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Comfortably Numb: The total contentment trip.

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#637 onetruesaxon

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Posted 26 July 2011 - 04:28 AM

Sorry to here about Cutie. Let's hope Prang was mistaken.

Also a sad end to a great holiday and TR

#638 Bumblebee

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Posted 26 July 2011 - 05:08 AM

Sorry to here about Cutie. Let's hope Prang was mistaken.

Also a sad end to a great holiday and TR

Yea I do hope she was mistaken, hard to know what is true or not in Los at times as you well know.
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#639 Surin Nix

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Posted 26 July 2011 - 11:29 AM

I am struggling to make it through to my Dec trip, right now am jonesing for some thaitime and this really filled a nice void, if we ever meet up I think I owe you a drink -thanx

Hey Larry,

Any chance you'll be in Phuket in Dec? (if not, my schedule is rigidly flexible, I might go to Patts if the Spirit calls).

If so, let's meetup!


#640 Surin Nix

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Posted 26 July 2011 - 11:47 AM


I responded to Larry before I read your last post BB. That is some pretty heavy stuff there.

I am in Iquitos, Peru now, where I intend to check out the "tranny scene", in fact, I'm about to walk out the door in about an hour to a club where I hear they frequent. Your last post is indeed a sobering reminder of the risks of this game we play.

Your TR is not one of non-stop shagging, and as I have read it, i think I perceive what might be your conflicted feelings about the whole thing. Day after day you have spent touring, with not many of them in hot pursuit. Thus, not unlike myself, you have spent a good many days just "touring", waiting for when (and if) the mood stikes. Correct me if i'm wrong.

I often wonder these deays "where my mojo went" (Ref: Austin Powers). I am in environments (Argentina, Brazil, Peru, LOS), where there is a heavy LB scene. I watch from the fringes, and have occasionally stuck a toe into the waters. .....and perhaps because of the risks which lurk in the back of my mind, I have not nearly immersed myself in the opportunities which have presented themselves.

Hell, whether it's gg's or LB's, that whole moment of "gloving up" with a condom is itself such a buzz-kill for me. I am reminded in those moments of what's at stake, and in spite of the buzz-kill, have pressed on.

I miss fucking and being care-free. These days, whether gg or lb, i'm always having to interrupt the session to think about....HIV (or whatever), and glove up. Not only can I barely feel anything (can barely come) when I glove-up, it's hard to put out of my mind why precisely I'm gloving-up to begin with. Sorry for the buzz-kill amigos.

Not long ago, I was with a Brazilian LB in a ST-hotel. She was only too-happy to bend over and let me fuck her in the ass without a condom. In fact, she wanted me to. Though I'd been drinking, and though she was hot, I stopped for a moment to glove-up. She then wanted to reciprocate, without a condom....I could tell she was ready to just plunge in.

I would not let her do it, and it made me think: "perhaps because she couldn't care less and has nothing to lose?". I'm just another cussama.

You are an intelligent and compassionate man BB, and I thank you for your candor in reporting every aspect of this trip. It has made for a fascinating and though-provoking read.


#641 larrylarry

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Posted 26 July 2011 - 02:00 PM

I am struggling to make it through to my Dec trip, right now am jonesing for some thaitime and this really filled a nice void, if we ever meet up I think I owe you a drink -thanx

Hey Larry,

Any chance you'll be in Phuket in Dec? (if not, my schedule is rigidly flexible, I might go to Patts if the Spirit calls).

If so, let's meetup!


Yeah meeting up would be cool. I Arrive in BKK on Dec 9 and return on 31st. My schedule is still quite fungible as well. I was planning on staying in BKK a day or so then heading to Chang Mai for a couple of days and getting to Pats by about the 14th or 15th from there who knows. Phuket is dif a possibility. What are your dates?

#642 Bumblebee

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Posted 27 July 2011 - 02:00 AM


Your TR is not one of non-stop shagging, and as I have read it, i think I perceive what might be your conflicted feelings about the whole thing. Day after day you have spent touring, with not many of them in hot pursuit. Thus, not unlike myself, you have spent a good many days just "touring", waiting for when (and if) the mood stikes. Correct me if i'm wrong......

You are an intelligent and compassionate man BB, and I thank you for your candor in reporting every aspect of this trip. It has made for a fascinating and though-provoking read.


Thanks very much for your comment Nix. To be honest, I am just happy to be in Los hanging out with some good, like minded guys. To be able to chat and pass comments about LBs without getting weird looks from the guys with me. I don't have the urge to shag every day, let alone 2 or 3 times. The whole relaxing environment, capturing it on camera for the guys stuck at home is part of the buzz, and dabble when the moment feels right.

