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Laptops 07 trip

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#85 laptop

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Posted 10 September 2007 - 05:00 PM

Cheers lads. I know some of the days were written when pissed so they may have ended up as drunken rants. But really it could be a while before i am back in Pattaya. I will still post on the forum as my knowledge shouldnt be out of date for a while yet! :lol:

#86 patrick

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Posted 10 September 2007 - 05:12 PM

Thanks for the stories laptop. Good luck mate
When I were a lad we had the one thing that money can't buy....poverty

#87 koykaeng

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Posted 10 September 2007 - 06:00 PM

Hi Laptop,

Just finished reading your trip report, and found it an extremely interesting read for a whole host of reasons. I won't spell them all out, but it certainly was a fascinating read from my perspective.

Was nice meeting up with you, and despite your uncertainty at this moment, I'm sure we will cross paths again in the future. :)

Thanks again for you honest & personal account of your time spent in Pattaya.

Sign in pub "In case of fire - break glass". Now my beer's gone everywhere, and there's still a fire.

#88 laptop

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Posted 10 September 2007 - 06:16 PM

Thanks KK. I am glad you enjoyed it and i certainly enjoyed meeting you. Due to my personal situation it made my report very different from others. The fact i was engaged, my age, previous experience of pattaya ladyboys and other things made my time in Pattaya torture at times. It was very difficult to restrain myself at times.

And as i knew it would be a long time until i could spend this long in thailand at one time i tended to overdo things at times. Coming close to the end of my trip i was really begining to loose control. Pattaya is really somewhere i couldnt live as i know what would happen. Every day you can meet people who live in Pattaya who are either drinking,drugging, spending or fucking themselvs to an early grave. Now that i have regained all rationality i can see this is something i never want to do.

I think i would be happy to have a similar situation to yourself. A couple of 2 weeks trips a year will keep me happy! :lol:

#89 Rossco

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Posted 10 September 2007 - 07:09 PM

Laptop - enjoyed the report and your company when you were here.

Your observation about living here is valid. If you do not practice self restraint you are screwed. I always think the air ticket is akin to a "get out of jail free" card.

The temptation to drink and indulge is great and difficult to deny. I still have to kick myself when with an LB and remind myself that this is just for fun and to not get involved. When you live here it is even harder to butterfly as the "sisterhood" seem to know everything that is going on. Their network is faster than a motorcycle taxi.

Thai ladies are something else - having had the pleasure to meet your wife all I can say is that you are a lucky man. She is very pleasant and a delight to speak to.

I just have 2 images of you:
1 Sitting and talking with you and your wife one evening
2 Watching you get raped by Noon in Blue Ice - I destroyed the photos!

Good luck in the future and remember you can have a normal holiday in Pattaya too!!

#90 udrees

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Posted 10 September 2007 - 07:22 PM

very interesting report.
every newbie should read it.
thank you laptop

#91 laptop

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Posted 11 September 2007 - 02:13 AM

HAHA. I enjoyed the drinks i had with you too. Its a shame you got rid of those pics. I would love to see them! :oops:I remember that night with Noon. It was one of my mad ones. I even ended up shaving my hair off!

My girlfriend enjoyed speaking with you. The only other people she met were my mates who hang around soi 6. They are a good laugh but some of them are very shadey characters. And she didnt want to hear many of their conversations. But me have a normal holiday in Pattaya. I am not sure i can do it. I have never been any good at self restraint!

That is actually another thing i noticed about LOS. The ladyboy hunters seem to be much easier to get on with than the regular girl hunters. I have no idea why this is.

#92 laptop

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Posted 11 September 2007 - 02:39 AM

My Trip report all together. It was the first time i read my report from start to finish. The change from my original plans is frightening. All good intensions went out the window.! :shock: And then it finishes with good intensions again!I hope they dont go out the window again!

