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kakila august 2010 "a dog of his leash tour"

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#1 kakila

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Posted 05 September 2010 - 07:26 PM

After many months and much planning the time had arrived for me to travel to LOS solo. This is very unusual for me as during the past 4 years I have always travelled to LOS with my partner.

This is my first trip report as previously I have had only a few excursions out solo and usually didn’t have much to report compared to other BM’s who were out and about for many days and weeks with many stories and experiences to tell.

Before I begin my report I want to say I met some great BM’s from this and other forums which made this trip more memorable. Thanks for the great time, beers and laughs.

The info within this report is put together based on memory and concurring with other BM’s I was drinking with and from the dates on the pics I took. Some of the events are blurring together now so some of the info may have happen in a different order but it is what I remember.

Now let’s begin
pela is no more. a necessary name change to prevent wife turning me into a post op

#2 kakila

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Posted 05 September 2010 - 07:28 PM

5 August

I was up early still had last minute shopping for family and friends in BKK and also needed to finalise my packing and banking. The usually boring shit, necessary to do before you leave. At around 11am I received a text from Jetstar advising my flight was delayed for 3 hours.

FUCK that was frustration as it meant I would be arriving late in Bangkok and thus would not be able to get picked up as arranged nor get to NANA for a first night drink with some sexy LB’s.

I arrived at Melbourne airport a few hours before I was due to leave check in no problem, now off to the bar for several pre-flight drinks and a late lunch. The flight took off 3 hours late with no further delays, once up all seemed ok. just settled back to watch the movie and have a few more drink.

I managed to get a few hours sleep (ZZZZZZZZ ) but woke up freezing my arse off, what the fuck it was so bloody cold. I had just left a Melbourne winter behind it was around 8 deg C when I boarded the plane, and was still wearing warm clothes but it was so cold. I think they pilot forgot to set the heating on or something. The onscreen info said it was around -50 deg C outside the plane, I think it was around that temperature inside the plane as well.

Mmmmmmm the only way to deal with this was to drink more so several more bourbon and cokes were ordered. Other than the very cold flight the trip was ok. We arrived ok and by the time I got through immigration and customs it was getting close to 1:00 AM.

My arranged ride was no longer available given my delay in arriving so I needed to get a cab. Well this is where the fun started, what is usually a straight forward trip to city, i.e. get cab meter to city only decision is to take the toll or not, normally costing around 300 baht.

But as it was after midnight not one cab would use the meter, the all wanted 600 baht for the trip. I tried 5 cabs but no change, the price was set so that was that, no other option. I was so tired and pissed off I gave up and agreed to be ripped off.

Once on the way the cab driver then said I needed to also pay for tolls. Being tired and mad I refused so he drove the non-toll way and took the long way to get to my hotel. This took about an hour as we drove all around bangers looking for my soi. Now being really grumpy and sleepy I didn’t care, paid the 600 baht but no tip.

Got to my hotel and they didn’t have a room for me given the lateness of my arrival. I was beginning to lose it but somehow I kept my cool. I managed to produce the paper work and demanded they find me a room so they upgraded me to a vacant larger room.

It was around 2:30 am by the time I checked in so no play that night as was planned just zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Good start to the trip I was thinking.
pela is no more. a necessary name change to prevent wife turning me into a post op

#3 kakila

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Posted 05 September 2010 - 07:30 PM

6 August

After about 10 hours sleep I finally surfaced. It felt like I had a hangover without the bad taste in my mouth which I didn’t really care as I was in LOS and the LB hunting and drinking holiday was about to commence.

Part of my trip was to catch up with family and friends; I had a dinner planned for that night with family therefore the LB mongering would have to wait for a bit longer. Following dinner I got the BTS to NANA then wandered down to Guess bar around 10:30pm.

The girls were friendly and looking great. It had been many months since my last trip to LOS and I was finally feeling that my trip had just begun as I was enjoying a few beers and was surrounded by lovely LB’s. Mmmmmmm I thought this is the life exactly how I left it many months ago.

There was one other farang in the bar and he was occupied with the lovely Ice. I was sitting at the bar sipping my beer, watching Ice making all the moves on her potential customer to get him to barfine her, whilst at the same time she was teasing me (her back-up plan I was thinking). I am not sure what happen next as I was in deep discussion with the lovely Nat as she was sitting on my lap and suggesting a lady drink was in order, when the guy with Ice got up and left, just like that and she was a bit pissed about all that hard work for no return.

I bought the lovely Nat a drink and Ice was trying to get me interested in a 3some. The discussion went along the following lines: I take both of them upstarts for ST and you bom bom Nat and I bom bom you. At that stage she had her dick out advertising to me that she was capable of such a feat. I was thinking to myself why didn’t I have the camera ready for these impromptu events.

