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  1. Why do Ladyboys have an obsession with silicon?

    It's very common in Thailand, and generally it becomes a rite of passage for many young Ladyboys; usually third in line on their way to becoming a ''lady'', behind taking hormones and growing out their hair beyond their shoulders. By the age of 18 or 19 most Ladyboys who live in the tourist areas such as Bangkok, Pattaya and Phuket will already have them, and by age 21 it almost becomes a necessity; since all Thai males are inducted into the military at that age, and since the odds are virtually zero that one would be accepted with large silicon-enhanced breasts, most, if not all, Ladyboys wish to have them by that age at the latest.

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    Sizes, costs and procedures

    For breasts, the choices seem endless, but the majority of Ladyboys seem to go with sizes which are frequently too big for their body and which most genetic Thai ladies would never have. This "more is better" approach is quite common, and again if you have walked around Pattaya or Bangkok late at night it becomes obvious what size the Ladyboys prefer their new breasts to be; large! Not all Ladyboys think this way, and in fact some of the small-in-stature girls will go with a smaller breast size to match their bodies. For instance, a Ladyboy who stands maybe 5 foot 3 would do well with silicon breasts which have 275cc of fluid in them; 250 would be too small, and something like 350 would be too large for her. At the 275cc level, that would be just a small handful. For the taller Ladyboys, say 5'7" and above, anything around the 300cc of fluid seems to be the norm. But some Ladyoys automatically go for 325, 350 or even 400cc of the fluid which makes up silicon breasts, based on what friends have done in the past or photos they have seen at the doctor's office or in magazines and online images. Many use western ideals of beauty and body shape to re-shape their own bodies, with the result oftentimes looking sexy, but also often looking like a caricature of a real lady. Wearing dresses which may be too tight for their body but which enhance their look is also a factor.

    The costs for silicon breasts has changed little over the past 10 to 15 years in Thailand. Starting in the 40,000 baht range, it can go as high as 60,000 but rarely higher. The doctors who perform these procedures are usually well-qualified, perform several per week or even per day, and are oftentimes given positive referrals by friends who have already had the procedure, which can be done on an outpatient basis; the patient can usually be home and relaxing with her new breasts within hours, from start to finish. Other procedures which are common but not quite as popular as the breast procedure include slight additions to the chin to give them a more "pointed" look, similar to a western woman, nose jobs, and additions to the hips, to give the Ladyboy a more rounded, full-figured look (editors note: the cost and availability of hip injections has changed so much in recent years that many ladyboys will now have silicon hips, with some even taking their hip sizes to extremes).

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    The Happiness Factor

    Almost ALL Thai Ladyboys want to have silicon breasts; along with grown-out hair it's a main symbol of their femininity. Breasts are undeniably female, and that's what these young Ladyboys want to be; female, at least in their appearance to the world. In fact, if you meet a Ladyboy in her mid-20's who has NOT yet had her breasts enhanced, the there are odds that she is not a ‘true Ladyboy’, and may perhaps be a gay male simply working as a Ladyboy to make more money than he could as a male prostitute. Generally, somewhere between 90 and 95% of all Ladyboys who have their breasts enhanced are happy with the outcome, and love showing them off to friends, potential boyfriends, customers [if they are prostitutes] and to family [if the family is accepting of her transition]. Most Ladyboys wear their new breasts as a badge of honor, something to be shown off as much as possible, by wearing tight outfits and dresses which expose the cleavage.

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    Not going away

    Ladyboys have been getting their breasts enhanced in Thailand for well over 40 years now, and in fact the country has become a haven for male-to-female transgenders to have their new breasts put in at a cost which is oftentimes 25% of what it would cost in their own country. Thailand now has world-class doctors who devote their whole practice to these procedures, and multiple clinics in cities large and small who can perform the procedure quickly, safely, and for a small amount of money. For true, committed Thai Ladyboys, it's basically a fact of life; turn a certain age, usually 17, 18 or 19, and once you can raise the money you will be getting new breasts for yourself. Some of the people in their lives may not like it, be it their Mom or their Dad, potential boyfriends or western "sponsors" who help the girls with their daily expenses, but the bottom line is that this will not be going away anytime soon. Thai Ladyboys love their silicon, and as long as it remains as cheap and readily-available as it is now this is something which will continue for many years to come.

    Written by: Cory Booker

    • Apr 06 2014 10:24 PM
    • by Cory Booker
  2. Sexual Reassignment Surgery in Thailand; a begi...