Below are all my entries in my trip report to pattaya. I have just coppied my entries from another well known lb site. As i didnt copy and paste any of the other peoples posts it may not make 100% sense. But hopefully it will be of interest to some. Sorry no pics. I kind of wrote the report on a daily basis while in Patts.

Day 1

Last night/actually now is/was my first night out in patts this year. Tis now 5 am and the stupid jetlag means i cannot sleep. So i decided to post my thoughts on what i saw last night/tonight. Ill probably ending back to walking street again at 6 am when my girl goes to work just so i can force myself to sleep.

Tonight i decided to go to the lb bars i had never gone to before. I bet y'all can guess where i went to first. So i went into 131 and st down and had a drink. I met Matchman there who was god to chat to and Frank who was a very friendly host. 131 looks great and the girls a fantastic. I spent most of my time shooting pool with Janni. She is fairly cute and good fun. The best looking girls in the bar are Nikki and Noon. By a mile in my humble opinion. Nicky who i saw twice in walking street after leaving 131 is going to make my life difficult over the next 6 weeks i think. She is crazy hot and even hotter than the pics we have seen. Both time in walking street she picked me out with a heart stopping stare. The girl is 100% the best looking most passable lb i have ever seen.

Next i hit walking street. First was Blue Ice bar. Now fucking hell lads some of the lbs here are absolutly stunning. 2 blonde broads are knockouts and a couple more are amazing. I was sitting talking to about 4 lbs for an hour or so. All great fun and beautiful BUT BE WARNED this place has young lbs. Of the 4 i was chatting to 1 admitted being 17 and another admitted being under 18. So be very carefull here.

After leaving ice i was pretty MAO. Bit i said i would hit Litas for 1 before the sack. I had a beer with one small hot lb but other than that the talant was limited. But the place has potential.

I dropped by JSB a couplr of times and the place is dead. Blue Ice is the New hot spot. Sorry i have no pics but it is surprising how much of a pain in the ass a camera is to carry around once you arrive. Also please excuse the spelling because i am mao MAK MAK.

Now i will crawl back into bed with my beautiful thai gg gf for 1 hour until she gets up for work. Then ill wander down to walking street towards marine and see what the buzz is. Then i think hit the sack again about 8 or 9. Hopefully ill wake before 2 pm. Then ill spend the day in soi 6. Sorry there is no pics. Good night!


Well i actually managed to stagger back to walking street at about 6.30. As i walked back towards Blue Ice i bumped into Nikki again. She was sitting outside the bar with 3 other lb's. So i chatted with them for 30 mins or so. Fucking hell lads, Nikki is so cute. I felt myself getting pretty pissed and sloppy so i decided to wander off. I went to the mad late hours bar with the teckno music just a little bit down from Blue Ice on the Left hand side. I sat here drinking until about 11. I was chatting with one lb from Hot tuna. She was hot and the temptation was pretty frustrating. Anyway i managed to resist and legged it back to my room . I fell asleep until about 1 but i was woken by the cleaners.

So i was forced to hit soi 6 earlier than i wanted. First i went to soi 6/1 to try to find Beam. But unfortunatly there was no sign of her. Then i went to Red Point to look for one of my fave gg's Can but she was in an Internet Cafe. So i decided to have a look at Hi Boss. Now if some of the LB's outside had been even close to looking like Bowie i might have gone in. But jesus there were some horrible looking bastards. I coulnt go so i hit up towards Bee Bar. I then spent the day, until 6.30 drinking in here with the cashier Ek. She is good fun.

So i met my gg in MK BBQ in Big C at about 6.45. After this much booze i was in a state. I was quickly taken back to my bed for being ting tong. I fell asleep and just woke up now at 1.30 which is a very stupid time to wake up. I will hang around my appartment until 6 when my chick wakes up and ill go to blue ice for a couple of brews and a feed somewhere. I am going to BKK today for 1 night. Ill probably leave at about 12 so ill get to have a look at Guess and the Nana bars. I also wanna check out the new Beer Garten. Its a mad place. I might also get the lb massage from the sexy one in the classifides. Any way lifes a bitch so i better get back into bed with my sexy gf. Friday night will be a quality time night with the chick so it will be Saturday when i am back to 131 for a few drinks.


