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Events for March 07, 2014

in Public Calendar

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----- Bobby Burns' Birthday Bash @ La Bamba
By pattayanista

Bobby Burns' (Postponed) Birthday Bash and National Teachers' Day (Albania) @ La Bamba:

14.01.25 burns' night.jpg

Traditional Scottish fare (haggis with tatties and neeps, tattie scones, deep-fried Mars Bars, deep-fried pizza, cranachan, Irn Bru, and a nice tot of quality single-malt whisky for those foolish brave enough to try the haggis) will be served throughout the evening.

The host for the evening would very much appreciate all attendees wearing SOMETHING tartan about their person whilst in La Bamba. Kilt, shirt, trews, socks, shoes, hat, unmentionables, watchstraps, a piece of ribbon - any item, big or small, is acceptable.

If you do NOT have anything tartan about you, then these ribbons


will be for sale. All you have to do is make a donation in return for a ribbon. The size of the donation is up you. EVERY baht of the proceeds will go to the LBWVB charity fundraising effort.


March 2014