 - 05:45 PM

I too am looking forward to bumping into CDC again when our paths cross once again in the LoS.....yer a splendid chap!

:) :lol: :wink:
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#45 Metropolis

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Posted 12 June 2009 - 08:23 AM

These are great types of shots. I've got so many of these Thailand just-gettin-er-done type shots.

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#46 Coco

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Posted 14 June 2009 - 07:09 AM

Back to the oh trip report first of all I am glad I went this trip the weather great timing to go to the volleyball game and the dinner out , and to top it with the pool party it turn into a wonderful time , as Pentire once said … “Thailand solo is the way to go for any self respecting ladyboy hunter “. I understand that hunting for the most part is solo but lately I been finding so many friends that traveling in packs also works well,,, I got to spend some time with the bar girls met up with some old flames and met some new ones . There are a few things that I missed and a few things I did regret not doing… I start off with … up on drinking street Rossco introduced me to a female thai boxer I was so taken by her she had great body and I got a chance to talk with her and I made a mental note on ,, returning but I never made it back I am sure she is still crying because she missed me so much . but I did have a great time with some of the girls at Eazy bar and La Bamba , I will put a few pictures of some of the girls I really like X , as well as Vickie , and Sasa , and I can’t forget the girl that looked like Halle Berry that worked or maybe freelance at Lamba she was dark skin and had short hair I am certain she was not Halle Berry because she had a rather nice package . She would not allow any pictures I should have stand my ground and told her my terms like a real ladyboy hunter should do .. But I was in love ..And when in love I can’t think straight .I had such a good time with her ……. I think, Gate, X , and Halle Berry, where the top three girls on my trip . I have notice a little difference in the behavior of some of the girls in bed I am doing a lot of hair pulling and forceful fucking with the moderately slap to the ass.. As I am only doing what my partner wants ,,,,I and constantly asking “are you ok” and I get a happy replied yes I am ok keep it up . Maybe times are changing or just the girls I picked . I also notice a sister hood in the bars like Lamba and salleys, I know that just four girls had to show up for the volleyball game but the all the girls showed up from both bars to give their support I think for the most part the bars do a good job keeping the sisterhood happy, … here are few pictures ..

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#47 bunnyman

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Posted 14 June 2009 - 01:43 PM

cooldudecoco could you send me x number or email add if you have them plaese thanks
i go to thailand about 2 times a year and i would like to meet ladyboys when i go there

#48 dixon cox

dixon cox

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Posted 14 June 2009 - 04:50 PM

cooldudecoco could you send me x number or email add if you have them plaese thanks

Dude, have you ever been to Thailand or do you just try and harvest phone numbers and email addresses?

Get your ass to Thailand and just walk into any of the bars we talk about all the time. Honestly dude, unless these girls have actually met you they're not interested in some box-bedroom stroker heavy-breathing down the phone.

Looking at only one page of your previous comments you have asked TEN times for contact details :shock:

1./ cooldudecoco could you send me x number or email add if you have them plaese thanks
2./ hi karl i was wondering if you could pm me oil/x/or paeng number
3./ pleasei want to call them before i come pattaya to chat to them
4./ hi matrix do you have amy/emmas email or mobile number
5./ yellow do you have emma/amys number could you pm me it please
6./ does any 1 have tais email or mobile number
7./ hi pat do you have any mobile numbers for jan and moo in pattaya please
8./ could you pm me her new number please frank im going febuary
9./ where is Pah from they look so hot does any 1 know then could you give me there email and mobile
10./ pat have you got may and noks numbers please


Meum cerebrum nocet

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