2.30 am. Cant get back to sleep so ive decided fuck that im going to walking street! Lita's for me now please taxi driver!


Mission aborted. I couldnt stay in Lita's much longer. I had two sexy bitches all over me for the last 2 hours and the temptation was killing me. I had to grab a feed and leg it back to the loom. The two lb's were sexy. Im sure Matchman knows their names. Anyway i am going to hide out in bed for a few hours now. I was thinking of going to the teckno bar a again but its probably not a good idea. AGGGHHHHH the temptation here is nuts.

And agreed Spurs will not win jack shit but they odnt call me Will Power for nothing. I can resist!


Ok well i managed to stay in bed until 6 after returning from Lita's.I think i got back to my room at about 4.30. So at 6.30 i walked my chick to work.

I still wasnt tired so i decided to wander down to the Teckno bar in walking street. As usual the place was kicking! I got a few beers in and on top of the fact that i was already pissed there was bound to be trouble ahead. I stayed in the teckno bar till 9 and headed off to another bar with a chick i was chatting to there. She was small and ok looking but good fun. I sat at her bar with her and then i did something good/bad.

This 68 year old piss head called Ian from Darwin came up to me. Had a sob story about money not coming through and that he was broke. And did i have a few k for a few days. Yeah sure Ian! Well i didnt believe a word he was saying as he clearly had the money to get himself pretty pissed. I said i wouldnt give him money but i would buy him a few beers with me. I was drinking quite fast but by his fourth he was fucked. Half way through it he forgot his story and all he could say was 'i have to get back to my hotel.' So off he went.

This was about 11 am and i stayed in the bar until about 12.30 when i decided to catch the early hours of soi 6. First stop was Red point were i had a few. I now am pretty pissed. Left red point about 2.30. Unfortunatly here i got dragged into the dragons lair. The cashier of Hi Boss saw me and ran out and dragged me in. I had 3 beers with her, Joy and the one from the hardcore photo set with beam. I cant remember her name but she went off once to look for beam but no luck. Actually according to the cashier that was lucky. But obviously thats been well documented.

Any way during the time here Joy offered me a massage. I said no thanks. She said just pay for the room as she wanted do do it for free to practice. I didnt believer her but i went. Unfortunatly twice during the massage i sliped and my dick landed in her mouth. We didnt fuck and didnt kiss. Thats a massage right??? Then why do i feel so bad?

I was then walking up soi 6 and i was very drunk now. I was dragged into route 69 by one of the girls i know. 1 beer here. Then i went up to the usual Bee bar for 2 more. I managed to get back at about 7.30.

Then i had to go to bangkok! That sucked ass and i arrived in at about 12.30 am. I stayed in the Star Inn as i couldnt find the hotel i had booked even though i had the name and the soi with me. Anyway i fell asleep straight away. I left my room the next day at about 10. Decided to check out the new beer garden. New my ass! But the food was grand but i couldnt handle any beers so i only had coke. Fucking hell though, the hooks in here are sick and wrong! I had rub my eyes and figure out was this a dream? I could have sworn they were all the cleaners from my old University back home. Haggered girls in here.

I wasnt arsed staying in Bkk until 3 or 5 to wait for guess so i went home to patts. I think i have been bold so i havent left my room since 2 today. And i am not drinking tonight.

But tomorrow is another day and i will be getting pissed in bars from about 2 pm. This place is a killer. But what can i do? Boys will be boys!

Rossco- i have your number. its just my journeys have been rather unorginized butl ill be in 131 at about 11 or so on Saturday.


Oh god i have just woken up with my first proper hangover of my trip so far. It sucks ass.

