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#13 Guest_Pat Tire_*

Guest_Pat Tire_*
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Posted 05 January 2012 - 04:30 AM

Don't knock it till you've tried it. :D

It can be very exciting, believe it or not.

I'm happy to take your word for that KK :D Not something I'm in a hurry to experience as a recipient.

For your lots sake, it's a good job the Thais are not mad keen on asparagus.
Mind you......I'm sure Big Tel would relish the prospect of getting drenched in a smelly concoction, distilled via a ladyboys organs :harhar:

#14 Woof1

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Posted 05 January 2012 - 10:05 AM

I know I've got a weird sense of humour, however, reading the above, an old song comes to mind:
Tea for two and two for tea Ta Dada dada Dada....
So many LB So Little Time

#15 petesie

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Posted 05 January 2012 - 02:25 PM

Oh alright then... :blush:

My first experience was purely innocent and more by accident than intent.

I was watching my GF at the time putting her make up on and she was looking in the bathroom mirror while wearing only her heels and stockings prior to slipping on her dress.

I was being tardy and was just about to step into the shower and decided to sit on the loo and watch the lovely sight before me, of course "wee Petesie" became very interested and she turned round smiled and said "you better shift as I really need to go".

Being a git I told her I wasn't budging.

Ok she said, straddled me and sank on to my excited wee feller...this was good stuff and I thought she was just shagging me when she looked me in the eyes, smiled, and bloody let go.... :shock: :roll: ;-)

The memory of the thrill of her warm wee flowing over my tackle and trickling into the bowl still excites me to this day... :D
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#16 eslmiker

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Posted 05 January 2012 - 08:22 PM

Oh alright then... :blush: My first experience was purely innocent and more by accident than intent....The memory of the thrill of her warm wee flowing over my tackle and trickling into the bowl still excites me to this day... :D

And just how many more of those experiences have there been Petesie? 8)

#17 petesie

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Posted 05 January 2012 - 11:57 PM

Aah...it's just like pissing in the wind... 8)

Old Scottish saying, : no matter how much ye shake yer peg...the last wee drap runs down yer leg...'" 8)
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#18 boomdraw

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Posted 06 January 2012 - 02:42 PM

ive always pissed on my girls in the shower, im not sure if they feel it but i like the idea of pissing on them.

#19 eslmiker

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Posted 06 January 2012 - 06:52 PM

Aah...it's just like pissing in the wind... 8) ...

The next time you say you're just taking the piss out of someone, I just won't know what to think anymore. :D

#20 Woof1

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Posted 14 February 2012 - 09:06 AM

For those of you who ever heard of Jacues Brell
He wrote in the Song Dans Le Port D;Amsterdam:
"Et ils Pissent comme Je Pleure sur les femmes infidele"
Nothing Wrong I guess, after a few drinks
Always loved Jacques Brel
Hope a few can read this in French, and appreciate the similarity with LOS

Le port d'Amsterdam

Dans le port d'Amsterdam
Y a des marins qui chantent
Les rêves qui les hantent
Au large d'Amsterdam
Dans le port d'Amsterdam
Y a des marins qui dorment
Comme des oriflammes
Le long des berges mornes

Dans le port d'Amsterdam
Y a des marins qui meurent
Pleins de bière et de drames
Aux premières lueurs
Mais dans le port d'Amsterdam
Y a des marins qui naissent
Dans la chaleur épaisse
Des langueurs océanes

Dans le port d'Amsterdam
Y a des marins qui mangent
Sur des nappes trop blanches
Des poissons ruisselants
Ils vous montrent des dents
A croquer la fortune
A décroisser la lune
A bouffer des haubans
Et ça sent la morue
Jusque dans le cœur des frites
Que leurs grosses mains invitent
A revenir en plus
Puis se lèvent en riant
Dans un bruit de tempête
Referment leur braguette
Et sortent en rotant

Dans le port d'Amsterdam
Y a des marins qui dansent
En se frottant la panse
Sur la panse des femmes
Et ils tournent et ils dansent
Comme des soleils crachés
Dans le son déchiré
D'un accordéon rance
Ils se tordent le cou
Pour mieux s'entendre rire
Jusqu'à ce que tout à coup
L'accordéon expire
Alors le geste grave
Alors le regard fier
Ils ramènent leur batave
Jusqu'en pleine lumière

Dans le port d'Amsterdam
Y a des marins qui boivent
Et qui boivent et reboivent
Et qui reboivent encore
Ils boivent à la santé
Des putains d'Amsterdam
De Hambourg ou d'ailleurs
Enfin ils boivent aux dames
Qui leur donnent leur joli corps
Qui leur donnent leur vertu
Pour une pièce en or
Et quand ils ont bien bu
Se plantent le nez au ciel
Se mouchent dans les étoiles
Et ils pissent comme je pleure
Sur les femmes infidèles
Dans le port d'Amsterdam
Dans le port d'Amsterdam
So many LB So Little Time

#21 Nick Bullseye

Nick Bullseye
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Posted 14 February 2012 - 02:55 PM

For those of you who ever heard of Jacues Brell
He wrote in the Song Dans Le Port D;Amsterdam:
"Et ils Pissent comme Je Pleure sur les femmes infidèles"
Nothing Wrong I guess, after a few drinks
Always loved Jacques Brel
Hope a few can read this in French, and appreciate the similarity with LOS

This song of Jacques Brel is one of my preferred. Here are two YouTube links with videos with English subtitles.

Nick Bullseye

#22 samcro

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Posted 15 February 2012 - 07:11 AM

Just saw this thread and i must say i agree with Petsie here.. i have done it many times with GG'S and it seemed like a natuaral progression for me to have the wet and wild with LB'S.....

Years i ago i downloaded a vid of Areeya peeing in a glass and pouring it all over her body and i must say watching a genetic male although a beautiful LB do such a thing didnt really float my boat, but i deep down knew it was a matter of time.....

Enter May from Famous..... She said "i have to go pee", i replied "good i come to".... As i lead her to the shower straight past the pisser she glanced at me with a slightly bemused look until she realised what i was after.... Then her look on her face turned to "ah well its your baht", and unloaded a steady stream of golden goodness.....

I understand how this act is frowned upon by some but it is actually quite stimulating and i only do it in the shower so cleanliness is not a problem....

I still, to this day prefer the golden shower with a GG but in LOS my preference is LB'S so what can i do ???

Some ive found, especially GG'S in LOS wont do it, but to tick all the boxes i set out to do, the question must be asked 8) 8)

Live to ride, ride to live.

#23 petesie

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Posted 17 February 2012 - 01:36 PM

Aha! A man after my own heart... :blush:
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#24 samcro

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Posted 18 February 2012 - 02:16 AM

Aha! A man after my own heart... :blush:

I do have limits Petesie.... Theres no way your pissing on me :lol: :lol:

Live to ride, ride to live.

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