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Meet the Family

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#1 Spyder Rocket

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Posted 09 December 2013 - 09:56 AM

CAVEAT: This isn't a traditional trip report, but more of an anecdote from my last trip. I didn't exactly know which section to post this in and decided to post it here; however, perhaps even a greater sin is that it doesn't involve a story about an LB, but of a GG. Hopefully, you'll find this somewhat entertaining and maybe slightly informative, as I will try to throw in useful tidbits of information.

I've had the pleasure of meeting the families of two Thai GG's over the years, but I'll share a short story from my 2012 trip.

After spending a month on Phuket, I returned to BKK for a couple of days prior to flying to Japan for a week long side trip.

While in BKK, I was staying at the DIG and did the usual mongering circuit, but on my second night, I decided to check out a GG bar. I forget the name of this place, but if you are standing with the Guess Bar at your back, it is directly on the other side of that parking lot in front of you. The owner of the bar apparently owns a bunch of bars in the area because I remember seeing the portrait of the same lady in what looks like a graduation gown in several of the larger bars.

Anyway, I hit it off with one of the servers in this bar and spent a lot of time chatting with her. She wasn't a sex bomb, but had the cutest smile and was very tiny and had a great personality. Her English was good enough to share jokes with and I just liked her; in other words, we clicked. I didn't bar fine her that night, but told her I would come see her after I got back from Japan.

Japan was a blast, but that's another story; when I returned to BKK, I was booked at the DIG for two nights and had loose plans to check out Hua Hin after that. It being the low season, I was booking hotels via Agoda about one day prior to arrival to locations in Thailand. I would not recommend loose planning like this during the high season.

I returned to the bar and hooked up with the server, let's call her Daeng, and this time bar fined her. I got the impression that she wasn't totally unaccustomed to being bar fined, but that it also wasn't a regular occurrence for her either; I didn't ask her about it and didn't really care either, I just enjoyed her company. The point of me mentioning this is many servers (waitresses) or girls tending bar will accept bar fines.

We had a great time and spent the whole next day together; I extended my stay at the DIG another day because I was having a good time with her. She took me to her friends restaurant that was on the other side of BKK and adjacent to a Thai Navy base. We spent the better part of the day at her friend's restaurant eating spicy food and drinking iced Leo.

Her friend's husband was an Irish guy and I'm guessing she thought I would enjoy talking to a fellow farang while she caught up with a friend she hadn't seen in a while. It was a good call on her part, because the Irish guy was an interesting and funny fellow. A few of the Thai sailors that frequented this place joined us in drinking and chatting and it was a good time. I love it when the opportunity to get off "the beaten path" presents itself in Thailand, this is actually the point of this story, if you haven't figured that out by now.

By this point I was feeling comfortable enough with Daeng to invite her to Hua Hin for a week. She wanted to go, but said she could not take off work, I just smiled and told her that I would pay her bar fine.

So we made arrangements, but then she asked me if I wanted to meet her sister. "Sure," I said, "Let's take her to dinner tomorrow tonight."

I picked a restaurant in Korea Town as it wasn't that far from where they lived. Her sister turned out to be an older version of her, same cute smile and a face that reminded me of puppy, if that makes any sense. Her sister spoke almost no English, but we had a pleasant enough time.

Afterwards, they wanted me to come back to their apartment building and meet their uncle and cousins. They said we could sit out in front of a little store one of the cousins owned and drink. "Sure, let's go!"

Their apartment building wasn't that far away, but with the traffic and heavy rain it took awhile. We eventually made it to a cluster dismally drab apartment buildings and had to wade through ankle deep water in a dark Soi to make it to the cousins little store.

The cousin was a 30ish lady who looked like she had worked hard and had a couple of kids. The uncle was probably in his early forties and was one wiry and tough looking hombre. He was a construction worker who had spent time through out the Persian Gulf working as a laborer. He had actually spent time working on American military bases in Kuwait and Bahrain, so we had something to talk about. His English wasn't great, but he was very friendly and we ended up drinking a lot of iced Leo together.

One of the male cousins, was Laotian and I was getting a strange vibe from him; he was sitting beside me and flexing his arm and holding it up to mine, as if in comparison. He was obviously drunk and it was the only time I felt uncomfortable; however, the uncle snapped something to him in Thai and the younger cousin knocked it off an got a little hang-dog expression on his face.

I have shared this anecdote with a friend who contended that the Laotian cousin was probably Daeng's boy friend or even husband. I kind of doubt that, but I must admit that it isn't beyond the realm of possibly.
My main reason for thinking that guy was nothing but a cousin is that she never asked me for money beyond the bar fine for the week.

Anyway, I booked a car from the DIG and we went to Hua Hin and had a great time. I have often wondered if I should have offered her money, but I didn't. I did buy her some clothes in Hua Hin and let her buy gifts for her sister and cousins, but she picked cheap stuff, like packages of dried squid.

I booked a rather crappy B&B type room from Agoda, the pictures were very misleading, but Daeng thought it was fine and we had a good time.

