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American Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum

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#13 boomdraw

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Posted 13 January 2012 - 02:54 AM

its the fed n g.i joe drone flyers agaisnt freedom, the next terror attack is inches away fellas, just inches, the national defense act is in play, marshall law , a bank holiday n intenet repression are coming unless... unless... unless.. .... ... ...

Unless what? I am in suspenders here...

the only ''unless'' i can come up with is= a peaceful revolution with the ocassional hot spot ( looting) in the usa but i predict a new conflict aboad for the wolves while sheep at home fall short of civil disobedience n just do nothing as usual , that being said nothing that will stop me from standing on my head in sirasana for 30 minutes n then sleeping like baby though, when i speak about politics im bitching but im not particualy in a bad mood about it. this place the usa is in the same predicament it was in back in 2008 when a ''bank holiday'' was discussed on the first days of the obama administartion coming to power, well 4 years later here we are, so whats next bailout 3? is 11 trillion in fake money not enough to help the economy? chinas housing market is gonna crash n trump the usa crash of recent years, the euro is gonna tank, after them things pick up speed its on, china n iran are in bed together big time as are russia n iran, iran is a huge huge power pointon the map, the jihad nonsense is the least of the worlds concerns its a gold mine in a strategic spot, its take over time,,, unless unless....... , a peaceful revolution, ..mmm doesnt much look like it.

is nobody aware of the milatry defense act that just got passed? are we aware that with new patriot act amendments that cops can write there own warrents, that people speaking bad about the fed can be arrested, detained without trial,, im not making this up, the fed'ies are planning on covering there asses with whats about to insue. go to ron paul january 2012 the 2nd or 3rd i believe on youtube, i think it is in iowa, he spoke about borack know having the right to actually asasinate citizens, im not scared as i know this wont happen but just look at the laws power is putting into place, its the laws for a power struture that is crumbling. def gonna be a fun year to watch unfold, what will unfold? fook if i know but what a year were in for.

#14 Macman

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Posted 13 January 2012 - 06:02 PM

Re boomdraw's last post, the word "enigmatic" comes to mind, probably because it was used recently by Dixon Cox on another thread. That word has two distinct meanings. Some of you guys will apply the first to boom's post; others (definitely not me) will use the second. Here are the definitions:

The first meaning of enigmatic is something that is unclear or not easy to understand. It refers to a comment, a person's attitude, or anything that is puzzling, and can therefore not be clearly explained

The second meaning of enigmatic is- resembling an oracle in obscurity of thoughts. This meaning of enigmatic refers to something being solemnly prophetic.
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#15 pacman

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Posted 14 January 2012 - 04:51 AM

Boom, I agree with you that no one knows how this unprecedented series of events is going to play out. Governments are scared that their debts will render them unable to govern & a ferocious backlash from their citizenry will result in civil chaos.

I don't think US citizens are exempt from this anger, once the dollar hegemony has finished unfolding & the public is exposed to the true cost of their leaders stupidity, they will react in the most predictable way. When a population is armed with guns, it would seem inevitable that one day they will use them.

I suspect that the fear of such a backlash is behind the introduction of the Military Defence Act. I think it essential the US government has such legislation available, how can they fight the enemy within while their hands are tied?

Let's hope it never comes to that. I do agree that we are in for a most interesting year. An interesting decade really, this isn't about to blow over, the world is going through historic times.

#16 boomdraw

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Posted 14 January 2012 - 02:35 PM

the internet repression is already here= craigslist already has warnings about , heres what i click n pasted from there=''stop sopa and pipa,, HR3261 & S968 are
threatening CL and
the rest of your
Internet. Most of
the web sites you use
strongly oppose these
bills. Find out why, and
how you can help put
a stop to this madness
before it's too late!''

so u see that internet thing i spoke of is already here upon us. just check craigslist yourselfs, but yeah its either a new war or a peaceful revolt, when taxes are low and interest rates on borrowed money are high u have a real economy, the other way around means nothing but a dick in your ass with your wellfare,, prohibition n subsidized based economy with disigned bubbles n predermined fall guys to sacrifice to the ponzi scheme god of the useryologist, the money lenders, the bankers n lobbyist. like i said before fellas, should be a interesting year to watch unfold, godspeed rick.

#17 Macman

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Posted 14 January 2012 - 06:19 PM

HR 3261 or SOPA (stop online piracy act) has to do with pirating copyrighted material on the internet. S968 does the same thing; protect intellectual property. I see nothing wrong with that. The current generation feels that they deserve to get everything for free (music, movies, etc.) How they expect the artists or writers to make a living I don't know. If you wish to see the boogeyman in every move that government makes, go right ahead, but these 2 bills are very innocuous, believe it or not. Have fun this year, boom.
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#18 boomdraw

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Posted 15 January 2012 - 01:48 AM

its kind of cool how artist today have to do reality tv and comercials to make livings as nobody buys music anymore, i just saw gangster t.i 's show for the first time, he went from buying machine guns off the feds to washing his kids butts on prime time is just what a modern thug should be doing. its the era of the technocrat ,,the new beurocrat, the internet is a part of it wheter u like it or not and what will u do at 4am when your craving a shemale n theres no craigslist casual encounters section, i bagged a hot latina shim in arizona thanks to craigslist, i just hope rick fixes this before i move back.

