Hello, fellow brothers, I am a young apprentice of the Sith Lord & Crag based in Cebu. I have been living here off an on for 4 years. I know the city well and most of the girls. I run a party service if you want to party with several hot ladyboys in VIP or just GFE tour guides. We don't have any ladyboy bars here so organizing a party can be a pain, fortunately, I am your man on the ground, in the trenches constantly meeting hot ladyboy ass.
I know the workers, the drug addicts, and the good girls. I will help you out with my knowledge as best I can but if you don't have the time to put in the work to get what you want, consider hiring me as your mercenary force.
I know most of the club owners, top girls in Cebu and a shit load of amateurs. Ask away...
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