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kakila august 2010 "a dog of his leash tour"

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#121 kakila

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Posted 12 October 2010 - 09:33 AM

TR contrinues

We then went to pook soi 6 as I promised the lovely Pha I would visit her when I returned to patts. She was happy to see me and I introduced her and the lovely Gai to Eslimker and Samcro.

Whilst I played pool, so the boys could get a good look at the lovely Pha arse, Eslimker was in deep embrace with a very cute LB and Samcro was again flirting his arse off with another cutie.

The girls didn’t hold a grudge with me for not taking them for a 3some the previous week. Things seemed OK but after a few more beers and several tequila, as a result of me getting my arse thrashed whilst playing pool. It was becoming obvious to me that there was an expectation that I would barfine both of them.

Pha said they were tired and wanted me to barfine her so they could go home and sleep and Gai was interested in going to dinner and then out drinking. Mmmm what is in it for me I asked? They said they would be nice to me tomorrow. Yeah right I was thinking. Mmmmmm it was obvious that my ATM light was again on and shining brightly and again attracting all the moths, mmmmm time to escape.

I made an excuse that Eslimker, Samcro and I already had arrangements and I needed to go. I gave Pha a tip to get some dinner as she was complaining that there was no customers. I am not sure if she was happy with this but I didn’t care as I had other arrangements with the lovely Note. Mmmmmmm I must remember to turn off the ATM light before I return to this bar again.

The boys indulged me a bit more as I needed to go and see the lovely Donut at La bamba as I also promised I would visit her and buy her a drink when I returned. Being a true gentleman I was more than happy to deliver on my promises and the guys were keen to have a beer in another LB bar. Donut was more than happy to see me and it want long until she was all over me at the bar; mmmm I love low season makes us all feel so loved and wanted.

:harhar: :harhar: :hug: :hug:

We met Pacman who informed us that Ezy had been closed for the last few nights. Pacman and Eslimker were in deep discussion about LB bar politics whilst I and Samcro were at the bar in deep discussions with a couple of lovelies. I was with Donut who had already at this stage claimed ownership. Emot Anyway after a couple more drinks we managed to again escape where we then drifted over to Koyo No7 Bar to show the boys the new bar.

We were met by some very excited cuties at the bottom of the escalators who escorted us to the bar for some more drinking surprise surprise. The 3 of us managed to find a cutie each for a drink and much molesting. Mmm I love LB’ bars heheheh
pela is no more. a necessary name change to prevent wife turning me into a post op

#122 kakila

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Posted 12 October 2010 - 09:39 AM

TR continues

It is my memory that throughout this trip I was being a true gentleman and always well behaved but Eslmiker has since produced some evidence to contradict that. shock mmmm note to self I need to be more careful when I drop out my old fella with other BM’s around with camera’s

:shock: :shock:

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pela is no more. a necessary name change to prevent wife turning me into a post op

#123 kakila

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Posted 12 October 2010 - 09:44 AM

TR contrinues

After a few more beers we decided to wonder up walking street to check out the freelancers and JSB and Linda bars. Whilst strolling up Walking Street we ran into DK at My Way Bar (next to Hot Tuna bar) so we decided to have a few beers with him. It was good to catch up with DK again and as usual he was again surrounded by lovelies.

:notworthy: :notworthy:

DK was drinking with the lovely Niew and her friend (help here DK forgot her name).

Eslmiker wanted to go and see if he could find Pookie and wandered down to Playboy Bar as it was not far from our current location, We were waiting for Eslmiker to return when all 3 of us received a text at the same time explaining that he was not available for any further drinking as he was in love (whoops lust again). emot

It was pissing down rain at this stage so we decided to call the lovely Note and Cream from Pookswan for them to meet up with us at My Way bar for some pool and more drinking. Realistically we didn’t expect them to come as it was raining so heavy. Anyway after another beer and more chatting with DK and the girls I received a phone call saying they were at Marine Bar looking for us and complaining it was very wet and could I come and them.

I wandered down and picked them up they had umbrella I did not and was wet as a shag (bird) on a rock by the time I had walked less than 100 metres. Mmmmmm who care I was thinking fuck I love LOS.

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pela is no more. a necessary name change to prevent wife turning me into a post op

#124 kakila

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Posted 12 October 2010 - 09:46 AM

more pics with the girls at my way bar

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#125 kakila

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Posted 12 October 2010 - 09:49 AM

TR continues

After a few games of pool and a few more beers it was time to go back to more to next venue. Samcro and I wanted to check out the Blues Factory a blues bar just off walking street as we both enjoy good blues music. Samcro and Cream and Note and I wandered down to the blues bar. We had a few more beers here listening to some great music until around 3:00AM when I decided it was time for Note and I to get back to the room for some indoor activities.

Note and I caught the baht bus to Pookswan as she wanted to get her things before going to my room. It was well after 3:00AM and the bar was still active the lights were off but you could still get a beer if you wanted. Note was being hassled about a barfine as she had left the before closing time, I paid the 500 baht and we left for my room.

We wandered back to my room for a much needed shower and mutual cleaning then it was off to bed for some hot activities before sleep.

