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Franck's Diary

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#2209 Phil Lander

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Posted 05 December 2007 - 07:51 AM

I’ve reasons to believe Franck is comingback soon.
In matter the of fact he had an heart by-pass surgery in Lisbon about 6 weeks ago and he’s on rehabilitation now.
On time, I’m positive sure he has an answer to all the unfortunate commitments since he was left.

I really dont care personally if he comes back as I never gave him any money other than pay a barfine twice and buy a few drinks in 131.
I gave the Lady 1500 bht for LT so hope that made up some of the money that Franck ripped her off . Although I was'nt aware of any money troubles at the time.
I'd be interested in hearing his side of the story though.
Phil Lander by name Phillanderer by nature.
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#2210 pampamsam

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Posted 05 December 2007 - 01:44 PM

rocambole Is that you Franck ?

Pentire: what's happening? Now, i'm not Frank (or his son, depending on your mood) anymore?!!!
:D :lol: :P

VERY VERY STRANGE both filipef and roca seem to be Franck. Stranger things have happened. So when do you think Franck will return to Thailand? Rocambole? Filipef?



#2211 rocambole

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Posted 05 December 2007 - 03:44 PM

[quote][/quote]So when do you think Franck will return to Thailand?



Why don’t you ask him personally? After all you’re partners … Aren’t you?

#2212 rocambole

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Posted 05 December 2007 - 03:47 PM

rocambole Is that you Franck ?

Pentire: what's happening? Now, i'm not Frank (or his son, depending on your mood) anymore?!!!
:D :lol: :P

Well I’m not surprised ... since (on the other forum) batman4ever !!! when he started to post there was pointed as though it were him…

#2213 rocambole

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Posted 05 December 2007 - 03:50 PM

Illuminating post. Will he repay all his "con" victims at a grand party. Must be sure to have a security truck parked up outside to hold all the money.

Be interested in the validity of this first post from you. Too many people stung too many times but maybe he is the Phoenix personified!

If he returns there is a queue of people wanting their money back - and that includes staff.

Maybe change the name of the bar to Houdini

Your inferiority complex is remarkable. You don’t let sleep an opportunity to thrash Franck, like you did harmfully many times in the past, especially now when he’s not able to defend himself. In my Country (Brazil), we use to say – "Homem pequenino, ou velhaco ou dancarino". Translation – "Little Man, or knavish (rogue) or dancer". Are you a dancer Rossco? Or a kind of “fart” like your avatar hints?
Yes I know is my second post here, which for many of you is suspicious, however, I’m a BM since September. I prefer read and “surf” as write. It wasn’t my intention (on my first post) to protect Franck or whatsoever. Only to update the forum members with the latest news as I keep in touch with Franck’s family in Lisbon – only that. With odd replies (like the “little man” did), and surely more to come, I regret and stop right here.

#2214 Phil Lander

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Posted 05 December 2007 - 04:18 PM


Can you just give us some idea of what Franck has said rather than getting drawn into Flame Wars , as you obviously are up to date with some of the ill feeling here towards Franck.
Phil Lander by name Phillanderer by nature.
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#2215 Rossco

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Posted 05 December 2007 - 06:07 PM

No one is "bashing" Franck and he as had ample opportunity to defend himself. Even in recovery it would not be an enormous strain to post or email those he has cheated.

Any criticism tat he has received has been a result of his own wrong doing. To quote Franck himself:

"I always follow my instincts even when I know they are wrong"

Sort of implies that he does not really care when actually in the wrong as long as everyone understands and still give him public adoration.

He left Thailand with a large number of unpaid debts - many have chosen not to disclose on the forums but there is a list. An English expression "he did a runner" - having made multiple promises of restitution which were never honoured. See Batman's story.

He has failed to update those he is indebted too prefering silence for over 2 months.

Of course many people are angry - they trusted the guy and he was dishonourable to them.

His partner has tried to contact Franck but Franck has chosen "invisibilty". If he wanted to contact his partner or his creditors there are many options open to him. Forum, PM, Email, Telepone - even a blooming carrier pidgeon or even a 3rd party.

Perhaps Rocambole, as you appear to be the ONLY person in regular contact, you can suggest to Franck that he commence to resolve the unpaid debts and contact those that he owes and his partner. The least he could do is to advise them all of his future intentions.

I am sure that all his existing creditors will be grateful for your intervention on behalf of your compadre - Franck

I am sure that all will be forgiven upon complete restitution.

