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#1 dixon cox

dixon cox

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Posted 18 December 2013 - 12:35 AM

noun (plural forums)
- meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue or subject can be exchanged or shared

I post on several other fora as well as here. Why? .. Because I enjoy fora in general as I like talking and communicating with others with whom I share common interests. This sometimes leads to joy, humour or sheer frustration. Of the many posts I've made elsewhere over the years I wanted to share some of my other posts here too.
There's no particular order, no hidden agenda and all references to other posters will be removed, neither is the source important if you've seen any of them before. Corrections or modifications may be made from my original posts to protect the innocent and to make good any previous errors, poor grammar or so the post can stand in isolation.

These are all random ramblings by me which someone has usually triggered. Related mostly to Thailand and the forum theme of ladyboys and anything associated with them. A mixture of one night TR's, rants, moans, newbie frustrations and observations, plus some tips, advice and a few limericks and ditties thrown in along the way.
Basically, it's a random monkey-dump with no beginning or end   Attached File  monkey.gif   1.01KB   2 downloads

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#2 dixon cox

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Posted 18 December 2013 - 12:46 AM

A Famous Fantasy ...


“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.” 
― Albert Einstein

When I woke alone this morning I laid there for a while half asleep fantasising about all the girls in Famous Bar.

As my semi grew I imagined a silver tankard existed on the shelf behind the bar with my name engraved on it. Inside the tankard were folded-up pieces of paper each stating the name of one girl, all girls included, but each only once.
Inclusive costs pre-arranged and pre-agreed with Lita and the participating girls and all sorted out in advance, so there's no need for on-the-spot negotiations or discussions. My personalised package would include the barfine, short-time room and the simple needs of this old man.

Each time I enter the bar I decide if I wish to participate or maybe just relax with a drink. If I did I'd slide over B,1000 (for example) and Lita would reach behind to the shelf for my tankard. She'd then give it a good shake and I'd pick out a random name among the squeals, giggles and applause from the girls as they anticipate who's the lucky one today.
Once the name has been taken and read out the paper would be discarded to ensure no repeats until all those included in the game had been seen. Naturally, if a girl was unavailable I could wait until she is back or just carry on. If an absent girl is picked then her name is returned to the tankard for next time.

I think I'd very much enjoy not knowing who was next. To have decisions removed often makes for a pleasant change and experience and may throw up a few nice surprises. I might suggest it to Lita next time I see her.
dixon cox (2013)

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#3 dixon cox

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Posted 18 December 2013 - 03:06 AM

Opportunity Makes A Thief ...

"In this life, one thing counts. In the bank, large amounts"
― Fagin

We should all know by now that there are light-fingered opportunists scattered throughout the whole scene and country, they could be anywhere. Losing some baht to sticky-fingers is par for the course and you just do what you can to protect your pockets and belongings from it. We should all know the drill.

But despite best efforts it can happen to anyone, anywhere, anytime. We're dealing intimately with people who are under stress and pressure to provide for both themselves and their families. It's happened to me on a few occasions in the past too where I was convinced I should have had more baht in my pockets than I did.

Even as recent as last week I caught a girl in an ST room (not associated with any bar) lifting my pants up to see what was in them because she thought I was asleep after the deed. I opened my eyes, saw her and just told her "No!"
There was no arguing, no fighting and no squabbling. Within minutes she was cuddling me hoping for forgiveness, which she got, up her ass with my tongue. On another occasion I spanked a girl in my room counting out '6 of the best' earlier this year too. The money I had secreted aside the night before to give her in the morning was missing. She knew she was guilty but I didn't rub her face in it. I just told her off and spanked her backside - hard. What more can you do? .. apart from not give them anymore. You'll never stop them as you will never understand their current circumstances or what family demands have been placed upon them at any given time. 