Overall, I had a wonderful time with her and thought she was a genuinely cool and sweet person. I didn't keep in contact with her after my trip. After we returned to BKK, I spent another day with her and then went to Pattaya alone for the remainder of my trip.

I hope you enjoyed reading this; I always enjoy reading about people's experiences going up to Issan and meeting family members of their holiday girl friends.

Sometimes those types of trips can get dicey, but if you keep an open mind and an easy going attitude you can get a feel for how Thais live.

There is always the possibility you can "fall in lub" and then encounter high pressure head games to give money to help out the family, so be cautious if you go and "meet the family." However, I guess there is also the possibility of really finding love and being adopted into a Thai family. I think that would come with great responsibilities attached, so don't enter into that kind of commitment lightly.

Sometimes it is hard to tell what is real and what is an illusion in Thailand; so tread lightly, but don't be too afraid to meet her family either.
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#2 Hard News

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Posted 09 December 2013 - 02:42 PM

I`m up to Issan for New Year, my second trip to see the parents.


For me, the first trip was hassle free and I was treated like royalty. There was no pressure to hand over cash, although it was my credit card that paid for the food purchased at the local market, which feed the extended family for the week I was there. 


This trip has a different slant. My lady was gifted land by her grandmother before she died ( Being a LB the grandmother thought she would never find a man to look after her).

Although she knows she has this land, I don`t think she has taken to much interest in it. So this trip is to view the turf and make plans for the house.

Problem ! There is only one person who can come up with the money to build the house. Me !


I`m holding my breath and playing it out, but I know she holds all of the aces and I`ve only got a pair of two`s. It makes a 700 baht barfine at Cascades sound relatively cheap!


Again my problem, I broke the cardinal rule and got emotionally connected. That little cunt cupid hit me through the shoulder blades when I wasn`t looking !!!


Whatever the outcome I`m happily moving forward with no regrets

#3 Moo Yung

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Posted 09 December 2013 - 03:06 PM

I was reading this waiting for the unhappy ending, but thankfully it didn't come.


I've done several trips to Isaan and most of them were with a local and involve some time seeing their family, but the best trip I had was with an America friend. We were bored of the usual tourist spots and took a road trip - Korat - Khon Kaen - Udon Thani. It was a real adventure, meeting locals, ending up in a few bizarre places/situations, and generally having a memorable time with no major problems. We stuck mainly to the towns/cities, rather than going into farm territory, I'd definitely do it again.


We actually met a lot of girls and ladyboys too. There were beer bars, coyote clubs, and discos with freelancers in all three places, somewhat to my surprise, although price wise it was generally not much cheaper than Bangkok (I guess we were getting farang prices). One ladyboy we met in Udon ended up staying with my friend for a couple of nights, she was very sweet and innocent, barely spoke a word of English. We recently bumped into her again, working in Soi Yamoto (and Marine Disco), Pattaya. She's still a nice enough girl, but now speaks pretty good English and has a few boyfriends on the go! 


PS my instinct was also to assume the angry cousin was a lover/husband.

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#4 thailover57

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Posted 09 December 2013 - 04:53 PM

I'm guessing the arrow hit somewhat lower than your shoulder blades!
Old, cantankerous, and sorry if I piss you off - well, not really. Just enjoy!

#5 Spyder Rocket

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Posted 09 December 2013 - 05:42 PM

Again my problem, I broke the cardinal rule and got emotionally connected. That little cunt cupid hit me through the shoulder blades when I wasn`t looking !!!

LOL! Priceless! :)

Your comment reminds me of that Aussie comedian who argues that Koala Bears are cunts.

I'm guessing the arrow hit somewhat lower than your shoulder blades!

I'll admit to feeling emotionally conflicted upon parting with her, but I am a hopeless pessimistic when it comes to relationships. I think I am still carrying wounds from my divorce nearly 20 years ago, and that is what has kept me ultimately single all these years.

I struggle with understanding the concept of love; sometimes, I think love is nothing more than a spray of chemicals deep inside your brain, something that is released when your nose detects pheromones. Other times, I see a family walking together with happy children in tow, and well, I just can't explain that, but it certainly looks like happiness.

Having a battered and blistered heart is somewhat of a blessing and a curse; while it has helped me steer clear of sophomoric entanglements, I'm sure I have also pushed away a couple of great girls over the years, just because I fear taking a risk again.

No doubt, that Cupid bastard is a cunt. ;)

#6 Spyder Rocket

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Posted 09 December 2013 - 06:49 PM

PS my instinct was also to assume the angry cousin was a lover/husband.

I'll not argue too strongly against that possibility. However, my head spins at the possibility that a sweet little kitten like Daeng would be so cruel as to bring a farang around to flaunt in the face of her lover/husband.

Then again, kittens have sharp claws and fangs, don't they?

#7 Moo Yung

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Posted 09 December 2013 - 10:59 PM

I'll not argue too strongly against that possibility. However, my head spins at the possibility that a sweet little kitten like Daeng would be so cruel as to bring a farang around to flaunt in the face of her lover/husband.

Then again, kittens have sharp claws and fangs, don't they?


I think I'm just showing my cynical side. Chances are it was probably just a farang hating cousin or ex lover.. or both :whistle:  

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