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Ladyboy Hunter and friends, please take note

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#1 Nong1

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Posted 29 October 2005 - 07:02 AM

Hi LadyboyH

This is Jon...you know me.....I just want to give you [and your readers here who were asking about it] the heads up on the ladyboy forum which belongs to me.

After at least 40 hours of wasted downtime for me and my employee's, we learned that the Forum was pretty much impossible to fix. We tried; my friend Stogie tells me it was hacked so badly and corrupted to the point that it could never be working properly again and I believe him. At that point we posted numerous messages that anyone who wanted to take control of that forum could have it, they simply had to move it to their servers and leave us out of it and it would be theirs.

What do I get for my time and energy and patience wasted this past week? Small-minded posts from useless, unintelligent people, stating that we were in some way being deceitful and not being honest with them; to say I was infuriated with that is a very mild understatement. To anyone who reads here and was asking about it in another thread; that ladyboy forum is gone FOREVER. Do not ask us to revive it, ever; we tried that and only got shit for it and some small-dicked little people saying we were not being straight with them, blame THEM for the forum demise, not us. We tried, and even offered that forum for FREE to anyone who wanted it. there were no takers after 1 week so we closed it down, now for all time.

Also, watch out for some clown named "FunHabbit" posting here; this is a particularly small-dicked little eunuch who thinks he knows it all when in reality he doesn't even know the size of his 3-inch pecker. Ban this guy if he posts here, you will be 1000 times better off, trust me. For you all who wanted the Ladyboy Forum revived, you can thank Mister FunHabbit for his small-minded posts and the demise of that forum forever. Asshole.

Sorry for the long-winded rant but I am extremely upset about all this and tried so hard to make it work for all involved; I recommend to all ladyboy-lovers to just take advantage of this wonderful message board and post here, because toonedup.Net is gone now,forever.

Thanks, take care L-H
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#2 Arnold Schwarzenegger

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Posted 29 October 2005 - 12:11 PM

I'll be back 8)

#3 koykaeng

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Posted 29 October 2005 - 08:06 PM

Hi Jon,

As a regular lurker on the Toonedup forum, I am honestly sad to hear that it will no longer exist.

I struggle to understand some of the negative posts regarding the demise of the forum, and those aimed specifically at yourself which suggest that you have closed the forum because of your own hidden agenda.

On a postitive note, there are still at least 2 web based forums in operation for LB lovers, not to mention the numerous yahoo groups.


#4 Nong1

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Posted 29 October 2005 - 08:33 PM

exactly, Koykaeng....... there are several places to talk about ladyboys on the 'Net and as you could see I was more than fair in trying to give away that forum for FREE but got no takers; only Wise-ass remarks from people that have no clue about the truth and ripped me publicly on my own property! They were dead wrong and a couple of small-minded haters, who needs them? And I can see one of 'em already got in here and replied above; HE may be back, but that crappy forum never will be!! It's gone forever and that loser is part of the reason.

Just to prove I had no alterior motives in restoring that forum, try and pull it up now from a computer that doesn't have it stored in the cache; all you will get is a "This page can not be displayed" message; no re-directions, no advertising and no funnels to any other locations, the whole thing is just gone; now and forever.

Thank for your help and support, Koykaeng, you and the L-H are true gentlemen and run a nice clean message board with no haters or flaming going on; congrats.

see ya' around! Jon
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#5 Rob69in

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Posted 30 October 2005 - 05:37 AM

Hi LadyboyH

This is Jon...you know me.....I just want to give you [and your readers here who were asking about it] the heads up on the ladyboy forum which belongs to me.

After at least 40 hours of wasted downtime for me and my employee's, we learned that the Forum was pretty much impossible to fix. We tried; my friend Stogie tells me it was hacked so badly and corrupted to the point that it could never be working properly again and I believe him. At that point we posted numerous messages that anyone who wanted to take control of that forum could have it, they simply had to move it to their servers and leave us out of it and it would be theirs.

What do I get for my time and energy and patience wasted this past week? Small-minded posts from useless, unintelligent people, stating that we were in some way being deceitful and not being honest with them; to say I was infuriated with that is a very mild understatement. To anyone who reads here and was asking about it in another thread; that ladyboy forum is gone FOREVER. Do not ask us to revive it, ever; we tried that and only got shit for it and some small-dicked little people saying we were not being straight with them, blame THEM for the forum demise, not us. We tried, and even offered that forum for FREE to anyone who wanted it. there were no takers after 1 week so we closed it down, now for all time.