We are all aware how easy it is to create a new user name and post as if someone else. Your post, as an initial post, seemed well informed and your style (nom de plume) sounded just like Franck's.

Another English expression is:

"If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck then it probably is a duck"

Up to you

#2216 Macman

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Posted 05 December 2007 - 09:54 PM


I have also been in regular contact with Filipe ( Franck's son or, as many people think, Franck himself). I have to admit that I am also Pentire's "informer". I have shared information with Pentire and with Pampamsam, with whom I spoke on the phone a little while back. The last time I communicated with Filipe was the day before yesterday. I obviously have no way of knowing for sure whether it's Franck or his son that I'm talking to via e-mail, but I'm almost positive that he is indeed in Portugal at this time. I also believe that he has had surgery. None of this addresses the debts and other transgressions of which Franck is being accused. I tried to get "Filipe" to have Franck contact Sam through me, but he said he wasn't up to it at that time. He says he has three "sworn enemies"; you (Rossco), Pentire and Stogie Bear. By the way, since I know that "Filipe" has indeed been reading the posts on the Forum, I told him last week that I have been Pentire's informer. In my last e-mail, I asked him if I could share certain things with the Forum members, but I haven't heard back. This is not meant as an apology or defense of Franck. I am an outsider as far as knowing any of you (including Franck) personally, and I've never been to Pattaya. I'm simply passing on information. Filipe has said that he has sent "proof" to some people. I didn't ask for any. He also has been trying to contact Alain, who seems to be missing in action. If anyone cares, I'll try to keep you informed when I hear back from Filipe. :?

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#2217 Rossco

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Posted 05 December 2007 - 11:56 PM

Thanks for the update.

On Sunday a guy strolled into Club 131 asking for Franck!

Apparently he is ALSO owed 100,000 baht. I have asked the staff to let me know if re reappears - he was not in a good mood!

He met Franck on the internet and he then lent Franck the money.

As I have said many times Franck only feels we are his "detractors" enemies because we confronted him with many truths - many have never been aired. He has deluded and lied to many and needs to make a huge effort to restore his position through restoration.

If every one who was a critic was an enemy none of us would have any friends. Time to grow up and face responsibilities.

It has been nearly 10 weeks since anyone has heard officially - more than enough time for recovery. If he is really that unwell he could communicate through Filipe.

The fact that you have never met Franck nor been to Pattaya is a surprise - I hope that you are not being used as well.

If Franck needs Sam's contact details then ask him for them

#2218 Macman

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Posted 06 December 2007 - 12:51 AM

I don't think that I'm being used because nothing is being asked of me by anyone. The only way I got involved with Franck was in postings on his Diary and because of a small donation that I gave to the "Moo Defense Fund". I sent him a PM when I first read about his poor health on the Forum. He asked me to contact him via e-mail because he felt that communication on the Forum by PM was not secure (!?!). This was before he vanished. After he disappeared, when I again inquired about his health with an e-mail, I was contacted by Filipe. BTW, on Pentire's advice, I advised Filipe that Franck's reputation in Thailand has been completely destroyed and that it would take a lot to have it restored, including proof of his surgery, etc. He hasn't really addressed that with me up to this point. One other thing; Filipe said that Franck had satisfied all of his debts in Thailand with the exception of the one he has with Batman4ever, which he said he wanted to do in person. From your posts and those of other members, I gather that is not the case. If and when "Filipe" reads this exchange between us, I imagine there will be some additional e-mail exchanges between us. I'll let you know.
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#2219 Macman

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Posted 06 December 2007 - 12:59 AM

In reading my last post, I noticed that I have one too many "exchanges between us" at the end. What I meant to say is that I'm assuming that "Filipe" will hopefully want to address the issue of his father's indebtedness and the apparant contradictions involved.

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#2220 filipef

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Posted 06 December 2007 - 02:59 AM

Let me be clear: My nickname is filipef, as you can see. I am portuguese, like Frank says he is too. However, I AM NOT FRANK, and I AM NOT FRANK'S SON.
My nickname was crated a long time ago and, in this forum, long time befores i read about Frank and about the name of is son (or "son", i don't know).
I never met Frank in my life, i don't know where he is from, where he lives, etc.
I am going to Thailand next month, arriving on the 27th. If any of you, who know how Frank looks, have any doubt about what i am saying, i'll be pleased to meet with, to clarify anything that member wants(and, in the end, he will pay for the drinks, after he says i am right ) :D
Is it a deal?

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