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Memories of November

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#1 loves2play

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 12:41 AM

It’s always great to write a trip report and relive some of the highlights and in many respects it keeps you going until the next time. Two months have passed since and l frankly cant remember what day l was where but l do remember some of the highlights, so here goes. My last trip in November was more of the same: make no plans, go with the flow and enjoy every minute as you can’t take it with you.

This time around l actually didn’t bring my camera out for about a week. No pictures, no posing and in many respects no breaking the mood for a Kodak moment. Well at least l thought this would be the case. Like many here l have had some nasty experiences due to a couple of “Hero’s” and frankly l wasn’t about to test the water again. To this day l still have regrets that l lost touch with one very special lady in BKK and every once in a while she sends a nasty 2 or 3 line email to remind me of how upset she was.

Awww... life’s little lessons!

So in the spirit of pure relaxation and self abuse l just went with the flow and had an amazing first week. It started out on my first night arriving late in Pattaya, l always find myself looking for a quickie to break the ice. As usual l at 2 am l slipped over to Pook on Soi Baukau, slim pickings but Far was full of promises and suggestions. She told me she had a big dick but l should have caught on when the ladies were wagging their little finger when l left. I guess it was bigger earlier in the night or last week or when she was younger or before the hormones, but my first night wasn’t much more than a little squirt. I was wrecked after 22 hrs of travelling so l was glad when she left and l crashed.

Speaking of squirters... l managed to get over to Buffalo Bar on 3rd Road the next night and hooked up with Naughty. What a treat that was. She said her nickname was 7/11 as she was always open. Lifted her skirt in the bar to show me a perfectly shaved pussy that she said always gets very wet. Perfect l bought the ticket and went along for the ride. Funny how the memory clears up when you finish writing a report and read it! I had forgotten that we didn’t go straight to my room, she was a ton of fun and we went to couple of go-go’s on LK Metro. This is a fun lady and she played along in the Go-Go and it was later that she told me that she has no problem taking someone else from the bar if l could handle a 3 some.

Ok back to the crazy night with her… I should have brought my snorkel as l was nose deep and firing on all cylinders when she grabbed me by the head and let it rip. Wow she gushed like Niagara Falls and she kept slapping my head as she gave me another Pattaya first. A little older at 30 something but what a woman. I was only awake 5 minutes and she was ready to go again. The 7/11 was open early! I had to throw a few extra baht to the cleaning lady in the morning when she left as we had a soaked set of sheets and some. A great shag and fun lady and for all of us who love a GG now and again she is worth the effort. She’s passionate as hell too.

Still no pictures and l was having a blast. I can’t imagine what would have happened if she squirted all over my camera "lol”. I did miss so many great moments though as l had some amazing nights before finally giving in and taking it out. I went to Soi 6 and hooked up with Nut at So What bar. Thanks to a fellow BM on another site for the recommendation she is amazing. Beautiful, sexy, fabulous kisser, passionate and well hung and a great conversationalist. A perfect date. We spent a great night and morning together back at the Areca Lodge and she was full value…totally versatile and loves to take time. A big 9 out of 10. Sorry no pics again but anyone who has spent time with Nut knows where l am at.

I am on a roll as the next night l found myself sitting at the bar in La Bamba where l met up with Tungteaser. He was overcome by the fact he was talking with Nancy and we lost touch as he was totally hooked on having a big horsecock experience. Later in the night l sat chatting with Nok who poured some awesome cognac on the house. Lovely lady and the perfect host. I was perfectly content to just chill when Sindy stopped by. What a bombshell this was way too good… l had yet another amazing Pattaya moment as l spent some great bar time with her and then took her back to the hotel for what can only he described as another night of pure passion. She is most definitely on the top of everyone’s list as she has a strange quirk to her grab on English but that mouth, those lips. Another amazing kisser and well you all know the rest. That’s what l love about Pattaya, just when things seem to be going one way they twist and turn and the surprises make for the most amazing vacation.

Almost forgot, I think it was that night that l also managed to meet up with a great bunch of lads. Mostly Irish or course: Soulboy, Ciobha and Bumblebee. Turns out there was a birthday party for Ciobha the following night. Without pictures to remind me, my timeline seems to be all mixed up.

This was turning out to be one of the best trips yet and still no camera….