Last night i started boozing in walking street from about 5. I visited a few bars but none worth writing about. It was 2300 when i arrived in 131. It wasnt too busy but it was good fun. David Bowie my ass! Noon was looking stunning last night!Fucking hell! Forget Nikki. I think this girl is the number 1! Any way i stayed in 131 getting tortured by Noon and Kay. I told frank that i thought theese were the 2 most sexy girls in 131. I shouldnt have.

At about 1 30 i decided to go to walking street. I meet socrates on the street and we went to Blue Ice. No the girls were on form here tonight. The girls sitting with us was complete stunners. Any way after a few mins here i saw Noon in walking street. She was looking around! She saw me in Blue Ice and ran towards me. HMMMMMM whats going on.

We decided to go to Lita's where Noon and the 2 others followed us. HMMMM and guess who was waiting for me. Kay! When i sat down i had these two sexy creatures launch a full blown attack on me.Now why were the 2 girls i told frank i thought were most sexy fixed on me???? HAHHA its even more difficult now. Anyway Rossco told me that there might be a prize on my ass! I mentioned this to the two girls and they laughed and more or less told me this was the case. AGHHHHHHHHHHHH for fuck sake! It should be impossible but Pattaya just got harder!

Early last night! In bed by 3.30. ill bring out the cam one night soon.


Oh my buda i am in bits this morning! And NO Rossco no one saw me walk into hotel with a lb, haha. Its one week now and i am still a good wee lad.

The drinking started early for me yesterday. At 2 o clock i went down to Soi 6 and started in Bee Bar. I was obviously lazy yesterday because i didnt leave Bee Bar until 8. I got back to my room at 9, had something to eat and then it was sleep time. I woke up at 23.30 and within seconds i was on a motorbike taxi to meet Koeykaeng and Rossco. There was a bit of craic in Goldfingers. There are some very sexy girls there. I barfined Patty who i have been mates with for a long time, since her time as a caberat girl in Lamai. She wa slooking smoking. Fuck me i was tempted.

After Goldfingers it was on to Lita's again.You would think having Patty on my arm would keep the other lb's away! No it didnt. More torture. After a while here with the lads i went to play pool on walking street with Patty. Due to my consumption of beer my ass was kicked. Anyway she then told me Prair from Samui had just moved to Pattaya. Now Prair is one of my all time favourite ladyboys. She is fucking smoking!And now i am going to have her to tempt me.

At about 3 am i decided i had enough of playing pool and hit blue ice for a couple. The chicks in here are out of this world. Tonight or tomorrow i will take out the cam. The place is just silly! Anyway it was 4 when i got back to my bed. Another fun night in this Sin City. Its 16.10 now and ive only been awake since 1500. I better go to soi 6 and start drinking before all the beer goes!


Never made it to soi 6. I got to 131 at 16.30 and spent the day drinking with Lek. What a sexy intellegent girl.


Dont worry matchman. I am doingn nothing with her. Just keeping her safe for you!

Well yesterday i caved! . I started my day in soi 6 at 13.00. The beers were going down quite quickly so the early signs were not good. One of the gg's from one of the bars were driving me nuts! I was so tempted and it took all my power to do nothing. I went to 131 at 5 for a couple with Lek. Again she was good fun. 131 was pretty dead with frank away so i was on my way again at 6.30.

After a few beers and pool with my gf it was time for bed at 2200. Then off to goldfingers at about 23.30. The place was dead so i had one beer with Rose who is a nice girl but to tall for my tastes. Then it was Blue Ice to have a drink. Noon was on show wearing the most sexy red dress ive ever seen. And a pair of white sunglasses. She looked like a movie star. It was the best ive ever seen a ladyboy look. EVER!

Anyway i was about to go home when i decided fuck it, ill have 1 in Lita's. Shouldnt have! Very pissed at this stage and i couldnt resist the temptation of Prair! Cute little thing that i had not seen before. So there it is! I have failed in my mission. But i cant make this mistake again!!!!! God help me!


HAHA Cheers for the support Rossco. By the way please see the pic of the girl that got me. - Taken from a Barley Legal Lita Bar Post.

