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Is it possible combine LB hunting with a 'resort' vacation?

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#1 zanzibar

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Posted 06 June 2013 - 07:36 AM

Greetings to all fellow LB devotees :D I'm finally making my first trip to LOS in July and I'm already overwhelmed thinking how wild it's going to be... my question may seem like a strange one to veterans, but as a complete newbie to Thailand I want to find out before I start booking hotels.

How easy is it to combine LB mongering with a sit-on-the-beach, snorkeling or diving during the day vacation? I'll only be in Thailand for about a week, so I want to spend a chunk of that relaxing with a book and a tropical drink beachside rather than in a noisy shopping mall in BKK. Is it possible to get a nice, quiet resort-style accommodation in Phuket and bring LBs back there? It seems to me that most trip reports feature hotels in the city proper, and when I think about it resorts with families/couples might frown on a young, single, male traveler bringing two LBs back to his villa.

Thanks in advance for any input!

#2 Woof1

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Posted 06 June 2013 - 09:34 AM

Definitely YES.
As long as the hotel allows LB's in, and she or they have some kind of Class and don't do "Stupid" things.
As you mentionned Snorkeling, BEach time etc, I take it Late Night activities would be limited (ie Noise back in Room) that is what I think would be the biggest drawback.
If your Guests behave, No issues, BS walks, Your Money talks. AS for the other Guests in the hotel, Who cares, you'll never see them again, so GO FOR IT man.
Did it many times, Marriott Pattaya, Bangkok, INtercon many places, even Manilla. My position, I pay, you not like, I go somewhere else

#3 Surin Nix

Surin Nix
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Posted 06 June 2013 - 11:09 AM

90% of my time has been on Phuket.

While there, I go to the beach, scuba dive, and sail.

...and enjoy the LB's.

No problem, except, as Brother Woof pointed out MAKE SURE YOUR RESORT ALLOWS LADYBOYS! Just ask in advance. If not, keep looking for another place. Nothing like being in a nice resort, alone. Kind of like sitting down at a banquet table, and you are the only person seated.


#4 bumgooh

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Posted 07 June 2013 - 03:49 AM

Still some of the better luxury hotels in Phuket have a strict policy not allowing you to take a ladyboy to your loom... crazy, they allow girls or boys but no ladyboys... on the other side most of them don't object if you check in with a ladyboy even during you stay... :redcard:

Ok, some fear craziness or complaints from other guests but this could always happen with other guests as well. If you intend to stay longer with your guest and don't want to change on a daily basis (or more) it shouldn't be an issue.

With one exception I have had never a real problem staying with a ladyboy in a nice hotel. But to be on the safe side ask upfront...


#5 petesie

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Posted 07 June 2013 - 02:45 PM

I've stayed in a lot of 5 star hotels including many in LoS and to be honest while the splendour and the service is top rate and reasonable VFM compared to the west I now much prefer the 4 stars as in Thailand, providing you chose carefully, these can provide a great room and services at much less cost and there is no problem with LB's.

Be aware though, after a good old night of drink & debauchery (traditional) you may not feel like getting up and laying on a beach.

One week? Not nearly enough. :D
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#6 zanzibar

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Posted 11 June 2013 - 04:57 PM

Brilliant! Much appreciated, guys- great to have some experienced input! I think I'll just book something that allows some unlimited LB fun and accept that extra travel time to a beach...

It's a shame I only get a week of vacation, but having my job move halfway to Thailand and the resulting $400 airfare means I'll be looking at some more interesting three-day weekends! :harhar: hopefully I'll have a trip report with gory details in two months' time! Thanks again!

#7 Woof1

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Posted 12 June 2013 - 03:10 AM

Used to have one of those jobs out of Hong Kong.
WAs in LOS every other week end.
That ruined me
Emotionally that is

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