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Basic rules.

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#1 Legend

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 01:31 AM

Not written by me, but good info either way.

1. Always remember – mongering is NOT meant to replace a family – wife and kids. It's supposed to spice up your life – not to be the center of your life.

2. Don't try to enlighten the girls or the locals in general: they have their own ways. Keep it cool when you encounter displays of ineficiancy, beourocracy, silliness and coruption: it was YOUR choice to travel to a 3rd world country, and , always remember: had it not been a 3rd world country, you would't be having such bedmates for so little money on the first place.

3. If you aren't young, fit, charming and hansom – you will find it very hard to get a "10" experience from a "10" looking girl (though it can happen sometimes). Therefore, make up your mind – do you go for "10" service from "7+" girls, or do you go for "6-" service from "9+" girls.

remember: regardless of your shape, looks and age - money can get you a 9-10 looking girl... but it doesn't mean you will get a 10-9 experience from her. here, money won't always help you (sometimes it will even have a bad effect).

4. Remember: It's always about money, but it isn't always ONLY about money. Some girls may be fond of you, some girls may despise you. The first will give you better time than the latter: take care of your manners, hygene and appearance.

5. Don't try to impress girls with your hotel room, fancy restaurants and extensive payments. Displays of money or / and large tips will not get you better service – maybe even the opposite.

6. "Whenever there is some doubt – you should have no doubt": if you doubt her age – you should consider her a minor; if you doubt her gender – you must consider her a man; if you doubt her sobriety – you must consider her high on nasty drugs; if you doubt her sanity – you must consider her a nutcase. Better safe than sorry – move to the next one.

7. Never fight with a girl, and don't try to "work out the relationship" – the moment it starts to look bad – smile, thank her for her time, pay her and move on.

8. If you are strong enough to be sure you obey # 7 – feel free to stay with a girl you like for as long as you want. Don't harry to banish a girl you are having a good time with. fuck the "1 night " rule.

9. Don't attempt to prove nothing to yourself, the girls or fellow punters: if you enjoy the girl – don't dump her because one of your friends thinks she is ugly; if you feel sleepy and lacking energy– don't force yourself to take a girl (esp. if you don't see anyone you like) – it's OK to take a night off if you feel like it; Don't get into drinking competitions – your highschool days are over; Don't pop 3 V pills to show her you are the greatest lover she has ever had - you are not; Don't get in a fight with other punters over your girlfriend's honor – she isn't your girlfriend, and it's not your duty to protect her honor.

10. Don't follow the above (or any other advices) too zealously – you can swim with the current / play by ear… as long as you keep one eye open to watch your 6: remember - you are NOT in your country.
"im sure if u look around u can find a sunken face under caloried 10 year vet tranny bar girl, her face might not be as uniquely sunken or her ass dents so dented but just have a look, life is full of options." - boomdraw.

#2 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 01:36 AM

There is an inflation of rules published on this forum recently. :D

Nick Bullseye

#3 Surin Nix

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 01:40 AM

Spot on Anthony. I'm glad that I adhered to rule #7 above on my recent visit to LOS. Other than a bit of a public spectacle and a girly whack-on-the-head with a purse, #7 served me well. Very well.

....and while we're on the subject. Here is another version of "The Rules" taken directly from the website of one of our better known venues.

These basic rules of survival have proven to be reliable thousands of times; they come from the mixed source of Thai ladies and literally hundreds upon hundreds of men alone in the Land of Smiles.

You may be skeptical at first, but time will surely prove the wisdom..

OK, there is sensational entertainment out there waiting for you. There is essentially little difference between a Thai Lady and a Thai Ladyboy. One has ovaries and a pussy, the other doesn’t. One can suck a golf ball up a ½ inch waterpipe, the other can’t. The Thai female form may come in any variety but the one thing she will possess is charm and finesse personified. Eye contact occurs in a mili-second and is a finely-honed skill which will leave you breathless, happy and heart-a-beating but hopefully not without your substantial holiday savings. These few points, if followed, will ensure a happy ending..