Last night was another difficult night. I hadnt drank at all but met with a few down in Goldfingers. The talent here now is unbelievable. Patty, Noon, Rose, Koekaengs sexy friend and many others. A former friend of mine from Samui, Prair, came to see me. I hadent seen her in over a year and a half - 2 years. Dammmmmmmnnnn she was even more sexy. This is my fave girl ever. So sexy. So cute and the best dancer i have ever seen. Ill be posting some pics of her soon. Ill be spending a lot of my nights with this girl but i will behave!!!!

Anyway spent the night with her drinking. She has only been in Patts for 3 days and it was her 2nd time to walking street. She is too scared to go alone with the police these days. As soon as i walked into Lita's i had my previous Prair over to me too. So too Prairs. Both different typs of sexy. Prair had already performed a sexy dance in Goldfingers poles and she did likewise in Lita's. KK has some pics.

After a while here it was another few in Blue Ice. IMO this place is geting out of control. Not only is there plenty of underage but plenty of yabba heads. 2 started shit with Prair. And onther later tried to follow me to mug me - until i said i would physically try to drag her ass to the police. 2 others were also sacked on the spot last night - Yabba and fighting. The place is a bit wild.

I walked Prair home and was in bed by four am. By 2.30 pm i was in Patty, Prair and Roses appartment! Patty was trying to leg it to give us some space. But then Rose and another came home so my hand was forced. Then it was off to soi 7 for a couple of beers and pool. Home now.

No lbs for a few days. Issan for 3 days!


I got back from Issan a couple of days ago. Damn its boring. Its good to be back in Patts. Last night was another good one. 131, Litas and then i went to Blue Ice because Noon was there. Again she wa looking amazing. She has got hair extensions and she just looks like the best looking lb wherever she goes. I said i would go to Marine with her tonight. But i am not sure if its a good idea.

I better leg it now. Someone has to make sure soi 6 is still ok!


Well KK Prair really went all out with the new hair cut. She still looks sexy. Anyway i said i would meet her at 2300 tonight and go to Lita's.

By the way i meet up with Beam today in Soi 6/1. She looks hot! And she was good fun. She seems to have calmed down with regards to the drugs. Beam was my 3rd ladyboy sin of my trip. I couldnt help but to pull her off at the bar in Starlight. SHe blew the biggest load i have seen in a long time. She is still a superstar! But as we know she can be a bad girl!

AND TO THE PERSON WHO DECIDED TO TELL PATTY THE CONTENTS OF MY TRIP REPORT - GROW UP! I never fucked her and never said i did!!!!! I met PRAIR in her room!!!!!! I dont know why idiots do this!


Sorry no pics. i brought a camera but forgot the charger.ill bring out a cheap cam at some stage and take pics of all the relevent lb's. Including the lovely Beam. Really i have to say with my had on my heart she looked great today. And she was in great form.

Tonight i met Prair in Wallys. She is so lovely. After i went to Goldfingers. It was toward the end of the night but the superstars - patty and rose were there. Only stayed one drink and then hit walking street.

First i hit secrets bar. B O R I N G !!!! Then i decided to have one in Blue Ice. Within seconds the best looking person in the history of the world arrived!!! NOON!!!!! Fuck! She looked amazing! She is so nice too. I had great funwith her. I barely had a chance to sip my beer with all the shit we were doing. The sexy dress she wore ensured easy access.

Anyway i have to go to Bkk on Tuesday. Noon is coming with me! I cant fucking wait!


Ive got some business in Bkk for the day. But it was going to be a solo trip so i said i may as well drag her along. I dont know what i ill do. I suggested Bed superclub or QBar but she is not 20 so she cant. i think it will be nana/guess for a bit and then crab a feed. Nothing too interesting.

Im am not sure what her sponsor knows or doesnt know. So i will not comment on what went on tonight! But the girl no longer even wants the 131 pics on the net.


