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tick tock......a bank holiday is coming?

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#1 boomdraw

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Posted 05 January 2012 - 03:23 AM

with mp global stealing 1.2 billion from peoples saving accounts last month and joe biden on tv sharing with us the feds talks about a bank holiday being on everyones mind since boracks first day in office im expecting this year to be the year when people finally go bat shit crazy........ the advice is pretty much if u dont have your money in your hands then u dont own it, it isnt safe in a bank anymore. i feel like this year is gonna be a huge wake up call for all people globally abou real value, the euro is over, the usa most likely will bail it out then call a bank holiday. it goes like this

1. europe fucked up n need are help, they dont actually it was done on purpose
2. the usa must help them, in reality we cant but we need to as it will further devalue are currency

3. there will be a bank holiday and when its over your money will be worth 40 percent less n everything there after will cost 40 percent more.

4. the tecnocrats will enforce marshall type law on the internet or make us fear a viral cyber boogie man, sort of like a osama bin laden jihad comp virus.

, this is the year when all the folks that dont work but have gotten rich off of usery will actually have to start working as when uncle sams non ladyboy cock goes so deep as to hit your pancreas just above your transverse colon that people say '' enough sam, this isnt what i signed up for with my cross continentel americana hug walk ''

im not syaing be afraid im saying get your money out of the bank asap, your mutual funds included are not safe.

#2 xyzzy

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Posted 05 January 2012 - 04:54 AM

Can't argue with a man with such amazing command of the language...

Earth to mods, move to off topic please.
xyzzy is the "magic word" from the first computer adventure game and isn't capitalized

#3 Woof1

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Posted 05 January 2012 - 09:59 AM

Well, I'll go back to pick up berries then, ws $1.00/Lb, so guess I'll ask $2.00 soon. Same Berries, Oh Wait a minute, got to watch out for those Bears.
So many LB So Little Time

#4 pacman

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Posted 05 January 2012 - 10:56 AM

1) Some European countries are fucked & if they have to be let go to save the EU, then they will be. There is too much at stake to let all 27 countries be thrown into chaos. As for the suggestion that the current situation results from deliberate action, that is one conspiracy theory I am not buying. Good conspiracy theories are always supported by strong logic - where is it here? Who benefits? This is a very high risk way to reform the lazy socialist agendas of the Mediterranean states with their endemic corruption & lax tax systems.

2) The USA can't allow the EU to collapse. Neither can any other First World country. One way or the other, some sort of solution will emerge, it may not be pretty though. The US currency defies all efforts to devalue & they have had the Riot Act read to them by China if they try to force it down. While the US maintains their military superiority, the world will ignore the 15 trillion dollar debt the US carries. Who wants to raise it as an issue? No one, that's who.

3) I don't disagree with this as one theoretical possibility but could any President ever have the balls to do it? Something will happen to lower the standard of living one day but when & how is beyond any of us to guess. And before I get shot for such a suggestion, don't forget that the term "sustainable population" really is code for a lower population with a lower standard of living. The wealth gap is going to widen beyond anyone's imagination. Eventually, not now but it is coming.

4) We are monitored now. The NSA (National Security Agency in the US) employs a quarter of a million people to listen to & read every phone call, every email, every text, every twitter & every blog on every site in the world. Why disrupt the flow of information by clamping down on the net? We will never see Martial Law imposed on the net, it would be counter-productive. No one can plot or threaten now without bringing them self under the spotlight. And I am happy with that arrangement.

Lastly, it is not helpful to post a call to take your money out of the banks. It doesn't take much to start a run on the banking system & if a situation is bad before that, it is completely irredeemable after. It is the constant nightmare for any central banker that one day, the public will arrive en masse to withdraw their money. Only a government guarantee can assure the public that their money is safe. We had one in Australia till recently to safeguard against a frightened public from collapsing the banking system.

#5 trousersnake

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Posted 06 January 2012 - 06:36 AM

I am happy to have all my cash in GBP's at the moment. There are more than a few Euro banks I would not deposit cash with. There wont be many left rated A or above :loco:

#6 dixon cox

dixon cox

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Posted 06 January 2012 - 11:04 AM

I am happy to have all my cash in GBP's at the moment.