One. Nearly every single lady is available to be a companion, whether she works in a Department Store, Beauty Salon, Law Office or a Bar. ‘Going with customer’ is a time-honored occupation and there is no social distinction inferred when a lady earns some extra over-time. Her role in life is to take care of the family members while her male counterparts get on with the serious business of doing next to nothing. She and she alone is the responsible bread-winner, which brings us to...

Two. Get used to the concept of giving money as it is the ultimate ‘good feeling’ and ensures you have a ‘good heart’. Whether it is 30 Baht for a Taxi-Motorci or 20,000 Baht for the sister’s daughter’s school fees; always give money. Never give presents and don’t go on expensive tourist junkets or to fancy restaurants. Far better to give what you would normally waste in cash so she can do what is best for her family. Let her make the choice, not you.

Three. You must not be single! This can open a can of worms much better remained sealed. You can always fall in love later because this way you get to see and know her in a real sense. Tell her you have a girlfriend or wife, you love her and you only ever stay with her, but on this holiday you are going to have some ‘happy hour’. This will give her the freedom to continue her career without worrying about how you feel, you are free to look around and Thai ladies love to be with devoted married men. They believe they are less trouble, less likely to carry disease, and provide more sensibly. However if the inevitable occurs when she asks why are a ‘butterfly’ the answer is simple. You like to go to the same restaurant every day, but you don’t eat chicken every day. You are on holiday.

Four. She doesn’t ask you about your customers at work, so don’t ask her. You don’t need to know and you will only get a less than accurate answer. Same goes about her Thai boyfriend. If you ask she will tell you that ‘Thai man no good’ and ‘finish him long time’. This may be partially true, but in more than 90% of cases, she has a Thai boyfriend who helps her distribute her earnings or she has a ‘Gik’. You need to understand that she has to pay the Thai man to shag-her, not the other way around which explains why the boys are abundant in Karoke Bars and Thai ladies go there. It’s abit like a Pub we used to go to after work. Think about it, they have been at work trying to please some Farang who they don’t understand and he doesn’t understand their ways. After work, she can go and get a boy, have a laugh in her language and ways, enjoy a few drinks and have a quick shag with no commitment or problem.

Five. If you start to become girlfriend-boyfriend be prepared that she will continue with one or more other men. This is her only security as in more cases than not, the Farang who has been promising his undying love and a home in the country all of a sudden dumps her for a newer model. She has been lied-to many times so she has to get smarter and tougher until she can be sure that he is going to really take care of her. Initially, at least, most men are loathe to provide a substantial monthly income to someone they hardly know or trust. So she keeps two or three income streams open for the time being. She has to because of...

Six. Her family demands. These can be staggering, grossly unfair and a tremendous worry for the lady. Some families are more like a torrent than a dripping-tap. They never let up and expect some tens of thousands of baht to be deposited every month. If you end-up with a wonderful Thai wife then this can all change for the better. Don’t think about it for now, just understand why it happens.

Seven. You are her customer, and she is giving you one of the best times in your life. She is not your girlfriend and you are not her buddy. She is going out with you and spending time with you for money. Not for love and certainly not for a ‘good time to get away from the bar’. She loves the bar and all the benefits it gives; this is her work! So you must always pay her for all the time she spends with you. At the bar, eating, beach, bowling or the bedroom. An electrician or lawyer gets paid for his time and so must she. Or as they say ‘problem will follow’. Never ever ever get caught by the seemingly innocent phrase when you discuss money of ‘up to you’. This translates to ‘at the end I will get what I really want’, so the next rule is absolutely vital!

Eight. You MUST discuss EVERYTHING about money first, even though this may be a very foreign feeling for you. You must talk about how long will she stay tonight (or tomorrow), what you like to do in the bedroom, what she doesn’t do or like to do in the bedroom, and importantly how much is a happy ‘feeling’ for both parties. Don’t leave this or be doomed! You have been warned! If you do this properly then chances are you are going to have a truly wonderful time with your new found delicate dolly.

Thai ladies really are fantastic partners. But you are the potential problem, not them. You are not in England, Australia or USA. You are a guest in a foreign land. They do not care if you stay or leave. As far as they are concerned, their life will not change for the worse. It is not, and will never be the same as ‘back home’.