I had one of those shock and awe moments on Jomtien beach in the afternoon as l was waiting to meet up with Ice who l was chatting with from Planetromeo. I found myself on a beach chair sandwiched between two gorgeous but stuck up English GGs and their boyfriends on one side. String floss bikinis and perfect bolt ons they were a sight for sore eyes. A little cocky and too perfect though and l knew if l had my camera out they wouldn’t be too happy. On my other side there were two loud Russian babes and a male friend. More string bikinis. A little more weight around the hips but loaded none the less. It was like a showdown or flash off between them all and l was in the middle like a dirty old man reading my book and waiting for a call. It wasn’t the most comfortable environment although the scenery was amazing. Tits and ass everywhere and they knew they were teasing me. Ahh... the call. I agreed to meet Ice at the police station. I even asked one of the ladies to watch my chair and bag. I frankly didn’t expect to have her stay but when l met her in white cut offs and a pink bikini under a white t shirt it was game on. Dirty old man huh!
We walked hand in hand and when we got to my umbrella it was like a silence came over everyone. The ladies nudged their men, stared and somehow didn’t know what to think. Ice was a good sport and when she stood up and removed her t-shirt it was game over. The boyfriends stared, the girlfriends squirmed and suddenly things got quieter and the "dirty old man" had a boner. The Russian princess clumsily got dressed and within a half hour everyone was gone. I heard a voice saying “Good on you mate” when they left and found a new Irish buddy who thoroughly enjoyed the show. Ice and l went back to the hotel on my trusty bike and although she is sweet and sexy to look at the magic moment s seemed to be left at the beach as it turned out to be just shag. Who cares l would have paid double to do the beach scene again.

It seemed that l was getting into a nice groove as l spent most afternoons on the beach at Jomtien chillin and catching some well earned sleep.

Almost a week in town without my trusty camera and life was good. I stopped by La Bamba again later and not knowing what to expect found a full house at the birthday party. Pizza and pork and balloons, birthday cake, tits and ass and the most amazing collection of gorgeous sultry tall ladies. If this was not heaven, l don’t know. Cameras clicking l finally gave in and grabbed mine. There were way too many moments and memories to go to waste. What a night It was, glad to meet up with Yuri and Donnykey, and if l am not wrong Farangbah, plus a few others later at Famous. La Bamba sure knows how to throw a party and Ciobha knows how to ring the bell. I owe you a few next time :cheers: ;. Lucky bastard he got his hooks into Nancy and somehow that was it for the rest of his trip. You are a champion ouch!

Here come the pictures in no particular order. I believe we all ended up at Famous ( or was that the next night?) for a few and then the late night crazy Marine disco.

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#2 loves2play

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 12:49 AM

From here on l think l lost touch with my dates and times but l do know l spent a lot of time over the next week with Tanya. I do have a soft spot for her. We spent a couple of great days at the beach and hooked up with Soulboy and one of his many lady friends. Popular guy, l can’t keep up with him. Many late nights watching the world go by at Linda’s on WS. A couple of crazy nights with Bow (Nong Bar) who is definitely not the same Bow l have enjoyed over the past few visits. She still has the looks and the moves but you have to get her early as she sure was messed up the few times l met her. The first night she fell asleep on the job and on another occasion started arguing and threw a fit on WS throwing food. What a shame as she has all star potential. Thank you Tanya for being there when l needed you.

My shirt will never fit me the same ...

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#3 loves2play

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 12:55 AM

Then there was Kong’s birthday at Famous. You have to love her even though she can be intimidating. Sweet and hung if her size is not an issue. In the background is Magan. One has to be careful in Patts as all the ladies know each other. I hadn’t seen Magan for a couple of visits and she turns up at Kong’s birthday and again at Marine disco. I am on the floor doing the fucked up horny Irishman grind with Tanya when she moves in behind. Nice to see you again Magan and you are Tanya’s friend how nice!


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#4 loves2play

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 01:04 AM

More night trolling the bars with Soulboy, Donnykey, Yuri and the boys. Soi 6, Soi 8, Soi 7, the endless quest for more memories. Falling in lust with Rose again as we looked at the remains of King Bar on Soi 8. I think Rose was perhaps my first many years ago and she still has it. Big time! Back at Soi 6 we even found time to slip by So What again and l enjoyed another amazing early evening short time with Nut.

Its just your typical nights in Patts.... who knows where you end up or who you end you with as long as you survive to tell the story.
The only constants were the familiar bars on the circuit. The early evenings at La Bamba and the late nights regrouping at Lindas on WS. And for me it was Tanya comming to the rescue when l needed an escort back to the hotel.

