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9/11 The 10th Anniversary.

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#1 Guest_pentire_*

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Posted 11 September 2011 - 04:34 PM

No body in the educated free world needs reminding that on September 11th 2001, nineteen muslim extremists flew two commercial airliners into New York's twin towers and in the process, murdering over 3000 innocent people.

Where were you when you heard the news ?

I was in my home town and had just gone into a wine bar for a lunch time tipple and spot of lunch only to see the staff and customers viewing Sky News in utter disbelief.

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#2 onetruesaxon

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Posted 11 September 2011 - 06:42 PM

Just finished work and put a dvd on when my boss phone me to put tv on and I saw the news and the second plane go in to the tower.

It put life in perspective, as I had lost the sight in my eye 16 years prior on the 10th September.

#3 Macman

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Posted 11 September 2011 - 07:32 PM

I had retired from Wall Street 3 years earlier. None of my friends were retiring so I started working in a different field. I was at work about 25 miles from the site when it happened. I lost a number of friends in the attack, and the son of a former boss was also killed. I got on the phone with a friend of mine who was walking across the Brooklyn Bridge to escape New York. He could see the smoke and eventually the havoc from the bridge. I had a good friend who worked for Cantor Fitzgerald. I hadn't talked to him in a while. I assumed that he was dead because Cantor was on the top floors. I called his house the next day anyway, and he answered. It turns out that he was layed off 2 weeks earlier.
Actually living the dream.

#4 Ivor Biggun

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Posted 11 September 2011 - 07:42 PM

I was in the Falklands- they shut the main gate for some reason!!!

#5 petesie

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Posted 11 September 2011 - 11:45 PM

I was in Riyadh and just finished work when I switched on the telly thinking at first I was watching some TV movie, I can remember everything that happened that day more than what occurred last week, the events of that day changed the direction of the world forever.

The following day I had to witness the locals exchanging high fives and beaming smiles.

These days they seem to have resorted to communal denial and the usual gamut of conspiracy theories which are of course Western based.

"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#6 Brianne

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Posted 12 September 2011 - 05:58 AM

I was in top floor of building in Canary Wharf
We caught the second plane hitting the towers on the telly

Then our attention was diverted as we watched a plane turn and head down the thames in our direction.

The telly was ignored as we watched the plane's approach
Nobody moved just watched as it approached, a few "oh no's" were heard.

And then it passed and it was back to the horror on the telly again.

I walked to the hotel in covent garden as the tubes were screwed
Strangest night i have had in London
I'm feeling young again but quite insane because I'm mad about the ladyboy

#7 Thailand-junkie

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Posted 12 September 2011 - 12:42 PM


#8 BigTel

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Posted 12 September 2011 - 03:49 PM

I was living in Pattaya at that time, can remember strolling down Walking St and looking at a small crowd gathering outside the P72 Hotel viewing what I thought must be a action movie on the huge screen TV they had towards the rear of the Bar.
On closer inspection and from the comments from the crowd I realized this was no Movie but real life unfolding before me, very hard to take in the gravity of the situation, it was a surreal moment in time, one that I will never forget.
I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure.

#9 slappy111

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Posted 12 September 2011 - 09:13 PM

This brings back not so great memories. I was working for a Wall Street wire house and living in Hoboken, NJ (right across the Hudson River with a view of Manhattan). At the time my office was a the World Financial Center adjacent to the World Trade Center (twin towers). Because of my position with the firm I travelled frequently abroad; London, Geneva, Singapore and the Caymans (white collar money laundering, but that's for a different thread :D ) As luck would have it I was in Geneva when this all happened. I immediately called my assistant and had her go to the window of my office (at this time neither tower had collapsed and the employees were being told to remain at their desks). My office was on the 30th floor and had a view of the WTC. She was describing the chaos then she fell silent. I kept asking her to tell me what was happening. She said she had to go because bodies were now jumping out of the upper stories. That was a chilling moment for me.

Took a week to get back to the US. Within 3 months I had decided that no amount of money I was being paid was worth that horror. Moved down to Florida.
I don't mind you coming here
And wasting all my time
Cuz when you're standing oh so near
I kinda lose my mind, yeah

#10 Surin Nix

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Posted 12 September 2011 - 09:19 PM

I work in the aviation industry, and am very close to the events of that day. In the interest of discretion, I'll avoid details of where I was that day.

....I'll only say that, like others here, I personally knew several victims, and was deeply affected by the events of that horrible day.


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