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Guess Bars for first timers

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#13 CL

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Posted 20 May 2012 - 08:24 AM

[...] I know the feeling Im chinese-canadian myself and whenever I hung out with my farang mate in BKK everyone assumed we were a couple. [...]

What you talking about 'couple'? I am a 'farang' living in Asia. My best friend is Korean living in the west. I am TS-only, he is bi. I took him to LOS last year when he was here. If anything people saw our friendship of 10+ yrs. Just a matter how you compose yourself.

[...] As to the bars, give Obsessions a try [...]

Totally agree, seems like a nice spot to hit for a newbie in BKK. All girls are on stage, you can sit down, have a drink while the girl try to get your attention, you won't have to worry until you ask a girl to join you. Obsessions is also very easy to find, walk into NEP, and walk straight to back on the ground floor, et voila.

The same approach is taken in Cascades on the top floor. Easy to get to from Obsessions. Take the back flight of stairs to the top level then turn left, you'll walk straight in. Don't turn right, you'll hit Casanova, different ball game. Obsessions in particular IMO has a much better vibe as well as line-up compared to the other bar mentioned in this tread.

[...] how to deal with LBs in [...] bar [..]

Don't ever forget one thing, you are in control. It's made easier in bars like Obsessions an Cascades, but in any situation, you are in control; you decide what happens when and how. The only thing to remember in all your action is to be very direct but do so in an indirect way (huh!?), i.e. do it with charm and a smile

#14 Legend

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Posted 20 May 2012 - 05:12 PM

What you talking about 'couple'?

I agreed with FRONT242.
why else would a farang arange to meet another BM for a drink and then back out when he met him?
ive been racking my brain on that one, ive never heard it before.
but i think FRONT hits it on the head.
if deep118 is thai looking, and maybe of slight build, and the falang was large and old it would look like a barfine to me.

its either that , or deep118 was wearing some bizarre garments.
maybe even dressed same same lady.
  • vexlevel64 likes this
"im sure if u look around u can find a sunken face under caloried 10 year vet tranny bar girl, her face might not be as uniquely sunken or her ass dents so dented but just have a look, life is full of options." - boomdraw.

#15 soulboy

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Posted 20 May 2012 - 08:53 PM

its either that , or deep118 was wearing some bizarre garments.
maybe even dressed same same lady.

Where your friend you ?

#16 CL

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Posted 20 May 2012 - 09:18 PM

What you talking about 'couple'?

I agreed with FRONT242.

I should start reading the full tread instead of bits and pieces here and there :-) Can see how it would be odd if there was a huge age difference in combination with race, particularly certain SEA ethnicities, and especially on a first 'date,' lol, given the context. My example is very different yes. But then again hey if you're like-minded and compose yourself as such it shows. I don't see how others won't look through a possible initial perception, I have never experienced that at least.

At the end of the day I think it doesn't matter how you look, what you do, etc as long as you connect with the people you're with based on common interests. One of the coolest things about this community, is that we get to meet people from all walks of life sharing the same interest, albeit at different levels. That shows, trust me, way beyond a first impression. I am sorry to hear of Deep's experience. Sorry to see some opting out, up to them really.

Its either that , or deep118 was wearing some bizarre garments. Maybe even dressed same same lady.


@Deep: let me now if you ever plan a trip to Phuket, Ill take you out on a date :-) Closer to home anyway. Just don't rock any of those awesome local dresses leh, lol.

#17 deep118

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Posted 25 May 2012 - 12:08 PM

What you talking about 'couple'?

I agreed with FRONT242.
why else would a farang arange to meet another BM for a drink and then back out when he met him?
ive been racking my brain on that one, ive never heard it before.
but i think FRONT hits it on the head.
if deep118 is thai looking, and maybe of slight build, and the falang was large and old it would look like a barfine to me.

its either that , or deep118 was wearing some bizarre garments.
maybe even dressed same same lady.

:ang3: Hahahahahha...

I am infact brown skinned and always being told by both GGs and LBs that i look like thai. Perhaps thats the reason though i wore nothing like a girl or anything that suggested i was gay and a man-hooker LOL!!!

#18 deep118

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 11:29 PM

Those who remember my previous posts about how I am still traumatised after what happened to me in Patpong (hustled to buy 10 lady drinks!).. I fear 'bars'. All my girl and ladyboy fix have been via soapies, specialty clubs (for girls) and escorts (LB).

