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#1 coxsucher

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Posted 28 November 2005 - 04:01 AM

is it dangerous to suck a ladyboy's cock? If you did not brush your teeth and have no known siores in your mouth woudl sucking them off be relatively safe?

Have you heard of anyone catching anything from this. I have little interests in sucking rubber.

I like to suck cock

#2 LB-69

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Posted 28 November 2005 - 04:24 AM

Theoretycally they say you can contact STD through oral contact with infected person. Practically in past 3 years I did suck hundreds of LB's, without condom, cause same as you i hate to suck rubber. Till now nothing happened, but then again the possibility is always there...

#3 rayton

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Posted 28 November 2005 - 04:40 AM

i think it's quite safe (providing neither has sores etc..).
i would excercise caution regarding them cumming in my mouth though.

#4 rslicker

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Posted 28 November 2005 - 06:40 AM

I can help you there from personal experience, although not with a LB. A few years ago I picked up a bar girl in Patong and we went back to my hotel to fulfil a few fantasies etc as you do. Anyway, we used a rubber for all screwing contact but she did give me a bare BJ, and that was the only thing we did without rubber. The next day I flew home and within a couple of days I had yellow/green puss dripping out of my sore dick like a dripping tap, and it was BLOODY painful.

I contacted the local STD clinic and sure enough they confirmed a dose of Gonorrhaea (or however you spell it). The process of getting rid of it was excrutiating and not one I'd like to repeat. Having a female doctor ramming what looks like a wire pipe cleaner down your dick is a sickningly unpleasant sensation I can assure you. Luckily I was divorced at the time and so I didn't have anyone to explain it to, that would have been even worse.

So the upshot of it all is that this little minx must have been carrying the infection in her mouth, possibly by being just recently infected herself. There was no sign of it when I picked her up. So beware!

#5 Guest_Pat Tire_*

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Posted 28 November 2005 - 07:13 AM

That is an interesting case. Did the Doc at the STD Clinic confirm to you that VD can be passed on this way :?:
For my part, i once caught an awful throat infection through going down on a babe i picked up in a Madrid Night Club! It took 4 days for antibiotics to clear it up and i tell ya, it was like tring to swallow razor blades :cry:

#6 coxsucher

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Posted 28 November 2005 - 07:29 AM

thanks for the advice and stories. I have eaten lots of pussy in Thailand and have been fortunate not to have contacted anything. My problem is that I am a very oral person; I love to eat and suck. To not do these things would certainly deprive me of teh great buffet offered in Thailand. I do appreciate the stories and realize that each time I indulge myself, I am taking a big risk. When I get real norny and you mix that with a little alcohol, I am much more of a risk taker.
I like to suck cock

#7 rslicker

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Posted 28 November 2005 - 08:54 PM

That is an interesting case. Did the Doc at the STD Clinic confirm to you that VD can be passed on this way :?:

Not exactly Pat, but I was asked what activity I had taken part in and I explained that the BJ was the only contact I had without a rubber. She didn't seem to question that this could have been the method of infection.

For anyone who hasn't had the experience of the pipe cleaners yet it is more painful than you can imagine. Yet I still go for BBBJs and go down on girls. I try to be as careful as possible and I haven't caught anything since. But just be aware that it can happen.

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