HAHA. Ive still actually only fucked one lb so far. Noon will be company only. No sexy time. My chick is still here. In bed now so i am going to go have a few with Noon in Blue Ice now. She had EVERYTING out last night. Fuck lads she is hot. She has hair extensions now and does not look like Bowie.

Today i had some experience in Puuks Bar. It is the bar next to Hi Boss. I went in alone and went up to the gogo bar. i was the only customer in the place. THere was 1 good looking lb and one ok looking one and 2 below average gogo girls.Anyway i dont know what weird ass mood they were in but i ended up kissing and getting sucked off by all four. Very weird experience. But good i suppose!


I am not sure what i can do about the Noon situation. She is so sexy. I met her in Blue Ice last night and we ended up going to Marine. I didnt get home until after 5.

I woke up late today. Maybe 3 pm. I then spent the day in Kilkenny Irish Bar in walking street. Its 23.30 now so i will probably go to walking street now.


I wasnt able to bring Noon to Bkk because of something with my gf. But i did manage to visit all most of the bars. It was a one night whirlwind tour of BKK.

I started off in Guess. Place looks great. Took me a while to find it. I spent about 2 hours there with Nancy. Really nice and sexy girl.

Next i visited Cassanovas. I was hit with the usualy attack of every ladyboy in the place. Monica was the hottest so i had a couple of beers with her.

I was next on to Cascades where i spent my time with noon. She doesnt look as good as previously.

Obsessions has a decent line up. Jane,Joy Oum and many oters werel looking good. It had the most customers of all the bars.

I also made my first trip to Temptation. Not great line up.

My last few days while i have not been in Bkk have Just been drinking with Noon in Blue Ice. She is beautiful and so much fun. However i will not be visiting this bar again. Some real Nut Jobs here. Its currently for sale for 5 million Baht.


Case number 2 of some dickhead deciding telling ladyboys what i post is a great idea. Pic removed.

Yeah she is tall. Different people like different ladyboys. But i have never seen anyone i regard as being as beautiful as she. But of course i have different opinions than others. For example i dont think Mint is sexy. However she is very popular with others. Dito for Pond. But whenever i have gone to a disco or gogo with Noon guys have only had good comments to make about her. Not only is she sexy but a nice girl too. However i have a feeling it would be ill advised to get on her bad side.

Tonight i met her in 131 and we had a couple of drinks together upstairs. She is finished in Stringfellows allready.


Well i finally gave in to the temptations of the beautiful Noon in 131 last night. She is so hot! Afterwards we went to Blue Ice. Noon was in fantastic form. She was dancing on the poles in just her underwear and all eyes were on her. She even turned down 3000 short time from some chap. I had to leave her at about 4 am. If you like your ladyboys sexy and wild Noon is the best.

But i have got it out of my system now. In respect of Misses Laptop last night was my final ladyboy experience. It was fitting it was with my favourite ladyboy. Ive only got a week left here so my last few nigths will be just having fun. But ill be having fun with my pants on.

By the way Frank found a new Gem last night. I am not sure where he found her but she was in 131 last night. Beautiful ladyboy and one of the most passable ive ever seen.


Well I stopped my report while in Thailand for various reasons. But I might as well write down my experiences over my last few days. I ended up having to cut my trip short by a week because of something with university but I still had a healthy 5 weeks and 5 days in Pattaya and 2 in Bkk.

I started my last week with a night out with Noon. It was 131, Litas, Blue Ice and then Marine. I was fairly pissed this night and I ended up doing a lot more than drinking. Now this is a ‘VERY STUPID’ thing to do when in Thailand. If anyone has read the book ‘The Damage Done’ they will know what I am talking about. Anyway that night i was pretty fucked. I went home at about 6 am for a bit of quality time with the missus. Obviously I was in no state and got myself in a bit of hot water.