#19 Macman

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Posted 15 January 2012 - 08:46 AM

If there's enough money in it for him, I'm sure your friend Rick will do all he can for you. Your argument about the internet is specious, at the very least (what a surprise).
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#20 Macman

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Posted 15 January 2012 - 09:26 AM

I know this will be painful for you, boom, but your savior may be someone other than Rick, someone I'm sure you can't stand. An excerpt from today's New York Times:

The Obama administration said on Saturday that it strongly opposed central elements of two Congressional efforts to enforce copyrights on the Internet, all but killing the current versions of legislation that has divided both political parties and pitted Hollywood against Silicon Valley.
“Let us be clear,” the White House statement said, “online piracy is a real problem that harms the American economy, threatens jobs for significant numbers of middle class workers and hurts some of our nation’s most creative and innovative companies and entrepreneurs.”
However, it added, “We will not support legislation that reduces freedom of expression, increases cybersecurity risk or undermines the dynamic, innovative global Internet.”

This is from the party and the president that everyone claimed was in Hollywood's pocket.
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#21 pacman

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Posted 15 January 2012 - 10:38 AM

That's a very encouraging statement from Obama's office, it gives one hope that commonsense will prevail. Barack has been a mixed bag of great aspirations combined with some poor attempts at reform. He should have been far more forceful with his introduction of universal healthcare. Maybe in his next term.

I don't think Boom will be disappointed to hear this announcement, unless I am sorely mistaken, I took his references to Rick as being deeply ironic.

Sarcasm for a candidate I suspect he loathes. But it isn't my place to speak for the gentleman from Arizona, I am sure he will enlighten us on his candidate of choice.

Providing we can understand him of course... :lol:

#22 Macman

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Posted 15 January 2012 - 12:11 PM

Pacman, even though I'm an Obama advocate, I must agree with your assessment of his presidency, with one exception. I don't think he could have been any more forceful with his healthcare policies. He got the bill passed over enormous opposition from Republicans. Now it is being challenged in the courts, and more likely than not, it will be overturned. He was much too timid in his dealings with Congress, but some of it couldn't be helped. He requested a chance to address the House of Representatives, but was turned down by Speaker John Boehner. That's the first time a sitting president was denied that request in America's history. (Since then, I've thought of the speaker's name the way it looks as though it would be pronounced instead of how he wishes it said - boner vs. bayner.) That just points out how difficult it is for him to achieve anything, but he should have made better use of the bully pulpit.

Are you sure boomdraw is from Arizona? I know he said he " bagged a hot latina shim in arizona thanks to craigslist", but I have a feeling he's not from that state. I don't expect him to share info regarding his whereabouts, but maybe he will. BTW, Craigslist is on the hot-seat in the States because of a number of serious crimes, including murders, that were committed by people using that vehicle, not because of piracy
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#23 boomdraw

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Posted 16 January 2012 - 02:24 AM

i luv spending cuts on proposed spending increases, i also like bills passed that have ''amendments'' to them, that sort of support what they dont support while supporting it, but hey its america, say one thing do something else has never not been are policy, did u guys see ''prostitutes for ron pual on cnn'', check youtube its def a great laugh, You can see the nevada bunny ranch whores holding up signs like hooker cheer leaders that say '' pimping for ron paul'' ron sure wants a bang la road in every state it seems , who knows maybe in 5 years u can go to mcdonalds n get a mcquickie in a mcshortime room , unless mcrick mcfucks it up.

''can i take your order''

yes.. id like a happy meal, a big mac, a fri, and a mchummer

what would u rather have the glass seagal act put back in place so that the banks brokers n insures arent in each others books n that via either obama care or standard american health care isnt a ran for profit scam or mcrims n mcreacharounds on every corner, i mean with just those two ''liberties'' youd already bring down blood pressure n stress in millions, that sign on the golden arches that says 'over two billion served'' would have a whole new wonderful meaning miss santorum.

#24 pacman

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Posted 17 January 2012 - 09:14 AM

To be funny & ironic while making a political point is not easy but Boom has the gift.

Behind the irreverence is a sound knowledge. Things like the Glass-Steagall Act, never thought I would see that mentioned here.

And the silly stuff like the 'mcreacharounds'... funny!! fuck, I lost my tea out my nostrils when I read that... :lol:

Have you thought of writing a political blog? I will edit your English for no charge... :tada:

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