Accept them as Thai people, not people who you think should change for your better. Accept or go back to the picket-fence in the suburbs, the Labrador, the Volvo and the size 22 wife. And dream about the only head-job you got when you were first courting. In any event that won’t in anyway compare with a golf ball being sucked-up a ½” waterpipe. Have fun..

#4 Surin Nix

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 01:41 AM

There is an inflation of rules published on this forum recently. :D

:lol: :lol: :lol:

#5 larrylarry

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 01:43 AM

sound advice even for the experienced monger.

#6 redrock

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 01:56 AM

Priceless advice if you want to dabble. But you could have given me all that info before I started and I still would have made a cunt of it. Unfortunately I'm the kind of spaz who needs to fuck up before the message gets through.

#7 TTChang

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 03:25 AM

Haha! TT same as redrock. Good set of rules though, anthony :clapclap:

#8 Guest_jaybee11_*

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 05:02 AM

Well, I'm certainly going to read this many more times between now and January! Thanks! :clapclap: :clapclap: :clapclap:

#9 Guest_jaybee11_*

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 05:07 AM

Here's a couple of sites (most of you probably already know about them but maybe not the newbies) with some good tips and advice too.



#10 boomdraw

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 09:44 PM

surin nix='there You must not be single! This can open a can of worms much better remained sealed. You can always fall in love later because this way you get to see and know her in a real sense. Tell her you have a girlfriend or wife, you love her and you only ever stay with her, but on this holiday you are going to have some ‘happy hour’. This will give her the freedom to continue her career without worrying about how you feel, you are free to look around and Thai ladies love to be with devoted married men. They believe they are less trouble, less likely to carry disease, and provide more sensibly. However if the inevitable occurs when she asks why are a ‘butterfly’ the answer is simple. You like to go to the same restaurant every day, but you don’t eat chicken every day. You are on holiday. ''

this is a great point, im even thinking about getting a fake wedding ring just for local girl whores. u always tell women u are taken or have been taken for atlest 6-7 years of your past via a marriage that didnt work out. shows commitment and friendship plus shows your clean and that women want u, a huge factor for women is that other women want u, its partially of the twit brain in women who cant think for themselves but its also a tact of shrewdness n efficiency, the women can much more easily size herself up against your ex or current girl and say '' if he makes her happy he can make me happy as she like the same style shoes i do'' in reality it dont go much deeper alot of the times. my rules are always to let girls know that im not a customer, i tell girls in thailand in the past that they are actually employees n no men are ever there customers, in reality isnt that the case? and then from there i start chipping away untill they cave in, all women are women, from the colleage grad to the 6th grade educated bar whore, after 2.5 days of sweetness there pussy opens, after 12 minutes of proper pussy prime time prep there like men aka two minutes away from cumming, lets not buy into to much b.s, people are lusty, and womens uterus's having 75 percent less gusto then mens via a weaker hypothalamus gland are in no more accordenance with sexual spirituality then men, just slower to reach guilt free indulgence in it. an in thailand with pussy being fooking everywhere n so willing to submit it seems to every dickheaded ignorant alcoholic thai looser that a foreigner without a fam n kids speaks volumes of bad shit......as if being on bang la rd at 4:30 am with a girl 25 years younger then you who u paid 22 dollars for was ever a good sign for her without you having been married in the past. :tada:

#11 bobbele

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 10:51 PM

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm are these more guidelines than actual rules ??????
Bo :clapclap: :clapclap: :clapclap: :clapclap:
Trust none of what you hear
And less of what you see

#12 boomdraw

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 11:13 PM

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm are these more guidelines than actual rules ??????
Bo :clapclap: :clapclap: :clapclap: :clapclap:

if u see a thai girl working but not working while working aka standing all day on the sidewalk by the fresh fish on ice she is helping to sell to customers walking buy her resturant while cutting her toe n hand nails directly over the fish just let it go, bascially this is a amendment to #2 above, dont try to change them just eat somewhere else.

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