Anyway when she went to work I agreed to meet Lemon from Litas. God knows why I agreed to do this. She is NOT my type and I am not sure if she could be anyones type. It was about 8am now and she was obviously awake for the same reason as me. I went back to her hotel room with her. Anyway I gave her 1000 baht before we went. I told her I didn’t want to do anything with her. Just have a beer or 2 with her as I had a wife. Anyway she agreed. I mean I wouldn’t even do anything with her if I didn’t have a wife.

This hotel room was a weird ass place. She was sharing it with another ladyboy with a wig called Kim. Straight out of the Monkey house. She was a freak and fucked up on ICE or YABBA. So anyway obviously I didn’t stay. I said I was out of there. Anyway Lemmon was crying and having a hissy fit. I didn’t really care as I know 100% she was not in a rational state. Anyway after this it became very difficult to go anywhere in walking street as the odd Lemmon would somehow arrive at my feet withing seconds of me arriveing. I don’t know how she managed this. Maybe she had spies.

After leaving the room I spent the day drinking around soi 6,7,8. By the time the missus was finished work I was really fucked. Fair play to the girl she took care of me and didn’t give me shit. It made me realize that my chasing of ladyboys days were over. I mean as sexy as ladyboys are none of them made me feel like she did. And I ‘DON’T’ enjoy sex with lb’s as much as with her. And that’s the 100% truth. That nigth when I sobered up a bit I decided that was it with ladyboys.

For my last few nights I didn’t go to any of the ladyboy bars. I just went out with my girl. I ended up enjoying this more than any of my nights in Blue Ice/Marine. Although I had great fun with Noon when I was with her, that was all it was. I didn’t actually like her in any way close to the way I love my girl. This is the same for all ladyboys. So my last days were spent with my teerak. I was going to go to Pattaya Park with Noon and Frank one morning but sometimes waking an asleep ladyboy is not an easy thing to do.

Anyway on my last day I did wander in to Hi Boss and got a masage from Joy. But I didn’t do anything. I also went to 131 to say goodbye to Frank.But he wasn’t there. I ended up doing a bit of kissing with Janni but that’s all. She is so sweet. Also I got to say good bye with the always good fun Rossco.

Anyway I really enjoyed my 6 weeks in LOS. Frank, KK, Rossco, Matchman etc were all great. The ladyboy scene is truly thriving. However as discussed before the lack of customers is really causeing the ladyboys to fight for the Baht. And this is often not pretty when the yabba heads are short on cash. 131, Litas, Strings and Goldfingers are all great fun with some beautiful ladyboys. I really don’t like XXX as it if full as construction workers. And while without doubt a fun place Blue Ice cant possibly stay open for much longer. I have never seen a bar with so many obviously underage ladyboys. It also has a lot of crazy drugged up ladyboys. Unfortunatly other than the lovely Paris JSB looks dead. The quality of the girls in Linda bar made it impossible for me to even finish my beer. Wallys Screwdriver Bar in Soi 7 could be the new Didi Bar. When I left it was up to 5 ladyboys. Prair and Cream are sexy. Puuks bar in Soi 6 beside Hi Boss is also a 50% ladyboy bar/gogo. But Pattaya is an amazing place for the girl or ladyboy lover. I think the place is more fun than it has ever been.

Anyway I am married now and I am not sure when I will go back to Pattaya again. I have not plans. And trips to LOS in the future will not be like this 6 weeks was. I have got it out of my system. Also by the way when at home I don’t drink like I do in Pattaya. Maybe only once or twice a week! The booze consumed over the last few weeks was crazy. Sorry I didn’t take any pictures but I am a lazy bastard. And also i dont have the grat writing skills of KK. but maybe it will have been of some help to someone.

Anyway i am home now and back in the real world. It really sucks ass. But once my wife comes from LOS ill be a happy and lucky man.

#93 bensark

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Posted 11 September 2007 - 05:52 PM

great report however something that occured to me was why did you choose pattaya to holiday with your girlfriend, unless she is into threesomes....surely there are more romantic palces in thailand?

#94 laptop

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Posted 11 September 2007 - 05:56 PM

She works there. (though not in a bar)

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