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A Trip Report (sort of)

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#1 Macman

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Posted 29 February 2012 - 10:47 AM

Well, we did go on a trip, and I am reporting on it, so I guess technically you can call this a “Trip Report”. I must warn you, however, that this will be the shortest and most boring TR you will ever find on this site. Not only will there be no tales of mongering, there won’t even be any tourist info. It didn’t seem appropriate to put it in my thread in the Expat Living section, so here we are.
Angel and I went to Pattaya, but not for the usual reasons. I was going to attend the LPGA golf tournament that was held at the Siam Country Club (Old Course). Angel came along to keep me company, and also it was an opportunity for her to meet up with a friend of hers who moved back to Thailand with her father (she’s half Thai, half Filipina). She had been here in P.I. to study for 2 years, and she and Angel became fast friends.
Even though Thailand is just a hop, skip and a jump from here, it’s very time-consuming. I was foolish enough to book a budget airline (Tiger), which wound up costing me more than a regular airline, but a lot of that was my fault. (There’s also a Monty-Pythonish aspect to booking budget airlines to and from The Philippines, which I’ll explain later.) I didn’t want to book on Cebu Pacific because the only flight they have to Bangkok gets in at midnight. All of the other airlines were too expensive. (Cebu Pacific wasn’t exactly cheap either.) Where I made my mistake was in not realizing that Cebu Pac flew from Cebu to Clark (where Tiger launches its flights to LOS). Instead, because of the times of the flights and the distance of Clark from Manila, I took a really time-wasting, expensive, and circuitous journey. Angel and I left on Sunday, February 12th. We took a 2-hour van trip to Tacloban, and then a short flight to Manila. We then took a taxi to Clark for 2,900 PHP. There are buses, but it involves switching from one bus to another, and then taking a cab to our hotel. That would be too much of a pain in the ass, so I opted to spend the extra money. Because of the distance of Clark from Manila (mostly because of traffic rather than kilometers), I booked an overnight stay in the Savannah Resort Hotel. It was an okay hotel, but hardly a “resort”, as you can see from the view from our window. It did have a pool though. BTW, Clark has a “Walking Street”, but it’s a poor imitation of the one in Pattaya. Clark, having been a former U.S. Air Force base, is loaded with honky-tonk sex sites and bars. As you can see below, our “resort” paid homage to that with supplies and caveats. Incidentally, this modest hotel cost more than the luxurious facilities we had in LOS.

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#2 Macman

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Posted 29 February 2012 - 10:57 AM

Monday, February 13th
We arrived in Bangkok and were met by our car service guy, http://pttaxiservice.com/ , (thank you, Batman4ever), who whisked us to Pattaya. I was favorably struck by the highway because the one here in Leyte is a disgrace. It’s basically the only way to get to Tacloban without going 50 or 60 Ks out of your way, and it’s a “National Highway”. It has one lane in each direction, and is in total disrepair. Currently there is a project to repair it, which entails closing off sections of the road. That means that this very busy “highway” has one lane to host the traffic in both directions. Often there is no flagman, so there are big delays caused by a line of traffic going west meeting a line of traffic going east where one lane has been closed and dug up, with no way to back up, go forward, or go around. On the other hand, the highway from Bangkok to Pattaya was terrific, and we made it in a little more than an hour. The taxi guy was friendly and knowledgeable, and the cost was only 1,000 baht.
I had purposely picked a hotel that was away from the heavily trafficked areas and closer to the golf course. As our taxi made its way towards the place, we went through tiny streets that were lined with stores and houses that were not exactly attractive looking and I began to have some doubts about what kind of a place I picked. We rounded a corner. I was looking to the left, and Angel was looking right. She let out a little squeal of delight. I looked over, and my trepidations immediately vanished

Our loom featured a nice-sized balcony with chairs and a table, a huge bed, comfortable reclining easy chair, kitchen area replete with a full-size refrigerator, microwave, cabinets with plates and glasses and a large countertop. The bathroom was spacious and had both a shower and huge tub. The LK Legend property had four large buildings, only one of which was the hotel. The others were condominiums. As guests of the hotel, we had access to everything the condo owners had; a beautiful pool, recreation area with a billiards (actually pool) table and ping-pong table. There was also a fitness center. All this for 1,800 baht per night (US $60 or PHP 2,550) including all taxes and service charges. It also included a tremendous free buffet-style breakfast. In the U.S., this probably would have been anywhere from $350 to $800 a night, depending on the location.

