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#1 therealdane

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Posted 02 August 2007 - 09:49 PM

After a long time not togherter whit a lot of phone calls ( can recoment voipbuster... its cheap) and a lot of talk on skype (whit more 8) ) i went 2 her again!

We met up in bkk n took the tempel trip ... n some nice trips 2 the land of the bed... hmmm... Ang got her visa on the danish embasy (tell u about visa later)

Then we went off 2 the romantic island of ko chang... and hade 4 the moste of the time a real nice time... tho a slight bad stomack... and some fights over difrent wayes 2 react.

Then we went up 2 her parrents in udon n had a great time there...
Big dinner whit the whole village 2 mayoers and the guvernor for the province... all bless us... the step before marrige... nice experience, n lucky we did not go all the way!!!

Then in the midtel of june we went off 2 denmark!!!

Fore going 2 Denmark LB have 2 make an helt insurance 4 at least 3 month... LB have 2 get validate by the goverment officials takes all frome 2 weeks 2 4 month... it took us 3 month to get visa.
And u have 2 make a deposit on 20.000 Usd
in the banck that only the danish goverment can get... Validt 4 18 month... And LB have 2 have a return ticket 2 thailand

Fell like a criminal...

But all when ouer way...
When we come 2 denmark we saw a thai lady that did not have all the papers n so on... So it was take the plane back...

We drow 2 my house quit tiret...
N got unpack she was sopused 2 stay in Denmark 4 3 month.
But i send her home after 2 and ½ week.

And this whent wrong!
I did not tell her enogh about the danish cultur!
So evry time i talk whit some lady i know (not intimate) she got so jealus that it was teribel, lot off aguments after... often fore 3 or 4 houers. Well it good 2 clean the air, but this took 2 long time!
When we meet whit my dad, she would not speak 2 him but, both times we mett him she whent off 2 a nother room... This piss my dad of i tell u! (did not say any thing but...)

And evry time when she god somthing danish 2 eat she was going whyd dont u have this and that... Like Pizza in denmark we mostly eat pizza the italian way whit littel pizza "bread" but she want deeppan pizza whit chease or peperonie in the out site. Nothing was good enugh 4 her and often when we made food and my son was here we had 2 make 2 difrinds kinde off food and often she did not want to eat whit us...
But later like 2 show us that we was wrong becors we did not eat her food... ´(my son thinks it to hot)

Then 4 ddayes before i sendt her home evry thing went wrong:
When 2 a birtsday party one of my friends whent 40... big party...
I made a mistake i did not tell people that she was a LB so they look a lot on her!!! But was willing to talk 2 her, becorse they are very open mindet...
It was a big dinner whit 3 meals... the kind of dinner whit a lot of speatches and songs 4 the ocation... (the kine off dinners where u dont make truppels)

But any way when we whent 2 the table and at it she was looking in the air whit an aditude u r shit i dont want to talk 2 u!!! And i tryed manny times 2 talk 2 her and get her in 2 the convesation but she never replyed my talking... I thought 2 my self well time will make this better but no

after the first meal i had 2 hold my speach whitch in honner 2 her i did in english! and after she whent 2 the toilet 2 come back 2 me and sait 2 me i want to talk whit u now out side.... (the sound from psycho, the bath room sceen)
Then hell broke loss do u want 2 fuck the lady next 2 u!!!! she sait!
And i was wauuu what are u saying ... n then fe had a big argument...
She was so convinced that i was trying 2 come 2 bed whit another lady!!! And she did not want 2 listen 2 reason... N then it all whent crasy movie hollywood bad love storry whit her walking around all town n me in a car after her (did not drink alot)
At last she stoped a lady on bike n borrowed her phone n called one of my friends 2 come and pick her up! He did and now he have 2 listen 2 all her bull...
Had 2 call my friend the guy that had the birsday... and tell him i was on my way home (thats after 1½ houers dinner, and 2 houers of hunting)
Then we usede aroun 5 houers more befor she want 2 come home whit me... whit another frind and her wife as middel men...
And the next 2 dayes we had a fight, she would call them or go there... In hope of understanding (she got it). Then i got enugh and sait 2 her u have 2 go home asap. In a nice way!

So what i lernt from this is talk 2 ur lady an tell her evry thing about dooes and donts in ur contry... so she understand it and tell her 2 that she have 2 accept the diffrints in living, els it will go teribel wrong..

We are still toghter and she knows what was she did was teribel wrong and she learnt her lesson!!!

So now im putting monny away 2 go to her in october!

#2 therealdane

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Posted 02 August 2007 - 10:52 PM

Remember 2 tel ur "Lady" that watter from the toilet is not used 2 wash the flor whit... (imean the toilet wher u sit down and ....)

#3 bkklover

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Posted 02 August 2007 - 11:11 PM

An very interesting story.

I think alot of us forget the differences in culture and how hard it is for any South Asian to fit into our society, without their support network around them.

Kudos to you for trying, and good luck in October. I wish you all the best.

#4 therealdane

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Posted 16 August 2007 - 12:03 AM

It did not work out.... she did not change and started all over soo... now shes only a friend

Thats the bad part....

The good part is: i found a real good looking LB in Denmark of all places! And she is very nice 2! Came from phily whit her mother!
How lucky can u get!

Keep smiling... ans dreaming...
T.R. Dane

#5 mhk7840

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Posted 16 August 2007 - 12:36 AM

Came from Phily? As in Philadelphia, USA? Or maybe you mean Philippines?

Because in America we refer to our oldest city (Philadelphia) as Philly .
-Mike the American LB Hunter

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