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#13 pacman

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Posted 07 January 2012 - 11:07 AM

Hey Mac, you communicated your sarcasm very clearly by adding the laughing man icon. Here's a reply for both you & our resident hippy, Boomdraw. (Boom, please note the hippy reference is sarcasm)

If the US electorate can, in their infinite wisdom, vote George W in for a second term, then no one can be ruled in or out as electable or non-electable. The world held its collective breath when the prospect of Sarah Palin becoming the GOP candidate was more than a bad dream.

When Paul's policy are held up to scrutiny IN TOTAL, it amazes me that such a fair minded individual is treated as such a pariah. He is so out of step with the direction the US has taken that he must be 'crazy'. But given the parlous nature of the US long range outlook, perhaps a giant dose of craziness is what the country needs?

Paul's problems arise when his extreme positions are singled out in order to ridicule him. He can't un-say what he has said & his words are being used against him to discredit his intentions. Ron Paul isn't a bad person, his 'extreme postions' are only extreme in a country like the US where the Rush Limbaughs, the Sean Hannitys, etc, can't wait to crucify anyone not aligned with the majority view.

In normal times, Obama would win easily. The next election is wide open, Obama has disappointed many of his supporters, there is a real chance of a hero candidate emerging who could run away with the election. However it isn't Romney, it isn't Santorum & it certainly isn't Trump or Palin. I think if enough Americans woke up to what a decent person Paul is, he could be the surprise of the year. Of the century for that matter. He may have little chance now, let's see what transpires this year to change that.

And no, I am not holding my breath.

#14 Macman

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Posted 07 January 2012 - 06:41 PM

Paccers, you know that I respect your opinion, but I have a feeling that you don't know as much about Mr. Paul as you may think. At the time of the last presidential election, I too admired him. Since then, he has come under a lot more scrutiny, and my opinion of him has changed drastically. As far as re-electing George Bush, that was a product of 9/11 and the war with Iraq. A lot of people were afraid to make a change while we were in the middle of a conflict. He was elected again strictly because of fear. Even my ex-wife, a staunch Democrat, was going to vote for him because she said it was probably not good to "change horses in mid-stream". My reply to her was, "Oh, that's great. He starts an unjust war, and gets to stay in office because we're in it. That's a great message for future presidents: if things aren't going so well during your first term, just start a war. That should do it."

Barack Obama is a very bright man. His inability to get anything done is probably due to the fact that he was too timid in dealing with the opposition, who pretty much stated right from the day of his election that they wanted him to fail. Fuck the country, as long as he fails. Obama has the support of the Democrats. They are a minority in Congress, so it's hard to achieve his goals. Mr. Paul does not have the support of either party, so no matter how good his ideas and his intentions are, he would find it absolutely impossible to govern. In the U.S., a president has only limited powers. If both the Dems and the Republicans oppose you, you're dead meat. I will admit that he has many great ideas, mixed in with some very radical and unimplementable (is that even a word?) ones. I hate the term, "with all due respect" because it's usually followed by a verbal slap in the face, but in this case, I mean it.
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#15 pacman

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Posted 07 January 2012 - 08:37 PM

It's all good thanks Mac. There isn't one iota of difference between us.

I know Paul can't win & I know he could never implement his policies even if he did. As I wrote earlier, he would probably be assassinated if he was. His ideas are so radical & would unwind so many interests, it is just not going to happen.

If he suddenly found himself leading in the polls, how long before he was discovered with dead bodies in his freezer? I am being rhetorical of course but his trial by media would be excruciating. It isn't so great now come to think of it.

I am quite aware of where he stands on some things, I am certainly no authority on his position on everything but I couldn't help but be impressed by what a straight out decent & smart guy he is. He may be way out of step but history will judge him kindly.

So with all due respect, we are eye to eye on Ron & everything else you mention in your post, including your observation about George W. I wonder if his supporters have ever reflected on how the rest of the world viewed their decision to reinstate him? I guess not.

#16 Macman

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Posted 07 January 2012 - 09:30 PM

It's funny how people see things, Pac. When congress was debating whether to impeach Bill Clinton or not, the Republicans said that the president had made a laughing stock of America by his actions. Any Europeans that I knew were indeed laughing at us, but more because we were making such a big deal out of a BJ than for the action itself. (I know, I know. It was because he lied about it. Who the hell wouldn't? If you were asked by Congress about a BJ on live TV that was being watched by your wife and daughter, what would you say?) BTW, I know that you realize I don't mean you in that last rhetorical question. It was meant for those pushing for the impeachment, the hypocritical pricks.

P.S. I should have mentioned before that it's nice to see you posting again after that brief hiatus.

Hey, boomdraw, weigh in here.
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#17 boomdraw

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Posted 09 January 2012 - 04:33 AM

the reality of the future is as follows

1. obama second term= the inevitable crash being posponed and worsened but if u have investments with uncle tomas contributors you mite do ok in the next 4.

2. clit romney second term- the inevitable crash being posponed and worsend but if u have investments with clits contributors you mite do ok in the next 4.

3. ron pual= the crash will be met head on, pushed through n recovery will start in its sincere sense the fastest. but what that will entail will def be a roller coaster ride of sorts.

at the end of the day its about what it always is always about, money, if clit or uncle toma have cronnies in the same camps you do and u stand to make money before the dollar crashes go for it. but the crash is coming, there is no way out, just posponement again, no reason for ideals or passion to cloud money judgement. its cute to watch adults watch other adults who have basically failed repeatedly try to fix the prob again repeat the same actions with the hopes of other results but then again lot of people are fucking idiots.

#18 Macman

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Posted 09 January 2012 - 08:10 AM

I ... Never mind.
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#19 eslmiker

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Posted 09 January 2012 - 06:14 PM

I ... Never mind.

Good decision Macman. :D

#20 Macman

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Posted 09 January 2012 - 06:32 PM

:lol: I honestly was at a loss for words after his last post, eslmiker. :D
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#21 boomdraw

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Posted 31 January 2012 - 05:24 AM


any day now folks, any day now, everything is in place, should be great tv to watch while smoking cannabis.

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