I know this is not the 'tips on not being robbed' thread, but whenever I plan on visiting an ST room I find a moment to prepare the required amount of money into one pocket so that when the time comes to pay I'm not showing them everything I've got. When in the ST room itself and I've taken off my clothes (try not to visualise me) I then roll them up with my shirt rolled around the outside so the pant pockets are deep within. The whole lot needs unwrapping to get to the pockets. When showering I make sure I can see my clothes-roll even if it's on the floor by the shower door.

Nobody is immune to theft, you just do what you can to avoid it. But it happens so often that it's not worth reporting unless it's major money or goods or carried out with menaces.
dixon cox (2013)

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#4 Spyder Rocket

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Posted 18 December 2013 - 08:53 AM

Great idea for a thread!

#5 dixon cox

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Posted 18 December 2013 - 04:41 PM

- humorous five-line poem with a rhyme scheme 'aabba'
in Thailand the search for some joy
when strolling the streets or a soi
adrenaline rises
beware the surprise
she may not be a girl but a boy
- - -
some ladyboy mongers are reeling
with issues of how they are feeling
am I gay am I straight?
never mind I can't wait
sucking ladyboy cock's so appealing 
- - -
some guys want to take a viagra
assisting their power to shag her
i don't need those pills
but to help with my thrills
makes my jelly of choice a kamagra
- - -
most of the members know Lita
if you've not had the pleasure just meet her
in Famous you'll find
her curvaceous behind
and then buy her a drink just to treat her
dixon cox (2011)

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#6 dixon cox

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Posted 18 December 2013 - 06:12 PM

Trannies are disturbing ...
Re: Amsterdam

I'm not very knowlegeble about trannys but i don't really think guys who like them are heterosexual.

I've just returned from yet another couple of weeks in Thailand for the sole purpose of spending time in the company of ladyboys. I am not attracted to men at all and what I seek sexually is a woman with a cock, if she doesn't have a cock I am not interested, unless she is perhaps a genetic female, but I consider myself heterosexual.

I also have no issues in eating out with, walking around with and drinking in regular bars with my 'girlfriends' but am well aware of the stares and curiosity that commonly ensue when in the company of transsexuals, including the occasional unkind comment from the narrow-minded sexually ill-at-ease individuals who appeal to others at all costs that they are 100% straight. And when in Amsterdam I commonly stroll those aforementioned streets and have several close TS friends that I see in and away from their kamers. In my opinion they are truly sexually exciting individuals.

I am perfectly at ease with my sexuality, whatever you may consider it to be, but guys are of no interest to me as what I see in a 'tranny', as you crudely put it, is a woman who knows precisely how to make a guy, such as myself, feel very good, commonly much more so than your average female can achieve.

It's obvious they are not everyone's cup-of-tea, so if you're not interested in that area of sexuality then that's your choice. Just as some guys prefer Asian, Black or European girls.

I agree that occasionally some may not reveal openly their status as they display themselves behind their kamer windows, or may in your eyes look horrendous or obviously un-feminine. But many look stunning and are often more attractive and commonly considered more sexy than genetic females by their admirers. They really don't mind being asked, they get asked for confirmation all the time, even genetic girls get asked too just in case.

The key is to relax with yourself, if it's truly not your thing then fine, but maybe you're secretly interested in the concept but need to broaden your own sexuality and discover something new. But please don't accuse those that enjoy these potentially wonderful human beings as being something they may or may not be. Those are the choices others are freely entitled to make and labels are not necessary at all.

It is very presumptuous to assume people who like transsexuals are not heterosexual. However, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being non-hetero, or gay.
People are people and there are good and bad in all shades of sexuality and race.
dixon cox (2007)

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#7 Snake Dr

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Posted 18 December 2013 - 08:30 PM

Dixon, that very entertaining I like it. Thanks!

P.S. The topic title and the avatar...very original.