Tempting as this suggestion was at 4000 baht for 2 hours plus 2 barfine, (I assume that would be another 1000 baht) I declined as I wanted something a little simpler (and a little cheaper) to easy my way back into the world of P4P LB fun: and also without doing damage to both myself and my budget on the first night.

more later
pela is no more. a necessary name change to prevent wife turning me into a post op

#4 kakila

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Posted 05 September 2010 - 07:48 PM

I then decided to drop into Temptations and see if the lovely LEE was still there. I had a great ST with her on my last trip and promised her that on my next trip I would LT her so we could be more relaxed and have more fun. I called her mobile a few times that day but no answer so I wasn’t holding out much hope. Anyway I dropped in but she was not there. I had one drink and again was surrounded with many LB’s looking for a mobile ATM machine whoops sorry I mean customer.

I was chatting with one cute LB when the show started. FUCK ME there was this super fat LB that came out onto the stage and started to sing and dance. I just about choked on my beer as I was sculling it as fast as possible to get the hell out of there. Not even DC who we know prefers the little bit bigger than the average would have been impressed with this one she was fucking huge.
pela is no more. a necessary name change to prevent wife turning me into a post op

#5 kakila

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Posted 05 September 2010 - 07:50 PM

the lovely Lee at macca's in soi 4 Nana last november

sorry for the quality of the pic it was taken using my mobile

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pela is no more. a necessary name change to prevent wife turning me into a post op

#6 kakila

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Posted 05 September 2010 - 07:52 PM

I then headed to Obsessions to see if Lee had returned to her earlier place of employment and again I was surrounded by lovelies. As one of the few customers there and being low season I was a popular as free beer at the local.

I recognised one of the bar managers as I met him when I was with Lee and asked him if she was about. He said she had returned home and he had not seen her for some time. Mmmmmm I thought, time to give up on that one and move onto the next.

I was ushered into a booth and ordered a beer where I could relax; check out the lovelies before making a selection as to who I felt like molesting over a few drinks when I was suddenly pounced upon by a fairly average LB who scared to others away. I chatted with her for a bit and resisted all her advances to barfine her and her suggestions to buy her and her friend a lady drink. I finally managed to get rid of her once she had to go on stage and dance.

Once alone I then pick a very young very cute LB who I bought a drink much to the disgust of the previous LB who was trying to claim ownership of me. Words were exchanged between these 2 LB’s and I thought at one stage I was going to cause a cat fight. mmmmm interesting as that may have been I didn’t want to be in the middle.

I asked the cute LB (I cannot remember her name for the life of me I was getting a little pissed at this stage) how much for the evening she said 3500 baht plus 500 for the bar fine, that really pissed me off there was no one around, no customers at all so I just left, fuck them I thought their loss.

I then decided to check out the freelancers near the entrance to NANA, I met a fairly cute lb no memory of her name at all (this is several weeks ago now so memory loss is setting in) in front of Big Dog bar. She spoke very little English and her friend did the negotiation for us. I have no idea how old she was, she looked young but I believe from memory her friend said she was 20. This was fine with me as I wasn’t really in a talkative mood at this stage I just wanted to fuck some sexy LB arse. We went to the ST room (NANA rooms just down the road from the nana plaza) for a couple of hours only 1000baht which was fine with me.

Sorry I have no pics of her as my camera was not responding to my wishes. The following day I found a corrupt SD memory card grrrrrrrrrrrrr.

It was now around 2:00AM and I was feeling a bit worse for wear at this stage so I decided to go home and get ready for patts the following day.

enjoy the read more later

cheer kakila
pela is no more. a necessary name change to prevent wife turning me into a post op

#7 scottiej23

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Posted 05 September 2010 - 08:09 PM

Enjoyed that a lot mate.
Now 3.48% smarter, but 14.82% less interesting.

#8 Brianne

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Posted 05 September 2010 - 11:22 PM

I was in temptations when she let rip
Frightening and yet hilarious that she so big
Yet cock so small. Not sure if she ever get customer.
Look more like farang trannies at wayout club
I'm feeling young again but quite insane because I'm mad about the ladyboy

#9 samcro

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Posted 06 September 2010 - 07:11 AM

Great start mate and great to hang out.....

Looking forward to the quality pics..... of one ass in particular 8) 8)
Live to ride, ride to live.

#10 kakila

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Posted 06 September 2010 - 12:51 PM

Enjoyed that a lot mate.

hey scottie how the hell are you my friend

sorry I dropped into guess bar many time looking for the lovely Ink to take pics for you but she was not around.

:sad: :sad: :sad:

I hope all is well in the apple island

cheer kakila
pela is no more. a necessary name change to prevent wife turning me into a post op

#11 kakila

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Posted 06 September 2010 - 12:54 PM

Great start mate and great to hang out.....

Looking forward to the quality pics..... of one ass in particular 8) 8)

was good to meet you samcro and you will have to wait a bit before you see that sexy arse as it was much later in the trip

I think I have a photo of her sexy arse without your face in it

:lol: :lol: :lol:

cheers kakila
pela is no more. a necessary name change to prevent wife turning me into a post op

#12 petesie

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Posted 06 September 2010 - 03:16 PM

Good reporting Kakila and looking forward to the pics!

"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

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