:69: :bj: :hump: :hug:
pela is no more. a necessary name change to prevent wife turning me into a post op

#126 Surin Nix

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Posted 12 October 2010 - 12:15 PM

Damn Kakila,

This is one fine report!


#127 donnykey

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Posted 12 October 2010 - 02:59 PM

DK was drinking with the lovely Niew and her friend (help here DK forgot her name).

Niew and BEE kakila. Was a good night at My way Bar. Great place I reckon.

Cheers DK

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Oh so happy when in LOS

#128 kakila

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Posted 12 October 2010 - 03:56 PM

Thanks DK

I knew you would not let me down

yes I remember Niew we were chatting a bit more then Bee. and yes it was a great night and agree it is a good venue for a few beers

cheers kakila
pela is no more. a necessary name change to prevent wife turning me into a post op

#129 Alaskan Bear

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Posted 13 October 2010 - 01:26 PM

this is one outstanding report.. :clapclap: :clapclap: :clapclap:
May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't.

General George Patton Jr

#130 kakila

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Posted 19 October 2010 - 09:35 AM


sorry for the delay in finalising my TR

I will complete this week only a couple days in LOS left to report on

off his leash tour continues

19 August

After an excellent night (very early morning I should say) with the lovely Note and following a few hours sleep zzzzzz, I called up Eslimker and Samcro and arrange to meet for a late breakfast. Note and I were at the restaurant opposite the Chuba Hut resort (Pinky’s I think it is called) when Eslmiker arrived followed shortly after by Samcro and the lovely Cream arrived. Pookie was still in Eslmikers room catching up on some much needed sleep after a night of hot passion, so the 5 of us ordered breakfast and tried to fill in all the gaps from the previous night’s mongering.

The girls were looking great and we all enjoyed a very nice and very relaxing late morning and lunch. We agreed to meet around 5:00PM at Pookswan to start our evening of drinking and molesting.

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pela is no more. a necessary name change to prevent wife turning me into a post op

#131 kakila

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Posted 19 October 2010 - 09:48 AM

TR continues

After breakfast Note and I returned back to my room for a little sleep which ended up in some more bedroom activities. Note was lovely to be around not pushy at all nor was she demanding for time or tips. She said she didn’t want to work that night so and I usually don’t do this, said fine I will pay her barfine she could have a night off. She was very happy and showed her appreciation in her own way.

:D :D

Around 3:00 PM Note and I return to Pookswan so I could paid her barfine 500 baht and so she didn’t get in trouble for being late. We had a couple of drinks then went and had some Thai food at the local market.

We returned just before 5:00PM to meet the guys. I told the boys I had already barfined Note for the evening and Samcro said he had also arranged to meet Cream later that night at my way bar. I made the same arrangements with Note and she left to go enjoy her free evening.

Well with the selection for our choice of LB sorted for the evening we pick up where we left off from the night before with much drinking. Samcro STR8 mate turned up, he was cool and had no problems drinking a LB bars. After a couple more beers it was off to explore several more LB bars for some more drinking and molesting before meeting up with the girls later.

We left Pookswan and decided to walk to La Bamba it was a nice night for a walk. On the way we passed honey massage parlour. Now Samcro str8 mate was interested in going in so I was more than happy to check it out and I’m always happy to check out at a nice pussy as well as a cute LB. whilst having a beer we watched the girls in the goldfish bowl.

Samcro and Eslmiker looked like fish out of water, all these lovelies available and not one dangly bit among them.

We then went to La bamba. The lovely Sonya was there and Samcro str8 mate said he could turn for her (he was kidding) but he felt comfortable in this bar as it was very relaxed. The lovely Nok and Donut were very friendly as always. After a couple more drinks it was off to Koyo No 7 Bar.

We then decided that it was time to check out Famous Bar as I had not been there yet. The 4 of us wandered up to Famous bar. Fuck it was a long walk but worth it once we got there. The girls were very happy to see us and in no time were all over us.

Famous bar was a bit too much for Samcro str8 mate as the girls were very friendly and a bit too friendly for his comfort zone so he left to find a GG bar.

:shock: :shock:


No long late Samcro went off to find his mate. We arranged to catch up in an hour at My Way Bar (next to Hot Tuna) and call the girls from Pookswan to join us for some more drinking and pool.

Eslmiker and I had a few more beers at Famour Bar I was being thoroughly molested by the lovely Faa who was very interested in getting my cock out for a closer look. As usual Eslmiker had camera in hand and took pics of me and Faa with my willy again caught in action

:doh: :doh:

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#132 kakila

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Posted 19 October 2010 - 09:58 AM

TR continues

DK arrived with several other BM’s from ours and other forums and the party started to take off. Eslmiker and I had another beer but then decided to go as we needed to catch up with Samcro and the girls as arranged.

The girls arrived looking fabulous and we played a few games of pool and enjoyed a few more drinks.

Eslmiker had a couple more drinks with us then headed off to do a tour of Walking Street and check if Ezy Bar was open. He was a bit pissed by now as were we all. Note and I decided it was time to leave and go home for some more bedroom activities. We caught up with Eslmiker wandering down walking street alone and a bit under the weather so we all got a baht bus back to our hotels.

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pela is no more. a necessary name change to prevent wife turning me into a post op

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