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#3 Macman

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Posted 29 February 2012 - 11:02 AM

After we were settled, I called Thailover57, and told him that we had arrived. He and I agreed to go to dinner on Wednesday. Angel called her friend, Nia, who came to the hotel. The 3 of us headed downtown. We went to Central Mall, did a little window shopping and then ate dinner there. Nia then took us to Walking Street. I had seen photos and videos of it, but it was still interesting to see it in person.

Tomorrow – Valentine’s Day and my quest to find Nancy.
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#4 petesie

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Posted 29 February 2012 - 09:17 PM

Excellent to see you here doing your Trip Report Mac...many thanks indeed and always great to hear first impressions of Sodom by the Sea! :clapclap:

The LK Legend looks fab so I will shortly look on their site and book there for my next jaunt methinks! :D

Looking forward to hearing more details of your trip...!
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#5 trousersnake

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Posted 01 March 2012 - 07:33 AM

Thanks for taking the time to write the TR Mac. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences. The forum is dead at the moment and your report is a welcome addition.

#6 Macman

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Posted 01 March 2012 - 09:12 AM

Thanks, Petesie. Thanks, Trousersnake. Trouser, if anyone depends on this report to liven up the forum, we're in big trouble. :D

Tuesday – February 14

It’s Valentine’s Day, so Angel and I plan to have a nice dinner together, but first we have to go shopping (of course). We head down to Central Mall again, and then go to Mike’s Mall. We also walk along Beach Road and up and down side streets to check out the vendors. Angel tries some of the street food, but I’m not brave enough for that. I ate a lot of “American” food while there. A lot of you will scoff (“You came all the way to Thailand to eat American food?). You have to remember that I haven’t had any U.S.-type meals for 9 months except for a couple of steaks in Hong Kong. Not only that, but I’m not a spicy food kind of guy. To me, black pepper is hot.

Last night, while on Walking Street, I kept darting in and out of side streets to see if I could find La Bamba. I had forgotten to note the address on the LB-69 site before we left the hotel. As some of you know, I’m a long-time Nancy fan (not for the obvious reasons), even though I’ve never met her. I knew that she’d been working at La Bamba for a few months. BTW, I wasn’t trying to sneak anything; I had told Angel about it. When we went back to the LK Legend last evening, I took note of the address. Today, while we were shopping, every place we walked, I kept checking for Soi 13/1. I wandered around for a while by myself, and eventually I located it. Actually, I walked up So1 13/1 from Beach Road towards 2nd Road, and didn’t see it. I turned around and walked back towards Beach Road. I might have missed it again if I hadn’t spotted the sign for the long-closed Club 131. I knew La Bamba was across the street from it, and – eureka – there it was. It was early afternoon, so the bar hadn’t opened yet, but I spotted a Japanese restaurant nearby. When I found Angel, I asked her if it would be okay if we went to that restaurant for dinner. That way we could hit La Bamba briefly before dinner. She agreed.

We got there around 7:30. Naturally, there were no customers yet. A ladyboy from the bar was standing outside, straightening things. When we saw that there was nobody there, we told her that we would eat across the street, and come back afterwards. She urged us to get the dinner as a take-out, and bring it back to the bar. I declined.
The dinner was v
ery good. Although none of the staff was Japanese, the mama-san spoke the language. I don’t eat sushi unless the chef is Japanese, not out of any prejudice, but because I like to know that the guy that prepares a dish of raw seafood has been properly trained. Worms in my gut I don’t need. The food was very tasty, and we enjoyed ourselves.

