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am i right again, i believe so

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#13 Legend

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Posted 22 August 2012 - 07:59 PM

im not surprised.
give a kid a mans job.
"im sure if u look around u can find a sunken face under caloried 10 year vet tranny bar girl, her face might not be as uniquely sunken or her ass dents so dented but just have a look, life is full of options." - boomdraw.

#14 spieslikeus

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Posted 22 August 2012 - 11:59 PM

sounds as far fetched as star trek, but it's bloody true :lol:
Cato: Please, boss! I thought you were dead!
Clouseau: So as a tribute to my memory, you open this... this Chinese nookie factory?

#15 boomdraw

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Posted 23 August 2012 - 01:13 AM

ive also heard the saudi prince is very ill , the same guys obama bows to and blows his pointer finger to show respect upon meeting, when that born on third base prick dies things will shake up but true there already planned most likely for it.

syria is one of 4 beautiful middle fingers pointing upward at the usa n its magical computer that printes money not worth the paper its not printed on via ben benankes laptop genie n backed up now by remote control planes of are modern military regeim....is it any wonder america is through.

yes syria, cuba , n korea n iran are the last middle fingers to fake money, from sadam to kadafi to egypt, when theese normal fucks decide no more fake money from america an that they were going on gold or the euro the usa steps in an says ''u have a weapon'' that could hurt us, we must steal from you cause we cant really afford to buy from u anymore in reality anyways. same ol story n its making the world sick in a real way, its finale is almost here.

when ask the aveage american fox news viewer for basic definations like ''what is socialism''? they cant evne answer you. what is the differance between a theist n a deist my little puritan decendant americano?? oh u dont know that also? ''who is ben bernanke''?? again a no.. well i can look at u i say, dont sweat it, or my favourite of lately '' with zero interets rates scehedulted for the next two years will the value of the dollar go up''? again no clue... the average mo cant answer any of the most basic social politiacal question in even the most basic way. i bet snookie knows.

when lincoln wanted to free the slaves against the white niggers in the south of america, them good ol white boys who marry there sister or cousin he actally considered them to be his second enemy , his first was the fed reserve who wanted to fund the war with interest (of course), linconln new as bad as a white nigger inbred albino was that the bankers useryoligist surely were the worse evil, to this day its still the same fraction of men, the same blood line and the same families, from rothechilds involvement at waterloo and how they stole value to the wars of today it comes down to the same parasite, fake money backed by real military strength, with the slave revolt philopshy of christ or mohamed to keep it gooing n going n going n going, too bad the i.q of average people wasnt just ten-15 points higher as none of this would be allowed to continue, imaginary communism based on prayer n wishes on sunday and real fascim the rest of the week sure is fun when your average in intellect. were all so fucked, buy gold sex tourist, buy gold.

#16 Legend

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Posted 23 August 2012 - 03:05 AM

Man, a bit of punctuation and some paragraphs and id have enjoyed that post.
but you lost me two lines down.
"im sure if u look around u can find a sunken face under caloried 10 year vet tranny bar girl, her face might not be as uniquely sunken or her ass dents so dented but just have a look, life is full of options." - boomdraw.

#17 Josh69

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Posted 23 August 2012 - 03:58 AM

Ive said for a year if obama wants a win for term 2 he needs a new war started, ive also said that obama will win if theres even an election at all. the syria war drum is beating more n more each day,

I do agree with you Boomdraw but there's a small problem...
China and Russia have been taken for a ride about Libya...and now they will not give their green light to a war inSyria. So, a war would not be within the framework of the united nations (just like bush jr's war in Irak).
Add to this that Syria is heavily armed (by Russia mainly).
Also Iran is the most powerful muslim country in the region...

I know Hilary Clinton is doing his best...but with all the problems the USA are facing, can they be engaged in another war after Irak and Afghanistan?
Consequences would be something that nobody expect...

And please, do not forget Obama's nobel peace prize...8) :giveup:

#18 boomdraw

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Posted 23 August 2012 - 04:48 AM

china n russia are iin bed with syria, ive even noticed last week that russia put a new ship close by syria for protection but does this really mean fuck all against bens magic computer...? i dont really think so. psueduo communism and psuedo capitalism really need each other to play off of, twice the confussion for the same price is just good plantation economics.

syria has amazing roots in religon, lots of gnostic mystery school stuff, all them ancient libriaries with all egypts mysteries as well as the syrian,, the same folks who when pathagorous went to egypt the priest said ''come back when u havent eaten for 40 days, otherwise u wont grasp anything'' got burned by the same cunts that brought u '' so your 3 born filthy and would like a bath without soap, here u go your fixed n saved '' that are about to start a new conflict aka the catholic right aka francoist, aka what happened in bravia ,austria,crotia in the past, more then ironical but nobody makes the connection. Had them text been realesed and not burnt the world would be 'redeemer/war hero'' needer free, the spiritual world wouldnt be scapegoat lonely like it always was made to beleive and here we are in the last days of the conflict of culture againt cults an its the craddle of civilazation thats about to be the grave, i guess if u follow a zombie u think like one, after all the gnostics considered jehovah a demented alien full of envy n jealousy so i guess like father like sons followers :blush: . some of the funnier realities of life are quite simple, the usa has this place called the desert, tons of property nobody wants that most likely can be bought for 500 or less per acre im guessing, perhaps a section half the size of new york would solar power the country for free. until then its all ben with apologies to anthony... i even wonder if the top 3 money makers in the world wanted to borrow some money interest free for the investment of world energy liberation if that could even be allowed????

a 3rd possiblity is a peaceful revolt worldwide coming soon to a town near you with occasional hot spots, its the scenario i want and i expect if things go arry alteast the japenesse wont harm one another.... .... ... .

we got a global banking problem, the libyor scandel wasnt even a whisper though ive told folks ten years ago england/london owns america atleast in a good part.

makes u question muslim scholars that ruined there own reniseance with the belief that numbers were evil werent themselves largely on to something, hardly anybody notices that money n credit are the just the faith of the pre 18th century man in the 21st ran by the similar if not the same blue skie dealers.

#19 Macman

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Posted 23 August 2012 - 08:33 AM

Boomdraw said,

blahblahblah blah

I've been advised to take the time to read and re-read your posts so that I can glean the great wisdom and humor that some find. To me, reading your shit is like swimming through molasses. Also, whether you know it or not, putting the word "white" before the "n-word" doesn't alter the fact that it's a disgusting fucking epithet. In my opinion, you will always be a piece of dung, your fan club not withstanding.
Actually living the dream.

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