You see.. I can't stay like this forever. Paying stupid money (6000 baht!) for a shortime where I could enjoy 2 LTS with that amount of money with much more fun and beautiful LBs..

I will give Go Go Bars another chance in my next trip (10 more days baby!!! oooh yeaaaah!!).. I have read from this thread and other websites all the guides, advices, dos-and-donts articles for every first timers and novices I could fine...

But I can't find useful guide on how to go to bars like Guess Bar.. I have read a lot of good reviews about this bar. I want to try it this time. I went through past it everytime I go to Bangkok but never had the courage to go inside (especially after the patpong incident)..

Can anyone direct me to an article or a website that shows how to deal with LBs in guess bar.. or even give me some advice what I should do and should not do, cost I should expect etc etc.. thanks.

I landed in BKK yesterday night. I vowed to myself as the plane landed Bangkok Airport not to chicken out about go-go bars and guess bars. As of now, I have been to Cascade and Temptations.. man oh man! I am having a blast! All this fears I had since the 'Patpong 10 lady drink' incident.. is just stupid and nonsense!

Just want to share you guys what happened to me in Temptations few hours ago.. I went in and greeted by Apple. I knew her from the internet.. she was so hot. I decided to buy her ladydrink and this fear that I will be hustled for LD.. GONE! :D :D...

Anyway.. I wanted to barfine her. We talked for good 20 minutes. She was so cute wearing a 'teacher' like glasses.. so freaking hot. She jokingly asked me "You want me to teach you?" I said "yes.. teach me how to suck ladyboy cock".. her look changed from excitement into dissapointment "awww.. I cut already"..

I was so embarassed. I am such a noob.. how come I did not know Apple is a post-op ladyboy? did i still barfine her? Well I was planning to perhaps I don't want her to lose face or something.. but she was fantastic and said "it's ok you can choose other lady" while maintaining her enthusiasm.. I decided against it because ONE, I am actually still embarassed.. secondly, most girls looked they are racked with hormones.. perhaps won't give me what i am looking for.. hard cock that can cum.

After temptation, with my fear almost gone.. I am in a roll and went in to Cascade.. HEA-fuckin-VEN. I saw ShaSha and Pai As I went in, I felt soooo angry at myself "Why the hell I let my stupid fear overpowered me". I went in and just followed and remembered all the things you guys here in the forum adviced and suggested. It worked. As I saw Fai, I almost shouted "I want her!" even before I sit down.. so I kept my cool and go to my seat..

As I sat down, I couldn't see Pai anymore.. damn. Anyway, I declined an offer without causing them to lose face. Ofcourse they will not stop. But I was already having a good time.. felt no pressure. I was actually looking for Pai, I didnt ask the staff or mamasan though.. I dont know.. I just wanted to keep my options open. The selection in Cascades are all mouth watering. I eventually called this hot girl.. she called herself as "medosa"? Sounds like that..

I BF 'medosa' and she asked for 2000bht Short time.. i though "what the hell.. its my first for quite some time". ShaSha came infront giving me a mini-dance while 'medosa' go to get changed. Sha Sha looks fantastic.. but it was funny as soon as the staff told her something in thai which I believe telling her "he barfine a lady already"... she just stop, looks annoyed at the staff and walked away.. perhaps she told the staff "why didn't you tell me earlier before I embarass myself"...

So thats pretty much my BKK trip so far.. plan to man up and go to guess bar tomorrow night..

thanks guys for all your help prior to my BKK trip!

#19 FRONT242

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 11:38 PM

remember to try Casanova too.

#20 deep118

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 11:45 PM

remember to try Casanova too.

Yeah and Obsession too. :D

#21 Guest_jaybee11_*

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 11:57 PM

Great news deep! Glad you got over the fear.

Be prepared for pressure in Casanova but remember, it's your time and your money so don't cave in to the pressure. Take the one you want and if there's not one to your liking, you can get up and leave.

My experience with ShaSha was very similar. She's sexy as hell and looks fantastic but she's all about the money and once the chance of a BF is gone, so is she. But hey, who can blame her? She's there to work and earn money, not make friends.

#22 johnnyenglish

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Posted 13 July 2012 - 02:19 AM

Why guess all the time?

Do it the hard way go for Casanova
Do it the slow way go for Temptations
Do it the drunken way go for Cascades
Do it in style go for the Obessions
Do it the kings way go for castle number three
Do it the icey way go for the Kitten club
Pull the strings and go for the fellows.

Or don't push and find it all out by yourself. My way.
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