#8 KendoUK

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Posted 18 December 2013 - 09:11 PM

a nice little dip into the monkey archives. Keep them coming.  :rock:

zinc n B-6 deficiency's, tends to make folks post crazy things like ''your a fagg you never fuked a trannie prostitute''.. - Boomdraw

#9 dixon cox

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Posted 19 December 2013 - 09:30 PM

She Loves You, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah ...
Does your ladyboy girlfriend spend regular time with you but never actually asks you directly for money?
If so, pause for a moment and ask yourself why...
Are they with you because of your good looks, sparkling personality and weird western ways?

No. They are with you to help themselves and their families, so it's only a matter of time before those girls on the long-con who rarely, if ever, ask directly for money start to drop hints for financial assistance or make indirect requests for monetary help for themselves, or most likely for a family member who they say is in trouble or needs help.

A direct payment seals the deal on an occasional encounter, but for a more regular partner just accept that she expects to be helped financially, although it will never be enough in her eyes. Even if she doesn't say anything and doesn't ask for money out right that is certainly what she is thinking.

Of course, pay for services rendered, plus the occasional good will gesture never hurts either, if you can afford it. But when it's clear they're getting overly greedy or taking the piss it's time to pull away and move on. Sometimes easier said than done, we're all human afterall.
Keep your wits about you, your money-radar on heightened alert and your bullshit-o-meter set to record.
dixon cox (2012)
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#10 dixon cox

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Posted 21 December 2013 - 04:26 PM

Great idea for a thread!

Dixon, that very entertaining I like it. Thanks!
P.S. The topic title and the avatar...very original.

a nice little dip into the monkey archives. Keep them coming.  2%20Rock.gif

Many thanks for the positives gents, I appreciate it. A little encouragement never hurt anyone :mrgreen:

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#11 dixon cox

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Posted 21 December 2013 - 04:55 PM

Ladyboy Limericks ...

go out with a pocket of money
in search of your cock-pleasing honey
go easy when drinking
your cock'll be shrinking
a wasted ST isn't funny
- - -
I went to soi 6 early morning
I walked alone feeling my calling
suck some ladyboy cock
my baht safe in my sock
although some of the girls were appalling 
- - -
heads turn as you step through the door
to reception you walk with your whore
but nobody cares
as you head up the stairs
'cos they've all seen and done it before
- - -
it's late and I should go to bed
but I'm hungry and need to get fed
early hours it's easy
as beach road is sleazy
went ladyboy hunting instead
dixon cox (2011)

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#12 dixon cox

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Posted 22 December 2013 - 12:31 PM

Unwritten Futures ...
“The future is uncertain but the end is always near.” 
― Jim Morrison

I vividly remember sitting on the steps of a clothes shop on Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok (diagonally opposite the gas station at the end of soi 4 at daybreak smoking a cigarette following my first ever night in Bangkok.

This was the morning of June 22nd 1998, the first new day at the beginning of a round-the-world trip which would ultimately last more than 16 months in total, of which 9 non-consecutive months would be spent in Thailand and include travelling to and through some 15 other countries.

As I drew on my cigarette I pondered on the fact that my life would never ever be the same again. At that time I was a little apprehensive at what lay ahead, but also excited by all the experiences which were to come and all the people I was bound to meet. This really was the first day of the rest of my life and turned out to be the best decision I ever made. I'll never forget that precise moment as my adventure lay ahead and my future remained unwritten.

Time for thought over the course of my trip led me to train and change my career entirely on my return to the UK. This would ultimately lead to my retirement coming much sooner. Also, I now have the most wonderful ladyboy girlfriend I could ever have dreamed of and I plan to retire to Thailand in less than 4 years.
dixon cox (2008)
- - -
UpdateAs things transpired that long-distance relationship with my ladyboy girlfriend at the time didn't work out and ended long ago, neither did I manage to retire to Thailand as planned. Due to the recession it took me a further year and I retired one month before my 50th birthday, departing the UK bound for SE Asia during the summer of 2012.

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