Also, watch out for some clown named "FunHabbit" posting here; this is a particularly small-dicked little eunuch who thinks he knows it all when in reality he doesn't even know the size of his 3-inch pecker. Ban this guy if he posts here, you will be 1000 times better off, trust me. For you all who wanted the Ladyboy Forum revived, you can thank Mister FunHabbit for his small-minded posts and the demise of that forum forever. Asshole.

Sorry for the long-winded rant but I am extremely upset about all this and tried so hard to make it work for all involved; I recommend to all ladyboy-lovers to just take advantage of this wonderful message board and post here, because toonedup.Net is gone now,forever.

Thanks, take care L-H

Hi there Nong1 ( Jon ),

this is Rob69in from the the Ladyboy forum, we exchanged a few posts before the curtain finally fell on its final perforamnce. It was a natural progression to migrate across to another forum & I have also signed up to yours on AsianTS, I am sure there will be some people here & there that will know me & I look forward to reading the posts.

I know you & Funhabbit did not part the best of friends during the final hours of the Ladyboy forum, but I would like to say a few lines. I am not here to upset anyone, take a side etc, I just want to put another perspective on things.

Funhabbit & I exchanged a few messages that never went on the forum, as i understand it from those messages he was a young man 18-19 with very little money & perhaps not too greater life. He was certainly niave, inexperienced & not well traveled ( like myself at his age ) & perhaps even lonely. He had never met an LB ( or TS come to that ) & his computer was his portal to his fantasy & Dream. He desperately wanted to visit Thailand & meet the LB's he held in high personal regard. It could have been his only escape in life.
Considering the number of posts he made i think it was a link to another world & a group of "friends" for him that was very important, that link was through the Lady boy forum "door". Nong1, it became necessary for you to shut down the forum, I am not entering that arguement again, it's done & thats that. To Funhabbit this was a major catastrophie, his only door to his desired world, fantasy, Dream call it what you will was about to be closed......... forever ...... by you! It did not matter to him why, it was going to be shut & this angered him immensely, & in his mind justafiably ( as in your mind you were justafiably angry with him over what he said about / to you ). Some people need that door more than others. I have the benefit of travel, experience & frequent meetings with LB's / TS's around the world, & the salary to suit, of course Nong1 you have your benefits & experiences too. I don't think Funhabbit does.

I will be very surprised if he does not show up in this forum or even your own at AsianTS, it would be a natural move for anyone with LB's on there mind! I think he should be given a second chance, baring in mind to be more respectful than perhaps his last post to you was.

This is just my opinion for what its worth, its up to admin & moderaters to make there own decisions.


#6 Nong1

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Posted 30 October 2005 - 05:59 PM

thank you for the nice words, Rob, you are indeed a true gentleman.

the things that funhabbit said publicly were inexcusable and more importantly, 100% dead wrong! He rips me and my work of 4 years with no proof and calls me names and other vile crap on my own property; I don't care if he is 19 or 59 and I don't give a good shit whether he has travalled before or is just a lonely whacker sitting home looking at ladyboy photos, he said vile and nasty shit and if I had his scrawny little teenaged neck in front of me at that time I would have strangled it. A purely evil and unimportant person, I don't give a crap if I was his only outlet to the ladyboy world, he had no right to say that crap about me after I worked so hard to revive that forum when I could have been working on better things. It is dead now forever and no one can ever have it; again, thank that little nobody.

a small-minded and hateful person, he will never ever be able to make up or apologize for what he said and I hope he sits in front of the computer screen at his mommy's house for the next 10 years scanning the internet for free ladyboys photo's like the little pussy that he is; he is not welcomed on my property and I hope these people here won't let Arnold Schwarzennegger or anyone else that sounds like that useless turd post up here, I know he will never get anywhere near my property.

Happy you found this place Rob, but please do not mention any other websites when chatting here, that's not what this place is for. Thanks for the support, you were a good guy when that all hit the fan and it was people like YOU and Torourot and the readers here that I was trying to save that forum for, not people like funhabbit who just make accusations with no proof after someone tried really really hard to do everyone involved a favor. see ya around, Jon.
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#7 Rob69in

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Posted 30 October 2005 - 07:05 PM


OK I can see there is no reconciliation, & I don't blaim you at all, so I think its all water under the bridge now & leave it at that.

Point taken over mentioning other websites.


#8 LB-69

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Posted 31 October 2005 - 09:01 PM

Hi Jon !

Saw your post before, but I'm damn busy with site etc...Anyway as I told you already by PM, it is bad news that ladyboy forum wont work anymore. Probably not your fault as I know you as hard working guy, otherwise you and your site wasnt in the place they are now. In addition your notes of warning taken, hope we'll have no fights here at all. Please stay tuned and contribute to our forum, your opinions and help are much appreciated.

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