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How to Sleep on a Plane

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#13 deepthroat69

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Posted 15 September 2011 - 01:25 PM

[/quote]Jetlag is a serious ball-buster for me when I go to LOS. A 12-hour time-zone change. It takes me almost a full week to feel normal, and in the interim I feel like I'm suffering the post surgical effects of anasthesia [/quote]

I too like to pop a sleeper - I bring (3) .5 miligram Xanax tablets for each way. Take them 1 hour before I want to sleep, and I'm out like a light, then awake a tiny bit groggy an hour before landing. Within 30 minutes its out of my system completely, and I good to go.

Whether using that or not, I've found one key for dealing with jetlag, and it's worked a charm for 2 decades of international travel:

Whatever time I arrive, do NOT take a nap, and force myself to stay up until my normal bedtime (usually around midnight) in the new local time zone. Then get up the next morning at a decent hour (9am or so) and get on with my trip. This forces my body to quickly acclimate to the local time. It usually results in me walking around like a fucking zombie for the best part of that arrival day, but as long as I don't try to do anything too taxing (like hiding my passport) nothing serious results, and my body is good to go with the new time by the 2nd day.
2nd Annual GOTC: 3rd Feb. 2012 8pm Pook Soi 6 (upstairs bar) - BE THERE!

#14 Macman

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Posted 15 September 2011 - 06:26 PM

I totally agree with that last paragraph, deepthroat. I do the same, and never suffer from jetlag.
Actually living the dream.

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