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Petite young ladyboy skinny tiny

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#13 sodaboy9

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Posted 07 January 2024 - 09:08 AM


I've heard and read and seen on Youtube how Sihanoukville now looks like a bomb zone since the Chinese down tools and ran away.

Is it really that bad - are the beaches still ok ? People say stay away but are they just the ones that remember the good ol days???



If your spending good money don't bother with Cambodia I was there in 2009 although not Sihanoukville I wasn't ladyboy hunting back then either. I think Sihanoukville was a big gambling destination for the Chinese over the last 5-6 years the small touristy vibe has gone but they've had big real estate collapse since so the place is a mess not much going on. You'd be better off going just about anywhere else in Asia apart from VN for LB's

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Petite, young, ladyboy, skinny, tiny

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