    Feeling as though he had been born into the wrong body, Jorgensen was amongst the first to undergo ground-breaking SRS procedures being done in Europe in the 1950's, and had his surgery done in Denmark between 1951 and 1952. Living as a female until her death in 1989, Christine was a ground-breaking figure in the Transgender movement of the time, and is widely hailed as the pioneer for these procedures, which are performed quite often in Thailand these days.

    Why Thailand?

    The Land of Smiles has always had an accepting, agreeable way of dealing with their large Transgendered population. Whether because of their laid-back Buddhist temperament or their ''live and let live'' attitude which goes along with it, male-to-female Transgendered people in Thailand have generally had a more accepting culture which does not look down on their choice to live as a female with scorn, but generally with acceptance, where many have become well-known national figures and where regular beauty pageants for the Transgendered are staged throughout the country. Being a "Ladyboy" is not met with the derision it is oftentimes met with in the west, but is rather celebrated; many young males will tell their parents when they are still in elementary school that they wish to be a Ladyboy, and most families accept it and do their best to accommodate the newest ''female'' into the family.

    The vast majority of these Ladyboys do not wish to have SRS; they are happy with their male equipment and in fact would find the thought of removing their male organs to be abhorrent. But for some of these Ladyboys, who feel deep down that they were indeed born into the wrong body, SRS remains an attractive option by which to correct the mistake nature has made. Fortunately for them, Thailand is now considered one of the leading countries in the entire world for this type of procedure, and by this point in time has dozens of well-known doctors who can perform the surgery required to change them from a man into a lady.

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    Requirements, Costs and Qualifications

    In most western countries, be it America or England, Canada or France, etc, it takes years of mental preparation and enhanced therapy with a professional counselor, as well as 2 years or more of hormone therapy and at least one year of living full-time as a female before you can even be considered for such a drastic procedure. In Thailand these rules do not exist; if you feel like you can have a better quality of life as a female, and you have the money required, you can have SRS done in most of the larger cities throughout the country. The costs range anywhere between 50,000 baht to 250,000 baht, and as with most things in life you get what you pay for! Many Ladyboys who have had the procedure done at cheaper places, oftentimes universities or clinics with new, trainee doctors, report that they are unhappy with the results. An inability to become sexually aroused, pain while having intercourse, trouble keeping the area clean and with the new, man-made vagina not being deep enough are common complaints from these girls who can rarely have their plight fixed or repaired in any way.

    The Ladyboys who pay top dollar and go to the best clinics and to the best-received doctors usually have the best results. Word of mouth lets them know which are the best doctors and clinics, and if they have the patience and can raise the proper amount of money they will wait and have it done at those institutions. Ladyboys who report that they are happy and have adjusted well to their new vagina and who can have regular orgasms, etc, are also the ones who pay the most money; no surprise there. The verdict is still out as to just HOW good these doctors are and how good the procedures are, as many Ladyboys will exaggerate the extent of how good their sex life is to impress friends or perhaps even the person who paid for the surgery, oftentimes the western ''sponsor'' who agreed to help pay for it.

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    No real statistics are available as to how many Ladyboys actually opt for this procedure, but a random poll of any 100 Ladyboys in a city like Pattaya or Bangkok would probably put the number at about 10% of them wanting to have SRS. Some of these girls are extremely determined to have the procedure and cannot be talked out of it, no matter who tries; some who are on the fence about it will usually choose to keep their sexual organs the way they are, oftentimes dissuaded by stories they have heard either through 3rd-party accounts or from girls they have spoken with directly who have had the surgery and are not happy with the results. The vast majority of Ladyboys will keep their plumbing just the way it is, never even having a thought to going through such an arduous journey and one which can never be reversed and seldom improved-upon.

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    The Bottom Line

    Sexual Reassignment Surgery has been available to men who feel like they have been born into the wrong body since the 1950's, and is now also available for females who feel like they should have been born as males; Chastidy Bono, the daughter of Cher, is one such female who now lives as a male thanks to surgery. In Thailand it is quite a common thing, believe it or not; many men have even been tricked by "post-ops" who work in the bars in big cities into sleeping with someone who was once a male but now has the sexual organs of a female, and long after they have gone back to their home country they still have no idea. Doctors will keep performing these procedures as long as they have patients, and in Thailand that list is very long indeed. Whether or not that's a good thing or not is left to the individual; if they are convinced that having the procedure was the best thing for them and they are truly happy with the results, perhaps the wide availability of options for them in a country with such widespread acceptance can be viewed as positive and favorable.

    Written by: Cory Booker

    • Apr 04 2014 09:10 PM
    • by Cory Booker