We go back to La Bamba. Still no customers, but there are now 3 LBs. One keeps going up and down the stairs, bringing things down, and shooting Angel looks somewhere between curiosity and animosity. The other 2, near the bar, are Cindy and Jennifer. They didn’t realize that Angel is a ladyboy, probably because of her height. In The Philippines, she’s considered very tall. She’s about 5’ 71/2” (171 ½ cm), which is tall, even for a guy, so she stands out. Thai people seem much taller. Angel offered to buy them drinks, and they readily accepted. Jennifer had an orange juice, and Cindy poured herself a vodka. I had an OJ, and Angel had a beer. The 3 of them chatted non-stop, and then Nok came in. It was then that I found out that Nancy had returned to Bangkok. (*sob*) I had hoped to take a picture with her, and send it to a couple back in the U.S. They are good friends of mine and not only know of Angel (in fact we’ve Skyped with them often), but also of my Nancy-crush. We leave after a couple of drinks (still no customers), and Angel hugged both Cindy and Jennifer. They seemed to have hit it off well, and they asked her to please stop in again, if we can.

We took motorbikes back to the hotel. In front of the hotel, I was able to buy Angel a dozen roses, which brought a big smile to her face. Happy Valentine’s Day.

Tomorrow - my one touristy thing, and we meet Thailover57.

(Some pics from our walk.)

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#7 BigTel

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Posted 01 March 2012 - 06:49 PM

[quote name="Macman"]Thanks, Petesie. Thanks, Trousersnake. Trouser, if anyone depends on this report to liven up the forum, we're in big trouble. :D

Hi Mac
Your doing a great job, I'm enjoying your photo's to. I had a look into La Bamba a couple of times on my trip but didn't get to see you. Look forward to one of these trips when you are over for the PGA classic again, to meet up and have a Beer or two .

all the best

Tel :cheers:
I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure.

#8 Macman

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Posted 02 March 2012 - 07:17 PM

Thanks, BigTel, but you have to admit this is kind of dull. Even I'm bored just repeating it. :D

Wednesday – February 15th

Before I forget, I thanked Batman4ever for his recommendation for a car service, but forgot to thank Rxpharm for telling me about Agoda (http://www.agoda.com/) . It was there I found my hotel. It’s a great site, with lots of info and very easy to use.

Well, I have one free day before the tournament starts, so Angel and I decide to go to the Elephant Village. It was interesting, and Angel got a real kick out of it. It’s not a bad value. You ride the elephant for about 45 minutes, get driven by Land Rover to a silk house, and receive a fascinating lecture and demonstration about silk worms. They then take you back to the starting point, where there’s fresh fruit waiting for you. Prior to the elephant ride, they snapped a couple of photos of us, and during the ride, a guy scooted ahead of us on a motorbike, stopping at various points to shoot some video. The photos and a DVD are then available for purchase at a fairly reasonable price. Naturally we bought them. It’s something to show our friends, and it will be fun to look back on.

We headed back to the hotel, had a nice lunch, and then Angel donned one of her many bikinis and frolicked in the pool. I took a walk, exploring the neighborhood a bit. Then we got ready for our dinner with Thailover57.

We had agreed to meet at a fairly new Chinese restaurant. I believe it was called China Gardens. (Is that right, TL57?). TL had eaten there once before. It was a good choice. I’m not a big fan of Chinese food, but I thoroughly enjoyed the food there. TL is an interesting guy, and he regaled us with some great stories of his new life in LOS, not all of it smiles for him. He had quite a run of bad luck when he decided to settle down in Pattaya, but everything seems good for him now. It was nice to finally put a face on one of the BMs with whom I’ve exchanged posts and PMs.

After dinner, TL said he wanted to check out a new bar (Baby Boomers). We went, but because it was so early (probably around 8:30), we were the only customers. There were 5 or 6 LBs dancing on the small stage, and one of them took our drink orders. When she brought us our drinks, she bent down and whispered to Angel, “Do you know that this is a ladyboy bar?” Angel replied, “Yes. I’m a ladyboy too.” They giggled and chatted for a while. I paid no attention to whatever they were saying because TL and I were talking to each other. We left after one drink, and Angel and the chatty one hugged at the doorway. Angel turned and waved to the LBs onstage and said, “Bye, girls”, with a big smile on her face. TL had something to do, and Angel and I wanted to do a bit more shopping at the street stalls, so we parted. As we walked up the block, Angel said that the LB had asked about her situation, and told her that she was lucky that she didn’t have to “go through this”, I guess referring to either the bar scene in particular or the P4P scene in general, or both. As she told me this, Angel’s eyes began to fill up, and she came close to crying. She said that she felt really bad for them. She’s like that.