My night with Gann in Hua Hin is typical of the kind of encounter I really enjoy. I notice one who is attractive to me and just go with the flow, that does not happen in every LB bar I enter. Sure there are hotties in all the bars, but the feeling is seldom right, if that makes sense. :D
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#643 Bumblebee

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Posted 28 July 2011 - 03:55 AM

I wake about 11.30 and the double realities of the previous night's revelation and the fact I will be on my way to the airport in 8 hours sink in. Prang is still out cold, another potential candidate for the Thai entry to the sleeping event in the Olympics. I do my packing while she Zzzzzz s away.

She finally wakes and we finish of the food from last night. She asks me to take some photos, she wants them for her Facebook page. How can I refuse. After the photos, she dresses and heads off. I ring NW, he is taking it easy today, so I tell him I need to do some last minute shopping and will drop into his hotel later.

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#644 pog1701

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Posted 29 July 2011 - 01:15 AM

-"Prang, where is your friend "cutie" who I saw you with on cam one night?"

-"She go home now, she have hiv and stay with mamma"


The reply really catches me off guard

Bang, this caught me of guard

This caught me of guard, it hit me again the risks we run in this game. The fact that I have dared not sleep with a LB/TS for 18 months and it will be 22 months since I have been to the LOS on my next trip. I smoke a cig and I think fuck there is lung cancer, so if I sleep with a LB f£@k I think I have HIV (NTU 3 months of sleepless nights). So no pentrative sex for me.

I recovered from a mild form of cancer and belive me, it was a royal pain in the arse having to see so many Doctors. I could only imagine how many you would have to see if you had HIV.

Nice one for raising this in a very subtle manner BB.

#645 Bumblebee

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Posted 29 July 2011 - 02:30 AM

-"Prang, where is your friend "cutie" who I saw you with on cam one night?"

-"She go home now, she have hiv and stay with mamma"


The reply really catches me off guard

Bang, this caught me of guard

This caught me of guard, it hit me again the risks we run in this game. The fact that I have dared not sleep with a LB/TS for 18 months and it will be 22 months since I have been to the LOS on my next trip. I smoke a cig and I think fuck there is lung cancer, so if I sleep with a LB f£@k I think I have HIV (NTU 3 months of sleepless nights). So no pentrative sex for me.

I recovered from a mild form of cancer and belive me, it was a royal pain in the arse having to see so many Doctors. I could only imagine how many you would have to see if you had HIV.

Nice one for raising this in a very subtle manner BB.

Sorry to hear about your illness Pog and glad you are on the mend. Hope to catch you in Los again in the near future, or even locally lol.
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#646 Bumblebee

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Posted 29 July 2011 - 11:19 PM

I head down to Chow Soy for the final meal there on this trip. After an enjoyable feed, and goodbyes to the staff, I stroll down Soi Honey towards Made in Thailand to get some summer clothes, every the Irish optimist. Shirts etc purchased, I give NW a call to see how he is fixed. He tells me to pop over to the Pattaya Bay Resort on my way back to my room, to pick him up. He wants to get a copy of all the holiday photos I have taken.

Transferring the photos takes about 45 minutes, precious last minutes in Los. Job done, we decide to take a wander down to Beach rd, along Walking St. and up past Sunee towards Famous where we stop off for refreshments. It's about 5 pm now. I have ordered a taxi to collect me at 8.30 pm, so time for one drink and a meal on the way back to the room. Well that's the plan.

Sadly the beer tastes damn good, always seems to be the case when you can do nothing about having plenty more. NW manages to convince me to have another, and arranges for the girls to get some food for us from a nearby restaurant. He is preoccupied with some Aussie Rules match on his laptop, a tense affair in which his team makes a dramatic final comeback to win the game. I am sure he can elaborate when he reads this. Finally it is time to say farewell to all at Famous. That done we head back over to Soi Buakhao, where NW and I say a final goodbye to each other, not knowing when we will be able to continue the adventure part 2.

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#647 goodenough

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Posted 30 July 2011 - 12:34 AM


your trip report is great :D It reminds me of why i both love and loath (the last part) LOS. Surely makes me think twice before I return )Im scheduled for december) but at the same time I justlove the feeling of days drifiting into nights, just enjoying the weather and the scenarey.

Thankyou for taking ur time to put togheter one of the besttrip reports ever!

#648 thailover57

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Posted 30 July 2011 - 02:42 AM

Ditto BB's comments. Fantastic report and sorry for you having to leave.
Old, cantankerous, and sorry if I piss you off - well, not really. Just enjoy!

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