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#5 loves2play

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 01:21 AM

Fast forward to my last night. Donnykey, Yuri, Soulbow with Bow from Pook and the usual suspects all ended up at an Issian concert on 3rd road in North Pattaya. What the hell, l had a taxi planned for 9am so l was packed and fully prepared for one last night out…? A few drinks with the boys, a hot night with Tanya and the taxi trip back to BKK and along flight home to catch up on my memories and relax on the way home….not!!

We started at Pook where Soulboy picked up Bow. A few beers later and we all took a taxi up to the concert. Unbelievable… thousands outdoors gyrating to the music. A mix of gay, femboys and LB and punters all mixed into one big outdoor stadium. Cheap beer and no bar pressure, many of the ladies chillin away from their bars. It was perfect. The beer flowed and it was a blast. We all ended up in some Thai disco in North Pattaya and the drinking got serious. Then Magan who announced it was her birthday produced a bottle of Johnny Walker and the rest is history. Somewhere around 3am Tanya and l were staggering around outside looking for her bike… not a clue! Plus we were both to wasted to drive so her friend (Magan l think) offered to take us back. Three of us on a bike pissed and l havent got a clue where we are. I still dont know if Tanya found her bike but l was a happy boy when we pulled up to the hotel.

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#6 loves2play

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 01:28 AM

Well there’s more to this as l had been teasing Tanya all night about a 3sum so here l was in my room wasted with two amazing ladies and only a few hours to spare. Only in Pattaya!!! I know we had fun as l had more than a sore head when the alarm went off at 8am. :3sum: I showered and went downstairs for some badly needed breakfast figuring the ladies would chill or at least get dressed while l ate something quick to keep me going and checked out.

One last Pattaya moment!

As l was sitting shitfaced in the packed restaurant and they came out of the elevator. The elevator opens right at the door to the restaurant and there was no escape. Uneasy on their feet and carrying their heels, Tanya came in and hugged me and Magan stood at the door way. Absolutely everyone stared as l got up, swallowed my coffee and staggered to the front desk with my ladies in tow. I guess its one of those "you had to be there" moments! I swear l didn’t want to get into the taxi. Magan and Tanya pulled out of the parking lot on their bike and stopped to wave, it was like a vision of pure lust riding off onto Soi Diana.

Reality hit it was almost 9:30 and l had a flight at 11:30. Needless to say l was a mess all the way to HongKong. The 15hr flight on to Canada was much better as l upgraded and slept a good portion of the way. But it took almost 2 weeks to find my feet and then Christmas hit.

Thanks to the great gang l met as it’s the people who make these trips worthwhile. Ok the Tits and ass and dicks of all sizes and shapes do add to it as well. But vacations as we all know them will never be the same. Who knows what the future brings, but l booked May this year shortly after l got home. Just knowing that another trip is on the horizon makes the winter bearable. I sincerely hope l am able to hook up with some of you again as l will be in Thailand from the 2nd to the 26th. No camera guilt...l will be snap happy next time.

I think l screwed up posting the pics as a bunch didnt get added... more memories of the party.


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#7 petesie

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 08:47 AM

Great report there L2P but unfortunately fired at us all at once! :tantrum:

Good read mate...might catch you on your next trip. 8)
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#8 loves2play

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 08:24 PM

Thanks Petesie, I was hoping to add pics betweed the report but got frustrated and l figured why not get it off my chest. It took a while but well worth the effort.

Yes it would be good to meet up in May.

Cheert LP

#9 Guest_Pat Tire_*

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 09:13 PM

A fine piece of reporting L2P and complimented by some fabulous photos :rock:

Thank you for sharing it with us.

#10 soulboy

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Posted 07 February 2012 - 02:53 AM

Great report dear boy and a pleasure to meet and hang out with you in November .

Some great pictures there too , rather erotic the one of Tanya's tit slipping out of the ol' Hawaiian shirt .

A great night also at the Morlan night , 40 baht beers and more ladyboys and little mincer types than one could imagine in their wildest dreams , you couldn't beat them off with a shitty stick .

Ah the memories !!
Where your friend you ?

#11 huckle

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Posted 07 February 2012 - 05:51 AM

Good report and nice to see Sindy again, where is she working now?


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#12 loves2play

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Posted 07 February 2012 - 09:30 PM

Great report dear boy and a pleasure to meet and hang out with you in November .

Some great pictures there too , rather erotic the one of Tanya's tit slipping out of the ol' Hawaiian shirt .

A great night also at the Morlan night , 40 baht beers and more ladyboys and little mincer types than one could imagine in their wildest dreams , you couldn't beat them off with a shitty stick .

Ah the memories !!

Its the memories that keep you up at night (and during the day)!!!

BTW l sent the originals to your email.


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