Tomorrow I’ll find out how much golf Angel can take.

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#9 petesie

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Posted 02 March 2012 - 07:47 PM

Quite touching that about Angel and the girl from Baby Boom. :sad:

Tell Angel most of us fellas treat the girls very well and look after them in the short period of time they are with us. :blush:

Interesting report this Mac please keep it going for as long as possible on both of your reflections on LoS. :D
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#10 Macman

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Posted 03 March 2012 - 12:44 PM

Thanks, Petesie. I did tell that to Angel, but she's just a real softie.

Remember, I warned you that this would be a non-mongering, non-touristy TR. I'm apologizing for this next entry in advance. :D

Thursday – February 16th

Before I left for the Philippines last June, I went to the LPGA Sybase Match Play Championship held in Gladstone, NJ. Back home, I usually attend both tournaments held in New Jersey, and I go every day, including the practice rounds. I’m a big fan of Japan’s Ai Miyazato, and over the years I’ve come to know both Ai and her caddie, Mick Seaborn. In the U.S., the attendance at LPGA events is small compared to Asia, and the crowds tend to follow only the American players. For that reason. I was able to follow Ai easily, and even to ride in a cart with her and Mick during a practice round once. At the event last year, I told Ai that I was moving to The Philippines, and hoped to see her in Pattaya. I had mentioned all this to Angel, but I think she may have taken it with a grain of salt. As most of you guys probably know, golf is extremely popular in Thailand. As I expected, the crowds at the Siam Country Club were much larger than those in the U.S., and the focus of the fans was naturally on the Asian players. Security is fairly tight, so I wasn’t sure if I could even get close enough for her to see me.
I knew that Ai was teeing off around 12:30, so Angel and I arrived at the course at 11:00 AM. I headed right to the practice putting area, and waited. After about 10 minutes, I spotted Ai walking from the clubhouse towards the greens. In Thailand, the more popular Asian players usually walk quickly, looking straight ahead, and trying to avoid eye contact with the fans. They know that they’ll be mobbed if they stop. As she passed, I yelled, “Miyazato san,” in a loud voice. Her head whipped around, she saw me and flashed me one of her brilliant smiles. “Hey, hi. How are you?” she said. Mick followed her onto the practice area, and when he saw me leaning against the railing that separated the fans from the players, he walked over and shook my hand. “Are you over here now, mate?” he asked. It was then that Angel knew that I hadn’t been BS-ing. Over the course of the next 4 days, I wasn’t able to have any interaction with Ai, other than some nods as she walked from greens to the next tee, but Mick and I got a chance to talk a few times. I plan to see them again in New Jersey when I visit home in May. (I know you guys don’t want to hear about this crap, but Petesie asked me to stretch this out.)

Well, Angel has no interest in golf, and even though she’s so much younger than me, she’s not exactly a walker. While I walk at least 6 kilometers a day, Angel will take a tricycle from the kitchen to the bathroom. (Okay, maybe that’s a little exaggerated, but you get the idea.) We had talked about the fact that she’d never make it through the whole day, so she had Nia standing by for a phone call. She made it through the first 2 holes, and called Nia to come pick her up in a taxi.

Here’s a note to my buddy, Pacman. In my thread about living in The Philippines, we had a discussion about the fact that I refuse to use sunscreen. Paccers had dire predictions for my health and life if I ventured into this tropical sun unprotected. I had said I would attempt to inure myself to the sun, but Pac felt I wouldn’t have the patience for it. Well, all I can say is that I was in that Thai sun from 11:00 AM until 6:00 PM for all 4 days except for Friday. On Friday, it got suddenly very cloudy, and there was a rain delay of an hour and a half. After that, the sun came out again. I’m happy to report that I had no problem with it.