Not a bad place to be at all.

If the GBP wasn't being held back at the moment (for the benefit of export purposes) it would be flying nice and high against both € and $ right now.

Meum cerebrum nocet

#7 RobiSLO

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Posted 06 January 2012 - 12:45 PM

I'm happy I just came from Thailand and have 0 cash... I have nothing to loose... 0 * 40% less is still 0. :angel:


#8 boomdraw

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Posted 06 January 2012 - 02:38 PM

i hope to come back from asia with zero soon myself, well done. :clapclap:

good points about the us military strenght pacman, for the most part with them running the world i dont suppose anybody can hold them up to there debts, i guess the fed dumping 20 trillion into usa n european banks wont devalue are money in the future? should be a interesting year and much more so if mit romeny just goes back to mormon church n lets ron pual do his thing.

#9 pacman

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Posted 06 January 2012 - 03:49 PM

should be a interesting year and much more so if mit romeny just goes back to mormon church n lets ron pual do his thing.

Romney seems the logical choice as Republican candidate at the moment. And I agree with you, I like Ron Paul & what he wants to do with America, he is one brave man.

Of course he would risk being assassinated if he was ever elected POTUS, too many vested interests would be disenfranchised by his radical plans for the economy.

But neither of those two can win & I think the next GOP candidate is still to emerge. Someone like General Petraeus or another war hero. Colin Powell said he was done but he & Condaleeza Rice would make an impressive ticket.

Watch this space for someone to arise & grab the public's imagination.

#10 Macman

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Posted 06 January 2012 - 05:35 PM

Pacman (in agreeing with boomdraw) said:

I like Ron Paul & what he wants to do with America, he is one brave man.

Paccers, you and I have had a few political conversations, and usually agree to disagree, so I know you won't mind if I substitute the word "crazy" for "brave". While some of his views are absolutely correct, for the most part his policies are totally unrealistic. For many reasons, including the newsletters he has put out in the past, he doesn't stand a chance. He can disavow those words all he wants, but the fact is that they went out over his signature, so to speak. It's neither here nor there because I happen to be a Democrat who favors Obama, but if Republicans wish to defeat the current president, the very last person they should nominate would be Ron Paul (except for possibly Donald Trump :lol: ).
Actually living the dream.

#11 boomdraw

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Posted 07 January 2012 - 01:26 AM

obama isnt real,i think everyone grasp that, he is just bush's 3rd term the only diff is with americano's having such an entitlement mentality over there '' imagined greatness' they feel calmer being lied to by a black man as opposed to just a idot like bush.

either way borack or mitt it will business as usual, the military will run the country n world as well as sick people n credit debt the usas two major at home crafts n arts, shopping for things u dont need while eating toxic mall food....its the modern patriots duty.

i dont understand how people can think ron cant beat obama? everytime obama talks i feel like asking him from the insecurity he invokes in me '' were is your boss sir, u sound like a employee with no power''. ron wold simply call out all the stuff obama hasnt doen and all the stuff he has that doesnt seem to get bragged about on the news, ron doesnt work for the feds or the military, at the very least he would reveil all the strings that play all the puppets.

your bringing up donald trump sort of end your credibility mac. the reality of it is in 2012 is that usery is coming not to a close to a much much more watchful eye, its global progress.

but i do think mit got the call many months back and he is the new guy, that smirk he always has on his face as he looks at the other canadates like there horse shit that he pitys, hes also always placed smack dab in the middle in of all the debates so far forming the head of a arch with his height over the others, he is the golden boy for the banker military elite n he knows it.

mitt can u please get the dollar baht transfer rate back to were it was in 2000-

#12 Macman

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Posted 07 January 2012 - 10:41 AM

I thought that you might realize that the mention of Trump was sarcasm, boom. You referred to that, but carefully avoided mentioning Ron's newsletters.
Actually living the dream.

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