I’ll get off this golf thing in just a bit, but I just want to hit a couple of points. A member of the Royal Thai Police is assigned to each player for the entire 4 days. They mostly clear a path for the players as they walk from one green to the next tee, and as they leave the 18th green to head for the clubhouse. On the 3rd day, as I walked along, following Ai, I was standing outside the ropes parallel to her as she and her caddie were waiting for the players ahead of her to clear the green before she could hit. I decided to walk up ahead to the green rather than just stand around. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a policeman make a hand gesture at me. I thought he was motioning me to stop walking so as not to disturb the player. I smugly thought to myself, “Look, sonny, I know when to move and when not to move on a golf course. What do you know about golf?” I stopped, but then I saw that he was walking up to me, and I thought, “Uh oh. What did I do, or what does he think I did?” I’m still not used to the motion of holding the arm out with the hand palm down, and bending it 2 or 3 times at the wrist in a downward motion. In America, that would mean stop, sit down or get down. In Asia, it means “come here”. The policeman walked up to me and offered me a nice cold bottle of water. I thanked him profusely, and explained that I had water with me. The first day Ai had played against Paula Creamer, a blue-eyed, blonde American. The next day, her opponent was Anna Nordqvist, another blue-eyed blonde. On this day, she was playing against Yani Tseng from Taiwan. Because of the rain delay from day 2, they were playing in groups of 3, and Amanda Blumenherst, another blue-eyed blonde was with them, but I guess that the cop figured it was too much of a coincidence that I would be following 3 blondes who happened to be playing against Ai Miyazato each day. In fact, on day 4, when we saw each other, we smiled and the policeman came over and said, “You’re following Ai Miyazato, right?” The other thing I wanted to say concerns the make-up of the crowd. On the final day of the tournament, Ai was matched with Yani Tseng. They were the final pairing, with Ai leading the field, and Yani one stroke behind her. If there were 400 people walking along with this group, 150 were Japanese, 200 were Taiwanese, and the remaining 50 were Thai or Westerners. At the first hole, I met 2 middle-aged Japanese men, and we walked around together, speaking in both Japanese and English. It was a nice touch, and added to my enjoyment of the day. (Unfortunately, Ai lost by 1 stroke, finishing in sole 2nd place.)

A quick question – I had always heard BMs make reference to the “Boys in Brown”. Is that the Pattaya police? Having seen the Royal Thai Police dressed in blue, I figured that is the case.

I’m sorry that I filled this space with just golf, but that really was the purpose of my trip. Tomorrow I’ll try to give my impressions of Thailand in general and Pattaya in particular, and also Angel’s feelings about the same.

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#11 pacman

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Posted 03 March 2012 - 04:47 PM

For that reason. I was able to follow Ai easily, and even to ride in a cart with her and Mick during a practice round once. .

I can't top that, you do live life in the fast lane Mac... :D

Here’s a note to my buddy, Pacman. In my thread about living in The Philippines, we had a discussion about the fact that I refuse to use sunscreen.... Well, all I can say is that I was in that Thai sun from 11:00 AM until 6:00 PM for all 4 days except for Friday.... I’m happy to report that I had no problem with it.

I am happy to hear that, a week in hospital with severe sunburn would have put a downer on your trip. And I now read that sunscreens that use nano-particles are the latest health hazard. If the sun doesn't get you, the suncream will... :?

A quick question – I had always heard BMs make reference to the “Boys in Brown”. Is that the Pattaya police? Having seen the Royal Thai Police dressed in blue, I figured that is the case.

Not just the Pattaya police, all police in Thailand wear the same brown uniform. And the Pattaya Tourist Police wear black.

And you must have a kind face Mac, not many BMs can claim their first encounter with the local constabularly resulted in them being given a bottle of water. Lucky you.

I did tell that to Angel, but she's just a real softie.

Is that the best choice of adjective to describe your other half? Not that I mean anything by that... just saying is all..... :blush:

#12 Macman

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Posted 03 March 2012 - 06:33 PM

:lol: Good to hear from you here, Pac.

Honestly, I've been saying for years that one day we'll find out that sunscreen does more harm than good. I've said that to doctors, but of course they think I'm nuts. For one thing, in the U.S. it is responsible for an epidemic of Vitamin D deficiency. I'm sure there's more to it than that too, like the nano-particles of which you speak.

So is it just the Royal Thai Police that wear blue? This guy was really nice, but I must admit that some of them were not too gentile when pushing people back.

Ahh, Paccers. I could go on and on about Angel, but this TR is bad enough without me getting all mushy about her here. I'll save that for my Expat thread. As you know from conversations we've had previously, she is the light of my life. :D
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